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Fujimi 2-choume Koukyougakudan: Kanrei Zensen Conductor
Apr 21, 2013 5:56 PM
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Have a splendid day ^^
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
Yo minna- san
--New Voting of the month is up -here-
If you would like to continue recieving these notifications, please send me a personal message with your e-mail id. I'll then be able to send you the notifications from our club's e-mail address. This is the last notification that I'll be sending via comments.
- Winners thread for icontest twenty-one has been updated with contestant names and winners. Feel free to congratulate them on our club profile~
If you are an active member of the club's icontests, please read this. It's important.
- Nomination thread for icontest twenty-one is up!
Deadline for nominating is on Monday, the 16th of May.
Hope you can participate~ ♥
Just look at your old comments before you try to sound like you're wise. You are the one that said people need emotions to pick pictures. And I did not say that the internet had feelings, I said that there are no emotions on the internet. You dolt! :P
There is nothing artistic about you.
Yeah, I would have fun and bounce off those padded walls in the mental institutions. :)
Why would I waste my time remembering things you call me?
I decide not to believe that you can fix that.
The people of this world will always see things however they decide to. Even we see certain things that other people may not see in themselves.
Your voice sucks in many, many ways. You should just come to terms with that fact.
I say a lot of things that you seem to remember. ;)
You’re just saying random crap to make yourself sound right. “Likeness” is not an emotion. Happiness, anger, sadness are emotions. When did “likeness” reach that category?
I think that your weirdness is just plain weird.
Only crazy people enjoy the company of other crazy people.
I didn’t even realize that I told you my name.
You can just keep that stuff to yourself, worrying about how other people feel about you just gives you unneeded stress in your life. (You’re delusional.) The world will see you however they decide to.
I’ll just marry a woman that can’t talk so I will never have to deal with someone that sounds like you. :)
You are just a simple and ordinary girl.
- Icontest eighteen voting thread is up!
Deadline for voting is on Thursday, the 24th of March.
Hope you can participate~
- Icontest eighteen nominations are up!
Deadline for entering is on Tuesday, the 22th of March.
Hope you can participate.
- Icontest eighteen is up. Click here for rules and theme.
Deadline for entering is on Sunday, the 20th of March.
Hope you can participate.
You just need eyes to choose pictures. There is no emotion in saying “this picture looks cool so I’ll use it as my display picture.”
I’ve always thought that infinity was bigger than anything, so I’ll stick with that hypothesis.
I think it depends on how weird you are, there are levels of weirdness where you can say something is wrong with that. I’m very proud to be crazy. :)
What is the first letter of my real name?
I said it how I meant it! I don’t any problems about someone hating me. There is no one in this world that will be universally loved, so as long as you know that the only person you will have to please and satisfy is yourself, just let the rest of the see what you want them to see.
I have no plans to even hear that voice of yours. You can count me out of the people who will get used to it.
That is just a fancy way to say that you suck!
- Icontest seventeen voting thread is up.
Deadline for casting your vote is March 5th.
Those words and pictures come from your boredom or your need to make someone else feel bad. You don’t need emotions to put pictures on a website.
You really are such a weird girl at times…
Keeping your business to yourself is something that should be practiced at an early age, when I was younger I couldn’t keep anything to myself and my family used that against me.
You don’t know the first thing about me. :P
So, you’re saying that you want me to lie to you?
You probably sound like one of those little anime animals with the squeaky and ugly voices.
You make it sound like you’re just a normal person.
- Nominations for icontest seventeen are up.
Deadline; 1st of March.