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Days: 54.2
Mean Score: 8.45
  • Total Entries85
  • Rewatched2
  • Episodes16,826
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Sep 26, 2016 5:36 AM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 7
Fairy Tail (2014)
Fairy Tail (2014)
Aug 16, 2015 12:45 AM
Watching 71/102 · Scored 10
Naruto: Shippuuden
Naruto: Shippuuden
Aug 16, 2015 12:42 AM
Watching 424/500 · Scored 10
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 3.9
Mean Score: 9.50
  • Total Entries2
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  • Chapters700
  • Volumes72
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Mar 10, 2015 5:55 AM
Completed 700/700 · Scored 10
Terra Formars
Terra Formars
Sep 23, 2014 9:45 PM
Reading - · Scored 9

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Chibi Jun 9, 2015 6:16 AM
hey! Thanks for accepting :)
EvenJellyOn Feb 24, 2015 5:46 AM
snk's peak? It's bound to go up when the anime comes back.
EvenJellyOn Feb 24, 2015 4:07 AM
One Piece has always been #1 but snk is coming close to outselling it these days.
EvenJellyOn Feb 23, 2015 7:36 PM
They barely sell that well these days. The big popular anime are more 25 episodes series like attack on titan and sword art online.
EvenJellyOn Feb 23, 2015 9:13 AM
Who really cares about big 3?
Izanagi777 Dec 14, 2014 3:53 AM
Yo, thanks for the add man, hope we can get along :)
MaximalDisguised Oct 29, 2014 1:25 AM
Damn... you should watch some other stuff rather than this medicore battle shonen bullshit.
IntroverTurtle Sep 12, 2014 8:52 AM
Have you ever been on your profile? It says you've watched 1,600 days of anime when that is not true. Click those links I gave you, go down to the anime's info, set it to watching, save, then set it to completed, then save. That should work.
kuuderes_shadow Sep 11, 2014 7:40 AM
In response to

There are 4 main sites that people use to import from Japan:

CDJapan is reasonable if you don't know Japanese because the site is in English. That's their main advantage. On the other hand, the shipping is slightly overpriced, and their stock is relatively poor (although sometimes they have items in stock after they sell out elsewhere). They generally don't give discounts, and they give hardly any points for book purchases, and these points disappear after a year if you don't use them. The site is mainly aimed at CD/BR buyers.

Amazon gives discounts on most things, but their shipping is per item, not per weight/volume, and they seem to assume that you're going to be buying the biggest, bulkiest book imaginable, so they invariably end up costing more than buying elsewhere. Furthermore, they don't offer the cheapest shipping method, which will hurt you even more if you are more interested in getting the item cheap than getting it quick. The stock is good, but sometimes they hide the books behind ebook versions, so you have to click on the ebook and then switch to the physical format when on the work's page.

Honto is the site I use most of the time. They give the best indication of the stock level of each item, and they have a good stock. There's no discounts (although you get more points than cdjapan gives, and they last for as long as you like; plus they're constantly offering coupons that can give you a bit off an order), but you pay for shipping exactly what they pay for it, rather than the "estimate, add a bit and then round up and add a bit more" method that other sites use, so they almost always end up being the cheapest place. The catch? The site is entirely in Japanese, with no English version, and searching for the titles in English or romaji will usually not return any results. They can also be slightly slower at dispatching than other sites (although you know how long it will likely take when you put the item in the basket), and you don't know how much the shipping will cost before they actually send it - by which time it's too late to cancel (although you can guarantee it will be cheaper than amazon or cdjapan).

The fourth is yesasia, which is awful. Tiny stock levels, the titles are weird (MF Bunko J becomes emuefu bunko jie hi, for example), inconsistent and thus often hard to find, and even though they advertise free shipping on large orders for the slower shipping method, the shipping cost is invariably included in the item price already, and the actual cost generally comes out as higher than from cdjapan, and far higher than honto.
keragamming Sep 6, 2014 12:59 AM
Exactly. People would not buy a ton of manga volumes if they didn't like it.
keragamming Sep 6, 2014 12:30 AM
Don't listen to the hxh fans, Even if you try to be civilized with them they will still try and down play your intelligence for not liking a certain arc.
T3hSource Aug 24, 2014 6:40 AM
Hey, binge Texhnolyze if you want to be emotionally scarred. It is slow, silent, drab and depressingly soul crushing. It doesn't speak, it SHOWS!
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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