About me:
introverted, programmer, eats food sometimes, sleeps, couch potato.
on discord nowadays
i like to write a thought and then press the enter key
like this
I'm male and an old man
[10:34] Danielcook: btw i finally got a girl
[10:34] Regicide: grats
you and the rest of the world
[10:34] Danielcook: thanks
[10:35] Regicide: 3dpd
[10:35] Danielcook: no i got a 2d waifu as well
best of both worlds
Riri: i can only dance if i've had alcohol
[2:59:58 PM] Ran: get the sharingan contacts
[2:59:59 PM] Rafa: i will.
danielcook said: ill make my character a girl
so i get to stare at her while i grind
[6:23:08 PM] Tachii: I like chicken breasts.
DanielCook said: besides, piano/violin players, they don't get the cute girls.
[10:56:29 PM] DanielCook: two guys cant make a baby
[10:56:57 PM] DanielCook: only a guy and a cute girl can make a baby.
[12:18:00 PM] Tachii: The shoujo.
[12:18:03 PM] Shaina: amnesia shoujo game was good too
[12:18:06 PM] Shaina: i loved it
[12:18:08 PM] Karpman: Oh nice, I cried while playing that.
[11:16:23 PM] Regicide: if i post bear my children on your photobucket
[11:16:23 PM] Regicide: will you do it
[11:16:28 PM] Tachii: PLEASE
[2:30:12 PM] Daniel Chen: i don't like shorter girls that much.
[2:30:13 PM] Tachii: I NEED TO WARM IT UP
[2:30:18 PM] Daniel Chen: I don't want short children
Tachii said: I do think it's a real issue. My professor recently told me something need to change in like the next 30-50 years. I dunno what I can do though. I'm already using public transport, recycling, using my laptops rather than printing paper, shower once in 3 days. Look at the sacrifice I'm making here.
[6:34 PM] Tachii: so lets hear ur voice I need to confirm your race gender and age
I'm a dude who likes to forum.
this is probably more descriptive than my old about me section.
Karpman, said: The guy himself is a character though, but whether he guided Cuba in the right direction is debatable, since the socialistic ways came from the people themselves, and Maduro was already at the steer for a bit, so I think this won't change too much. Except for a few broken hearts.
Duckonator said: I don't mean to offend you, I don't talk about in a genuine evil manner. I just think, from the bottom of my heart, that you are a very dumb stupud dyslexic person, that's all really.
"People who don't work hard don't have the right to be jealous of those with talent."
Forum Quote Wall
[19:37:02] Tanpopo-chan: we guys live with your random conversations
[19:37:04] Tachii: many other people will post funny cat pictures
[19:37:09] Tanpopo-chan: we guys?
[19:37:09] Tanpopo-chan: me and shaina*
[19:37:09] Tachii: We guys.
[19:37:14] Shaina: lol
[19:37:17] Karpman: Nice
[19:37:18] Tachii: Genderbender
[19:37:20] Tachii: shit
[19:37:23] Karpman: That needs to go on the quote wall.
[19:37:26] Shaina: plot twist
[19:37:26] Karpman: REGI
[19:37:34] Tanpopo-chan: me and shaina are guys, and you are all girls.
[19:37:41] Shaina: ^
*** Regicide is now known as Tachiinokanojo
*** Javier is now known as hime-san
: just kidding
<hime-san>: I'm done contemplating.
: you dont have one.
: hahaha
*** Tachiinokanojo is now known as Regicide
+++ Regicide set to mode +r
<hime-san>: HAHAHHA
<hime-san>: VIOLATED
*** TachiiNoImouto is now known as TachiisVirginity
<hime-san>: LOL
: What an awesome day to exist
<hime-san>: omg
: ah ha ha
: im confused
*** hime-san is now known as Tachiinochinpo
: oh god tachii you gonna take this
Quote Wall
"Tell me where the world went"
"You remember what you want to forget and forget what you want to remember"
"Where men can’t live gods fare no better"
"If I were god I would have made the world just so and no different."
"Do not seek death yet do not fear death, death is all around us."
"The only ones who say money doesn’t matter are the ones with lots of it"
"I have infinite visibility"
"Open your heart or seal it with tape"
"No one can survive off of dreams, only reality"
"History is a study of the past and its failings; science is a study of the future and its successes."
"Wishes are a contradiction. Wishes would not be made if they could be fulfilled."
"We don't live, we just survive"
"Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it."
“Nobody wants to be here and nobody wants to leave.”
“People were always getting ready for tomorrow. I didn't believe in that. Tomorrow wasn't getting ready for them. It didn't even know they were there.”
“There is no God and we are his prophets.”
“Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting.”
"It is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees"
"he who saves one saves the world entire" ~Schindlers List"
"Boy, I got vision and the rest of the world got bifocals" (Butch Cassidy)
Yo Anime Quotes
With more happiness than I can hold in my hands I graduate from Sui High-Sakurasou 23
Life is too Short to achieve something and too long to spend it meaninglessly.
Life fills all desires Hoshi no Samidare-11
But the things you've gained, the things you've lost the people you'll forget and the people you wont as well Hoshi no samidare 63
iron monkey
turtles can fly
monsters inc
letters from iwojima
battle of algiers
waltz of bashir
hotel rwanda
v for vendetta
slumdog millionaire
finding nemo
how to train your dragon
kung-fu panda 1
the matrix 1
the matrix 2
the matrix 3
pursuit of happyness
the triumph of the will
gojira (1956?)
Battle Royale
21 jump street
Some like it Hot
Schindler's list
The Last emperor
Toy Story 1-3
Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Saving Private Ryan
The LOTR series
No Country for Old Men
The Dark Knight
The King's Speech
Cinderella Man
Pirates of The Caribbean
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Golden Compass
Ice Age 1-4
Happy Feet
A Beautiful Mind
Children of Men
Benjamin Button
Beauty and the Beast
National Treasure
Harry Potter 1-7
Where the Wild Things are
March of the Penguins
40 year old virgin
Remember the Titans
Catch Me if you Can
The Road
The Last Samurai
Into The Wild
some speeches
What we’re talking about here surely tonight is the core of what we’re discussing, is values, that’s what it’s about, human values. Martin Luther King talked about power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight. They are the values that allow our societies to abuse animals. But they are the values also that allow our societies to abuse people in the name of economics. You cannot divorce the values that abuse animals. And those that abuse people and abuse the planet, for they are the same values. It was Henry Solt, a great social reformer who said early on in this century. It is useless to preach peace by itself, social justice by itself, or kindness to animals by itself. The cause he said of each of all the evils that afflict the world is the same. The general lack of humanity, the lack of knowledge that all sentient life is akin. And that he who injures a fellow being is in fact doing injury to himself. It is not this bloodshed or that bloodshed that must cease, he said, but all needless bloodshed, all wanton infliction of pain, or death upon our fellow beings. And if the people who run this country and run other countries do not see that, then maybe they do need a bill of rights for animals to constantly remind them. For that will do, if we start treating animals with dignity. That will do as much for people. Because if we have a society that treats animals with respect, love and dignity, we will have a society and a world that treats people and the planet with love, respect, and dignity. As Gandhi said, finally, The Greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. And on that basis, this country and many other countries are not great. It’s about time they were, and if that takes a bill of rights, then so be it. There’s a great difference between cleverness and wisdom, they’re not the same thing. This system is very clever but it isn’t very wise. And it’s the lack of wisdom that is the problem. A piece of Native American wisdom. When you have cut down the last tree and poisoned the last river, you will learn that you cannot eat money. How can you buy or sell the sky. We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkles. How then can you buy them from. Every part of the Earth is sacred to my being. Holy in their memory and experience. We know the white man doesn’t understand our ways. He’s a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his friend, but his enemy. And when he’s conquered it, he moves on. He kidnaps the earth of its children, his appetite will devour the world and leave behind a desert. If the beasts were gone, we would die of a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the children of the Earth.
Cross of Iron/Chance for Peace
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.This world in arms in not spending money alone.It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities.It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals.It is some 50 miles of concrete highway.We pay for a single fighter with a half million bushels of wheat.We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking.This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
Newsroom episode 1
Econ Politics psychology etc links and stuff
The Crisis of Civilization: econ major drops a critique on modern neo liberal laissez faire capitalistic economics
Burden of Proof: basic philosophy
Determinism based on mental health Dan Dennett
Evolution: basic draw down by qualiasoup
Ecology- Micheal Parenti
taken for a ride- why is america's automobile industry so dominant and why do we not have any public transportation?
The Corporation: A documentary on corporations' effects
Some basic econ mashup rap Keynes vs Hayek
Crime in the Suites-Parenti; even though the rich do far worse crimes than the poor they do not populate jail cells
History of Neoliberalism
David Harvey's critique on capitalism
This one was unique so i'll jot down some bullet points
1970s had the strength of labor (labor was working for gains for the common people which then reagan stomped out with his new trickle down economic policy etc). This caused wage stagnation (the labor unions are now powerless etc and corporations have been outsourcing so they don't care enough about increasing wages which means that demand must decrease (you and i don't have enough capital to buy the goods we used to which leads to a decrease in demand; capitalism requires growth every year-this can't happen. This was then solved by issuing off credit-mainly advancing lines of credits so people could buy more goods and inflate the economy which increased "effective demand". this worked at the cost of tripling the debt of major countries in the past few years. This debt moves to the housing market which then goes to stocks etc and then collapses; capitalism does not solve its problems, it moves then around geographically.
"capitalism does not have a limit, it only has barriers which it must then transcend or avoid but never solve"-Karl Marx
Start with some capital
go into the market and buy means of production and labor power
put it to work with technology and organizational form for efficiency
make a commodity
sell it for profit
then recapitalize it for expansion
the process is inherently flawed -the expansion empowers financiers (investors) which can then get greedy and topple the market at will
investors gain even through the depression while the proletariat get screwed
The Myth of Underdevelopment to gain wealth-Parenti
Duckonator said:
I don't mean to offend you, I don't talk about in a genuine evil manner. I just think, from the bottom of my heart, that you are a very dumb stupud dyslexic person, that's all really.
It’s been cloudy and rainy here for the past couple days, and I keep thinking about how nice it would be just to walk around together while sharing the same umbrella. We’ll have to do that a lot together in the future, won’t we? The next time we see each other, let’s make sure to check off a bunch of items from our bucket list… but even if we don’t get to them all, as long as I am able to spend time with you, that’s what will make me the happiest.
Until then, I send you all my love from here. I love you, and I miss you dearly, Takashi.
Happy Valentine’s Day, my love! This day is the same as any other day in that I will still let you know how much I love you, but it is nonetheless different than yesterday because I have grown to love you even more. I am very happy that we have made it this far, but this is only the beginning… we still have our whole lives ahead of us, and many more holidays to come. I love you, my Takashi.
Happy (almost) six months, my love! Soon enough, we’ll have been together for a year, then five years, ten years, twenty years… and I know that my love for you will only continue to grow day by day. I hope you know that I will always be your biggest supporter through it all… I am so happy to have fallen in love with you, Takashi. My sweet love, you're perfect for me.
Merry Christmas, Takashi! Your love is the best present I have ever received, and I am so thankful to have you in my life every day. I am excited to end 2017 with you, start 2018 by your side, and spend the rest of our years together…
From our evening in Daimon up to the present day, you have made all of my dreams come true. Sometimes, I think to myself what it would have been like if we had met earlier, but knowing that we will spend the rest of our lives together puts me at ease. The universe unraveled as it should have, and I was given the sweetest, most perfect person in the world… my Takashi. I love you.
Although it is still a bit early, I am starting to count down the days… I want to hold your hand, snuggle up beside you, and fall asleep in your arms. I want to hear your stories, and I will tell you all mine, too. My happiest moments are when I am by your side and I feel your warmth.
I love you more and more each day. Let’s continue passing these days together.
It’s been quite chilly in the mornings, but thoughts of you keep me warm. Soon enough, we’ll be able to be by each other’s sides and pass the days cozily. I miss you, my love. I can’t wait to see you again. I look forward to making a whole new set of memories that we will keep for the rest of our lives.
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All Comments (454) Comments
I don't mean to offend you, I don't talk about in a genuine evil manner. I just think, from the bottom of my heart, that you are a very dumb stupud dyslexic person, that's all really.
Still a legendary quote imo.