Dec 2, 2010
If you want to read Negima... then I recommend reading the actual Negima.
STORY: This version of Negima is loosely based on the original Mahou Sensei Negima! and the second anime Negima!?
I use word loosely because, it follows the gist of the intire Negima!? anime's storyline for half the manga's chapter span, then it starts using (not many) elements and events that happen after the first 6 volumes worth of chapters from the original manga series.
It's interesting to the say the least, like if you ever wondered what would happen if the Negima!? anime continued for a second season, then this manga would be the
closest answer to that question.
The first thing this Negima does is do something that the other versions do not (Even the original manga). By starting off when Negi is trying to pass his exam to become a wizard by doing a prologue, chapter zero. This does bring alot of promise to this version.
However... Just like the two anime series, this version of Negima spends the majority of it's chapters with mostly no continuing plot focused on the 30 girls whom the 10 year old teacher magician main protagionst, Negi Springfield, teaches, with one to three girls being the main topic of each of those chapters.
These chapters range from interesting to extremely boring and even awkard or pointless time wasting stories that no one would give a damn about (For example: one chapter is spent on two of the girls shopping for lingerie because they felt immature, seriously, would anyone be the least bit interested in this?).
But unlike the two anime versions, this version has two characters that had not appeared except in the original manga and the OVA series. Negi's childhood friend, Anya. And his friendly rival, Kotaro. In my honnest opinion, Kotaro's introduction is actually the best part of this manga, showing actual development of their rivalry, although his appearance is random (and is during one of the pointless chapters).
Unfortunately however, the same can not be said for Anya, infact she ends up being one of the most annoying characters who constantly wines about her breast size and does slap stick routines when Negi does something to irritate her. Another character makes his way into the manga near the end, but his inclusion isn't even worth speaking of because of how poorly it is handled compared to the original version of that character, and of course the ending is your generic harem ending (If you don't know what kind of ending that is, then you have never read/watched a harem or ecchi anime/manga).
Other than that, most of the character remain the same as they were in the other adaptations, so most fans who have seen any other version would not get annoyed by different personalities or completely out of character moments (Just only Anya's whining).
ART: Nothing special, just tries to make every character look cute or moe, but the character designs look all the same besides their hair.
There are some battles drawn out okay, but it lacks alot of the attention to detail, the great background art, and the style the original manga has. But there's plety of ecchi scenes...
The Good:
+ Kinda continues where the second anime leaves off.
+ If you're into ecchi, there's a lot to be found...
The Bad:
- The majority of the chapters are a waste of time.
- Lack luster art compared to the source material.
- Anya.
- The ecchiness is a little more creepier than the original.
- No real continuing plot to actually speak of.
- Completely out of nowhere and very disappointing ending, your typical ecchi/harem ending pretty much.
It's still negima, but I reccomend reading or sticking to the original manga instead.
But if you're interested in a different story of Negima or you only read Negima for the ecchi moments, then go ahead and read this one, and watch the girls buy lingerie or other pointless crap that would even bore Lucky Star fans.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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