Geminis are very witty, quick tongued twins.
But they also can have different personas, depending on the situation.
Kind of like different versions of yourself popping up in your head.
Since they're ruled by Mercury, communication is also a good positive with them.
Negative side, they can be flaky, but that's a general trait with the air signs.
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I was thinking Libra with Cap doms.
Geminis are very witty, quick tongued twins.
But they also can have different personas, depending on the situation.
Kind of like different versions of yourself popping up in your head.
Since they're ruled by Mercury, communication is also a good positive with them.
Negative side, they can be flaky, but that's a general trait with the air signs.
So I can see this with you. :D
Now I wanna know your moon sign.
I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp with a Libra moon ~_~
I was always curious.
What is joor zodiac sign?
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Thanks for attention! ;3
what's done is done. :|
So ya.
I've accepted any apology you gave regarding that mess.