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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
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Lithia Dec 8, 2016 3:04 AM
Toshi ;____;

I never got an emeail stating: hey someone said something on your profile, go check it out.
I kept on thinking "this could take a while" while in reality you replied only 4 days later. Sowwy T______T

So....err....well.....went to China, did ya?
How long did you go for? I've been close (Japan) but I haven't been to China. You stayed in place or did a 'round-trip'?

- Lith.

P.S. In case I miss any sort of heads-up, or you don't read this in time: Enjoy the holidays, missy!
Lithia May 11, 2016 7:59 AM
Pardon my tardiness, madam.'s been 4 years already? :x
(My how time flies) Well glad to hear you made it, girly.
Many years of effort, blood, sweat, and eargrease finally paid off. Good to hear you're also slated for a job (I never should've taken that time off for Japan, I guess ;____; )

Graduation in July. How exciting!!~

Welcome to the big league, hun. You've earned your tripes alright! ^___~

- Lith.
Lithia May 6, 2016 3:28 AM
Goodness me, what a pleasant surprise.
't Has been a good while indeed. BUT...all the more rewarding the reunion is ^___^;
I've been...doing well enough, I suppose. No major changes, but I guess 'same as always' is fine :]
Still doing my karate thingy, still playing my games and watching my anime...simplicity at best, you could say.

How about you, my fair maiden, how is the college life treating you? Managed to get used to the dorm-life a bit?
(you were headed to dorms, right....? : x)

Good to hear from you again, missy~

- Lith.
Lithia Jan 14, 2014 2:25 AM

't Has indeed been ages, missy!
Most of my days still revolve around that saying "Same stuff, different day.",
but I'm doing alright. As of late I've started getting into digital painting, and while terribly difficult, it at least keeps me off the street :3
Other than that: games, anime, sports and music is how I try to fill my days.

Guess I'll keep it short for this round.
Although way overdue: Best wishes for the new year, I hope you had a blast (and if not: best wishes all the same)

What else is new with you (if anything), doing alright at uni?

- Lith.

P.S> do forgive my tardiness, I had wanted to reply sooner but I just couldn't (read: did not make time for it)
Lithia Jul 3, 2012 2:20 PM

- The fact you don't really come on MAL anymore is all the more reason for me to be flattered, you come online just to talk to yours truly ^___^

- Backpacking through Europe, eh? Cool. Shame that Europe doesn't really interest me as much, so I'll prolly never do that :x
Should you pass through Holland, say hi to me, would ya? :3

Still..ever since I watched 'Hostel' I don't really fancy the eastern-european countries all that much ^___^;
That said, I hope you'll have a blast :]

- Aye graduating is a thing of the past now, and I'm actually job-hunting as we speak, so that's a 50/50 thing at the moment :3

- Yesh, London again this year (looking forward to it ^___^ )
Depending how far "up north" you are, I wouldn't mind a train-ride to meet my lovely lil' vixen in person :]

18 already eh? Time goes fast indeed. University is next. Well, at least you get to do something that's more fun that general highschool....I assume?
You going to a hardcore uni? (Harvard / Oxford?)
Ahh~ "My little girl, all grown up."

- Regarding Japan: I did and saw so damn much (honestly: It was absolutely fantastic, I'll have to write up a nice story for that. Seeing as you're leaving tomorrow anyways, I'll make sure to give you a story when you get back. You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine :3
(Be sure to take pictures! Like when you take a cam when you guys go skinny-dipping in some lake at 11PM :3 )

- *Reads this now* you're not going to Harvard then XD
'Chemical engineering', eh? Sounds mighty technical and makes it, overall, sound like you are a nerd-ish type of person (which is, by no means, a bad thing :3 )
Your way of applying is not how it goes here. here you pick a place you wanna apply to and assuming there is an available space for that particular study, you can just sign up. No accepting/rejecting for a few uni's here.

- What you get booted from the military when you hit 20?! Why? O.o
"Flight sergeant" ...hmmyes, sounds rather fancy :3
(I wanna soar the skies too ;______; )

Hmm rawr, women in uniform, eh? :]
(prefer you with hair down, tho ^___^; )
Pretty cool you got a pep-talk from the royal high-and-mighty's, though...not many who can say they've had the privilege.

Guess your life has been the same as it has been for me: "Same shit, different day" (which is just fine :] )

Self-inflicted injuries eh? You that much of a bounce-ball, or just pure, bad luck? XD
(used to be riddled with injuries due to my...rather active nature. Much less now, save for an injured knee and shoulder, due to karate :x )

Oh well, don't think you'll read this before you head out, but I'm saying this anyways: Have a good time in ye 'olde Europe. Don't do things that I probably would and I'll catch you in some 17 days then :3

- Lith. ...Farewell.
Lithia Jul 1, 2012 2:30 PM
My sweet, my love, my vixen, my raison d'etre.
A long time it has been indeed!
(To be honest, wasn't sure if Had to start a convo on gmail either ^___^; But truth be told, I check my mail there and that's it, so you made a good call...I guess.... :] )

*Sigh*....where to begin, hun?
Seeing as my last comment to you dates back to Jan. 29th 2011 (2011 ! ! !) guess I've got a few updates for ya:

- I finished my internship with flying colors, after which I had to spend full-time on my thesis/graduation project.

- Defence and presentation of said project: passed that with flying colors as well and as such, I am now a bachelor-certified 'Interactive media professional' V___V [/epic pose]

- Thought I deserved to take it a tad slower, seeing as I spent 17 consecutive years in the world of education.

- November 5th arrived: Important day: Distant worlds Final Fantasy concert in London. Went there with a friend of mine, whom I had only talked to over the net prior to that. Was quite cool :3
And guess what: This year, we're going again, as it's a grand return + 25th anniversary ^____^

- Took extra shifts at work to rake in a bit more cash, and in April 2012 the moment, one of my life-goals was finally there: I was about to go on vacation for 1.5 months.
Initially I were to go with a friend of mine, but he was too busy with school to get away. But since I HAD to go now, I had to go alone (which is...was...fine my by as well, mind you. had an absolute blast)

...And thus I boarded my plane and headed for my country of destination: Japan

How's that for an update, huh? :3
For the sake of "reboot", 'Lith. and Toshi 2.0', I'll keep it at this for the time being.

but do tell, my fair, military maiden: How are you doing and what updates are you willing to part with? :3

- Lith. ...Rebirth.
Banchou Feb 1, 2011 11:10 AM
Hi, looking to make new friends here... love ur hair color! (^.^(
Lithia Jan 29, 2011 10:45 AM
Well, if it ain't my cyber girl with her fancy....


That's more like it,
felt like a distant stranger there :x

- Damn you...I want my freedom back.
But alas, I'm knee-deep in shite as we speak (work-wise)
Internship has my arse and when I'm done with that,
I'll be busting it for my end-year assignment.
When and if I finish that THEN I shall have my freedom, for I'll graduate then.
For now it feels like the closer I get to the light, the harder the forces of school try to pull me down.

- Awww u sick? :x
just as long as it's flu (cause that heals with enough rest)
But it's an epedemic it seems, EVERYONE is sick at the moment
(I feel slightly superior XD)

But that's alright, missy.
Just drop everything, do fuck-all and you'll be up and running in no-time :3

- Oh! Grats! You Levelled up. nice \(^___^)/
What rank are you now and to how many people can you bark orders now? :]
Glad to see my 'dominant vixen' still has it ^___^

- As I already mentioned before, it feels like I'm trying to climb out of an endless pit, thee's a shimmer of light in the distance and the closer I get, the heavier it feels.
it's balls to the wall at the moment, to be honest.
I don't feel like I'm "almost off the hook" at all ;____;

- Eh it's alright, very nice people. but in the's routinistic work...which is just not for me :x

- Aye,
For starters I don't own CoD on the PS3 (I have a crap aim with controllers)
when and if I'm on it's Need for speed, often (or metal gear Solid 4, even tho I just finished that one again)

but at the moment I'm working my way through Dead space 1, and I already bought Dead space 2, so it might be a while till I'm back on PS3 :x
But fear not, there are a LOT of games coming out this year that I want, so I'll be online eventually :3

- Wow you lent someone a still sealed game. How generous you are indeed ^___^
Well as long as you try it at one point, that's enough :]
So currently you're stuck in the tube-fest that's collectively called 'Call of Duty' ?
(which one btw, 'Black cops' or 'MW' ? )

- The soul of my PS2 is nested within my PS3 (mine has backward compat :3 )
And You really should replay VIII :3
I still have to finish the game,
I'm stranded on Disc 4 with a friend of mine
but we haven't had time to finish the game (unfortunately)

But I can replay that game over and over.
All it takes is getting the disc and sliding it in, missy ^___~

- Yeah I hope so too. I'm quite looking forward to it :3
(will need to throroughly "investigate" exactly WHERE in London I'll be arriving and WHERE the RAH is...could be looking for ages otherwise and miss the event alltogether :x )

- Aye *hug*
I'm always here (well not on MAL) but if you leave a comment I'll read it.
We can start from scratch or continue where we more-or-less left off.
Your choice :]
And ofc. we can keep this going (unless you grow tired of it V___V )

even tho I'm busy, at one point I'll find the time to comment (like now)
so dun worry your lil head over it.

- Aye go bed, have rest, talk to ya later.
Get well soon (and if not, get well later :x )

- Lith. ...*pat*.

P.S. no harm done, I had the same problem at one point, so I know the drill.
DonKangolJones Dec 25, 2010 9:39 AM
sakura421 Dec 24, 2010 9:46 PM
Merry Christmas!!!
Lithia Dec 23, 2010 12:57 PM
Hello Lithia!

...Well that sounds rather formal O.o

- ...what's that simply forgot about 'lil ol me ;______;
..Oh well guess 't is to be expected, can't have it all, now can we ^___^;

Glad you decided to get back to me either way :3

- So: Hiya, Ms. Shorty :3 Good to see (hear?) ya again!

- I believe we left off after you had your I expected nothing less from you prepping for "6th form"
BUT one good thing in all that chaos: no more school uniform (unless you "get off" on that outfit, of course)

- Shame to hear you're knee-deep no tho, you holding up though?
Exams too eh. Glad to be done with those, I just have a big project coming last project and then I'm graduating uni (so PLEASE let it go well >____< )

- Well what a coincidence, I logged into gmail and saw you were "away" but I thought "Well she must be busy, she hasn't logged on MAL since the last time we spoke, so it's not like she doesn't like least that's what I hope" XD
So we were thinking more or less the same, I expected nothing less form ya, missy :3

- How be my life, eh?
Well...harsh, but "good"
I found a place to run internship at, I've been at it since october.
Running long days (9 - 6 hours, more or less) but hey at least I found a place and everyone's very cool (MUCH better than my 1st internship company)
so I'll manage, i've got to keep up till march 18th.

I'm doing interaction design, visual design (been photoshopping my arse off :] ) and writing newsletters, so I'm quite busy yeah

- HEY congrats! A PS3, finally :]
Sure it'd be an honor to have you on the list :]
(mind the capitals, please :] )
There are some games I've got that have online, tho I'm not much of an online player I'm sure we'll come to an understanding :]

- FFXIII may not believe me saying this, but as I progressed the game...I lost interest accordingly...maybe you'll find out why.
If not: good :]
I'll leave that to you to find out and we'll discuss after you've played the game, 'kay? :]

in other GOOD FInal Fantasy news:

Yours truly, is going (with a friend) to London, next year. November 5th I'll be attending "Final Fantasy: Distant worlds" in the royal albert hall ^_______________^

totally psyched to go. Uematsu is gonna be there too, tho I don't have the VIP tickets (had to pay for both of us, I'm getting the money back later)

More info as it comes :]

- *mumbles* don't say "essay" it makes it sound like work XD
But aye, 's been nice talking to ya again...i'd go as far to say I actually missed ya :3
But for cheezy-ness' sake, I won't say it...even tho I just did V___V

This is a short comment, true, but it's to get us back on track again (I hope)
and it's just in time:

Merry x-mas in advance, missy.
Have a good one ^___~

- Lith. ...Phoenix down.
xEPICFAILx Jul 12, 2010 10:48 PM
yeeey ive been off for a month
so my holidays started ages ago
and i've got another 2 month off
gayness? :3 xxxx
idipyoudipwedip Jun 21, 2010 11:14 PM
good luck!
(of if you already took it, hope you did well)

great, a little too drunk the past few days though tbh.
xEPICFAILx Jun 21, 2010 7:23 PM
Lithia Jun 21, 2010 4:35 PM
Toshi, Toshi, Toshi....Guess blames can't be given to mistakes :]
I've had the "I thought I replied already" problem myself once,
guess it's a good thing I "inquired" ^___^

And thus...

- I know, I know. Exams go first, don't worry.
If anything it'd be nice to make sure you actually send me something (and not think you're sending me something ^____~)
's long as that happens, I'm content.

And with those "reassuring words" I shall leave you to study now.
"Toi toi" tomorrow an-...*looks at the time*..."Toi toi" today and tell me when you've passed everything 'kay? :] :]

- Lithy. ...Slowly getting back into it.
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