My life is really busy. I go on hiatus often. But please, I would love it if you would comment and talk to me :) Even if it takes a month (or two), I will get back to you. Last but not least, I am very nice and don't bite ^__^
Hi Su! Of course not. How can I forget you? ^_^ It's been a quite long while since we last talked. Glad to hear from you. Uni must have been keeping you very busy. Will you be back to watching anime or something like that?
Congrats! You're now in a second year in uni. Eh? Were you still in high school when we last talked?
Pretty much busy in my end here too. Work and other RL stuffs are hectic. But from time to time I got to read manga and still follow currently airing anime as one form of stress relievers.
We are very near the end of our Best Flame tournament! It is time to chose our 2nd Finalist and you can do so by voting in Semi Finals match!
Also, let us inform you that Weekly Shounen Jump, a magazine where Katekyo Hitman Reborn! [and others leading shounen mangas] are airing will be on hiatus this week, due to Japan's national holiday! So unfortunately, no new chapter this week. ~
Other than that, there are no more news~ Don't forget to drop by our club & say hello if you have time!
Hi there, sr for the extremely late response about the anime recommendation at Christmas ^^
You wont remember me but you're my Santa, I comment to say thank you about your recommendation, I watched Spirited Away on New Year holidays and it was fantastic, so cute, so lovely ♥ I love it so much and am planning to watch more Ghibi's movies :D
I'll watch the other today and I'll tell you how I feel about that too. Thanks again for your recommendation Susurrous =]
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Congrats! You're now in a second year in uni. Eh? Were you still in high school when we last talked?
Pretty much busy in my end here too. Work and other RL stuffs are hectic. But from time to time I got to read manga and still follow currently airing anime as one form of stress relievers.
I am okay in some aspects of life! It's nice to hear from you again ^_^
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nice layout i like it!
very much :3
You wont remember me but you're my Santa, I comment to say thank you about your recommendation, I watched Spirited Away on New Year holidays and it was fantastic, so cute, so lovely ♥ I love it so much and am planning to watch more Ghibi's movies :D
I'll watch the other today and I'll tell you how I feel about that too. Thanks again for your recommendation Susurrous =]