You've been wandering, for god knows how long, and somehow you find yourself here. Where? In front of red headed girl who is grinning at you. You see that she's sitting on top of a giant bag. Is that money spilling out the side? You wonder.
???: Hello there! Welcome!
You look a little lost. Are you perhaps looking for
Luna Spirit Kingdom?
She hands you a map with directions on it, and you take it. In faded letters at the bottom you can barely make out the words Β« RPG Event & Cards Club Β»
???: You like a promising student. You must be in Fodlan for their Officers Academy! Any and all new students are welcome to register.
Officers Academy? What is that? But before you can even open your mouth to ask, she hands you a pamphlet as if she had read your mind. You quickly flip through, and from the looks of it, this is Luna Spirit Kingdom's RPG event.
???: As soon as you complete your registration, you'll receive a student badge. With it, you'll be able to access the Officers Academy's banking service, Marketplace, and Wheel of Fortune. If you participate in any Student Events, you'll gain earnings in the form of Keys (LSK Currency) that you can spend. Now the least you can do is have a look!
Under her piercing gaze, you nod. It's true, you have nothing to lose from having a look. As you're about to thank her and leave, you realize you don't even know her name. But once again, as if reading your mind, she tells you "I'm Anna, a merchant."