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Psycho-Pass 2
Psycho-Pass 2
Nov 20, 2014 9:48 AM
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Nov 20, 2014 9:46 AM
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Nanatsu no Taizai
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nov 20, 2014 9:45 AM
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Destroy and Revolution
Oct 23, 2014 4:42 AM
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dolamroth Sep 14, 2014 7:42 AM
ISML finals in a week!

League Finals start on 21 of September and last till 5 of October. These are the final rounds, so don't forget to give your vote for Kanade!

ThisNameSucks Jun 13, 2014 5:24 AM
Happy birthday man
dolamroth Mar 14, 2014 6:14 AM
Hi! Would you like to support Tachibana Kanade in ISML 2014?
life4death Feb 3, 2014 11:31 PM
Yeah, but apparently the danganronpa game is really highly rated so might try that. The Devil Survivor animation was so bad compared to the game...
Yeah makes you want to learn japanese just to read all the stuff

True railgun is a lot more popular right now, but i think Index's best stuff is later on, going to be reading the New Testament stuff soon, and from what ive heard its really good.
I have the odd small figurine from limited edition games but that's about it.

I've been liking D-Frag and Nisekoi this season, since i've been reading their manga, but yeah most of the others are okay shows.

Happy New Year! (a little late cause ive been really busy preparing for college interviews)
wanderingplayboy Jan 26, 2014 10:23 PM
Okay thanks for your recommendation. I will.
ToppyS2 Jan 16, 2014 11:59 PM
Haha, don't worry about it being awkward, I'm probably as awkward as anybody.
And in my opinion, I liked it a lot. The MC was energetic, capturing, and adorable, the story is quite decent as well. You should give it a go!
It just depends if it's the type of anime you'd like.
ToppyS2 Jan 16, 2014 11:22 PM
Thanks for the add. ~
life4death Dec 29, 2013 2:51 AM
Yeah, danganronpa and devil survivor were a little rushed and lacking compared to the games
Lol since its christmas break ive read a couple novels, and a couple new translations that look interesting have started, just have to hope that they keep getting translated, sucks when a series you really like just stops halfway.

Yeah, looks like the movie for index will kind of influence if there will be a new season, and yeah new season of railgun will be much later if there is one, would be a little weird if the side story anime ends up going on longer than the main one XD
Nah dont collect figurines, not much of that here, or at least any that i would get. Lots of gundam and similar stuff here though
Srry dont use fb
life4death Nov 23, 2013 7:10 PM
Yeah that happens a lot, though ofc some of it is people just not liking the anime cause they changed the story from the game, though a lot are really good, like heard that Little Busters Refrain has been really faithful to the game.
Yeah hopefully it covers that much cause i really want to read the novels but no translations D:
It'll be sometime next year but its been confirmed so hopefully its next season

Yeah there is a lot more fighting towards the end of the first season of index, final arc is World War 3 arc ;)
life4death Nov 9, 2013 6:59 PM
Yeah after the latest episodes of Blazblue its gotten pretty bad, from the beginning you need to know so much about the game to understand the show :S
Definitely replace Blazblue with Tokyo Ravens in my top 5. Really want someone to translate the novels for Tokyo Ravens, though at least the manga is being translated. Also pretty excited since Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei is going to have an anime :D

Yeah Railgun is so popular even though it's a side story, second part is pretty much a continuation of the first part, just more mixing of the magic and science sides. Like a couple more espers learn about magic.
life4death Oct 23, 2013 1:54 AM
Yeah, though sometimes they do drag on for quite a while, and its annoying waiting a week for the next part lol Yeah naruto is pretty good now, lots of fighting and progress in the story.

Lol yeah i really like this season, top 5 are Little Busters Refrain, BlazBlue: Alter Memory, Golden Time, White Album 2 and Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season, though nearly all the series i've watched i feel are worth finishing, most seasons i'll watch a bunch of the first couple episodes then drop a few. And also a lot of sequels right now which are all pretty good.
Yeah the first part of the novels is finished, like 22 chapters, then there's the second part "New Testament" which is ongoing, and BakaTsuki is up to date with that series. The series i really wish would get translated fast though is Mahouka koukou no rettousei my current favorite novel series
life4death Oct 15, 2013 12:40 AM
Yeah but looks like its getting close to an ending, with the whole big last fight happening right now. Ive been watching Naruto instead of reading, though the anime has finally started moving along after a while of side episodes, still not very close to the ending.

Yeah not a lot were amazing, but liked a few, which ones are you watching this season?
Nope applying overseas to US and UK
I really liked the Toaru series, Index was great and Railgun was a nice side story, also ended up reading all of the Index books to finish the story, now i have to read New Testament, the second season of Index books.

Yeah :(
life4death Sep 25, 2013 9:43 AM
Yeah Bleach has finally started up after a 7 week break, getting really good, hopefully it doesnt take too long to end, cause dont want it to drag on too long. Also really want Naruto to end cause want to see the ending soon, the anime has been really good.

Yeah there are a lot with the virtual game world kind of story, also 1/2 prince which is somewhat older, and Log Horizon which is an anime starting next season. How'd you find this season overall?
Yeah 17 this year, so college applications are taking up a whole bunch of time, wont be completely done with them until december.

Yeah it was alright, but not the best imo
life4death Aug 28, 2013 4:09 AM
Its not categorized as shoujo, its shounen lol though it doesnt have a lot of action, the story is pretty good, more of a supernatural school setting. Yeah Beelzebub is always awesome and funny :D Bleach was a bit annoying with some arcs, but since this is the final one i'm reading it cause want to find out all the guys powers and stuff. So far its been interesting, though a lot of set up chapters towards the final battle

Can't remember exactly cause so many other stuff are getting adaptations, but know that No Game No Life, Serei Blade Dance and one that has a similar idea as SAO are getting animated. Watamote is great, just enjoy the characters XD Been getting behind on a bunch of stuff cause school just started again, so having to prepare college applications.

Only watched episode 14 and 15, not hugely amazing but its pretty good so far, want to see how it all ends but just have to find the time :/
life4death Aug 8, 2013 8:23 AM
Yeah cause the group does so many webtoons, though most of their others have weekly releases, sadly the ones i most want to read from them (Crepuscule and Wake Up Deadman) are more like monthly releases, think Crepusucle got picked up my another group so regular releases, it's another pretty good one. Also Beelzebub has been really good right now, and Bleach is getting to the final battle, damn Kubo went on a 5 week break to prepare for it.

Yeah Oregairu was great and the novels are getting translated so opportunity to continue the story if no second season happens. Also just came up a week ago that 5 light novels are going to be animated, 3 of which i've been reading/planning to read so that's great for me :D
Yeah hopefully everything gets sorted out in the second season
Hahaha Danganronpa would be 6th on my list, very close to Watamote XD Been watching like a dozen from this season but kinda slow, cause haven't had time to just watch and catch up on episodes.
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