Currently working as warehouse worker since 19/7 2016 And i am doing great because i am truly fitting with the rest of company having a blast.
A bit about me
Hi there MAL my name is Aleksandar or Alexander if you will i come from Belgrade Capital of Serbia.
I am little bit goofy positive guy, that likes too watch anime (and encode them aloot too lately), troll when i feel like i cant resist , play video games (Pc mostly) (not Cod/Bf or mostly any other Mp game since ages ago) and mix songs .
Aside from that I certanly am not your average person, if we digg into character i tend too either talk right back if someone bugs me or keep collecting that anger then i explode literaly bloodlust or like friend of mine would tell *Yuno mode* :D
Either way with me you know the truth and straight up from the beggining .
(love other things like hanging with buds and stuff also i have perverted side dont judge me i am still pretty nice and soft soul until you realy piss me off) :)
Someting like Isei from Dxd and little mix with Daru (SG) but diference is can control myself way more often(although in head well i can dream also i tend too screw up badly when i actualy get chance) :D
I didnt mention that i am gourman too yes that is my pleasure and reason i was always *meaty* constucted :D
I respect everybody's opinion, but i value mine and peoples that i know above rest.
I have strong power in sense, that i can convince people into at least trying things i liked/watched/seen/experienced.
But i totaly can understand, if someone has way diferent view on someting that i see diferently (still i cant approve it with high five always ^^) .
But generaly since ages ago i am disapointed, in normal movies and most live series with their crap soulless non original copy paste stories so i mostly watch anime more heart seriosly (that is reason i hate when someone cant make diference between slapstick cartoons and anime also i adore style of draws).
Since Anime is like my salvation, and place i can enjoy and appreacite imagination at its best effect.
There is no other media that can, make me sad happy,disgusted,depressed at same time.
From other stuff nowdays, i can include live action parodies/comedies movies with some psychological stuff here and there. I didnt count regular cartoons like Sp,futurama,regular show or adventure time.
I rate anime based mostly, on these factors. (this can be apply on live action movies/series and othe similiar forms.
1.Fun factor and enjoyment.
1b.Impact that it leaves on me when every factor combined.
2.Characters and their interaction + HOT GIRLS are BONUS .
2b Genre with genre + vs side by side evaluation for what anime tried to achieve.
3.Personality meaning that it stands out largely in someting be it direction, writing, execution etc.
3b. Fucked up factor with multiple layers
4.Story and way it is executed.
6. Original ideas are +
8.Art Style.
after that loooongass boring text....
Listen to this dope shit.
My top 16 anime not in particular order
1.Ergo Proxy
2.Neon Genesis Evangelion/End Of Evangelion
3.Fate Zero
4.Steins Gate
5.Code Geass
6.Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan
7..Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
8b.Kuroko No Basket
9.NHK ni Youkoso
9b.Zatsuen No Tempest.
11. Texhnolyze
11b. Serial Experiments Lain
12. Death Note
13. Psycho Pass
15.Elfen Lied
16. Highschool DXD
Whaa up everyone i became younger chef in my company got better job offers outside of work. Still enjoying anime. Planing to teach english to people in private. And work with people and help them with anything i can while enjoying myself.
Hey exowave! Been a while - hope you've been doing well. Thoughts on this winter season now that its wrapping up? Personally I was pleasantly surprised with slime and Kaguya. Slime always kept a smile on my face and Kaguya was an excellent adaptation ^_^
aho girl is funny as heck
if you want some other good comedy I rec mahoujin guruguru.
production IG gag comedy that parodies dragon quest type RPG
and yup apocrypha is WAY better than UBW
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if you want some other good comedy I rec mahoujin guruguru.
production IG gag comedy that parodies dragon quest type RPG
and yup apocrypha is WAY better than UBW
so what else seasonal anime are you watching other than kakegurui
The animation looks nice judging by the cover ;D