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Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
May 17, 2018 5:34 AM
· Scored
All Comments (39) Comments
but tons of anime suffer from the same shit
-bad guy comes in
-we hate him because he is bad
-we love our hero
-who always wins cuz op
anyway real shit people came for waifus and ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You wanted it. you got it.
Well when you are the world champion make sure to remember me or something. Yeah I heard it's pretty yaoi too so I am going to avoid it for some time. I'm not really into sports anime anyway. Never have seen one.
Yeah I hope it gets better though I don't think the score will go higher than seven. Yeah i guess a change of pace is good every once in a while.
So you want to box. I don't know what to say. My favorite sport/exercise is swimming. I'm not super great at it but I can swim. You if you like boxing then well you should not have too much problem except maybe laziness. You should get someone to go with you like a friend or family member. Sometimes I go with my sister to the gym.
Interesting person? Well thank you. Around here people aren't that interested neither about such things. However, the sense of justice is strong and people treat each others quite well in general.
Hehe don't worry, I do not fear hearing about the downsides of life. I have more mottos on hand.