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So it finally ends. Kind of one of those "Even though it ended, it didn't really end" endings, but that's not that bad really.
Highlight of the chapter for me was definitely when Kei had the fireworks asking Hikari to marry her and the ensuing face she made ^^
this ending was so cute,even though I´m sad it´s over, I loved it, because in the end, SA remained the same!
now it´s gonna be hard to find another shoujo manga with such great characters...
Wow...I was hoping to see a bunch of random marriages of all the couples, but we didn't even get to see Kei and Hikari get married. lol. However, the ending really did match the nature of S.A. Everything was tied together enough so that there was no loose ends except for what happens to the characters after they graduate.
It's clear that Hikari and Kei will probably stay together. I loved the look on Kei's face when the fireworks were just starting b/c you could tell he had planned something. I would like to find out Hikari's answer, though. It would be interesting to see if they can stop competition long enough to get married anyway. lol.
Note: I decided not to accept random friend requests. Most of the ones I accept will be people I know from other sites unless I get to know some people here. (=^_^=)
That was such a good ending!! The last chapter completely captured the feeling of the whole manga. It was sweet and funny, and yet again, Hikari is #2 as always. I think if they made it like a typical and totally overdone ending where everyone gets married it would be kind of lame and unrealistic for some of the characters. It's nice that they ended it in kind of an open way =D
The funniest part was when Ryuu saw Finn in the girls uniform. lol.
Thats was sweet ending. I thought that she'll leave with her father and things will get a bit more complicated..Well anyhow..I liked that. Whole serie. What a pity they've made anime so short:/
tikuku said: That was such a good ending!! The last chapter completely captured the feeling of the whole manga. It was sweet and funny, and yet again, Hikari is #2 as always. I think if they made it like a typical and totally overdone ending where everyone gets married it would be kind of lame and unrealistic for some of the characters. It's nice that they ended it in kind of an open way =D
It felt like another chapter to me ^^; She had proposed to him before, so it definitely wasn't anything new. Ha. Ah well, I feel like there will be something missing without new chapters coming out :(
tikuku said: That was such a good ending!! The last chapter completely captured the feeling of the whole manga. It was sweet and funny, and yet again, Hikari is #2 as always. I think if they made it like a typical and totally overdone ending where everyone gets married it would be kind of lame and unrealistic for some of the characters. It's nice that they ended it in kind of an open way =D
The funniest part was when Ryuu saw Finn in the girls uniform. lol.
I agree with tituku's comment too! Indeed loled at the Ryuu part, although I loved the Yahiro/Megumi exchange since I have a soft spot for that pairing! ^^
Sad that it's over but can't wait to see what Minami-sensei comes up with next!!! ;D
It felt like another chapter to me ^^; She had proposed to him before, so it definitely wasn't anything new. Ha. Ah well, I feel like there will be something missing without new chapters coming out :(
What a bland and repetitve manga.
I wouldn't say I was disappointed because I've never liked it or thought it was good as other popular shoujo mangas but it was ok.
I personally found this manga to be a very entertaining read, if not a bit predictable and repetitive at times. As for the ending, I guess it was approriate. It kinda summed up it well, and completed the circle. Nice to see one of these sour and sweet endings for once.
It ended. ;___;' I'm going to miss this manga. It was such a fun read. The ending didn't really have any conclusion but still, it showed all the couples and everybody's "decisions". Kinda disappointed they didn't show Aoi and his girl though.
-is sad- ;___; First Koukou Debut and now this... mah shoujo mangas are all coming to an end! ;(
awww... read the series in a week and i'm sad to let it go but i did like the ending. it love how it completed what the series was about. kei's last touch was beautiful. it'd be nice to see a special on their lives a few years down the road... but if it doesn't happen, i'm happy with this end ^-^
I was not that satisfied because I didn't get to see Hikari and Kei marry off (or something in relation to what happens to the future). It's like it ended but it didn't end at all. But still, I do like it anyway. It's one of the best shoujo mangas I read.
I'm sad it's ended already and even though it was a nice ending, I'm not exactly satisfied with it. *sigh*
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Itena said: I guess it was good that they didn't show any weddings, since that would be too typical....
I want an epilogue! ;_____; *sniff*
This xD If she did a one-shot on the future, I'm sure I'd be glad. Though I like the feeling of not knowing if she marries him, or not, I would like to see it.
Hmm. How can I express honestly the feeling I have right now ?
I just think that although this chapter was one of top ten best chapters of this series, it totally failed as being an ending. O.k, chapter 99. Huh ? Where the heck is chapter 100 ?
Where is the real end ? Oh man, come on !
I actually thought Maki Minami was going to write chapter 100. True huh, chapter 99, chapter 99...don't you feel like something is missing when you hear that ?
Chapter 100. Real end; apogee. Where we can see Kei x Hikari's wedding, their family life, children, and all the lives of the S.A...maybe by them having a tea party at Akira and Tadashi's place (since they will get married, of course) or whatever !
Can we not have at least a one-shot ? No ?
Oh guys. I just don't feel like there was enough lovey-dovey story to me in this manga for me to be satisfied...
Okay I finished this in what felt like a couple of hours, and I absolutely loved it, one of the better ones that I have read.
I thought the proposal at the end was absolutely adorable, I was in tears.
Overall I really liked it, but I wish it would have expanded on the other relationships a little bit more like Akira and Tadashi then Ryuu and Finn. <3
Colonel Mustang is dead sexy....In a mini skirt <3
A true ending would be Kei and Hikari be actually married as in they are in a wedding dress/suit. But i guess this is okay... >_> its kinda lame the ending didn't really conclude much it felt rushed. I spent weeks reading this just for the proposal and kiss. sighhh wasted.
I am scared to read the last two chapters.. I kept reading and reading and one time I looked to see what chapter I was on and right now I'm on chapter 97... I began to cry, no joke, because SA is such a good manga, I can't believe its ending. Especially the fact that it finished publishing T~T. I've laughed, cried, and even screamed of joy when the cute parts came. I can't believe I'm almost to the end.. Right now, I'm not sure if I should just keep reading until I finish it because I don't think I can fathom why it has to end T~T....
i thought the ending tied everything up and was sweet BUT!!!!
-proposal declined for stupid( albeit personality wise correct)
-no final KISS
- no future/marriage??
...i feel the author missed out on a bit with this end, too much spent on all the other characters that left hikari and kei's future hanging.
though...with the extra volume I might get the final i wanted, crosses fingers.
Enjoyable manga. Good for a Shoujo. Nothing too intense happened and there wasn't the idiotic main character who keeps on making the same mistakes. A good balance of romance and comedy while managing to exclude the negative aspects that plague the Shoujo genre. A solid manga for Romance/Slice-of-Life enthusiasts. 7/10
"When life gives you lemons, make orange juice, then sit back and watch the world wonder how you did it."
Rating this a 7/10. For most parts, I actually enjoyed this more than I had expected especially the latter half. Not much else to say although I find the finale to be somewhat underwhelming. Can we get a 2 cour remake of this?
It was overall quite an enjoyable read. Thank god for no melodramatic love triangle drama. Lot of cute and heartwarming scenes.
Finale was decent, Loved Kei's fireworks and the small description about every S.A. character.
7/10 for me.
Wow, it's been a while since I've read long running manga series which had this kind of lackluster ending. It was cute and nice to read, but just like any other chapter, basically. Nothing has changed in a while, they're just there, living their lives in SA as always. Which is totally fine, but there's absolutely nothing memorable about it.
It was decent enough series overall, I always had a few smiles every volume, there's just nothing special about it (hehe). I'm sad the focus was like 90% of the time on Kei and Hikari, and the rest had only like 2-3 chapters each where they played main roles. Even their relationships often felt shallow. Even more, some of characters felt, like they were only definied by their one trait/skill. Like there's nothing I could say about Jun, or Tadashi. They were just there, but I wouldn't even call them members of main cast, more like the background... I kinda wish their nakama bond felt more natural, like in Ouran or Fruits Basket, or something. Too bad it didn't happen. Not one of my favourite shoujo titles, that's for sure. 7/10