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Death Note Another Note: Los Angeles BB Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
Mar 4, 2009 5:05 PM
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PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!! and yes you are that good, you should give yourself more credit.
If you want I could add you as a separate person from the group that does your own thing, or you can promote your songs here. Even if your not trying to become a singer you can show off your talent : ). If you need help you can always ask me. Everthing I used is absolutely free. We use for our audio hosting. Let me know... Later.
Would you like to become my friend on myspace?
and I hope you find time to watch anime. I just recently finished beck and it was really good.
and OFCCC is shinigami-sama alive...he can't die from sth like that:D
FMP is one hell of a show, and fummofu has some epic fun scenes I won't forget for the rest of my life:D, my fav character would be Sousuke, like u said, his "over-eagerness" is just too good^^, and I like the way the designer drew him:D
Baccano...till now it's not too bad, I like it^^, still...I'm somehow confused^^ but I'm sure that will change when I continue to watch:P, and I'll be sure to tell u how I liked it:D
First of all I have to say, that I enjoyed the whole was just awesome, but we already said that more then once^^.
But now...this kind of ending...I'm kinda disappointed...I thought there will be an amazing fight...but in the end
Anyway, I'm curious to hear bout your opinion:D
Sry for my late reply, but after
I fainted and had to wake up again^^.
I just can say...EPICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC, and there's only 1 ep. left T.T, but just EPICCCCCCCCCC>.<
Anyway, I have to say this again, this ep. was fucking awesome, imo the best ep. for a loooong time, I hope this show will say goodbye with one hell of a final ep.:D:D:D^^ Soul Eater....I got a nosebleed, rly.....just amazing...sugoi, I can't express it with other words:D:D
But I do not want to spoil sooooo^^
Hope u enjoyed this ep. as much as I did:D:D
Black star was amazing as always (when he didn't know what was left and what was right:P, EPPPICCCCC>.<) but he didn't get much screentime...well...that was to be expected:P^^ he showed his greatness in the last ep:P^^
Shinigami-sama and the entire fight...I got a nosebleed from it...:O:O and I had to instantly rewatch the best scenes...just amazing and I can't describe it with words:P, and Shinigami's Shinigami-chops were truly epic as well (not the mention the Soul Resonance, but u already mentioned it:P).
This entire fight was just...:O:O^^ but I kinda expected the end...T.T, anyway...I'm sure maka/kid/black star will finish the kishin together...well...or maybe just black star...or just maka...or maka and kid...or just kid (to be honest I have to clue:P^^, but I'm expecting sth BIIIIIG:P^^)
Btw, to answer your question, Shinigami isn't dead..NO WAAAAAAAAY>.<!!!!^^, after all he's shinigami and he evaded/survived much stronger attacks!!!!>.<
But u're right...just 3 more ep. to go...T.T, but I'm sure 3 EPIC's over soonT.T
Clannad is finished...and this kind of end...this kind of EPPPPIIIICCC, now clannad rised from #3 to #1, 4sure...didn't expect THIS to happen, but it was TRULY epic (and a lil confusing:P^^) pls tell me when u're through with Clannad...I have to discuss it with u;)
Soul Eater is over soon, but I have high expectations for Regios...getting rly good and I think it may turn out amazingly good...anyway...we'll see if my prediction is right but I'm already looking for a new anime as amazing as soul eater:P^^ (but I probably won't find one:P^^)