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20th Century Boys
20th Century Boys
Mar 12, 2014 9:57 AM
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fatheredpuma81 Jun 14, 2021 5:57 AM
"Still alive and kicking"
Last seen Aug 2, 2016... you sure about that?
Diangelo18 Oct 14, 2019 11:42 AM
Erynys Dec 1, 2015 12:13 PM
Buy internet pls.
Erynys Nov 23, 2015 11:34 PM
And that's all you have to say!? Pft :-[
Erynys Nov 23, 2015 8:52 AM
Erynys Nov 21, 2015 5:17 PM
Erynys Nov 13, 2015 12:41 PM
oh my god, it's so annoying to type like this! Have to use a bloody computer...
Do you think you'll ever get a degree and do something more ''serious''?
Erynys Nov 3, 2015 11:56 AM
You really need to step up your socializing game. And what's up with your collegues, couldn't they tell you smh. Btw, I am getting more and more curious about your look. 🙈

Skipped because we celebrated my mother's birthday, but going with my friends this saturday. :D Still thinking between Sadness from "Inside out" (have you seen it??) or a minion from "Despicable me". Tell me.
Erynys Nov 1, 2015 5:19 AM
Did you enjoy Halloween this year?
Erynys Oct 28, 2015 4:16 AM
That wasn't funny. :D
Erynys Oct 22, 2015 3:27 AM
And here I thought You are dead. Whew.

Maybe putting food in your stomach would be a lot more enjoyable if you'd be doing a work you really like? I think the system is alright and has a logical structure. You deserve a good life by doing hard work. You want to earn a lot and explore the things you love? Choose the path that allows it even if it means going through an expensive university and long years of painful studies. I think it makes sense, no?

I've seen the first three seasons of Dexter but just like you did with the book, I also saw spoilers I shouldn't have and it made me drop the show. If you like Dexter, I suggest you watch Hannibal tv series , True detective and Sherlock. All of them deal with people with twisted personalities and unnatural plots. Especially Hannibal, oh my. After finishing some episodes, you really don't think you are a normal person anymore for enjoying things you are NOT suppose to!

''I feel so stupid that I never noticed and wonder if I have become a twisted and messed up individual because those bedtime stories were cut short.
Haha,hilarious! I will ask my grandfather if he ever did skip a chapter or not. That would bring a huge disappointment, though, I think I did not notice any plot-holes during the process, but what do children know.

I despise cold weather, it's not even winter yet and I'm dying at +5C . Don't you have installed heating throughout the whole building? And why aren't you using bedroom for its purpose? :D

Yes, LG G3. Because I like browsing internet, watch tv shows/anime/youtube on it and read a bit (don't have a Kindle), obviously I use it quite often. A YEAR? Do you even have friends? How do you communicate with family? Only by calling them? How do you chat with girls? I HAVE SO MUCH QUESTIONS. :D
Just pick an appropriate data plan according to your needs,duh, why didn't she do that if clearly messaging is her main urgency.
Erynys Oct 16, 2015 7:18 AM
Two more weeks and I'm writing RIP here...
Erynys Oct 9, 2015 2:54 PM
Your inactivity is killing me.
Erynys Sep 30, 2015 11:05 AM
Not particulary fond of Skittles despite, yes, having them here, (surprise,surprise) but it's a nice..colorful name, I approve.

After that explicit description of your hair, I can almost imagine how you look like. :D

Have you ever thought of joining only Police force instead of army? Or are there specific trainings that need to be taken before applying there? Because after reading what you wrote, you sound like an officer who could do his job sanely well. Funnily enough, I wanted to join them after watching..what was it..Castle? But it's probably not even close to what they show in tv shows I guess. Not sure what ''bear arms'' mean,brb google time. Oh.

Btw,btw,btw if you are interested in deep psychological books, I definitely recommend The mask of sanity by Hervey Cleckley. We had an assignment in Uni- had to read a 15-20 page ANYTHING related to psychology in english and write a summary about it, so I picked something challenging- a topic about psychopaths. I'm little proud of what I summarized and turned into ''human language'', because, bloody fucking hell, his stuff is indeed complicated to the point I started to doubt if I even know any english at all! But because the first chapter was so interesting, it kept me motivated for some hours. And, yes, of course I am going to share that sheet of text with you, pardon. :D

How does it sound?

Erynys Sep 20, 2015 11:25 AM
HeyHiHello! Sorry for the late reply, been busy with university, naps and friends, mostly naps. From that you could assume I'm all ''existfull'', though, I think we should create a word just for us to use so we know the other person is not kidnapped and replaced with a possible serial killer! Any suggestions?

NO. DON'T YOU DARE TO SHAVE ALL OF YOUR HAIR!!! Is looking like a prisoner really necessary? btw, I've been wondering, are you ginger? And isn't like having messy hair sexy? Usually (in anime) it works out perfectly for the main character. Or maybe I'm just projecting my own fetishes now. :D

I quit since Uni started, but it was at a hotel as a waitress and receptionist, haven't I mentioned this? Probably not. Unless you celebrate with a girlfriend or family, working during Christmas is a win-win situation, because (at least) here we get paid double. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

''Master and commander'', saw it but long time ago. Should probably rewatch it. To be honest, I'm not a fan of historical war movies, brings out the worst parts in humanity and things the world is going through now is quite enough for me to consume.

Partly, that's the reason I will probably never understand ''people like you'' who own a gun. One thing is for hunting to survive, another for ''self-defense'' which obviously doesn't turn out to be the purest of intentions. I believe my view on this isn't biased or closed-minded despite having an actual fear of guns, be it real or plastic. From my unpleasant experience I think it exposes a lot of people to visualise the weapon as a sign of power and not safety. What do you truthfully feel more whilst holding a gun? What kind of scenarios go through your mind every time you pull a trigger to shoot a can or just a human-based paper? What makes you want to fire more bullets today than yesterday, a coincidence or possible turmoil? How can it be just a hobby?

But. About Jungle book and books! Right before starting studies, I finished ''Silence of the lambs'' by Thomas Harris. Who would have thought my grandmother owns this one...should I be concerned? Of course, I liked the novel better, but also the movie as far as I remember was relatively spot on. Now moving on with Red dragon. Yea I know, wrong order, shush! God Jungle book is such a ball of drama! Two years ago I participated in a theatrical play as Baloo. Fucking nailed it!

Why would you ever care about a creepy landlady, what is the worst she can do.. :D


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