All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 72.0
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed291
- On-Hold37
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch306
- Total Entries657
- Rewatched3
- Episodes4,228
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries220
- Reread0
- Chapters1,769
- Volumes176
All Comments (233) Comments
My favorite character from FF VII is Kimahri =P
GGF is my favorite time of year in PoGo. It’s so fun and I’m most active playing outdoors distance-wise during that time period. It seems like fans are especially connected then as well which is cool.
I have 32/400 candy and low motivation to evolve Meltan, however Melmetal must be pretty helpful in battles in general.
I kind of gave up on Dynamax. I’m focusing on clearing main quests and I feel like the max spots clutter the map a bit. I’ll be ready to assist in raids when the opportunity arises for you to catch shiny Mewtwo!
Thanks! That’s Sreliata’s work and I know you’re familiar with her. I actually reached out about a commission tonight. :)
Ignis - Alcremie
Noctis - Umbreon
Lunafreya - Espeon
Yuffie - Greninja
Zack - Rockruff/Fidough
Aeris - Arboliva/Bellossom/Sunflora/Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpuff/Comfey
Cloud - Mightyena/Lycanroc/Zamazenta
Cid - Charizard/Altaria/Jolteon
Rufus - Houndoom
Tifa - Lucario, Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee
Barret - Raichu/Electrode
Lulu - Vileplume/Delphox/
Yuna - Dragonite/Ho-oh/Raikou/Mesprit/Azelf/Uxie
Wakka - Cinderace/Exeggutor
Rikku - Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone/Heloptile/Heliolisk
Happy New Year!! ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
May this year be filled with hope, peace and prosperity for you.
Continuing with the anime x electro combo, ever heard of Infected Mushroom? Or maybe Vampire Hunter D? Well, now you have!
The Fat Of The Land is to this day one of the most important albums ever made, so it's wise to start with that. I loved their latest work, No Tourists, too.
Five for every letter, dang not exactly a little challenge lol.
Lately I'm mostly into horror, shounen or BL series. Given your gender, history and preferences (strong/bossy or problematic females, romance, school, ecchi), the only titles you might happen to enjoy as much as me - or more - are Hina-chan Change, Shounen-tachi no Iru Tokoro and Onanie Master Kurosawa.
Unfortunately there is no Black Lagoon movie, maybe you're talking about the OVA? Rally is smarter, but Revy far more psychotic XD Balalaika, now she would annihilate every woman, man, or country.
Wishing you and your waifus a music-filled day/night~