Win A One-Way Ticket To Mars!!!

After only one week, submissions to the Mars One project are pouring in -- 600 from China alone.

I'm goin' for the hat trick..

1. When being fired into space on a one-way trip to a dead world where there's a very good chance you won't even survive the trip seems like a valid way to defect to 600 individuals... maybe there's something seriously wrong with your country.

2. With the current air quality in China I suppose many of them are just looking to move someplace where it's a little easier to breathe.

3. Finally a reasonable solution to China's overpopulation problem!



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I blame the Martians.
Dirty, filthy Martians! Coming over here and taking our women (and cows although here in England it's kinda hard to tell the difference).
They better step up the technology considerably if they seriously want to make a manned mission to Mars. There needs to be some sort of chamber that will induce gravitational forces on the astronauts be it through some sort of turbine that could draw the inhabitant of the chamber out of sub zero gravity or a centrifuge that is either part of the craft as a whole or a portion of the spacecraft therein. The loss of bone mass and muscle tissue for an extended journey through space would result in the astronauts not being in physical condition to perform any exploration on Mars once they arrived there. Not to mention the adverse effects that experiencing sub zero gravity would have on the heart and pulmonary system. I don't see such a mission being attempted anytime within the next 25 years.
Since it's a Dutch company putting on this freak show, er, I mean endeavor, what are the odds that Freeones could ride the wake and send a few members of the board? I vote for M12 and Mariah Milano. They could share one bunk, and the other could be Mayhem and Samhole Fishface. At least it would be entertaining while they killed each other. :D


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
How can anyone in their right mind even consider doing this? Cool as it may be for a while but then reality sets in. "I'm living in a pod waiting to die! What the fuck was I thinking?"


Since it's a Dutch company putting on this freak show, er, I mean endeavor, what are the odds that Freeones could ride the wake and send a few members of the board? I vote for M12 and Mariah Milano. They could share one bunk, and the other could be Mayhem and Samhole Fishface. At least it would be entertaining while they killed each other. :D

I wouldn't stand a chance. Sampon is, of course, an expert at Zero-G combat (just ask him, he'll tell you) and carries two phasers at all times, which he practices drawing in the mirror. He's like Worf, without the sophisticated veneer.

Will E Worm

How? Obama stopped all space programs.

How progressive of him. :facepalm:

Did he just suspend them so they could make a believable Mars set at Disney?
Whatever you want to believe. :facepalm:

It's not what I believe; it's the truth. You claim to be a conservative, and this was a fiscally conservative move. You should support it, but you don't. Why? Because it was done by Obama. If someone on the Right had done it you'd have hailed it as a reasonable, practical move (well, actually you probably would have just posted ":thumbsup:" because anything much past an emoticon is basically beyond your ability). You have no principles, you're just a Right Wing contrarian who can only make his "point" through copy/pasta, emoticons and mindlessly parroting what other (marginally) more intelligent posters put forward.

So, while you're here... still looking forward to the mass murder of all of those Americans that you've been so hoping for Will?
I was actually one of the first few hundred people to sign-up for the Mars One program months ago when the first step was just getting on the mailing list and answering a few questionnaires. When I got the word they'd officially opened up the formal application process, I was jazzed! Then I went to submit my application and was greeted with the message: Click here to pay your $40 application fee.

That pretty much blew it for me.


I am not "right wing."

And yet who you support, and what you claim (when convenient) says otherwise. So you're either lying 99% of the time, lying now, or an idiot. Or, you know, "all of the above", that of course would be my guess...

So, while you're here... still looking forward to the mass murder of all of those innocent Americans that you've been so hoping for Will? Just thought I'd ask again since, as per the usual, you're dodging the question...
You know what pisses me off about wackos like Will and Sam? They're the ones that give conservatives a bad name, and make the rest of us laughingstocks. My views are usually right-leaning, but you don't see me acting like a total buffoon and mindlessly spewing political bullshit that I heard some pundit running his mouth about. If I have an opinion it's because I made it for myself, after considering the matter, not because what I'm saying is the current catch phrase at Tea Party headquarters or at Fox News. :2 cents:
You know what pisses me off about wackos like Will and Sam? They're the ones that give conservatives a bad name, and make the rest of us laughingstocks. My views are usually right-leaning, but you don't see me acting like a total buffoon and mindlessly spewing political bullshit that I heard some pundit running his mouth about. If I have an opinion it's because I made it for myself, after considering the matter, not because what I'm saying is the current catch phrase at Tea Party headquarters or at Fox News. :2 cents:

The problem with conservatism is that the Republican Party has become it's temple. They've turned theory into dogma, and embraced the principle that all change is inherently bad, resulting in progress being demonized. They have a relatively sane foundation for economic conservatism, but they pile so much shit on top of it, and mire it in so much backward social conservatism, that ultimately it becomes a complete waste. While they should be a counterbalance for the more progressively-minded Democratic Party, they've simply become a group of obstinate, obstructive old white men who want nothing more than the dismissal and failure of everything that stands against quite simply because, wrong or right, it stands against them.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Since it's a Dutch company putting on this freak show, er, I mean endeavor, what are the odds that Freeones could ride the wake and send a few members of the board? I vote for M12 and Mariah Milano. They could share one bunk, and the other could be Mayhem and Samhole Fishface. At least it would be entertaining while they killed each other. :D
I can just see Mariah morcing M12 to suck his own cock and M12 loving every second.
I was gonna say something about the height of Mayhem's combat techniques being giving sam a papercut with the ace of spades, but the little cunt beat me to it, may a live Barrakuda be inserted into his rectum.

you don't see me acting like a total buffoon and mindlessly spewing political bullshit that I heard some pundit running his mouth about. If I have an opinion it's because I made it for myself, after considering the matter, not because what I'm saying is the current catch phrase at Tea Party headquarters or at Fox News. :2 cents:
You sure about that, Will II wurm?