Bine ai venit în clubul Romanian Anime Fans!
Vom face tot posibilul să avem grijă de tine. Pentru început, pregăteşte portofelul, ceasul, celularul şi cheile maşinii.
Haha, sorry, that's because I made a typo. It's Asano Inio. But I found the exact page, it's from his work Sekai no Owari to Yoakemae, the third chapter.
hey. scuze ca intreb dar ai postat tu la un moment dat o pagina dintro manga pe "how to read manga" incercand sa aflii de unde provine. ma intrebam daca intre timp ai aflat ce e cu ea. mar interesa si p mine :)
I'm sorry to say that I don't know where the girl is from. The chibis in my signature are randomly displayed from a databank provided by the creator of the signature and they are supposed to change every 5 or 10 episodes you watch.
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Vom face tot posibilul să avem grijă de tine. Pentru început, pregăteşte portofelul, ceasul, celularul şi cheile maşinii.
I'm sorry to say that I don't know where the girl is from. The chibis in my signature are randomly displayed from a databank provided by the creator of the signature and they are supposed to change every 5 or 10 episodes you watch.!