So my definite #1 anime is Rurouni kenshin OVA - Tsuikokuhen. Usually OVAs don't offer anything special imo but in this case the OVA tells an important story from the manga that wasn't in the original anime because of it's early cancellation. I have been interested about history for years now and Japanese culture and history especially have been appealing to me (big surprise, LOL). So it's no wonder that the whole rurouni kenshin series was very interesting to me. The main series happens 10 years after the bakumatsu (japanese revolution), but this OVA tells about the series main character Kenshins history when he was still a child and how he ended up being Hitokiri Battousai during bakumatsu. Now my biggest problem with the main series was Kenshins vow to never kill again. In Tsuiokuhen there isn't that problem and...ah, Tomoe. There is Tomoe in Tsuiokuhen. I won't go into details if someone hasn't seen this yet. If that's the case, Go watch it! Only 4 episodes ;)
Now why is this 10/10 series? Question should be why wouldn't it be. I can't find anything negative to say about this OVA no matter how hard I try. For me the setting is spot on. When you take into consideration that it was made at the end of 1990s the animation is simply amazing! And it's great even if you don't take it into consideration. They have made it dark intentionally to fit the mood of the OVA. The soundtrack is great too, nothing to complain there either. The characters are well executed and they have clear development during the short time they had in 4 episodes. And the story...well I don't dare to say anything with fear of spoiling it. There is action and great emotions and the series also remembers to ponder about the question how killing affects people. Anyways, WATCH THIS! I watched this OVA before the actual series which might have been the right thing or not, since the plot happens before the main series but in the manga this arc was actually after the Kyoto arc. that was the last actual arc in the main series. But now I've rambled way more than I was supposed to. WATCH THIS! Grading 10/10 since 11/10 isn't possible.
Now, There are two reasons I decided to Only write one text for Death note and Code Geass. First of all, they have so many similarities, like highly intelligent good looking male main character who gains a mysterious power and starts using that power to make the world a better place. My second reason might be somewhat influenced by the first reason but I just can't decide which one of these should be #2 and which one #3, so they shall both be #2,5.
I enjoyed these two series 'cause of their great plots and the following of main characters line of thought. They both had brilliant planning that the MCs made, so their own plans would work and at the same time thinking ahead so they wouldn't be caught. CG did have more every day life in plot though and even some hints of romance while DN focused solely on the "freeing world of criminal" plan and evading the police while doing it.
Now, I've given DN a grade of 9/10 because of the spectacular nosedive it had during the second half of the series. It's in my favorites solely cause the first half of the series was amazing. Though CG had some minor issues I found annoying, they were nothing major and so they didn't affect the grading, 10/10.
I'm writing this text while currently re-watching Bakuman. It is still as good as it was the first time. I appreciate the series as whole even though I only have the 1st season added in my favorites. that's just for letting other anime have room in there too.
Originally this was recommended to me by many different people, but for some reason it took me a while to pick this up. After I did start watching I couldn't stop. Bakuman seasons 1-3 were absolutely the best anime related experience I had had in a while at the time and I still consider it to be the best anime I've seen in few years (just in case you're wondering, I watched it 2014). Definitely easy recommendation for anyone who loves good humor, striving to reach your dreams and cute (though unrealistic) love story. This anime opens up the world of mangaka a lot and it was a nice bonus for me as I found it to be interesting. I didn't feel even once bored while watching this which can't be said about many anime. Usually there is at least 1 filler~ish episode along the way but not in Bakuman. Overall nothing to complain really. Soundtrack was pretty good I liked the animation that slightly differs from 'mainstream' animation style and the characters were likeable. I'm still bit torn if I should give 9 or 10/10 but since in this text I can grade however I want I'm going with 9½/10. watch this! it's worth your time
Now here is a series, I really didn't expect anything of. I usually don't watch any shows similar to this and I made an exception with this one based on strong recommendations. I wasn't disappointed. Story vividly tells about the hardships of suddenly becoming a father and learning a new way of life. Though Rin is actually Daikichis aunt and clearly says she doesn't want him to be her father, the relationship between the two still is somewhat father-daughter relationship for obvious reason. This series left me with the widest smile on my face I've ever seen in the mirror after finishing anime. Big reason to that of course is Rin (she is so kawaii <3 xD), but the whole series was just somewhat heartwarming that I didn't feel bored at all watching this though watching everyday life of father and daughter might sound like it. This anime also got itself 10/10 grading from me.
FMA...where do I even begin. This series should be actually also on my fav anime list, but since I don't want one series monopoly I decided to only add the manga on my favorites since I liked it more. Definitely my #1 manga. First of all the whole world of FMA is well thought out and it's the same with the "magic" of the show called "alchemy". It has clear basic principles that don't make it an almighty power but a combination of science and magic. There is a variety of of different characters and most of them get enough "screen time" to have a proper development. FMA doesn't get on sidetracks as the series progresses, but maintains it's clear goal while walking towards the finale. I also like the mangakas drawing style, which was exact and easy to interpret/understand because of that. Overall I can't find any real flaws in the series and I'd say it's a pretty safe recommendation to pretty much anyone. This series is my one and only manga that has 10/10 grading...No, I lied. Rurouni Kenshin (manga) has also 10/10 but that isn't on my manga favorites 'cause of it's OVA series Tsuiokuhen is dominating my anime favorites ;)
Mahou sensei negima had a slow start and 'cause the anime version covered pretty much only the start, it was pretty awful. The manga however developed beautifully and if I would have to choose just one favorite arc from all anime and manga then Mahou sensei negimas last main arc might just be it. The mangaka has really seen trouble coming up with great spell incantations and even made them in Latin which was pretty cool imo. Also the magic overall had been thought out well. After the start MSN didn't lack action and as the characters and their skills developed the action just got better and better. The variety of character types was great and they grew up nicely hand in hand with the plot development. I liked the drawing style and the world that mangaka had created partially overlapping the Japan of "our world". Without the slow start it would have been definitely 10/10 but even as it is, it gets strong 9/10 grading from me.
This is just amazing! The editing, music, everything is just awesome!
Great amv, I wouldn't say it's sad, but definitely emotional =)
I haven't seen the anime that covers most of the clips in this amv, and I heard it wasn't worth watching, but I like the song and the video editing is amazing imo
I don't know what it is but the colors and the video timing just catch my eyes in this one =) The colors especially. They are so vivid =)
I was on a vacation in Japan spring 2014. If you might be interested in seeing some of the pictures from my trip to Kyoto and Nara you can view them here =)
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Yeah, I actually had to brush up on the story again because I had completely forgotten about it, and after almost a year of nothing, it was not worth the wait. The manga is definitely not aging well or it merely lost momentum to be anything worthwhile. Also this was typical of introducing a love rival. Was obvious from the start that she was gonna fall for him as well. ´_ゝ`
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