I thought it was great. Original and a very good storyline. Only the end threw me on a wild ride. I'm glad they chose a happy ending rather than sad. I hate sad endings ; ;
rofl...midget hockey, interesting ..should have it tried and tested. Glad you like Origa too :D she has a great voice and Yoko Kanno is great coming up those notes
I found you through katsup, because I'm her friend too :P Anyhow, we're Extremely High compatibility! Extreme is good xD so let's be friends? My highest compatibility friend is 80% you went and beat her by 8%. Has your pool frozen over yet? Must be a big pool...to be able to ice skate on it o.O
All Comments (14) Comments
groove adventures rave. read it. it's awesome. I got at around chapter 200 but not because it was dull. (it was cause i had no time).
it still baffles me how you managed to finish ranma, inuyasha AND dragonball.
you're crazy :)
(: <3you
you're crazy. really.
<3 love youu~~!
(i can always pick you up after my job :P)