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Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi
Mar 30, 2021 11:12 AM
Plan to Watch
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 22.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries60
- Reread0
- Chapters4,149
- Volumes459
All Comments (4) Comments
Message From the Creator of the Anime Paradise Club
Hello Dear Member of the Anime Paradise Club
It has been a long summer and the club as of now it’s downfall of active members. I am hear to let you know that Anime Paradise Club is still active and we are doing our best to keep the club as active as possible with new games and card editions. Please come back to the club and chat with everyone in the comments section of the club, play the games that me or other staff members has made, and request for card editions. The last thing that I want to happen is to the club to die off so early and I will be forced to close down the cub. I will promise to be a better Club Creator. I am new in taking care of clubs >.< . Hope to see you in the club! :D
- DarkSoldier2400
Count up until 10,000!
Male vs. Female
What is that Avatar Saying?
Planned Card Editions (Dates may vary depending on the time it takes for the card makers to finish the cards)
Hestia LE: Opens September 13 , 2015
School SE: Opens September 20, 2015
Pocky LE Opens September 26, 2015