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I hope they don’t plan on keeping everyone separated for a long time again. As amusing as Kai is for comic relief, I really don’t want them to do a repeat of the Vietnam arc. Yes, Kai is still trying to find his role and his strengths, but he’s pretty whiny while doing it. Riku, on the other hand, seems to be like the prodigy of the family as he even starts to learn to play Hagi’s cello. As for Saya, her fight is quite impressive, and she’s really showing that she’s gotten the hang of controlling her powers, even though she doesn’t fully have her memories yet.
Probably because the real girl's body was dumped off the train several hours earlier by the grandmother shapeshifter with the ring. Her double jumped off the train to pursue Saya.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth...rodac
I knew that granny was fishy. This separation thing is getting kinda old though. Riku and Haji seem to be getting along quite nicely. Kai needs to loosen up; he is being too hard on himself. He needs to realize that he isn't on the same level as Saya/Haji/David when it comes to fighting, at least not yet.
Baphomet said: Thumbs up for Riku for his brilliant knowledge of Russian language.
VintorezNL said: Didnt know they speak Japanese in russia.. xD
The granny departed from the same city as Saya and the rest, which is Vladivostok - quite a lot people know Japanese there (so there is quite a realistic chance that the granny knew Japanese)
Welcome to Russia! XD
Start of arc pleasant and lively, a little obvious narrative, however, there arises the question: Who is it?
Plot to arouse interest, to new villains and other promo throws gasoline on the fire, what are you hiding the dark Haji? _ *
Drawings and superb animations, it was time! After so many episodes a little subdued the beautiful character design is exploited to the fullest. Julia is always very pretty, but David, even frame it! ASD
Beautiful performance by Lewis also becoming much more popular now! XD
Liza is carried out too quickly, you fool! D:
Pretty damn good episode, decent action and intrigue. I was a little shocked to see them kill off Liza so quickly but I guess it does give room for this interesting new character to play out. I agree with many other posts, Kai needs to find somewhere to excel or at least stop crying about his inability to do anything haha. Seeing Haji falter for a moment was good, nice to see even he has human qualities about him. Looking forward to this arc. :)
"But my dear man, reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know."
-Alan Watts
I knew that old woman was weird. When she got up on the train, they showed her blue ring. And before that, they showed everyone's jewelry having a red stone (Red Shield symbol or something? I wonder what blue means...).
Kai... Oh, Kai, why? I was doing a little happy dance inside when Saya and Haji got the same room. I hoped they would talk, explain things. Then Kai had to ruin it for me.
It's sweet how Haji plays the cello for Saya (or, at least I think he plays for her). And she seems stronger, more in control. I like that. And WTH? They shot and threw one of those monster under train? They do know that that doesn't kill them, right? I mean... they regenerate fast like hell, any parts they loose... And what would have happened if that thing wouldn't have come back? They would have lost a Chiropteran in Russia? Yeah, stupid decision.
And finally, I don't like the ED. It doesn't fit at all. Well, I don't really like the OP either, but the voice is nice. The previous ones were much much better.
First, we don't say "hello" to strangers like THAT in Russia. French might have that habit, we don't. Hugging might be okay with friends, but kissing is not okay - and they just met - unless you're Leonid Brezhnev or a schoolgirl (i'm not sure from where they got that) or you're a hot babe and want to make fun of a teen.
No, they don't speak Japanese fluently there just because, though some might know a little, like Chineese, but certainly not random old people. I stopped caring about language barrier in this anime, but it sure is funny sometimes.
I guess it has to snow a lot if it's Russia *sigh*, it also helps to simplify drawing backgrounds.
At least they like to draw russian girls pretty. Too bad she died like that. I wonder why Saya wasn't getting any disturbance from that shapeshifter. It's not a vampire? But who?
The change of rooms: Well that kinda backfired for Kai.
Price of setting up a double date: 12 chocolate bars.
Kai's attempt at defending the food cart: I realize that a coffee pot is not a good weapon against a demon that can make metal bend like paper.
As for them, It's most likely possible to kill it without saya, but most liikely it requires destroying it to the point where it cannot regenerate anymore, using large amounts of explosive etc. Otherwise there's no way to "Retrieve" Them or kill them. Though most likely the killing of one of those bastards takes so much effort that the red shield just can't afford to enter combat with them without Saya.