Weather you want to admit it or not it was hypocritical. You and zach will be able to come back in 2 hours Ill send the invites when the banned is lifted.
Because of movies based of Romania. It's basically like you were sterotypical on the topic since you brought that stuff up and how you remember it. Like their all that way and everything.
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What's going on? You sound all unsure about your ok-ness. Do I need to beat someone up for you? I'll do it, I have the time...
Im just fine!~ haha! same old, same old!
With that nickname you may as well call me Jecht from final fantasy X
I draw the line at old man from that nickname however.
Sorry~ (mind you: It's 1:25am)
We can talk tomorrow if you want.
It's been too long. >_<
How are you?