All Time Fauvorite Anime
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
In all my years of watching anime, I would never have imagined that my favourite of all time would be a mahou shoujo. Typical mahou shoujo animes tend to include elements that I tend to greatly dislike: paper-thin plot, enemy/monster of the week, superficial enemies with no reasoning behind their motives and a far too naive outlook on the world. Madoka basically overturned the genre, yet managed to distill the essence of the genre: that it is an anime about hope. As I like to tell others, I don't like Madoka because it is a mahou shoujo. It just happens that my favourite anime falls into that category. To me, Madoka is the epitome of anime: it has visual flair, a stellar soundtrack, a gripping original plot, a succinct cast with great character development, emotionally engaging and most importantly, immaculate pacing. Action sequences were separated by great moments of emotion and character development. There was a lot of imagery, symbolism and foreshadowing and a great use of colours. Finally, this anime would not have been able to achieve the level of immersion if it were not for Kajiura Yuuki's masterful soundtrack. Not once did my mind stray while watching this anime, a feat no other anime has yet to achieve.
Yet despite this, I am always hopeful there will be another anime to be able to wear the #1 mantel that Madoka so truly deserves.
All Time Favourite Anime Episode
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Episode 10 - I Won't Rely On Anyone Any Longer
The most emotionally intense 24 minutes of anime I have ever seen. Emotional rollercoaster paced to perfection.
All Time Favourite Character
Akemi Homura
Three words: Awesome. Badass. Adorable.
The goddess still reigns uncontested for the last
year two years three years five years!
Don’t forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.

All Comments (120) Comments
Well, the only show I'm watching is Mushishi Zoku Shou Season 2, which kinda demands that one has seen the previous two Mushishi seasons. But, I believe I may watch Kiseijuu sometime, since it's supposed to be pretty nice.
Where are you?
Well, I never really watch much seasonal recent anime, especially as they're airing or shortly after. I still have a massive backlog of super important older manga and anime to get through anyway. But, I will almost certainly be checking out the Mushishi special when it becomes available, and possibly the new Sora no Otoshimono movie.