Section23 Films Acquires Asu no Yoichi!, Eyeshield 21 and Jigoku Shoujo 2
Asu no Yoichi! (May 11th)
Eyeshield 21 (May 18th)
Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori (May 25)
They'll be released by Sentai Filmworks. Sentai will also publish Appleseed (2004) Blu-ray edition on May 18th with new English dubs by Ex Machina cast.
Source: Toon Zone
Story by ZerOne01
20 of 39 Comments Recent Comments
Mar 1, 2010 12:08 PM by Brain_of_GTO
Section23 is alright. I mean they are releasing Gintama over here, and that's probably one of the toughest series I see being big in the US. Either way I'll check out the DVD's and see how they go.
As for Asu no Yoichi............what?
Mar 1, 2010 6:38 AM by Sakata-san
Feb 28, 2010 7:10 PM by Nyktos
Feb 28, 2010 4:19 PM by Setsuna200
hopefully they dub them instead of doing crappy sub only releases
lololol, yeah. Who is stupid enough to watch anime in japanese?
I really hope this is sarcasm.
No, I actually like my anime to be in french, or Arabic if possible... of course I am sarcastic.
The thing I don't like about dubs is the fact that they help to keep the general consensus about "anime is for kids" alive. Because when importing cartoons that is meant for a younger audience you have to dub it into English because the of intended audience requires it. I see no reason for dubbing longer series with a more narrow appeal such as Jigoku Shojo or Clannad since they are meant for an age group that can read and probably have an attention-span that is greater than 5 minutes. You rarely see foreign movies that aren't mean for kids being dubbed right? So why should anime?
I am personally all for this sub-only strategy many companies have begun, since I don't listen to it I am glad I don't have to pay extra to get it. And before anyone brings up dub-only releases there is an huge difference between the two. With sub-only there already is an audio-track that just needs subtitles while with dub-only they are ignoring something that already exists and puts a huge amount of extra money into creating something new. Geneon would probably have managed to stay in the biz a while longer if they wouldn't have insisted on dubbing stuff that only would appeal to hardcore-fans which generally don't care about if a dub is there or not, such as Popotan and Strawberry Marshmallow.
first of all, I have never seen anyone ever say that dubs make anime seem like they are made for kids, outside of the dubs that actually were made for kids. Also outside of anime with legitimately great voice acting like Conan and Haruhi, I prefer the dubs, for whatever reason (I personally can't decide if it's because of actual quality or because of the bias of dubs being the same language as the one I speak. Probably a bit of both).
I do agree with the rest of that though. However, Gintama seems to appeal to more than hardcore fans so that could use a dub. I think.
Feb 28, 2010 8:20 AM by kkslider5552000
Feb 28, 2010 2:54 AM by kencarrot
Its nice to see a variety of shows being brought over.
Feb 28, 2010 2:50 AM by Randomer002
hopefully they dub them instead of doing crappy sub only releases
This may sound stupid, but this is the first time I've heard of "sub only releases". I thought only dubbed anime got released! O_o every single anime I've saw in HMV is dubbed!
Feb 28, 2010 12:45 AM by Squirrelpaw4970
FUNimation, why the slowness? Hurry and get Mitsuganae before Sentai does...
FUNimation actually has first choice when it comes to licenses. This isn't a case of FUNimation being slower than Sentai but of FUNimation giving up on Hell Girl and a Hell Girl dub.
Sentai is just picking up the slack to the best of their "unable to dub" ability.
That's depressing. I've lost all respect for Funi. :/
Feb 27, 2010 11:55 PM by SoneAnna
As for Eyeshield 21, sports anime don't work in America, Funimation just talked about how set one of Big Windup! only sold about 1000 copies, sub only makes sense for it.
Asu no Yoitsu is too niche to get a dub in this new Sentai.
And Appleseed is not only dubbed, it is getting a new dub by the group that did Ex Machina(they did a better job than the first one), yeah it is pointless but it is a dub.
Not a bad slate, really just disappointed in Funi for not grabbing season 2, Sentai gets a thumbs up for this set(unlike not dubbing Gintama which I am not for)
Feb 27, 2010 7:46 PM by mitamaking
FUNimation, why the slowness? Hurry and get Mitsuganae before Sentai does...
FUNimation actually has first choice when it comes to licenses. This isn't a case of FUNimation being slower than Sentai but of FUNimation giving up on Hell Girl and a Hell Girl dub.
Sentai is just picking up the slack to the best of their "unable to dub" ability.
Feb 27, 2010 6:33 PM by Ash-Falls-Town
Feb 27, 2010 5:44 PM by HappyPear
Feb 27, 2010 5:39 PM by NeverKnowsBest26
FUNimation, why the slowness? Hurry and get Mitsuganae before Sentai does...
Feb 27, 2010 4:36 PM by SoneAnna
hopefully they dub them instead of doing crappy sub only releases
lololol, yeah. Who is stupid enough to watch anime in japanese?
I really hope this is sarcasm.
No, I actually like my anime to be in french, or Arabic if possible... of course I am sarcastic.
The thing I don't like about dubs is the fact that they help to keep the general consensus about "anime is for kids" alive. Because when importing cartoons that is meant for a younger audience you have to dub it into English because the of intended audience requires it. I see no reason for dubbing longer series with a more narrow appeal such as Jigoku Shojo or Clannad since they are meant for an age group that can read and probably have an attention-span that is greater than 5 minutes. You rarely see foreign movies that aren't mean for kids being dubbed right? So why should anime?
I am personally all for this sub-only strategy many companies have begun, since I don't listen to it I am glad I don't have to pay extra to get it. And before anyone brings up dub-only releases there is an huge difference between the two. With sub-only there already is an audio-track that just needs subtitles while with dub-only they are ignoring something that already exists and puts a huge amount of extra money into creating something new. Geneon would probably have managed to stay in the biz a while longer if they wouldn't have insisted on dubbing stuff that only would appeal to hardcore-fans which generally don't care about if a dub is there or not, such as Popotan and Strawberry Marshmallow.
Woah, cool. I didnt knew something like this is going on.
Feb 27, 2010 3:47 PM by Slykain
Asu no Yuichi is just meh.
Feb 27, 2010 3:06 PM by pitman
Feb 27, 2010 1:54 PM by Mr_Gutts
Feb 27, 2010 12:19 PM by Master10K
hopefully they dub them instead of doing crappy sub only releases
lololol, yeah. Who is stupid enough to watch anime in japanese?
I really hope this is sarcasm.
No, I actually like my anime to be in french, or Arabic if possible... of course I am sarcastic.
The thing I don't like about dubs is the fact that they help to keep the general consensus about "anime is for kids" alive. Because when importing cartoons that is meant for a younger audience you have to dub it into English because the of intended audience requires it. I see no reason for dubbing longer series with a more narrow appeal such as Jigoku Shojo or Clannad since they are meant for an age group that can read and probably have an attention-span that is greater than 5 minutes. You rarely see foreign movies that aren't mean for kids being dubbed right? So why should anime?
I am personally all for this sub-only strategy many companies have begun, since I don't listen to it I am glad I don't have to pay extra to get it. And before anyone brings up dub-only releases there is an huge difference between the two. With sub-only there already is an audio-track that just needs subtitles while with dub-only they are ignoring something that already exists and puts a huge amount of extra money into creating something new. Geneon would probably have managed to stay in the biz a while longer if they wouldn't have insisted on dubbing stuff that only would appeal to hardcore-fans which generally don't care about if a dub is there or not, such as Popotan and Strawberry Marshmallow.
Feb 27, 2010 12:18 PM by HimboBaggins
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