entry procedure
Please write at least 3-4 sentences about one of the following:
- Evaluate a single anime, manga, or light novel of your choosing. You may also localize your analysis to only one component, such as the story, characters, visual presentation, or sound.
- Take any topic related to anime and write a few thoughts which state and defend your stance on the issue. For examples of such topics, please see the Archives.
A paragraph length of exactly 3-4 sentences is all that is needed, but feel free to write for as long as you'd like. You may also recycle any prior arguments you've had from other locations, such as copying and pasting past discussion with others, or linking to any reviews you've written. Really, so long as the writing is from you and relevant to animanga, please feel free to use it. PM yurisses with your response.
why we do this
We do not require only excellent writers. In fact, this is not a very stringent requirement so there is little to worry about. However, we do aim to make sure all members have at the minimum competent analytical skills. That is, every member should be able to reason that X is (pro/de)ficient because of Y qualities, and not resort to fallacies in order to support his claim: X is good because he/she cried or X is bad because the fanbase sucks. A proper command of English grammar is desirable but not necessary. What is most important—and is the only criterion—is that one can logically follow your argument, i.e., your evidence supports your assertion.
Here are some examples of what we are and aren't looking for:
On Tokyo Godfathers: Tokyo Godfathers is an awesome film filled with twists and turns out the wazoo! I enjoyed that the characters were always on the run, scrambling from place to place. Speaking of which, the part that stood out the most was when the kids were beating up Gin because it was fun. Man, that makes me sick. It had some powerful moments such as this but it also mixed in just enough levity to make it funny. In fact, I was laughing out loud at some parts. Overall, it was a movie that's definitely memorable. Admitted.
On Gintoki from Gintama: I've seen many a good series as my AL states (though not up-to-date, nvm), and even though I connected with most of the main characters and felt and troubled with the thoughts they had, Gintoki is my no.1 man. He has character, and he feels extremely alive and human. Most of all he makes the series relatable while funny at the same time. I also like how he's lazy but cool and strong when he wants to be. He's definitely very charismatic because of this! Admitted.
On difficulties in adapting works: I believe the best works of a medium take advantage of the strengths of that medium, which is why adaptations of distinguished works always fall short. Take Kyousou Giga or something made by Ikuhara, it would not be possible to translate all the symbolism and the whole imaginary in the same subtle way in a narration. Actually it's not really impossible since Kenji Miyazawa used to depict colors and shapes in its works to outline the whole poetry but, frankly, the result wasn't that great. Admitted.
On hate in anime communities: It has to do with the birth of these new concepts all over the internet. Nobody is humble enough to put these behind their back and just act like normal human beings, like we would do if we were not online. Like we used to do in the past, where nobody said the word "edgy". So, the stagnancy is our fault. There is so much shitpost as never was. Nobody cares about thinking even a little bit about what the others are saying, so nobody convinces anybody and the opinions are fractured. Denied. (Reason: rants; provides no support for any claims; assumes they are even true on unfounded assumptions)
administrative procedure
Applications are expected to be processed within a few days. If denied, the person may resubmit a writing sample, either revising the denied one or forming a new one (if denied again, the person may continue to try in one week cycles). To prevent administrative bias, all writing samples are cataloged indefinitely for posterity so that other administrators may judge them. |