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Oh wow Vegeta actually made it to Super Saiyan 4! That's pretty bad ass, but a fusion at Super Saiyan 4 damn that must be super epic and powerful! So lets see what's next!
Well, that episode title (Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta) totally gave us hope that Goku could win... not.
Vegeta ascends and reaches SSJ4, so I guess basically anyone can achieve SSJ4. (Skipping SSJ3) Long as they can control themselves while they're a great ape. Meh. I thought it was a fail at first because Vegeta turned into a great ape, not a golden great ape. Once he caught himself though, he turned Golden Great Ape and quickly SSJ4. Guess he doesn't get as big a unveil as Goku's Transformation due to time slotting. End of episode, not enough time.
Found it funny when Omega Shenron blasted everyone (including the gang) away and he attacked, pretty much straight attacking Hercule. Savage, Lol.
“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Omega Shenron having the powers of the others before him is pretty cool, although I’m not sure how he could make use of Naturon Shenron’s powers unless he can also absorb someone’s body and become stronger. That being said tho, it was also how he was able to survive Goku’s dragon fist seemingly unscathed since he had Rage Shenron’s ability, that just goes to show how strong that guy was if it wasn’t for the rain, the whole journey could have ended there easily. I also found it cool that Omega went after the others after he came back, not just Goku lol, although I’m pretty sure Hercule shouldn't have a body anymore after that punch, still pretty savage tho, and with that Goku attempted to blow himself up to defeat Omega, but thankfully Vegeta convinced him not to do so because I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t have worked either.
And I was thinking Vegeta would have already had Super Saiyan 4 figured out before he got there, but no he was actually going to achieve it for the first time right there with Bulma’s help, and it looked bad at first with Vegeta losing control much like Goku did before but I guess due to the urgency of the situation they rushed Vegeta regaining control and gaining Super Saiyan 4 at last, but I get it tho, we already saw it before with Goku so there isn’t much need to go through the same ordeal again. And yeah, Vegeta definitely looks very cool in Super Saiyan 4, it was funny tho how Bulma and Chichi were arguing over who was hotter lol. But I’m ngl, even tho I knew they fused it is a shame Vegeta immediately suggested fusion, I’m guessing this means we aren’t gonna get to see Vegeta fight on his own, that’s a bit disappointing but I’m sure Gogeta is gonna be sick.