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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
Nov 7, 2017 10:58 AM
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Great Teacher Onizuka
Great Teacher Onizuka
Nov 6, 2017 2:02 PM
Watching 25/43 · Scored -
Sep 14, 2017 1:59 PM
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Zettai naru Isolator
Zettai naru Isolator
Dec 17, 2015 3:39 PM
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Zettai naru Isolator
Zettai naru Isolator
Dec 17, 2015 3:39 PM
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Onanie Master Kurosawa
Onanie Master Kurosawa
Sep 7, 2015 8:07 AM
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MistyBlue Oct 14, 2016 3:10 PM
=) Happy Birthday. Hope you have an awesome one!
KlapKlap May 23, 2016 5:52 AM
Bro hug for commenting on Kawakami, Tomoko's profile.
-metal- Apr 29, 2016 11:00 AM
Same here, nice to meet you. I always send friend request when I spot users with good taste.
Champloo was the very first series I saw subbed and it's my favorite ever so far.
As for Bebop, it is without any doubt one of the best tv series ever made :)
I suggest you Michiko to Hatchin, which has a similar mood and style of directing (Sayo Yamamoto is one of Watanabe's "pupil").
MistyBlue Mar 31, 2016 2:54 PM
Thanks for the encouragement; I'll pull through somehow. I can't believe it's almost finals. >_< Right now I'm "enjoying" spring break by catching up with my assignments and watching some anime here and there.

Some hidden gems I watched were Uchouten Kazoku and Hoozuki no Reitetsu. Those are more lighthearted (especially the latter one), but I think they're worth watching. I'm watching Ping Pong atm, and I'm enjoying each episode so far. It's really refreshing to watch an anime that has a "unique" animation and art. And based on the recommendations in Saraiya Goyou's page, this one has a similar feel: . I was planning on watching that. xD If you watch that one, let me know. Oh, are you going to watch the most hyped anime this season? Boku dake ga Inai Machi shot up to 5th place in the Top Anime Ranks. That personally angered me because people were throwing in 10s from left to right before the anime even finished. I'm satisfied that it's ranked 17th, out of the top 10! =) Also happy that Gintama is ranked #1. Hope that isn't an early April Fool's.

Ginga Eiyuu was pretty long. xD It took a while for me to get emotionally invested in the anime since all the tragic stuff to side characters happens in the first half and there was a lot of talking. Will you be watching the 2017 version?

I haven't finished Gakkou no Kaidan, but I watched the first episode in dub to see why people found it hilarious. I'll definitely watch it in the future.

Poljub = Kiss? 8I

-sighs- Yea I will vote, just haven't registered yet lol. xD I guess a lot of people don't vote because they don't believe in our candidates/too lazy/not invested in politics and our government. I recently got into an argument with someone because I made a post criticizing how someone else said "...if you're black and voted for obama...does't THAT make YOU racist??" The person who replied to my post started arguing how none of the candidates are qualified to be president and that all the politicians should be killed off. He also said that NONE of the presidents did anything right. It bugs me how people complain that they can't make a difference and sit around and do nothing while waiting for someone to fix America. I sign petitions and educate myself on certain issues so I can see what I can do to help. What also ticked me off was that the person I was talking to integrated religion with politics...and that Jesus was the best bla bla , no one can be like him... Like really why are you comparing us to some holy being? We are only humans, made to make mistakes, and made to not make everyone happy. Makes me sad that there could be more people in my country that think this way. No hope for their country, people, and history.
MistyBlue Mar 6, 2016 1:19 AM
xD Damn, it's been way too long since I last replied...
This semester is crazy with stuff due everyday. I like how it challenges me to think a lot, but sometimes it pressures me too much...

Anyways, I'm glad to see that you're back from the Middle Ages! Did you write some illuminated manuscripts while you had no Internet? xD What did you do without it?
I'm glad that you enjoyed Kowabon (didn't expect the average mal vote would be so low though D:) AND Saraiya Goyou especially after I failed with my recommendation of Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu. >_<
I saw the first episode and thought it was hilarious. I tried searching up for more anime like it, but it wasn't successful. There are abridged versions for some anime though and they can be pretty hilarious. Totally going to watch that after Kowabon. xD

=-= Wew can't believe it's March already..
Miiashh Mar 4, 2016 9:41 AM
Thank you :) Well.. it's not like I work in the industry, I just helped some websites to make translations. I only worked for one magazine in my life :P I think that the... "modern" cartoons as you call them are good in their own way as well. For example... except animes, I'd tell that my little pony's a good cartoon show. I watched it with my boyfriend's little sister and it seemed pretty interesting even for me while I'm currently 21 years old :P
I don't study japanese as my main course. I study political science but japanese is one of the additional subject I could choose. I would also love to live and work in Japan but this is still just a dream I don't know if I can accomplish. But maybe someday, when me and my boyfriend will get married we will be able to try. You never know what the future may bring.
I won't marry you, すみません~。
Hmm... why Ania not Anja... I suppose it depends on the country you live in. Why not Anya or sth. My name in russian'd probably be pronounced as Anya. I also write my name in japanese like that. It looks like that: アニャ. And yes, I'm studying kanji. I know hiragana and katakana already so now it's time for kanji. Atm I know... something like... 30 of them(?).
I'd probably call you Jaka-san if we use the honorfics due to our age difference. I suppose it's around... 10 years? Correct me if I am wrong. :P
Miiashh Mar 1, 2016 12:06 AM
Hi, I'm replying here to avoid making too much spam in the "anime only discussion!!" :P Actually the honorfic "senpai" came from the "old" times while I've been working as a translator. I used to translate anime endings, openings and the full series from english to polish. Currently I'm studying japanese to make my work so muh better in the future. So... that's basically the story :D Of course I don't mind calling me "Nia-chan" or "Ania-chan" (Ania is my name in short) :) Now you even know the story of my nickname over the internet :P I still haven't seen that many anime as I wish I did. But oh well... I don't have that much time atm. University kills my inner otaku~ :P
My God, I wrote a lot. Your comment made me this curious :D
Finally NICE TO MEET YOU. Last but not least I could say~! You've seen a lot of anime as well. Much more than I did. :) I admire you for writing that many tags after completing them. I wouldn't probably have the patience to do that. XD
Ziote Jan 25, 2016 7:35 PM
opps. sorry that I replied before you sent me a full version of that message. sorry about that. I just happened to be online at the same time soo...
Anyways, I'm glad your liking Gakkou no Kaidan! and that joke is probably my favorite joke of the series! You have no idea how hard I laughed. I had to pause the anime just to breathe. hahaha!
anyways, no rush or anything (after all, this series is best when taken slow) but when you finish the anime you should write a review, I'd like to hear what you thought about it too
MistyBlue Jan 25, 2016 3:52 PM
Are you watching Gakkou no Kaidan in dubs? It's hilarious.
Ziote Jan 25, 2016 2:35 PM
Wow, Thank you! I hope you enjoy watching Gakkou no Kaidan.
And honestly, "The legend of the legendary heroes"? haha, I still can't believe its title either. But your right, the title itself should have warned me about the quality of that series.
MistyBlue Dec 26, 2015 4:58 PM
xD I'm late again but I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the rest of your holidays and have a Happy New Years.
DzKirito Dec 15, 2015 2:14 PM
should I give a fucking shit about u ? get lost u dep shit.
Keirnoth Nov 3, 2015 10:56 PM
Hey dude, I randomly saw your comment about Tomoko's passing and you mentioned your age. I'm part of this club that is composed of us older anime fans who are 30 years or older.

Figured you'd take a look so you can talk with people who still love anime as we grow wiser!
AllenVonStein Oct 20, 2015 8:50 AM

Are u obsessed with Sweden or what xd first u said
Yo Sweden and then u ended ur little paragraph with take care Allen (from Sweden,hehe)

Funny anime :The Devil is a Part-Timer!!

I loled in every ep.
AllenVonStein Oct 17, 2015 4:24 PM
Xd take care too .
So what's the best show u have watched lately?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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