Hey everybody I am an anime fan like everyone else on this site and would like the share a couple of details about myself. First of all i am not good at punctuation. I just can't ell where to put commas and all of that other stuff really periods. Before anime i was a hardcore Nintendo fan i use to be a sega fan actually really a sonic fan but when the dreamcast went under i had to play something else that is when i found out that sonic adventure 2 battle was going to he gamecube since i loved the first one i decided to buy a gamecube. After beating the last good sonic game ever i decided to pick up the wind waker oh and i must say that game is what turned me into a nintendo fan.
Favorite Franchises
1 Zelda
2 Pokemon
3 mario
4 Fire Emblem
5 Metroid
6 Smash bros
7 No more Heroes
Your otaku Purity Test Results
You answered "yes" to 48 of 200 questions, making you 76.0% otaku pure (24.0% otaku corrupt).
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 12%, based on a comparison of your test results with 91823 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 66.4%.
The first submission for this test was received August 5, 1998.
You Scored as Kira Yamato
You care for your loved ones and you never let them down no matter what it takes!
Cagalli Yula atha
Kira Yamato
Lacus Clyne
Lunamaria Hawke
Shinn Asuka
When one of these games come out i stop what i am doing and play them right away. In addition to video games i also enjoy wrestling yes WWE is awesome. If a ppv comes on i will stop watching anime and immediately watch the ppv sometimes they are just that good. But other than a few shows wrestling smallville amazing race survivor i don't turn my tv on besides to play video games always watching anime or messing around on the internet. The shows that got me into anime is Sailor Moon which was the first anime i have ever watched i only watched it because my big sister was watching it i felt guilty because it is girly but it was good and addictive at the time i loved it. Dragon ball z pokemon and yugioh are what did it for me especially yugioh i mean a duel every week and those impossible to be continues week after week had me wondering what was going to happen next. Pokemon i know nobody watches it any more but when those gym battles come on it is must watch tv and the pokemon league is like any pokemon fans dream none stop battles and team rocket does nothing but sells merchandise. Dragon ball z to me is an all time great when i saw this show i was automatically hooked i mean explosions everywhere the power level system was cool and super saiyans were awesome. But these shows only got me interested in anime it didn't really take over my life like now. I only got seriously addicted to anime because my X roommate would hog the tv and watch boring football yes i think sports are boring unless they are in anime then they are seriously good i will watch wrestling anytime but as for sports like basketball or football that is boring and a waste a time. Well my friend tried to get me addicted by showing me Japanese episodes of naruto which was awesome i might add he let me have every episode on dvd then i just watched them all and i like naruto from that point i was use to watching anime on tv i did no know you could watch anime on the laptop. Well anyway i moved to Washington and that is where my boring roommate was watching sports all of the time so i decided to watch anime. Oh and boy that stuff is good. One show that surprised me was One piece i must say i thought his show was going to be lame because it was so lame in America with it being on fox kids and everything. So i didn't want to watch it but One piece is so good it is crazy you just have to hang in there a couple of episodes and then you will be on the adventure of a life time it is nearly perfect with its only flaw being it takes to long to realize it is good. The animation is weird but you soon won't care if you watch it enough. Personally if you like naruto or bleach you should watch one one piece because it is better than both of those shows. And also what hooked me is that at the time i didn't have any music i liked rap country all that stuff was a waste of time to me but when i started watching anime i began to enjoy the music and now it is one of the reasons i watch anime is to find new songs ever now and then. I tend to not like anime that confuses me or talks about boring facts that aren't important a show like ghost in the shell is a good example to much talking and i don't understand all of the facts. I like to know everything about an anime i watch if i get confused then i won't like it too much. If it can keep me awake when i get sleepy then it is considered a good anime in my book. My least favorite genre is mech although i need to watch more mechs before saying this some are good though i actually need to watch more gundam wing. I like long shows like naruto or one piece but not to the degree of doramon that is too long 500 is a good number but 1000 unless that anime is good as hell i will not watch it. I am a very loyal fan too. Now i won't watch power rangers any more but i will watch pokemon until i die. I started watching it and i will continue to watch it. I also love shonen jump because they have really good shows it is amazing really. I know early on i said i am a Nintendo fan but i have to say right now at this point in time there are only a few games that interest me on xbox 360 or playstation 3 that i don't think it is worth it to but those two i really don't like shooters so gears of war and halo don't interest me i like adventure anime like zelda and metroid prime. I am always looking to add shows to my top 31 animes so if you know of an anime that is addictive as hell like kaiji then do not hesitate to say your opinion. Pretty soon i might be making the jump to manga i would like to wait to see of there are good manga shows that turn into animes but if it takes too long i will began reading manga. Oh one more thin i hate spoilers and i think nobody should have to hear spoilers it is evil and cruel i personally won't announce spoilers to anybody unless they want to hear it. Also if anybody is looking for a pokemon battle or mario kart challenge or even a smash bros fight then don't hesitate to tell me.
Top 38 anime
1 One Piece
2 Death note
3 Dragon ball Z
4 Yugioh original
5 Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou
6 Hayate the combat butler series
7 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series
8 Kaiji
9 B Gata H kei
10 School days
11 Yu Yu hakasho
12 Gantz series
13 One outs
14 Gundam seed series
15 Eyeshield 21
16 Yugioh 5ds
17 Naruto series
18 Major series
19 Law of ukei
20 Flame of recca
21 Toriko
22 Rainbow
23 Great teacher Onizuka
24 Sora no Otoshimono
25 Hajime no ippo series
26 Dragonball
27 Rurouni Kenshin
28 Bleach
29 Prince of tennis series
30 Yugioh zexal
31 Kimi ni Todoke series
32 A-Channel
33 School rumble series
34 Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
35 Clannad series
36 Shiki
37 Gintama
38 Detective conan
39 Full metal panic series
40 History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
41 Zero no Tsukaima series
42 Nichijou
43 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
44 Claymore
45 Elfen Lied
46 Soul eater
47 Code geass series
48 Pokemon series
49 Needless
50 Full metal brotherhood
favorite male characters
Monkey d. Luffy
luffy vs rob lucci greatest fight ever
Ayasaki, Hayate
Sakata, Gintoki
Edogawa, Conan
The Raven chaser trailer
Hiruma, Youichi
The Commander from Hell - Hiruma Youichi
Sawada Tsuna
Echizen, Ryoma
Light Yagami
Rock Lee
Roronoa, Zoro
Favorite Villians
rob lucci
yami bakura
Favorite Animals
Slifer the sky dragon
Sonic the hedgehog
Favorite Females
Louise Vallière
tsukamoto tenma
Enma Ai
Nagi Sanzenin
isumi saginomiya
Why Nintendo Wii is the greatest
The captain himself in
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Wii's greatest third party title
No More Heroes desperate struggle
This is going to be sick
metorid the other m
oh yay baby zelda wii
Wii's number two in fighting next to smash bros
tatsunoko vs capcom
Wii's game of the year
New super mario bros wii
Fall 2009 openings
The sweetest opening this year
Random videos
man marries a girl in his ds from the game love plus
this guy has balls of steel
here is the moment you have been waiting for
Currently airing weekly ratings
1 Naruto Shippuden 132 this is getting good
2 nyan koi 4 funny stuff i love the cats
3 Kimi ni Todoke 2
4 Full metal Alchemist 28 surprisingly good
5 One Piece 422 Can't wait until next episode
6 Needless 16 great episode
7 Katekyo Hitman Reborn!156 this is also getting good
8 Gintama 180 action arc must watch
9 Pokemon 125
10 Darker than Black 3
11 yugioh 5d's 81
12 Cross Game 29
13 Detective Conan 551
14 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 4
15 Aoi Bungaku Series 2
16 fairy tail 2
17 Inuyasha 3
18 Seiken no Blacksmith 3
19 Seitokai no Ichizon 3
20 Umineko no Naku Koro ni 16
21 Shugo Chara!!! Dokki Doki 4
Best Japanese Songs
Karakoi ~Dakara Shoujo wa Koi wo Suru/ hayate the combat butler!! ending
daily-daily Dream /hayate the combat butler!! opening
School days /shugo chara doki opening
Aggressive Zone /Needless ending
Super Driver /The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009
Kimi a Suki da t Sakebtai/ Slam dunk opening
Expectations for the Anime SPRING season 2009!
*1, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
*2, Hayate the Combat Butler!!
*3, Valkyria Chronicles
*4, Dragon Ball Kai
*5, Saki
*6, Sengoku Basara
*7, K-ON!
*8, Asura Cryin'
*9, Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen
10, Tears to Tiara
11, Tayutama -Kiss on my Deity-
12, Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~
13, Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S
14, Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi
15, Guin Saga
16, Shangri-La
17, Konnichiwa Anne
18, Souten Kouro
19, Cross Game
20, Hatsukoi Limited
Now, let´s see the SATISFACTION list...Which means, fans were happy with the series...
(Expectation ranks are in parentheses)
*1, (*7) K-ON!
*2, (23) Higashi no Eden
*3, (*5) Saki
*4, (*1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
*5, (*6) Sengoku BASARA
*6, (*4) Dragon Ball Kai
*7, (*3) Valkyria Chronicles
*8, (24) Basquash!
*9. (*8) Asura Cryin'
10, (19) Cross Game
Finally, let´s see the Expectations for this 2009 SUMMER season!
*1, Spice and Wolf II
*2, Umineko no Naku Koro ni
*3, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
*4, Bakemonogatari
*6, Taishou Yakyuu Musume.
*7, GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
*8, Kanamemo
*9, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
10, Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Itekureta Koto~
16, Princess Lover!
Finally, let´s see the Satisfaction for this 2009 SUMMER season!
*1, (*4) Bakemonogatari
*2, (*5) Saki
*3, (*1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
*4, (*5) CANAAN
*5, (*2) Umineko no Naku Koro ni
*6, (*3) Valkyria Chronicles
*7, (*7) GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
*8, (*4) Dragon Ball Kai
*9, (*9) Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
10, (12) Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~
2009 Fall Expectations list
*1, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
*2, Darker than BLACK – Ryuusei no Gemini
*3, InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen
*4, Fairy Tail
*5, Seitokai no Ichizon
*6, Tegamibachi
*7, 11eyes
*8, Nyan Koi!
*9, Seiken no Blacksmith
10, Kobato.
2009 Fall Satisfaction list
*1, (*1) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
*2, (*8) Nyan Koi!
*3, (*2) Darker than BLACK – Ryuusei no Gemini
*4, (19) Sora no Otoshimono
*5, (**) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
*6, (18) Kimi ni Todoke
*7, (**) Dragon Ball Kai
*8, (*5) Seitokai no Ichizon
*9, (**) Umineko no Naku Koro ni
10, (16) Tentai Senshi Sunred 2
Expectation" Ranking for Winter Titles in 2010
*1, Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆
*2, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
*3, Durarara!!
*4, Nodame Cantabile Finale
*5, Ookami Kakushi
*6, Ladies versus Butlers!
*7, Katanagatari
*8, Sora no Woto
*9, Gyagu Manga Biyori +
10, Cobra the Animation
Satisfaction" Ranking for Winter Titles in 2010 (expectation ranks are in parentheses)
*1, (*1) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun #two-season title
*2, (*2) Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
*3, (*3) Durarara!!
*4, (*1) Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆
*5, (13) Hanamaru Youchien
*6, (*7) Katanagatari
*7, (*6) Ladies versus Butlers!
*8, (**) Kimi ni Todoke
*9, (*8) Sora no Woto
10, (*4) Nodame Cantabile Finale
"Expectation" Ranking for Spring Titles in 2010
*1, K-ON!!
*2, Angel Beats!
*3, Working!!
*4, Arakawa Under the Bridge
*5, Mayoi Neko Overrun!
*6, Ookiku Furikabutte ~Natsu no Taikai Hen~
*7, Hakuouki
*8, Major S6
*9. Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor
10, Keroro Gunsou 7th Season
"Satisfaction" Ranking for Spring Titles in 2010
*1, (*2) Angel Beats!
*2, (*1) K-ON!!
*3, (*3) Working!!
*4, (*6) Ookiku Furikabutte ~Natsu no Taikai Hen~
*5, (*3) Durarara!!
*6, (*4) Arakawa Under the Bridge
*7, (18) Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
*8, (17) Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
*9, (*5) Mayoi Neko Overrun!
10, (20) Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
"Expectation" Ranking for Summer Titles in 2010
*1, Strike Witches 2
*2, Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi
*3, Sengoku Basara Ni
*4, Nurarihyon no Mago
*5, Amagami SS
*6, Digimon Xros Wars
*7, Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~
*8, Kuroshitsuji II
*9, Seitokai Yakuindomo
10, Shiki
11, Mitsudomoe
12, Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
13, Highschool of the Dead
14, Asobi ni Iku yo!
15, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
16, Shukufuku no Campanella
"Expectation" Ranking for Winter Titles in 2010-2011
*1, Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season
*2, IS: Infinite Stratos
*3, Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu!
*4, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?
*5, Beelzebub
*6, Yumekui Merry
*7, Onii-chan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!!
*8, Gosick
*9, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
10, Wolverine
11, Hourou Musuko
12, Fractale
13, Freezing
14, Dragon Crisis!
15, Level E
I've been pretty good. College keeps me busy, i'm usually watching a bit of anime now and then myself, i've mostly only been watching new stuff though rather than tracking down older stuff. Tends to be a lot less time consuming i've found.
I got the average i'd say. New clothes, a couple books (a song of ice and fire) and 2 games i'd been looking forward to. btw, happy new year.
anyway i am from Summer anime 2012 club. Here are the anime which are quite famous or most discussed .They are not in particular order .
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Accel World
Did you read recent one piece manga?
Sword Art Online
Binbougami ga!
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
La storia della Arcana Famiglia
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
Dear members of KHR! FC,
the Tournament is still on-hold because the BB-codes are not working properly again.
We hope though that something will happen at that front soon.
As some of you might remember, we had the Advent Calendar last year, due to a lack of time we cant pull it off this year :( But we're still having a Christmas Event, just for our dear members [or those that want to participate]. Check it out here ♥
And last, but not least, as always, we are in search for new additions to our Newsletter delivery team! If you have free time and good will, take a look @ Newsletter Sign-ups. :)
Dear members of KHR! FC,
it is time for new Tournament to start! Winner of the last tournament was Giotto, Vongola Primo and we congratulate him on winning. But now, it's time to chose Best Arcobaleno! You can already vote in two threads, so please give us your opinion. Vote here: Match 1 & Match 2. :)
There are few more info to share with you. First of all, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC needs your help! If you can handle some basic photoshop work and if you have free time, please pay a visit here: Member Card Editors needed!
You will see everything explained in that thread. :)
And last, but not least, as always, we are in search for new additions to our Newsletter delivery team! If you have free time and good will, take a look @ Newsletter Sign-ups. :)
Also, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! FC got a total makeover in terms of new layout & display picture lately! So please, take a look and tell us your opinion about it. ;)
All Comments (960) Comments
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I got the average i'd say. New clothes, a couple books (a song of ice and fire) and 2 games i'd been looking forward to. btw, happy new year.
anyway i am from Summer anime 2012 club. Here are the anime which are quite famous or most discussed .They are not in particular order .
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Accel World
Did you read recent one piece manga?
Sword Art Online
Binbougami ga!
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
La storia della Arcana Famiglia
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
How do you feel about that?
With love,
KHR! FC Staff ~
The series that I think are going to be really good out of nowhere are Maken-Ki! and Ben-To. Maybe Phi Brain and UN-GO also.
Bakuman 2 and Working 2 are going to be really good sequels.
My other favorites this season are Boku wa Tomodachi, Chihayafuru, Mirai Nikki and Persona 4
But I'll probably still watch it.... I have to go through and add characters for the 1st 2 eventually.... *sigh*
With love,
KHR! FC Staff ~