Well lets see I've been into anime for quite some time now. I guess it started off with watching Adultswim with Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha and various others. What really hooked me was when I saw the movie Akira. I had rented it and during those five days i saw it maybe 10-12 times xD. After that I immediately had to buy it. I also have quite a big collection of VHS anime(didn't get a dvd player for a long time) most of it includes Gundam Wing, Generator Gawl, and various others. As you can maybe see I enjoy Cyber-punk and Mecha anime though I'll watch just about anything if you want to recommend it. Lets see...a little bit more about me. I'm really laid back (probably to much for my own good). Also I don't typically like to start conversations with people so if you want to talk you better start it cuz if not it probably wont happen xD.
~200th Anime completed on 8/29/09~Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai~
~350th Anime completed on 10/24/09~Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei~
~400th Anime completed on 5/16/10~Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Part 2)~
~450th Anime completed on 4/6/11~Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu~
~500th Anime completed on 9/24/11~Steins;Gate~
~550th Anime completed on 5/5/12~Kanon (2006)~
~600th Anime completed on 2/18/13~Aa! Megami-sama!: Sorezore no Tsubasa~
~650th Anime completed on 6/28/13~Pale Cocoon~
~700th Anime completed on 8/24/13~Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou~
~750th Anime completed on 12/18/13~Kyoukai no Kanata~
~800th Anime completed on 3/27/14~Witch Craft Works~
~850th Anime completed on 9/27/14~Zankyou no Terror~
~900th Anime completed on 6/24/15~Ping Pong The Animation~
~950th Anime completed on 3/30/16~Berserk~
~1000th Anime completed on 6/23/17~Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata ♭~
~1050th Anime completed on 4/15/18~Made In Abyss~
~1100th Anime completed on 10/1/19~Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2~
~1150th Anime completed on 7/4/23~Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn~
(The reason why some are missing is because I didn't keep track of the first hundred and I added a bunch of Anime between 200 and 350 xD;;)

All Comments (496) Comments
Thank you very much, that's also why I sent you a friend request.
I hope so, too. Feel free to ask anything.
Haha, well for games with a set amount of levels or a story I'll actually usually delete the app after I finish it. Both so that I don't have so many things installed and to save space on my phone. Plus I think it helps to prevent my phone from slowing down ...? Or at least that's what I think anyway ...
Yes I thought the second season of 3-gatsu was really good, but I think I preferred S1. I was also watching Osomatsu-san S2 and Daisuki Ramen Koizumi-san, which, unlike Hankata Tonkotsu Ramens, was actually about ramen XD I was going to start watching some new anime this week actually but then I decided to try and finish some of the older stuff on my list instead :P Golden time is pretty good, normally I don't really watch character drama/romance shows but this one has been decently enjoyable. It's sitting at a 7/10 for me atm, but I guess we'll see how the last two episodes go. Hm, Machine Doll is ... OK, to be honest I find the main girl Yaya really annoying >_< I guess we'll see how it goes though, I feel as though the story has potential but so far it's just shaping up to be your run of the mill harem :P
On my phone? I actually don't play many games on my phone, so when I say I don't touch them it's more like I'll play them a couple of times and then it's not really interesting enough for me to want to play again. Although normally if I'm playing on my phone they'll be puzzle type games :P I tend to like those. I usually have a lot of games installed but I should probably go through and uninstall some of them hahaha XD
I haven't watched anything for the new season yet. Yeah same, I'll probably wait for a week or two before I start picking up new stuff, so we'll probably start at the same time XD What did you think of the shows from last season? I still have to finish the last episode of Koi Ameagari :P
Oh that's worth it for you then. Yeah I remember I used Crunchyroll but I got annoyed by waiting a week so I just watched off of other streaming sites. Then eventually I just downloaded directly from fansub groups. I hated having to wait for the video to buffer and sometimes my Internet wasn't that good. It used to go down a lot so it was easier for me to download :P Now I just do it out of habit and I can save it since I have an external HD now XD
Ah that sounds very useful. If the wiki is updated then that's really good. Haha well no pressure if you already have a lot of games you're playing :P Do you usually play a lot of games at the same time? I always have so many games downloaded on my phone but most of them I don't touch often haha XD
Oh really? That's cool, I didn't know it had that feature. I used to watch on Crunchyroll but now I prefer downloading it. Quality's better, you don't have to wait one week (IDK if you still have to for free members), and you can watch offline. Only problem is having enough storage space haha XD
Ah that makes sense lol, that there is more content for the Japanese version. I guess if you have the English version too then at least you know (generally) how to be able to play. Otherwise it'd be impossible XD Haha sure, let me know if you decide to play :O
Haha well if it works for you then I guess it works XD I don't really have a way of prioritizing mine at all lol, I either choose randomly using a RNG or just go with whatever's oldest on my hard drive :P
Both English and Japanese? XD Are there any differences? Lol XD You know Japanese then? That's pretty cool :O Yeah I think it's on both iOS and Android :P
Eh really? XD How does that work? Doesn't it get confusing for you?
Ah do you play a lot of mobile games? I usually don't. It's rare for me to be really into a mobile game :P I'm playing one now called Orpheus story because I like mythology and the art is pretty cute too :3
Oh that's interesting. I'll try to get to it if I have time. I have too many anime on my PTW list already :P
Ooh I see. Another series that I should start but haven't yet. Haiz, not enough time XD
Ah I haven't seen that yet, it was just airing this season right? It's hard for me to keep up with anime these days >_<
Btw who's the chara in your profile picture? She looks pretty cool XD
Oh I really liked the show. From what I hear, Parasyte is based on a pretty old manga written in the 80s or 90s. That's probably why it kind of has an older vibe to it XD I thought it was super fun to watch and pretty suspenseful too. Plus the OST was freaking awesome, loved the electro and dubstep tunes haha XD