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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: 'Kono Ware no Mono to Nare, Yuusha yo' 'Kotowaru!'
Mar 25, 2013 3:40 PM
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i think i will watch first soul eater couse i think it was scary?or maybe not?
gate keepers i do not have any idea what was the story abaut;;;;
can you tell me a little bit story about it??
:) if it is ok w/ you?:)
can i ask what do you prefer should ihave to start watching in my plan yo watch list?
so you like SAO?
is the SAO have a love story?i have not watch that yet
that is my favorite anime
i promise you will like it....:)'
hahaha how are you?
iiye~ what is that?
Working 3? Shames! I like it. Its enjoyable to watch.. Demo I don't like the main pairing. I like Popura x Souta more. I really expected that they'll the couple since they are the one who first met. That's always the case right? Argh! I mean, Mahiru is cute but ihhhh~ I like Popura more.
Satou x Yachiyo is my number one couple in the series though. hahaha. :D
my cousin also likes drawing.. :) here's her username.. GIESAKI. :)
she draw some charcters which I took a photo and send as a comment to her profile. you could look at it. :)
so, i gain another little brother again eh:? haha
are you bothered on what's happening in our country?
artist? woooooow. sugoii~ can you show me your drawings then? haha
Yup! that's Clamp's art. hoho. and the thing that they're connected to each other. :)
Have you seen xxxholic? I really love it. Try to watch it sometime. ;)
haha. not impeachment actually but lately, there are a lot of bad things others can say about the current president. Especially that they can see any improvement and they notice that He isn't doing anything. but well, whatever. as long as it doesn't affect my daily life., who cares. hoho.
I already graduated. Actually Im already working. :)
Sempai? Oneechan? whichever do you like. hoho. :)
haha. so, if i talk to you in tagalog, its okay? haha
ehh! its good! I assure you. Have you watched any anime/read manga that was written by Clamp?
impeachment? eh? nande? do you like politics? I don't care about it so I can't say anything. hoho. but all I can say is that people will never be satisfied., no matter who is at the top, if they can't see any big changes, they will just criticized them or look for any bad things about them and then making him/her lose the position.
Nope Blood-C and Blood+ are two different anime/movie demo they have some kind of similarity.. :) I think? According to what Ive read. . Haha
But for me, Hoho. its totally different. lol
You should watch it. full of blood scenes! :DDD
ohhh~ so that is why.. demo, both of your parents are filipino?
but if you can't speak tagalog, how about understanding it? I mean, what if I comment you in Tagalog, are you able to understand it?
Im from region3. :0 Pampanga-desu.. :) How about you?