I just watched the first episode of Smile, and it definitely was intense to say the least lol
instead of wanting to cry the entire time, I felt like punching something! haha but I didn't think so much would happen in the first episode. he's already got the girl and been arrested all in one go
I really liked the opening theme song too. I remember listening to that song about a year ago and hearing it again was a real surprise. I forgot how chill and cool it was lol
watching a happy drama would be nice right about now >.> but I can't wait to watch the rest :]
oh yeah btw, was your first asian drama meteor garden by any chance?
i've never heard of those two before (but I do know who matsumoto jun is, my friend thinks he looks like an asian michael jackson lol ), but I'll have to check them out!
I've never cried during a drama because most of them end up pretty happy. the movies usually end up being the saddest for me.
a moment to remember, a millionaire's first love, and virgin snow are probably my top three saddest asian movies
but one litre of tears has to be the saddest drama I've watched so far, even if I haven't finished it. it's already so sad >.>
it's pretty much spelled out from the beginning, so no spoilers there. Of course there's a budding romance mixed in with all the dying, and it's definitely a tear jerker.
That's why I'm going through it slowly. I'm done with marathoning dramas; too much emotional strain. lol
All Comments (22) Comments
I just finished smile (took four months), but it was great! :]
I told myself I wouldn't comment back until I finished it... so yeah
instead of wanting to cry the entire time, I felt like punching something! haha but I didn't think so much would happen in the first episode. he's already got the girl and been arrested all in one go
I really liked the opening theme song too. I remember listening to that song about a year ago and hearing it again was a real surprise. I forgot how chill and cool it was lol
watching a happy drama would be nice right about now >.> but I can't wait to watch the rest :]
oh yeah btw, was your first asian drama meteor garden by any chance?
but secret! I actually typed that one up, then I thought, "Eh, she's probably not into taiwanese stuff" then I deleted it haha
but yeah, I thought that one was super good, same goes for letters to iwo jima! super sad yo~
sucks that your internal clock in messed up though. I remember doing that to myself last summer. it was misery when I got back to school >.>
imma get some sleep so that doesn't happen to me... but I'll probbaly just end up watching one litre or tears or maybe start smile lol
i'll tell what i think of smile when I start it though :]
virgin snow actually had a pretty happy ending, but the ups and down that came along with it really messed with me >.>
I really can't take it when the girl dies at the end; those end up hitting me the most
but those two you mentioned sound really interesting; especially the racism one.
btw isn't it like super early in england? lol
I've never cried during a drama because most of them end up pretty happy. the movies usually end up being the saddest for me.
a moment to remember, a millionaire's first love, and virgin snow are probably my top three saddest asian movies
but one litre of tears has to be the saddest drama I've watched so far, even if I haven't finished it. it's already so sad >.>
it's pretty much spelled out from the beginning, so no spoilers there. Of course there's a budding romance mixed in with all the dying, and it's definitely a tear jerker.
That's why I'm going through it slowly. I'm done with marathoning dramas; too much emotional strain. lol
what's the saddest drama you've ever watched?
you can't watch sad dramas? but yeah, one litre of tears is pretty depressing, but I'm digging it haha
I actually like sad ones the best. Ever watch Sad Movie?
hella sad >.>
Hero from TVXQ is in sunao ni narenakute right? I've only heard of it because of that. Is it any good btw?
I'm watching personal preference too, but it's kinda slowing down for me. Watched it mostly because the dude from boys before flowers is in it lol >.>
others I'm currently perusing: one litre of tears (I'm watching it very slowly) and Cinderella's Sister
i can't do too many at once lol
are you currently watching anything at the moment?
still crazy high compatibility! lol
btw anime consumption low for you too? haha
I've been watching a lot more asian dramas also >.>
supa cool haha