Anime Stats
Days: 38.5
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed101
- On-Hold12
- Dropped26
- Plan to Watch219
- Total Entries382
- Rewatched11
- Episodes2,226
Last Anime Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 55.9
Mean Score:
- Reading103
- Completed218
- On-Hold29
- Dropped21
- Plan to Read253
- Total Entries624
- Reread0
- Chapters6,579
- Volumes1,070
All Comments (351) Comments
News letter
Greetings all members of Mal chat. We hope that you are having a great summer so far and we hope to celebrate it with you this month.
Banner Contest
In an effort to bring more members in, this month starting on August 1st we plan to hold a banner contest for the whole month. Details on the contest can be found here (click hear)
We have an IRC based chat room. Click Here. If you come on, please say hello and wait a couple minutes before you leave. A lot of our members are gamers, so please be patient for them. We have people from all over the world, so you never know when you could find someone online! If you have an IRC client, we are on Rizon at #MALchat
Anime Watch Achievements
Want to brag about how much you’ve watched? Come here (click hear) to find pictures to put on your profile to brag how much you’ve watched. Don’t like the pictures there? Feel free to create your own and add them there. The more options people have the better
Want to watch something together with someone or multiple people. Whether you watch it with someone on chat together at the same time, or watch a set number of ep's each day and converse about them in the forum, simluwatching can make watching anime a lot of fun and we encourage members to try and set up on today
Whether you’ll be competing in the banner competition, bragging or creating options on the Anime Watched Achievements, or starting a simluwatch, we hope that you have a great August with us while enjoying the rest of your summer
I'm fine, I think. I mean, I believe I'm really fine when I'm on holidays, and right now that's not the case, so... xD And you? ;)
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We're having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers Epure or half Eand for everyone who're interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to meet someone in your area who're pretty much the same as you Eone who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don't forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
I'm struggling for members at the moment so I thought I'd try to get people interested lol.
It's called BIRTHDAY CLUB <3 and it's an increasing list of anime characters birthdays :)
heres a link:
thank you <3
being an alien or stop being one?
I like that face, jajaja
It has been interesting, but if you want to stop with the aline game,
just tell me...
Sound interesting je ^-^
Anything interesting on the space this days?