I'm not good at writing these things, so I'm just gonna babble. You'll have to forgive me cause I get long-winded when I babble.
________________________________________________On MAL:_____
I'm still not sure if MAL is a convenience or some diabolical contrivance. Since I started using it the amount of series I concurrently watch have been steadily climbing. It's now a lot easier to put off completing an old series and move on to something else when I'm bored. (Damn you Xinil!) Once I put something off, it takes me a while to get the urge to go back to it.
____________________________On why I comment on shows:_____
I like leaving comments on shows. But I'm random on what I write; sometimes it's a summary, maybe some related info about the show, other times it's what I thought about an anime, or what bugged me about it. I try to put spoiler tags in if I'm talking about important events in the show, so it should be safe to check out. On my list, click on "more" next to the series' name to see if I wrote about it. I haven't done it for all of them, but I'm trying to for the stuff I've recently watched. If I watch a series again, it will be interesting to go back and see what I thought about it at the time I wrote the comments, then see if my view changed at all. But I also do it for those that are trying to decide if they want to watch a series or not. Hopefully it will be of some help to someone.
______________________________________On the way I rate:_____
I don't really rate high unless I found something that blows me away for some reason, but on the other hand I don't usually rate below a 5 either. If something is so bad it deserves a 4 or below, then I probably couldn't bring myself to watch it all the way through. If I can't complete the series, then I don't think it's fair to give it a rating that applies for that series in it's entirety. So that's why you usually won't find low ratings from me.
____________________On being a baka at language fluency:_____
I'm half Japanese, but I don't speak it :( Since we never used it at home and I have the gift of lack of ability when it comes to learning languages. I started watching anime again in the last couple of years, and I'm picking up some words here and there. Hopefully it will allow me to make some progress in my Japanese.
Here are my little to no skillz/talent signatures. With some
links to get you started if you want to make your own banner for the 1st time.
Current Signature:

My latest sig is nothing special, still a work in progress. The Minami-ke one was getting old, so since I finally got to see
Kara no Kyoukai: Fukan Fuukei it was as good an excuse as any to update. I used a banner ad I found off some Type-moon related site, featuring the girls from the movie series. I had to cleaned out all the text on it, then shrunk it to fit MAL size. After that I extended the sides by just coloring them in and doing a little cloning.
Here's the original if you'd like to see it:
Old Signature:
All Comments (209) Comments
As for the database, Faust and Xinil have their principle of its management. They may think light novels not being adapted yet don't have enough significance to the MAL users because they are not accessible to non-Japanese speakers. Anyway, you have the point. I'll discuss it with Faust when I have a chance.
As for the novel issue, I understand Faust's opinion that the DB would be filled with countless number of novels due to the obscure definition of "Light novel". I'm exporting the data to the Light Novel Club. If you are interested, visit the club forum.
If it takes your time, don't be bothered by my meaningless curiosity. lol
I wish DDD will be adapted to anime soon. I once added it to MAL DB, but Faust said a light novel which has not been adapted to anime nor manga was not acceptable.
There have never been an "ordinary" sister in Kinoko's works. I think the sister in DDD is the craziest one of all.
Here is a picture of the crazy sister in DDD.
Here is a line from "DDD". You'll instantly understand what I meant.
"Ah..Great! Your left arm is still wriggling in my stomach, my bro!"
There are little things that I can give comments to left in this part. I agree with the shortened footnote and the choice of "brave".