Anyhow, on to the opinions that actually matter on a website that allows you to log your ANIME. I'll save the aforementioned argument for Goodreads.
Matter Numero One: It is my humble opinion that One Piece is more than worth taking the time to watch all 600+ episodes.
It has cute bears.
Technically, bear. No "s". Still, it has cuteness.
And women with assets, like Hancock here.
And let's not forget its ability to strike you emotionally.
All other matters have no number. My obsession with them doesn't run that deep.
Not that KHR is a total masterpiece or anything of the sort, but the Vongola Family always looks good enough to throw a picture of them on my profile. Furthermore, I must admit that the concept is riveting; it is simply the execution that disheartens me.
And my favorite song, whatever it may be at the time, always goes here!
This is One Divine informing you a few days late that the Art and Graphic Competitions are OVERRR! The results are in so whether you participated or not does not matter, so check out the results! The results to the Art competition can be found here and the results to the Graphic Competition can be found here! Thanks for visiting, and remember there's plenty to do, don't forget about our games and chatango room, anyone can visit. See ya next time!
Hello there One Divine, the registrations and entries have been delivered for both the Banner Competition #2 and our very first Art Competition, so whether you participated or not, please visit here for the Art competition voting and here for the Banner Competition voting! Thank you and I hope you enjoy what you see!
Thank you, for your second event participation, in One Divine's Valentine Bash! We hope for those who participated, enjoyed it to it's full extent, but unfortunately, yet again, some users did not receive gifts because of the some who did not feel like taking 5-10 minutes out of their life to actually do what they signed up. No animosity here, just pointing out something ♥ Now with that over, we will head on to new and different things. For now, we introduce a new game brought out by one of our members; JustRad. Name a Flaw, the details to this game will be seen here! I would also like to announce that we will soon be holding something brought back from the dead, though should be one of the most enjoyable of all activities in One Divine; One Divine's Art Competitions will soon be held in the club, and we would love to witness the artistic abilities of you all! So when the time comes, please check out the details and participate for a chance to have your work displayed and a nice award banner to boot!
This concludes One Divines banner competition, and we are glad to have you participated, whether it was as competitor, or voting for your favorite banner! Thank you for your contribution, as the results have been long awaited. I present you.. THE RESULTS!. Also, stick around for the upcoming Valentines Day event; One Divine's Valentine Bash! It will begin February 06th, which means very, very soon! Take this chance to participate in something of ours if you haven't already. Thank you for your time my wonderful members <3
Entries have been turned in for our very first competition and now it's up to you to decide on who will stand 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! The voting is very simple, follow the format within the thread here and you'll be good! Be honest, be fair, and don't forget to check up on the club every once in a while for other activities and to see the club grow larger. Thank you One Divine, see you next time!
Hello again OneDivine! Not too long ago, we had our Secret Santa Event, and it was more than succesful, thanks to those who participated. BUT NOW, our very first competition starts today, a test to show off your skills to the club. OneDivine's Banner Competition should be a fun and engaging activity where the first 10 to register are placed in a contest to fight for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Make sure to check back in the club January 23rd - January 30th for the poll thread where you can vote for your favorite banner! The details of the contest will be explained here. As for other news, we are recruiting skilled and willing members to take the position of 'Graphic maker', as for now it is just I and DarkQuach taking up requests in the new thread we made where you can now request a profile picture, avatar, and or signature made by one of the creators. So don't be shy to request, and play our games; 'Lie to Me' being especially new and lend us your AIM or MSN info to be more in touch with us! Haha, well I hope you all take advantage of this, and enjoy what we have to offer. See you next time <3
We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links.
To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM me or one the other admins if you are interested in one of the positions above.
Happy Holidays people, I hope you will enjoy yourselves with this one! This is our first season event and we want to make the best of it, so we ask you to check it out and see if you want to participate. Click the above image (letter) which leads you to the event and while you're there in the club, why not check out what else we have in stock that you might have missed? Well, bring in those numbers, the club's waiting for you! ♥
All Comments (90) Comments
This is One Divine informing you a few days late that the Art and Graphic Competitions are OVERRR! The results are in so whether you participated or not does not matter, so check out the results! The results to the Art competition can be found here and the results to the Graphic Competition can be found here! Thanks for visiting, and remember there's plenty to do, don't forget about our games and chatango room, anyone can visit. See ya next time!
Hello there One Divine, the registrations and entries have been delivered for both the Banner Competition #2 and our very first Art Competition, so whether you participated or not, please visit here for the Art competition voting and here for the Banner Competition voting! Thank you and I hope you enjoy what you see!
Thank you, for your second event participation, in One Divine's Valentine Bash! We hope for those who participated, enjoyed it to it's full extent, but unfortunately, yet again, some users did not receive gifts because of the some who did not feel like taking 5-10 minutes out of their life to actually do what they signed up. No animosity here, just pointing out something ♥ Now with that over, we will head on to new and different things. For now, we introduce a new game brought out by one of our members; JustRad. Name a Flaw, the details to this game will be seen here! I would also like to announce that we will soon be holding something brought back from the dead, though should be one of the most enjoyable of all activities in One Divine; One Divine's Art Competitions will soon be held in the club, and we would love to witness the artistic abilities of you all! So when the time comes, please check out the details and participate for a chance to have your work displayed and a nice award banner to boot!
This concludes One Divines banner competition, and we are glad to have you participated, whether it was as competitor, or voting for your favorite banner! Thank you for your contribution, as the results have been long awaited. I present you.. THE RESULTS!. Also, stick around for the upcoming Valentines Day event; One Divine's Valentine Bash! It will begin February 06th, which means very, very soon! Take this chance to participate in something of ours if you haven't already. Thank you for your time my wonderful members <3
Entries have been turned in for our very first competition and now it's up to you to decide on who will stand 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! The voting is very simple, follow the format within the thread here and you'll be good! Be honest, be fair, and don't forget to check up on the club every once in a while for other activities and to see the club grow larger. Thank you One Divine, see you next time!
Hello again OneDivine! Not too long ago, we had our Secret Santa Event, and it was more than succesful, thanks to those who participated. BUT NOW, our very first competition starts today, a test to show off your skills to the club. OneDivine's Banner Competition should be a fun and engaging activity where the first 10 to register are placed in a contest to fight for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Make sure to check back in the club January 23rd - January 30th for the poll thread where you can vote for your favorite banner! The details of the contest will be explained here. As for other news, we are recruiting skilled and willing members to take the position of 'Graphic maker', as for now it is just I and DarkQuach taking up requests in the new thread we made where you can now request a profile picture, avatar, and or signature made by one of the creators. So don't be shy to request, and play our games; 'Lie to Me' being especially new and lend us your AIM or MSN info to be more in touch with us! Haha, well I hope you all take advantage of this, and enjoy what we have to offer. See you next time <3
January 2012 Edition
Happy Holidays people, I hope you will enjoy yourselves with this one! This is our first season event and we want to make the best of it, so we ask you to check it out and see if you want to participate. Click the above image (letter) which leads you to the event and while you're there in the club, why not check out what else we have in stock that you might have missed? Well, bring in those numbers, the club's waiting for you! ♥
Btw since it's the last season of the year I'm doing the fav of the year as well, so I'll probably send some links nxt week
btw love ur OP pics