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Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu
Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu
Yesterday, 1:26 PM
Watching 11/12 · Scored 7
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
Mar 16, 4:29 AM
Watching 10/12 · Scored 6
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku
Mar 15, 4:36 AM
Watching 10/12 · Scored 8
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Mishukax Jan 6, 5:59 PM
How's life been, Style? Tell me about it.
Stark700 May 26, 2024 10:37 PM
Saw your messages on PSN this week. I think I'll finish FF VII Rebirth sometimes later this week or the next. Taking a short break from another game haha

The sequel honestly feels so much bigger than the previous remake...
Ryuseishun Dec 13, 2023 6:17 AM
Frieren is just peak, hands down. Deserved to be over Fullmetal Alchemist, imho.

Yea I think we can. What’s your discord ID?
Ryuseishun Dec 12, 2023 8:27 AM
You planning to check out Kusuriya no Hitoigoto at some point?
Ryuseishun Jul 8, 2023 9:29 AM
A lot of great stuff, tbh. But I'll specify later
Ryuseishun Jul 4, 2023 5:35 PM
I’m kinda surprised you didn’t try out Oshi no Ko yet.
Ryuseishun Feb 19, 2023 9:21 AM
That's great and all, though I just can't feel for anything with Angel Next Door. It's just plain old vanilla flavored romance to me, especially how silly the initial setup has been. Granted, at least the more emotional beats actually clicked efficiently in the LN, which I'm not too fond of, either. The anime adaptation has been extremely underwhelming for me, personally, though. I understand a majority of other people are also going gaga over it, so good for them, too, but I just can't take the sappy status quos seriously here. If only the studio assigned to it wasn't so poorly prepared and equipped for the task, cause better scene directing and visuals would've helped loads, if anything.

On the other hand, Tensei Oujo continues to be extremely solid; in fact it's been the best thing from this season for me so far, barring Vinland Saga 2. I've gotten annoyed by the divide from many of the viewers, though; some complaining it's slow and unengaging, while others who've read the manga or LN and complained about things beingt too compressed and rushed in the recent few episodes. For me, who's read a bit of the LN and caught up to the manga, though I'm more entrusting with the former cause it's the original source material, I've found the anime just fine with how it's adapting.
Ryuseishun Feb 5, 2023 7:01 AM
I feel ya, bro. Though Tensei Oujo is the only one I really like from those that you mentioned xD
Ryuseishun Jan 18, 2023 8:59 PM
Btw, decided to change my score of Tensei Oujo to 8/10. Latest episode was very well done and I really liked how well the domestic & political stuff was handled in a logical and mature manner to make for a more seamless and natural leeway for the two girls' relationship and the overall story to develop.
Ryuseishun Jan 16, 2023 6:58 AM
Sometimes the latter. The thing is that I would balance things out doing other activities during the day and try to get to new episodes as early as possible before I fall behind.

Angel Next Door isn’t offensive at all, but the anime feels very lackluster in presentation and lacked the subtleties that I read in the LN so far. Project No.9’s usual art style feels so underwhelming to me, personally.

Ep 2 of Tensei Oujo surprisingly did well in terms of handling the parent-child interactions, which was something I was really concerned about considering the aristocratic aspects it had that I usually find off putting at times, especially during the first episode. The development is coming along just fine right now, but we’ll see.
Ryuseishun Jan 13, 2023 5:57 AM
First episode of Tensei Oujo was rather awkward, but the 2nd episode felt much better pacing-wise as well as having very fond character interactions.

I’m glad you dropped Spy Room, btw. The adaptation is just rushing things right now. They’re already about to finish the 1st volume with the next episode or two.
purplemoon_ Jan 10, 2023 2:56 PM
Hey there, not sure if youre still active on this but i was looking through my old comments and saw we had a nice convo going :)
Yardhouse12 Nov 9, 2022 3:55 PM
Hope all is well dude!
ksmNA Nov 1, 2022 6:58 PM
I just added u on whatsapp I'll send u a message in a bit. Ohh makes sense as whats app is just faster haha, fsfs lmk whenever u wanna call someday idk maybe we can play sum. Also sorry again for not responding for a while I had a very hectic week and had to choose if I log into MAL on my PC or read manga and ended up going for the later as of lately thaats why I didnt reply only logged stuff through the phone really.

I do agree with you in the accentuation part but rarely occured to me, but I can't run from the fact that monogatari is my favorite anime and it has quite a bit of fanservice I can't lie hahaha

Ngl I've always loved me my platformers so we definitely do have that in common, I always had a special place for Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper, games I played a lot as a kid and have always loved and will always as well, also as you have a PS5 definitely you should check Ratchet and Clank out although the story in the reboot is really weak as well as the characters have gotten worse, the gameplay is imacculate. And Crash Bandicoot also had a part in my childhood not as much though suprisingly, but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it because I assure you that I did.

Wow like damn 11 years watching seasonals when I can't even hop on one I'd probably already have gone insane in your place, I'd maybe even try but I'm having a hard time watching anime as of late, I tried watching the cyberpunk one but I can't watch even a single episode, manga has been a lot easier to get to consuming I think because I dictate the pace of it so it's easier to get invested and also faster. I'm ngl it wasn't a total break from anime/manga, because I still watched jojo's in the mean time, but it wasn't something like it was before like a lot of episodes in a day and all that.
ksmNA Oct 21, 2022 11:11 AM
Whichever one is best for you as I do have both of them.

That last part about it having little fan service already gives it points as I've grown to dislike that more and more. I was enjoying superstar a lot so knowing Aikatsu is close to it I might give it a shot as one of my next anime, I just have quite a long list of manga I've been trying to read as of late so it'll probably take a while for me to get into it but I'll definitely do.

It was mostly lack of time, I ended up watching just jojos in the span of like a whole year which is barely nothing for me as I used to be a heavy anime watcher, but I've been getting back into the media with time, definitely I have a special thing for the japanese storytelling and whatnot. Combat is something I have high regard for in games so knowing that I'm more inclined to playing it. interesting haha
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