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I love how Kaiji played that but man did it feel like a long time. Just when you think they are gonna flip the cards, more talking happens. But w/e, it managed to be somewhat exciting.
Kaiji is way better than me. I'd have sold those other two losers out a long time ago. Those sorry loser, coward, whiners get on my nerves. I may ahve continued to help them....after I got my three stars first, lol!
I guess Kaiji's smarter than me. I was betting Kitama's card was a scissors. Good thing I'm not in his shoes. I just started watching this today and this is as far as I got. I like the story but it suffers from the same problem as Death Note, too much internal monologuing and cutting away to symbolic imagery during the middle to try to keep the scenes interesting. Also the narration gets on my nerves at times. I am excited to see where this goes.
I guess they were just starting out smoothly and it naturally progressed to be more complicated. This is great. I still hate the two pathetic sidekicks though, they're basically just pulling him down anyway, I really wish he betrays em, I mean they deserve it anyway, one guy made him sign his dept for him and the other tried to screw him over and backstab him.
I love the imagery shown whenever they show Kaiji and the others about to take a step forward or about to execute their strategy. It really shows the pinch and the dilemmas they're in. I also feel that although some people may find the narrator's voice jarring or irritating, for me it adds to the tension of the show.
kaiji yet again saves those two guys asses though the games is still not over they have more room to breath now with each of them having 2 stars. man kaiji sure is boss and a great strategist. 5 episodes in and this show is amazing.
still don't know how he got that scissors card didn't read the forum btw. maybe i missed it in the ep oh well.
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I liked This Episode Very much , but there's something that i don't get.
Kaiji was supposed to have 30 Rock cards . and then against Kitami he drew a cisors card. Can someone explain it to me plz ? =)
Those two sidekicks are too damn irritating. I wish they died or something but probably most of the show will rely on their continued presence together with Kaiji...ALL THEY CAN SAY IS: Kaiji-san! >.<''
dareck said: Those two sidekicks are too damn irritating. I wish they died or something but probably most of the show will rely on their continued presence together with Kaiji...ALL THEY CAN SAY IS: Kaiji-san! >.<''
I know, right?
Whenever Kaiji is being a badass and shutting the other guy down, all that Furuhata guy says is "KAIJI-SAN!" It's so annoying! Those two characters are really bogging down the show. Even the 'villains' so to speak, are more interesting and bearable than them.
Annoying... the two people don't want to risk losing their one star, but they are fine with throwing out their chances and coming back to beg for forgiveness.
dareck said: Those two sidekicks are too damn irritating. I wish they died or something but probably most of the show will rely on their continued presence together with Kaiji...ALL THEY CAN SAY IS: Kaiji-san! >.<''
If at least there was a reason why Kaiji has to support them, but no. Kaiji being the usual MC, he must remain good-hearted I guess. But that doesn't even come close to a good enough reason for me.
Ah! That was a good episode. He played well his game. Unfortunatly, I feel like this will be an ephemere victory. I just can't see him on a winning streak, at least, not right now.
I honestly thought that the other guy would be more stupid, but he just never really saw it coming. Kaiji should try to scam them their cards now that they are fighting each other. They seem very vulnerable.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.» - Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
5 episodes in and people already want dumb and dumber to die lol. Can't say I blame them but jeez.
As suspenseful as they try to make it I still can't get over the fact that they're just playing rock paper scissor lol. Sure there's the whole thing with the stars and buying cards but after 5 episodes it's kinda gotten stale.
I can't get over the fact they made 4 episodes about playing fucking rock-paper-scissors and yet it's so interesting and good. Kaiji really is good at hazard; kind of makes me wonder how it is possible he hasn't made any significant money from it before. And yeah, just like everyone else, I want his sidekicks to go away. The last straw was how they refused to wager their stars at first, conveniently forgetting Kaiji has given them stars before (stars they have managed to lose in a rather idiotic manner.) I don't blame them for being dumb, but they're so horribly selfish.
I'm really struggling to like this anime. I really can't see how people are enjoying it so far. One whole episode to flip a card over? And such a long winded explanation on what card he used.
Not only that, but I swear everyone is stupid as fuck. I mean, why would you go ahead with the duel when Kaji or whatever his name is, is begging so hard to get you to play. Surely you must see something is up...