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Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen
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Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
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fausifahrial Jul 28, 2024 6:52 AM
Happy birthday! :)
Soulsfear Jul 28, 2024 4:53 AM
You're welcome :-)
Soulsfear Jul 27, 2024 3:44 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Jul 27, 2023 4:22 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Aug 2, 2022 5:41 AM
You're welcome xD
Soulsfear Jul 27, 2022 5:59 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Aug 5, 2021 6:12 AM
You're welcome xD
Pretty good I would say..I managed to find job again (2 months ago) where I don't have to be at home yet (to get alchoholic like belly) it's so laidback that I can just read/watch stuff most of the time via local wifi xD
How about you..still time and drive for anime/manga?
Soulsfear Jul 27, 2021 5:36 AM
Happy Birthday
Soulsfear Sep 9, 2020 9:24 AM
Well,it would be interesting if now it's MADHOUSE turn to get one year BONES did with TV animes - I don't think that movie by BONES that comes a day after Christmas counts since it's 1-hour long only..and since Winter 2021 is full anyway,you can't expect anything from them sooner than Spring/Summer 2021.

Well,IRL she can't really get out since she's forced to have her ''soul'' of real life body into Underworld,just like Kirito but no Worries - just wait a bit longer xD There's only 5th arc after it that is currently ongoing and it may be the final one as well.It would seems strange but the 5th arc started when 1st out of 4 cours of Alicization anime ended so you could say they waited ''years'' for Alicization huge arc to end (along with 2 volumes of side stories from Alicization,which may or not be adaptated into anime form - not yet announced).5th arc so far is Volume 21,23,24 (volume 22 is side stories again,just like volume 19+20 that are related to Alicization).

I see..that reasuring I guess.2nd opening you mean - ye,even the sequence is better I would say.

Maybe..possibly the first anime MILF I have seen as well when I was kid I would say - whatever.

Just a hunch really...since the usage of characters needs to be..predictable..because it's shounen still xD Meanwhile One Piece goes on break but for 2 weeks this time....Oda,join the Togashi club already lol.

I see..maybe just stick with PC/Lapton for reading the manga then.Curse these apps lol.

I mean the story you get bit by bit during each arc so It's something you have to piece yourself together bit by bit like after every third or so arc you won't get messed up by it.At least they confirmed the upcoming arc being covered in episodes 11-13 and then maybe we get that small 5 chapter training arc (the dude with the babe on TV and p*rn mags everywhere could be ep 14 so we would get 2nd opening for EP15..maybe?).So far Fire Force 2 covered chapters 91-122.

I ceased to be extreme regarding heat for about 15 days and today is like the hottest day since these times.Here the covid is basically wrecking ball..the cases are higher and higher each day it feels like.

Ye..something like that basically - she's honest about not being lesbian..xD I also but you never know what author decides for if he happens to get back safely (I'm already taking this series as another HxH manga case sadly).
Ye..Yuri would be the best idea I would say then.Well,if she happens to fail the king and is supposed to be disposed off or something that Jingung to the rescue (even if it kills him - it's her that had him in her palm until now anyway xD).

Not really studio but the director..he worked on the whole 1st cour of HQ!! 4,hence the different approach to art/animation and pacing - I believe the 2nd cour is by that guy as well.Producer is unchanged.It was months ago that 4th season going to be split-cour since only one guy is going to be the director/storyboard for all the episodes.
Soulsfear Aug 16, 2020 6:07 AM
So far the 2nd cour was very slow in No Guns Life (ch22-31)..only the recent 6th episode did multiple chapters so far (29-31).So 2nd season of split-cour can be possible as well.

Well,since SAO 4th official arc ends in anime form this summer (it's as big as all arcs 1,2,3 combined when we talk about LN content so there won't be SAO for a while since the current one is maybe the last one and still ongoing).There's still chance that they do side stories of Alicization which was like 2 volumes after the Alicization itself ended in LN..but if It's before or after 86 anime is still in clouds..or if any plans.

Ye,I meant that the end the best experience is the 1st half and both of the openings..xD

She's one of the characters than is looking still great after all the art changes lol.Imagine her in Hakumei no Tsubasa art style.

Yup..that's true but..all of that..xD His new cursed sword is nice since he can get the titul strongest sworsman by the end of the story without problem...xD And can't wait for Blackbeard x Kid alliance (Luffy and co may get alliance with Shanks if he's still alive by then but it's not like that Kid would play along and rather be used by Blackbeard).

that's why smartphones are like eternal kindergarten childs you need to take care of..xD

Ye..but then again the pacing so far in 2nd season of Fire Force is on the slower sice if w exclude that arc with ''psycho'' 5th pillar xD I think It's nothing MAPPA they have mutiple teams so each one working on their own anime at this point I guess.But well..having/getting ''inside'' connection/info but only regarding stuff here and there won't hurt if It's not used overly often..xD

I it's hot here as well..mainly inside but outside we got strangely enough some slightly colder breeze (so it got that far here as well,huh).

Ye..something like that.Yuri's Black March prefers (cute) boys than rough tomboy women anyway..xD But ye before the black Green April she never ignited one properly from what I remember.Bam most likely going to either break the curse of all the ignition weapons (make them free) and its system or just make them all his followers or whatever.Black March x Bam is definitely the only ship that works as of now (but may end up with one of the princesses anyway)..and then Maschenny x Jingung (Slayer-sensei).

Ye..I know.Both OVAs were fine enough back then.So that's the reason behind the different treatment towrads HQ!! 4 and it being split-cour...maybe.
Soulsfear Jul 28, 2020 6:22 AM
Glad you enjoyed the 2nd ending sequence (opening 1 had small beach/bikini bit).Well,let's see..there's currently 69 chapters or No Guns Life.2nd cour adaptated chapters 22-26 so far in 3 episodes - would be gives given their reputation in mid-10s xD
I wouldn't count on 86 since that ''2020'' was announced like just before the ''Morona'' crisis (but to public at the beginning of covid).


It was also the last time the Trigger studio had balls to do TV series like that I guess.Though Gridman was fine as well despite it being plot for only 1-cour.Darling did the opposite compared to Kill la Kill I would say..xD
I see..

But the plus is the easier is to make easter eggs I would say if anything else xD

Not really a pain..I mean at the beginning you see here as annoying so..but maybe It's painful that she didn't really ''age'' that many year since her debut in series..but then again in that case Satoshi Mama didn't age as well lol.

Ye..something along these lines..his brother that was against Doflamie.Ye...Maybe Zoro gets his last duel with Mihawk in Wano kuni...and after that he gets his so called arc I guess?

Yup,I think so too.Mainly how her design evolved/devolved since the very first Pokemon series..but her voice almost perfect as well xD

It must be natural urge,you can't force it..the manga searching.
I see.

Well,the problem is that the manga and its panneling and pacing very much feels like Soul Eater most of the time but It's weekly while Soul Eater was monthly.Which makes the manga kinda be inconsistent to me as a whole for some reason but still good stuff and few great characters.No Guns Life got the 2nd cour that got delayed in spring,that's all xD Demon King School is fine stuff..but from the way I saw the episodes directer so far with its pacing/impacing I would say 2nd and 4th did the same director and 1st and 3rd director..since there are 2 directors working on this anime (The Chief director and the other one - they both mainly do SILVER LINK stuff anyway If I recall corret since I'm lazy to confirm) xD I wouldn't be bothered that it's copycat thingie..but it brings some nice Demon King Daimao flasbacks for a bit xD was the easiest money grab of 2020..nothing more to say xD
arlite I guess.

I see..It's been kinda the same here for the past 5 years.

I mean..the way he just decided to go with flow (of the fate) more or less to make it short xD Like he takes the risk that his master (and Bam's master initially took).
ye..I see.I think the origin of his name gets revealed by either Headon or Rachel herself if not by any Zahard member.Also he still didn't ignite Black March yet ever since The Last Station - he has definitely chance to be equel at the very least with ''that'' girl (Black March) xD
Soulsfear Jul 27, 2020 7:15 AM
I see..that's surprising since most of the people really are not into its writting or the characters but 1st opening and 2nd ending sequence has bits of fanservice xD
Yup...still It's big unkown if they finish another season of Kaguya-sama first or 86 LN adaptation.

cuz it has some backstory going and and couple of important characters they cut off from the webton for now in the anime but it still somehow works and flow nice with the fights..just like Zoro's recent fight against Killer..once Zoro gets serious there's no way back for opponent xD In short,fight choreography over plot/backstories + extra cost for 2 ''old'' voice actors they probably didn't find in time or the deal itself was pitiful at best I guess.It's like Hitori no Shita enjoy it for the flexing they show lol..while the characters don't grow that much as a whole I guess.

I see..Kill la Kill has so much fanfiction potential as well..xD the moment It's kinda difficult.But well,given how it is with the recent developments and hints which girls pay attention to Ishigami I wouldn't be surprised if we see his ex-crush soon...out of nowwhere lol.
You never know..there's bound to be birthday party where all his pontetial love interests show up and they discus stuff about him before he arrives or something like that.Anyway IRL..''women choose men'',not ''men choose women''.

Ye,I know..there are some traits in drawings between Zetsbuou-san's class and his few female students and the few ones in Kakushigoto xD.

It takes like decade to get into her and her way of's rough way but you seem to understand..xD

I agree..and also have to add Law's relatable backstory and who raised him.Yup,Zoro is ''aparently'' from Wano,that's why he adapted to Ryuma's sword very naturaly I would say..even managing to use him somewhat properly over the time.

What I meant that her most known roles lately are widow-wannabe like Shinako xD Meanwhile therea's also a child role in recent Pomeon series which market her debut in Pokemon franchise but I feel like they use her like each 10th or so episode lol (she's just not relevant at the moment) but then again the recent 30th episode had bits of her and Satoshi ''Mama'' xD

Yup..but these're cursed with them I would say.
One Piece I read for over 11 years..which makes me not that kind of guy just yet xD

ye,you're right but it's high quality relax anime.They have small school in no-name village and It's fun since it focused on interactions with fewer characters.
Re:Zero > OregaIru > Fire Force > SAO > No Guns Life
the rest is big unkown or too early for me to tell but the mid-tier animes are kinda strong overall as well.God Of High School is kinda make me see it as summarization/promo than anything else.Tower of God was the same but with twice less budget..not to mention there was one episode in middle of the season that was animated by only ONE animator which is..madness.
easiesest deal is rewatching openings/endings then? ..xD

So you're under the curse as well huh..I mean we had casual rain on sunday yesterday but that's about it.

You're welcome.I how you like the usage of Karaka-senpai...I'm mainly waiting for the Jahad Princess arc..maybe after this so called war ends.(Yuri-senpai x Maschenny-sama standoff/duel NOW pls) xD Ye..that's kinda sad for now.Not to mention Lolipop-sensei needs to be rescued or at least have more screentime.Kallavan feels like eternal rival for BAM at this point which I don't really buy just yet..since there sure is Urek and other TOP10s rankers that should be on that position at the moment..even if they would hold back all the time.
Soulsfear Jul 26, 2020 3:15 PM
Happy is ''Tower of Hostages'' progress going xD
Soulsfear Jul 24, 2020 10:48 AM
Nice..xD We should be thankful there are rare adaptations like Kaguya-sama or No Guns Life that has panel by panel adaptation (even if the letter choose adapt that perspective first compared to the manga but still It's ALL there in the end white Kaguya just has to cut the ''filler'' chapters,basically cuz you know,if you choose only few per season,It's easier to choose the best chapter to end the season with afterwards xD

Alright..that's some lemonade lol.fanservices huh...only korean Dragon Ball comes to my mind from this season and since it's promo adaptation of webtoon (God Of High School) know what they have to cut in order to give you season 2 tease moment without actually getting one...I remember how I wanted Altair from MAPPA have 2nd season but since the manga ended this month I'm just on guard most of the time with things like that xD

I mean the latest Valentine arc kinda confirms/summarizes that.Ye..but that one took a while to get to date..not to mention the amount of dates they had so far means..nothing so It's not like she could be the endgame for his route anyway.

The last chapter came out like 2 weeks ago or something but I didn't see any scans of the chapter just yet.So I can't confirm if the last chapter matches with what happened in last episode really..xD Mother found your MILF I guess that never got proper face reveal anyway..just like getting to get married via arranged marriage.

I see..xD Who needs MILFs if we got Shokuhou back in Railgun Dream Ranker..not to mention the latest LN is just full of her in the 1st two volumes and showing what she became over the course of..+15 years? (if we include the 1st Index LN series) ....madness.Don't forget she was the first to kiss Touma.

It's just that it doesn't have that many ways/chances to take detour with involing most of the characters and the question is : will they all get role in there that would be memoriable? I don't think so,unless you give few panels for each character per the huge thing that is about to happen after only 1 yonkou is going to be the ''villian'' of the villians (Blackbeard).
Back to Pokemon 2019..It's mostly hit or miss with this ''restart'' and what they throw at you each episode but it has HanaKana and her debut in Pokemon series yet they barely use her (for some reason she's really good with these widow acting women - she has the age for it as well at this point so it's win-win) xD So I wonder at what point they use her..properly in 2019 only just began.

I see.

I it's not ''rarity'' that draft thingie..xD The latest Berserk chapter was pretty fine,even for info dump.
Just imagine if ''he'' alraedy did die this year or something.But far it feels fine but it's just that the development for Ippo itself from this kind of sidelines is just way too much hidden..only people that read it weekly for 20 years and more can probably be patient the most with this.

Regarding SILVER LINK..I'm excited for 3rds season of Non Non Biyori..the last movie from summer 2018 or when it was was more then fine but not really enough.
Re:zero is probably my fav of the summer season and then OregaIru.
I see I also wanted to rewatch it some point but I rewatch like 3 animes per year and starting with the best ones from their era just feels greedy to me.

Well,you sure play it safe..xD But ye..MAL was acting weird with this month so far.
Kinda the same here for the past week..but before that it was mix of rain and hot weather for the most part in Prague.It was hard to get proper sleep since sunday/monday...the air pressure or somehing feels just off.
Soulsfear Jul 5, 2020 10:11 AM
It was real in a way because as I stated to some it was show about relationships and its weight/value than romance itself.
Rikuo/Shinako was going in circles forever in manga - both mutualy felt they're both easy to live with each other despite never have any true feelings of love or someone who you would want to die for..and since Rikuo cam out from his shell just towards the end of anime/manga it made more sense in a way in anime because in manga it took like 1/4 of the manga due to the screentime some side characters were having as well but were omited in anime cuz no voice actors/budget for them and even if they had them they wouldn't want to risk it even being split cour or the 12 eps it got + some epilogue special Orange anime did If I recall correctly.

I see..Good stuff about Kakushigoto.Well,for me It's mostly I can relate for Yesterday and Shinako/Rikuo bu in the end they got ending they deserved since Shinako still forever widow and never got over her early lover and Rikuo finally grow from his view of ideal girl to live with to the one I want girl I want to die with..blablabla..most would this consider as fanfiction cuz that's how MAL masses works these days xD

Ishigami and his wide selection of 5 or so girls like 100 chapters later since the sports festival and his ''restart'' xD
Shirogane helping ishi ship him with that ''girl'' and Kaguya helping ishi ship him with that ''girl''

You got that on point...more or less.Wonder how last chapter of Kakushigto going to look like xD

I mean there is couple of nice MILFs you can choose from but won't give them the right screentime? One is flatchestesd and other one is busty..but you won't get to see them properly until the hentai version where they get few mins each..since there was lack of fanarts to this day.

I agree.Even after One Piece anime returned I still slightly prefer more Pokemon 2019


If the Major 2nd Season 2 didn't get delayed it's 2-cour run,it would be by the end of the anime around chapter 180 which would result that only 30 or so chapters gap only.Only 2 eps had flashback because they couldn't decide when to finally stop the production completely due to covid since they did it partially which didn't work out so they did 2 in-between start and end of a match recap/original episode.Also anime omits the girls changing clothes/are in underwear from the manga xD

The main thing is to not take it seriously..just like DOTA and other stuff from their regions xD I got used to ti over the in Berserk 2016.

Ye..I think he has endgame and some draft left planned out...just in case he would die unexpectedly they would shorten the originaly remained amount of story by 300% at least for sure...since it has history and all but no one can replicate the weekly drawing and panneling the original author gave it till this day.

Ye..announcement stream just to announce split-cour..besides some other minor stuff that came into YT in the past days.
Katanagatari and Steins Gate...legends that taught us something,in a way.
When BOFURI and HAMEFURA ended they both got 2nd cour/season announcement (SILVER LINK studio)...that wasn't longplanned split-cour as well..I HOPE xD

Had to rewrite/redirect the phrasing from the initial one because cliked wrong and loaded other webpage instead to stay on the one I was writting on - I blame the head so my head and circulate blood properly.Take Care as well during the heat.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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