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Days: 113.9
Mean Score: 7.44
  • Total Entries531
  • Rewatched10
  • Episodes6,822
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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 22, 2:46 PM
Watching 12/13 · Scored 9
Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Mar 15, 3:05 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Haikyuu!! Movie: vs. Chiisana Kyojin
Haikyuu!! Movie: vs. Chiisana Kyojin
Feb 26, 1:39 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.3
Mean Score: 8.26
  • Total Entries92
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  • Chapters5,944
  • Volumes230
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Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Mar 24, 2:42 PM
Completed 201/201 · Scored 8
Jan 6, 6:47 AM
Completed 407/407 · Scored -
Boku no Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia
Sep 16, 2024 5:36 AM
Completed 430/432 · Scored 8

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Tosa Sep 1, 2014 9:54 AM
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowana turniejami takimi jak ISML czy Japanese Saimoe, powinno spodobać Ci się także europejskie Saimoe zorganizowane przez Senpuu Society. Daj nam szansę i głosuj na swoje ulubione bohaterki biorące udział w emocjonujących meczach!
Boltjas Jan 31, 2013 7:28 AM
thanks for the welcome.
Reitsuzu Dec 16, 2012 6:56 AM
To chyba dobrze trafiłem w takim razie, jak też jesteś z lubelskiego. ;)
A dziękuję, rzeczywiście od dłuższego czasu nie miałem problemów z czasem żeby coś obejrzeć kiedy mam taką chęć, dlatego powoli i regularnie nazbierało się tyle pozycji ile mam już teraz. Ale wcześniej czy później też na pewno znajdziesz czas, aby obejrzeć to na co masz ochotę. ^^
Reitsuzu Dec 14, 2012 7:15 AM
Tak przypadkiem wpadłem na Twój profil, pozdrawiam Cię, również jestem z Polski.
BalloonTwister Dec 9, 2012 3:39 AM
Hi ! Thank you for the welcome :)
Kolanj Dec 4, 2012 8:30 AM

thanks for the welcome.
DoUservePasta Nov 20, 2012 7:58 AM
i had started Fairy Tail also but only got to epidsode 2 or something because i have other anime's im watching plus i have soo much hw to do! i dropped special a it was alright but similar to everything else ive seen and like i said i have no time hahaha im curently watching junjo romantica and yea i like Kaichou wa Maid sama and hhmm Toradora?? sounds cool i wil check it out :)
kiDnameDSkia Nov 18, 2012 5:42 PM
well of course classics is something one defines to himself differently to his own tastes, but generally I think of it as something a lot of people watched and acknowlegded as good, also it's the first thing people will wonder whether you watched it or not...For instance, Star wars, Forest Gump, The Godfather, etc. are classics in film industry :P
But I guess in that category there would also be very old ones which defined the genre we're watching today... Not so important though, I'm sure you got the picture :P
Anyway, I started watching Fate/Stay Night cuz I'm an addict who can't restrain myself XD And, I must say I'm enjoying it for now :)
KnightsToFear Nov 18, 2012 10:57 AM

Hey hey we have an awesome announcement for you all in the "Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture" Club. Which also would explain why you're getting this message haha~

- So first thing, we've reached a number of 200 members in our club just recently YAY!!!! It's all because of you guys! Though unfortunately we're not as active in the club as we could be T-T So be sure to talk here every once in a while~ ^^ and remember that you're always welcomed in the chat on our club page below x)

- Second thing is that our dearest club creator Tsutae has had the generosity of giving us something better than skype if we want to talk to each other, yes talk, not type but actually talk! It's called "Raidcall" and it's in the Sticky in the club discussion, be sure to check it out and join us if you can~ ^^ Of course we understand if you're shy amongst us, or you have your own personal reason. We'll never force you to do anything so don't worry about that! :)

So with those 2 announcement Knights will be returning to his post. Hope to personally get to know all of you better! See you there~ :D
kiDnameDSkia Nov 18, 2012 5:36 AM
well, for instance I still need to watch FMA :D that's kind off a classic...
kiDnameDSkia Nov 14, 2012 4:07 PM
true true. FT goes better and better by the time, but in one period it comes to a 'filler' arc that is (to me) awful. But I heard it progressed further into the manga section after that so it's epic again.

I'm also quite caught up with the whole college thing so I don't so much time to watch anymore, so I mainly read my fav. mangas :D well, I hope I'll be back on track soon, need to watch Fate/Zero and all those classics still
DoUservePasta Nov 11, 2012 5:11 PM
aww what is the other series you started? i starte special a and want to check out angel beats but i havent had the time hahaha we did not get snow!!! so happy!!
GoldenWitch Nov 10, 2012 10:33 AM

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