Ponytail/Pigtail fan club has been inactive these past years due to the inactivity of the admins. The creator is no longer active, as well. However, the club, with 900+ members has a lot of potential and it would be a waste to leave it alone. I've decided to take the initiative to help the club get back on its feet again. In order to do this, I would need help from as many members as possible. Let's help each other keep the club alive~! Below you would be able to see how you can help us. Thank you for taking your time in reading this letter and I hope you understand the situation.:)
--- xx--xx ---
Some threads are renewed in order to start fresh~ :)
Staff Recruitment is now open here! Positions Available: Recruiter/s, Courier/s, List Updater, Card Makers, Layout Makers, Event Manager and Game Manager.
Greetings all members of Mal chat. We hope that you are having a great summer so far and we hope to celebrate it with you this month.
Banner Contest
In an effort to bring more members in, this month starting on August 1st we plan to hold a banner contest for the whole month. Details on the contest can be found here (click hear)
We have an IRC based chat room. Click Here. If you come on, please say hello and wait a couple minutes before you leave. A lot of our members are gamers, so please be patient for them. We have people from all over the world, so you never know when you could find someone online! If you have an IRC client, we are on Rizon at #MALchat
Want to brag about how much you’ve watched? Come here (click hear) to find pictures to put on your profile to brag how much you’ve watched. Don’t like the pictures there? Feel free to create your own and add them there. The more options people have the better
Want to watch something together with someone or multiple people. Whether you watch it with someone on chat together at the same time, or watch a set number of ep's each day and converse about them in the forum, simluwatching can make watching anime a lot of fun and we encourage members to try and set up on today
Whether you’ll be competing in the banner competition, bragging or creating options on the Anime Watched Achievements, or starting a simluwatch, we hope that you have a great August with us while enjoying the rest of your summer
Hello~! And once again, another friggin' newsletter.
What's up with the image? I don't have an idea either. It's awesome, right?
Anyways, as some of you may already know, I, preferably WE, are reviving the club. Thanks to xochandaox for helping me send newsletters to everyone who are part of the long-dead RTCC or Random Project.
There's an Edition named 'RTCC Restart' that is currently open at the moment. There are 2 closed Editions which are ready to be opened later. Maybe:). I guess that concludes the news for now. See ya~
Howdy staff members , as you can see current club state - inactive and members keep decreasing.
That's why oliviasyl-san started to think how to make club better and gave me (clubs creator) a courage :DD
Decided to revive club and of course I need your help , In order to increase activity we need to get more members
and that's why an idea come to commenting other people profiles and inviting them to join club , that will not attract only him/her but others aswell , who are willing to help would be good to comment on some friends profile and invite them or just peek some random strangers profile and comment , Playing games in club is also considered as helping :3
About staff activity , I'll be cleaning staff a bit and I understand very well that others are busy with school and various things but can you please write me so that you're busy? :3 Otherwise I'll consider that you do not want to work in club anymore (if you don't want to work anymore then text me , I'll remove you ;p)
The reason why I'm worried about staff activity is because I don't want to end up with 13 members in staff and only 2-3 are active cardmakers , including inviters as well. Right now we've 2-3 inviters but no invites in club at all , i mean ''LOL'' would be good if you at least comment on other people profiles :3 gathering members is now top priority now (then gathering staff is 2nd)
If someone has any ideas about how to make the club better or opinion about this then feel free to pm/text me :)
Don't be shy and be sure to speak.
btw , Don't think me as of serious person. :DD I would rather have fun staff than all-serious-looking staff xD just I'm serious about reviving club ;p
I can see you're on hiatus (:
Don't worry about being removed because I wont unless you want to ;p
All Comments (1436) Comments
News letter
Greetings all members of Mal chat. We hope that you are having a great summer so far and we hope to celebrate it with you this month.
Banner Contest
In an effort to bring more members in, this month starting on August 1st we plan to hold a banner contest for the whole month. Details on the contest can be found here (click hear)
We have an IRC based chat room. Click Here. If you come on, please say hello and wait a couple minutes before you leave. A lot of our members are gamers, so please be patient for them. We have people from all over the world, so you never know when you could find someone online! If you have an IRC client, we are on Rizon at #MALchat
Anime Watch Achievements
Want to brag about how much you’ve watched? Come here (click hear) to find pictures to put on your profile to brag how much you’ve watched. Don’t like the pictures there? Feel free to create your own and add them there. The more options people have the better
Want to watch something together with someone or multiple people. Whether you watch it with someone on chat together at the same time, or watch a set number of ep's each day and converse about them in the forum, simluwatching can make watching anime a lot of fun and we encourage members to try and set up on today
Whether you’ll be competing in the banner competition, bragging or creating options on the Anime Watched Achievements, or starting a simluwatch, we hope that you have a great August with us while enjoying the rest of your summer