All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 228.5
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed277
- On-Hold25
- Dropped43
- Plan to Watch152
- Total Entries504
- Rewatched78
- Episodes13,760
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries105
- Reread0
- Chapters1,002
- Volumes228
All Comments (58) Comments
it was kind of a joke because he raps pretty bad
but he is one of the few rappers that i like thanks to his beats hahah
nobody can dislike this ;P
what activities u did at camp?
and all those anime cons sounds exciting >v<
yaaay~ that's a great idea :D
I have a holiday coming till September, so am afraid am gonna be away again for a while >w<
I hope the rest of your summer is very enjoyable ^^)/
i am tee and 22 years old i love working making thai food then ^^
i will let me see ya animelist.
thank youuu
u'll be fine ;)
Ahh good to hear :3
thankies >v< i'll try and get thru them all bit by bit (and all the news ones that will come)
I am just gonna relax =w= (or try to... i still seem somewhat busy with clubs and events n stuff)
anime, MAL, badminton, eat, sleep, chill out x3 just take it easy and enjoy my break :D
do u have any particular plans for summer?
thank you for accp me
nice to meet u too
hell yeaa @.@
Erza cosplay? :OOO wowie~ that's cool
Oh and thankyou ^^ my exams went well hihi~
Hmm... good advice there x3 now term has ended, I'm gonna try and return to MAL now.......
hope you're well Britta ^^
*goes to answer 220+ comments
I'll give it a 10 owkay o.O
I have no idea why i gave it an 8 in the first place
It's all Dinkelberg fault !!!
especially now exam season started D:
(dw I wont die haha)
I just wish I have more time bc I miss talking with all my friends here on MAL~ (and watching anime too @@)
Awww... I think everyone has those not-so-good days :P
I wish u well :3
OH! is it weird? @v@
It's today~~~
Happy Birthday, Britta~
hope u had a wonderful day ^^
here's a random rockin' song
"And I'm not much online either, cuz I've little free time myself."
I know what u mean... I've somehow built up 7 pages (140?) of comments while i been busy/lazy to reply D:
so sowwy minna~~
Hmmmmm... I hope u are well ^^
I'm really sorry, I've been too busy ><
That's why I put "Inactive" on my homepage... I really wanna come back tho...
Good that we can finally talk again :D
So how are u doing? Had a good holiday period? ^^
@earlier comment:
Harp and flute *O* that IS cool~
the harp sounds heavenly~ x)
maybe that's why angels always hold them...