Welcome to Ralphy's Page ♥
Let me start of by saying I'm an avid romanticist
I'm also a pretentious faggot, relishing in certain material you may find redundant
Well what's their to say, I use MAL as a means to construct a coherent list of anime and manga titles Ive either completed, am currently watching/reading, or plan to pick up at a later time. I go by the user name Ralphy♥, over by the NarutoFan forum website which can be found
here. I frequent that board to relay my thoughts on various media, discussion idea's pertaining to the many manga & anime titles Ive come to embrace at current, and occasionally ramble with the many users who take refuge at said site.
Before you ask, yes the picture of the young man that looks like he loves faggotry is indeed a snapshot of myself in real life. I'm eighteen years in age, a highschool graduate, and am an avid anime/manga fanatic. I also skate occasionally with personal friends and play guitar with a small band I practice with. It's a modest life if I do say so myself, nothing noteworthy really. Though I do try to take away minute wisdom's and intellect presently conveyed in my everyday life. We as human tend to take many aspects of life for granted, I try my hardest not too.
Now for your question: Do I accept random friend requests?
If you feel it's necessary to send me a friend request, then I'll add you regardless of whatever personal connection or affiliation I have towards you. I like to think I'm a fairly nice person in general and they always say it's never a bad thing to have too many friends. Of course this doesn't mean I want you to just come on into my page and leave me random comments that can only be summized as immature tripe. Sorry, but I don't indulge such things in the least!
Now it's time for an inquisition via my personal favorites

I tend to be extremely vague and ambiguous when stating titles and other various material that have made what I deem as my
"Personal Favorite's list". Though my personal list is somewhat tangent and subject to change at a moments notice, I'll wholeheartedly do my best in conveying titles that have absolved me personally, into their respected fandoms. Throughout this segment, I'll be recollecting my favorite anime/manga titles, favorite opening/ending themes, favorite manga artist's, and a few other various personal favorites.
Anime is of course a very popular and highly acclaimed visual medium, I adore it for the many aspects it contributes to media and storytelling as a whole. Certain adaptations have connected with me on an emotional level and for that the many studios that help produce anime have my wholehearted thanks. I find Japanese animation superior to any visual art form around; excluding movies seen in theaters of course. Altogether, I can honestly say that I'm an avid fan of the genre and in the end I don't think I can praise this artistic medium enough.
Top 20 favorite anime list:Now it's time to elaborate upon my favorite Manga titles
I live without understanding, I don't know why I feel this way
So lay down girl, and take my world, I know why I can't see your face
Ive always been drawn to manga for it's intricate content, magnificent artistry, and overall emotional conveyance. This artistic genre as a whole is a true wonder and every artist that contributes to this magnificent form of literature has my sincerest of gratitude's, without them we wouldn't be able to enjoy the material we've all come to adore at current. I tend to relish manga titles that have a certain quality of art and passion, or rather I'm most drawn to art deemed aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
I'll read a series from almost any genre as long as it poses some level of intellect, maturity, and growth in it's overall presented content. This isn't to say that on occasion, I won't lapse in manners and embellish titles that are themed in the more droll, nonsensical, and brutish of story archetypes. As long as there's something to be absorbed from the series as a whole, I'll give it a chance. Though admittingly, Ive been a bit of a pretentious fag in the sense that I tend to judge titles I have yet to read; from their cover alone. A malicious habit that I intend to break once Ive matured a bit more in the future.
Top 20 favorite Manga titles:
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PS: Added you cause why not, apparently we both accept random requests so y not