Quick Intro
For those not wanting to read the wall of text in the spoiler here's a quick list of what I'm doing in life right now.
- I've got a Master's degree in Computer Engineering and currently working at CTW
- I'm learning Japanese, currently have JLPT N4 certification
- Spend my free time playing games, watching stuff and finding tasty new places to eat at
Blog Posts
I don't use the blog as a means to transmit my thoughts but I have made use of it to extend my favorite anime and characters, check it out ( Linky).
- I prefer having a conversation through comments or PMs before accepting friend requests
- Anyone can comment or PM me so if you want to say something feel free to do just that
Quotes/Anime Milestones
- 真実はいつもひとつ! (Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu! / There is always only one truth) by Edogawa Conan from Detective Conan
- お前はもう死んでいる。 (Omae wa mou shindeiru. / You're already dead.) by Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken
- エンディングが、見えたぞ!! (Endingu ga mietazo!! / I can see the ending!) by Katsuragi Keima from Kaminomi
- 光になれ! (Hikari ni nare! / Turn into light) by Shishiou Guy from GaoGaiGar
- 1st Anime - Death Note
- 50th Anime - Afro Samurai
- 100th Anime - Gintama
- 150th Anime - Uchuu Senkan Yamato
- 200th Anime - Akira
- 250th Anime - Macross
- 300th Anime - Ghost in the Shell
- 350th Anime - Mobile Suit Gundam
- 400th Anime - Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019, September)
- 450th Anime - Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (2020, October)
- 500th Anime - ????? (probably NGE)
- 50 Days Reached - Dragon Ball Z
- 100 Days Reached - GaoGaiGar
- 150 Days Reached - ?????
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4713 animes vc planejar assistir ?!?! Um dia chego ai tbm
Vc deve ter tido paciencia para coloca-los, sei que vc nao colocou no msm dia mas msm assim...
Recently, my sister is unusual
Space Dandy
Toaru Hikūshi e no Koiuta
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions II
Hōzuki no Reitetsu
I did start out with 7 as my lowest score for good series, a 6 being already on the dislikeable side of my ratings, but when I watched more and more and got a clearer picture of anime as a whole (I started out watching almost only 8+ rated series on MAL) I first included 6 and then with the % also 5 on the 'good side'. Everything below that is going to be dropped or I just watched it for the trainwreck or the setting like SAO. It might also be a short or a movie, I never drop those. Or something that turned terrible late in the show when I didn't wanna drop it anymore. And of course there are the pure hate ratings 1-2 ^^.
I just think the drop from 'average' to 'bad' (5 to 4) is way too harsh, I don't need 4 different scores for series I consider really bad as I won't finish msot of them anyway. I guess I see 'average' less negative than most people though.
Oh and you're welcome to use % ratings, I actually stole the idea myself from someone on MAL :P. I had a hard time adjusting the ratings though, I never went to the 7s when I first implemented it because I already had so many of those. It's easier to rate a series after you finished it instead of rating 100 completed series in reference to each other within a 10% margin xD.
As for Shirokuma Cafe, I would only recommend it if you are a fan of the genre. It being lighthearted and relaxingly slow-paced comedy s-o-l. It's not the kind of intense comedy, but more subtle and relaxing, basically not much happens, ever. It's not a series I would start if I found it now, 51 episodes of such a show would probably take me years to finish (It actually did). I started it as a weekly show though and expected 13-26 episodes. I kept up with it until about week 20 or so and then I just sporadically watched some episodes here and there and two years later I watched the last. So I guess what I'm saying is, don't expect to be able to marathon it, it's not exciting enough. I mean some people can marathon shows like Aria or Tamayura or Shirokuma Cafe, but while I also enjoy them I always have to spread them out because there's no plot or other tension to keep you hooked. It's just feelgood s-o-l with mild comedy. That being said Shirokuma focuses more on comedy than most similar shows, but there were also a couple of running gags I absolutely hated and they repeated them throughout the whole series.
So it's hard to say if I would recommend it. I always like to have one of those feelgood uneventful series on my watching list for when I'm in the mood and I don't mind if it stays there for a year or so, but if you're looking for a show to really get into I recommend something else unless you're a hardcore fan of the genre.
As for Winter 2014 in the simulwatch club, I usually ask around what everyone is planning on watching a couple of weeks before the season starts and then we settle on the shows that have at least 3-4 people who are definitely interested in them. I usually watch all the shows that we don't discuss in the club with Sandileina (as long as we both watch them) and have recently started to watch another 4-5 series we don't discuss in the club with Windspeaks. For airing series I'd like to have some simulwatch partner for every series ideally, so I try to find individual users for the series that don't make it to the club.
Which somehow leads back to the weekly airing topic and while I'm in a talkactive mood I'll try to repeat the outlined of what I wrote in that comment that got lost.
Basically it comes down to two main reasons why I watch every show I'm interested in while it airs and never save up series for when they are completed anymore (I did that until 1,5 years ago, a lot too):
1.It makes me remember the series way better. If I marathon 26 episodes in 1-3 days there was basically no time for my brain to solidify all the memories, the details in particular. Often a few weeks later I can only remember the basic plot and how I felt about it (how much I liked it etc..). Which is good if you rewatch a lot, but I only do that sporadically.
Now watch the same series on a weekly basis for half a year(!) and the progress of the story and everything will be 'burnt' much deeper into your memory. That's how the brain works, the more often you reconnect with a memory the easier it is to call it up a year later or so. That's why cramming is only a temporary solution when learning for a test ^^. Now if I combine that with simulwatching and actually writing down my thoughs and reflecting on what others said after each episode for half a year, I'm definitely gonna remember a lot more details than I would if I had marathoned it in a day or two.
2. Many shows I just could never watch if not on a weekly basis. We jsut talked about Shirokuma Cafe, which is a perfect example. It took me way too long to finish after I was 'out of the loop' of the weekly episodes because while it's an enjoyable show it doesn't have anything that draws one like plot-heavy or more entertainment-based shows have. I kinda forget it or lose my motivation to keep up with the latest episodes once I'm behind a bit. Keeping up with the latest release is definitely a motivational factor for me. I wouldn't touch many 13 or 26 episodes shows because from the synopsis I gather they have a 60% chance of being mediocre and 20% chances of being either terrible or pretty good. But on a weekly basis average series don't feel like chores all the time and I can give a wider range of shows a try so I don't miss out on gems. A lot of shows I could handle watching weekly I probably would have dropped after 2-3 episodes of a marathon attempt because it quickly became obvious what would happen in the remaining episodes (and that I'm not too interested in that).
Just last season 2 of the shows I almost didn't try out because they were on the outer range of my expectations (aka I didn't think I'd enjoy them but saw a little chance of doing so) ended up being two of the more enjoyable shows of the season (Uchouten Kazoku and Watamote).
So I guess the motivation of keeping up makes it easier to complete mediocre shows while not feeling like doing a chore. I tend to start out with the new episodes of the shows I'm least excited about and work myself up to my favorites each evening with the new releases. Because while I've given up on having no drops for the sake of my sanity, I still don't like doing it and it's just so hard to keep watching a 13-26 episode show if I'm not into it after 2-3 episodes. No problem on a weekly basis though unless I overload myself with too many shows like this season.
And even the shows I would LOVE to marathon (like the sports series this season) still have the argument from point 1 on their side and they usually end up on the top of my priorities so I get just as much enjoyment per episodes as I'd get from a marathon, just spread out over dozens of weeks, which is great. And it leaves open the possibility of a marathon rewatch for those series that end up being amongst my favorites.
So I'll just say you're welcome to join us on Gifuu Doudou and I'm glad you enjoy Saki. The spin-off/sequel Achiga-hen is even more OTT with it's special affects and super powers ^^. if you have any questions about Mahjong feel free to ask, I'll answer to the best of my ability. I recommend not getting hung up with the various names for the different hands (rinshan kaihou ippatsu tsumo nana dora ura dora daisangen for example xD. It's not worth the effort, I couldn't even say if that combination I strung together makes sense but theoretically it should xD) but instead focusing on key vocabulary like Ron, Tsume, Riichi, Pon, Chi, Kan and Dora. That should help a LOT already.
I'm watching anime every day anyway and just get the new episodes as soon as they're released with subs. As for keeping up with the different storylines and characters, it really isn't that much of a deal except in the first 2-3 weeks of a new season when there are like 25 new series at once. Steadily watching a series (anime or not) on a weekly basis makes me remember about it much better and longer than if I marathon a show, so after 2-3 episodes it's pretty easy to get into the frame of mind for each show within the first 30 seconds of the episode. OPs often work as a trigger ^^. Plus the shows belong to very different genres anyway so the only times I really confuse things even during the first 2 weeks is when shows have similar premises/settings. There's no way I'd ever mix up Kill la Kill with Gingitsune for example xD.
It might be bothersome if you start from 0 to 30 series a season, but for me it was a slow progress. Been following the big 3 and other shounen for a long while and when I joined MAL I started watching 3-5 series a season and at some point I just watched all shows that had a chance of being enjoyable to me. Then my tastes got wider and it became more and more shows, but if I feel overwhelmed I just drop the shows that make me feel like it's a bother and keep looking forward to all the shows I REALLY enjoy (which are still enough). In some seasons I only drop series with 4/10 or lower, in other a 6/10 might get dropped, it depends.
Sorry, I got carried away and wrote way too much again :/. Boku Otaryman sounds great, been planning to watch it for a while now. I can do today and probably will (I had just been thinking about what movies to watch tonight) so you can just watch it whenever you have time in the next couple of days :)
Gifuu Doudou is actually a simulwatch of the club so we have a thread for it. You're welcome to join us at any point :)
As for Saki, it's basically cute girls doing Mahjong. K-On put me in the mood for some moe and Saki was already on my ptw because I like mahjong so I justwatched it a couple of weeks ago. You don't have to know the rules of mahjong, they don't show the hands in much detail anyway. I've already watched Akagi and Legendary Gambler Tetsuya before which got me into mahjong (for a while I palyed a lot online) so I'm somehow familiar with the rules, but it doesn't make much of a difference in this case. Because the players always have some over-the-top silly ability that is basically not realistic at all. Not like breaking the rules, but just too much coincidence. So if you enjoy the combination of cute girls (with shoujo ai vibes) having epic mahjong showdowns with 'special abilities' and sometimes over-the-top animation, you're good to go. If you expect some realistic and serious mahjong show it's not for you though, but if you can get into it it's just a lot of fun to watch. I marathoned the first season pretty much in a couple of days.
That being said, one doesn't have to be overly theoretical when simulwatching, just as often as I do that I just exchange comments or fanboy-ism with my simulwatch partners, without giving much reasons. The most important thing is that I enjoy something, if I'm in the mood I'll analyze the reasons behind it, if not then not.
Also sorry for all the comparisons, I can't help it even though I know I can't just assume everyone has seen everything I have.
So I'd be up for another simulwatch (always am), you can pick any movie from the list I gave you last time if you want. Or you can make new suggestions if nothing on there interests you - I'd still have to get my hands on everything not on the list though.
Gifuu Doudou is definitely a show I enjoy, but I have to admit the still frames are even annoying me slightly at times, and I'd call myself ultra-patient regarding animaton quality. Once I started paying attention to it for the show it really was a bit much. That's my only complaint though. And interestingly I tend to pick up shorts more easily than any other kidn of series because 3min per week is really an investable amount of time and if they fill it with some random gag comedy (like Teekyuu or Senyuu which I really enjoy) I'm perfectly happy. 20min episodes of pure gag comedy tends to be too long for me, but 3-5min works very well.
my Jormungand rating is so high because I just loved to see another black lagoon-ish setting which is very rare in anime. The individual arcs were great and gave the characters good backgrounds and even the main story was pretty interesting and turned out good in season 2. And Lehm, my favorite from the series, also played a big role because he got some more focus in season 2. Overall it's just my type of anime, mature seinen with a dark-ish plot and badass characters and action, that's how I started my anime spree and unfortunately I haven't really much left in that department, I gobbled it all up when I first joined MAL. So I was excited when a new show along those lines was aired, and it also turned out good.
Chuunibyou was just so much fun to watch, KyoAni's fabulous animation also helped a lot to make the scenes more lively and enjoyable. At its core it was just another teenage rom-com-drama series, but I enjoyed the chuunibyou theme a lot (it was just so nostalgic) and the episodes were very entertaining. I even enjoyed it when it turned drama at the end, which many people disliked. it gave me laughs, it gave me feels and it looked beautiful, 80% seemed legit.
As for GirlPan, if you can find any joy in shows like K-On! you will love this and even if you don't there's a decent chance you'll enjoy it solely for the tank battles. They are very well done, the series goes into incredible detail regarding the tanks and military infos and historical references. How well they handled the ridiculous sounding theme of schoolgirls fighting with tanks was just very impressive. military otaku who didn't have much to do with anime were drawn to the series in japan because of how accurate it was in every detail. Now I'm not the guy to vouch for that because I'm clueless about it, but you could still feel the effort and passion the producers put into the show. It started out as some underdog series noone cared about but with each episode found more followers in japan and on MAL and it's hard to deny that it deserves it, unless you're one of those guys who thinks moe is for pedos and everything that is not a dark seinen doesn't deserve to sell. It's the only show I know of that sold that much recently without any external reasons (like being from a popular manga/LN/game franchise or a well-known director/studio is behind it).
You don't have to like what it does, but there's no argument to say it doesn't do goddamn well on what it tries to do, which is depicting school girls participating in a sport where they have strategic battles with tanks.
The list on my profile is actually not up to date, I've already seen a lot of stuff from there and added even more to my PTW since then xD. The one things I'm looking for a simulwatch partner for right now are the Madoka recap movies because I want to reesperience the series, but I'd like to have someone to share thoughts with afterwards. Aside from that the fresh season has me occupied a lot and I wanna finish some of the completed series before I start anything new. That includes Saki: Achiga-hen, Gintama' and Uchuu Senkan Yamato (2012). So no new TV series or longer OVAs at the moment.
Movies I have currently downloaded in order of priority:
K-On!! Movie (just recently finished the TV series)
Mardock Scramble 3 (the last one, watched the other 2 already last week)
One Piece Episode of Luffy (I love OP and haven't gotten around to watching this)
Saint Young Men OVAs (2 episodes, been anticipating this for a while)
Neko no Ongaeshi (I loved whisper of the heart)
Gintama Movie (gintama <3)
Most of those are part of some franchise though so here's what I also have available: Kowarekake no Orgel, Magic Tree House, Kappa no Coo to Natsuyasumi, Boku Otaryman, Glass no Usagi, Pattenrai, Anne no Nikki, Hijikata Toshizou Shiro no Kiseki, Showa Monogatari movie.
So yeah, if you're interested in any of those I'd be up for a simulwatch :)
Also regarding Gifuu Doudou, I would definitely recommend it for the lover of GAR and righteousness (you'll understand once you watch it ^^). It's not a dark kind of GAR though, but more of an upbeat one, a bit like Jojo, if you've seen that. The art is similar to Hokuto no Ken because it's the same author/original creator, but the feel is kinda different as I said. It also has some animation/budget issues and some episodes have a lot of stills, but there are also moments of righteous animation and nice backgrounds. Plus the first OP is pretty great, and the story is another sengoku sory centered around eccentrics, so I just like the show for all of that. Last time I checked it had a lower global rating than Boku no Pico on MAL though, so a lot of people seem to dislike it. And yeah, I read that Date post, I think I even commented. When he's right he's right.
As for the simulwatching, I probably should have named it better because people always think of streaming and such, but my approach is a lot less 'simultaneous'. We mostly just have a thread for the series or movie and post our thoughts in spoiler tags after each episode we've watched (or sometimes a couple at once for completed series), referring to what the others posted (or not if you don't see anything worth replying to), but mostly everyone on his own agenda. The 'core' members usually watch the airing series within 1-2 days of them airing so it's not like it's all over the place. When we do movies I usually set a period of some days in which we leave comments in a thread again, but sometimes people are late a week, it's not strict at all. In the past I tried stricter schedules but it just didn't work with more than 2 people and even with 2 it worked 2 out of 3 times at best. It's difficult with different time zones etc.. For completed series we tend to set a specific pace (like 1 or 2 episodes a day) and then go from there, it happens that people fall behind and catch up again (or not), but overall it has worked for us. Though completed series simulwatches have become a rarity those days and movies are problematic because some of the users (mainly me and even more battosai) have already seen almost all of the more or less well known movies that people are usually interested in. So I try to find movies for the polls that most people haven't watched, but that means they are not well known and/or pretty old or weirdly animated at times, so participation has been not very high the last two times we did it. So right now it's mostly ongoing series, including some long-running ones like HxH and Uchuu Kyoudai. Gifuu Doudou is also one of them. You can just join to find people with a similar interest though and use the club as a place to look for private simulwatch partners, which is what happens regularly. It's easier just to manage 1 two-person simulwatch on your profiles and you can use the club to find someone interested in simulwatching the same shows or movies you're interested in. They are all nice people too, at least the active members. No clue about 80% though, they just joined and never left a comment or anything (some did but were never heard of again). The active crowd is pretty manageable so don't let the 200+ membercount scare you away.