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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Jan 20, 11:18 AM
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As I finish and reflect on the 1st arc of the season (The pickle arc), I find it to be good. However this isnt without some downsides that impact the arc heavily. Pickle as a character is great. An awesome addition of pure power and sometimes laughs. He had some of the best fights in the shows history, most notably against Jack in my opinion. On the other hand, the fight against Baki left me leaving the arc with mixed emotions. This fight happened over 3 episodes which for me, is way too long. This fight could have easily been done in 2 episodes as most arc ending fights are. However they decided to spend the first episode yapping about what this and that means while Baki and Pickle have some sort of aura-off. The second episode was a blend of the fighting and yapping with the last episode being the primary fighting, which I found to be very good. When they fought, it was excillent. The action was superb and every move/hit felt truly awesome but I shouldn't have to wait such a long time to see it. I am fully aware that brain vibrations are bad. I am fully aware that being hit in the testicles hurts. You do not need to spend 10 minutes explaining it to us. That was really my only problem with the first arc, just the final fight taking so long to get good, however, when it did get good, it got really good so credit to that. Away from the last 3 episodes, this was a good arc. Fantastic fights, impactful dialogue, strong character progression and even some dumb laughs along the way. I would probably give it a 7 or an 8 out of 10. Therefore it was still quite good, but the bad was enough to frag it quite far down. As a final note on the first arc, I want to give special credit for bringing back so many characters that had shown up over the different arcs of the show. It was very fun to witness them interacting and seeing how they think and cope with the current pickle situation.