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lililovelilica Aug 24, 2011 11:38 AM
Vampire Knight Rocks!
The best man/ vampire for Yuki is Kaname.
He is amazing, charming, gentle, caring, strong, loving, courageous...
He is the best choice for a somewhat careless girl like her.

I don't see anything wrong with the relationship of Kaname & Yuuki. I know she's trying too hard to be mature, but it's all just a part of growing up. She can't stay at 17 forever... or become a damsel in distress for the rest of her life. It's time for her to grow up, gain knowledge, and prove everyone for whom she truly is-- a pureblood vampire and a Kuran. Although her humor remains the same when she was human, but it's time for her to step up to the plate and become her fiance Kaname's equal-- a lover and a fighter.

And you're completely wrong about Kaname controlling Yuuki. He isn't Rido, exclamation point! Not only that, Kaname loves Yuuki since his resurrection and willing to do anything to protect his love... tainted or not. That "Dilemma" issue have already been resolved and Yuuki have already accept her path-- her true nature.

I prefer the love relationship of Yuuki & Kaname than anything else because their love for each other is more beautiful, irreplaceable, and poetic than anything else we've ever seen in a shojo manga.

I guess then it wasn’t Yuuki who insisted to fight Rido with the intention to kill him … or wasn’t Yuuki the one who grabbed her Artemis and went to offer her services as a reaper!

Oh and when Yuuki tried to stop Kaname from killing PBs?? Did she rejected him when he told her that his hands are tainted; or she said taint me too … I love your hands tainted or not!

Does Yuuki know his goal and moreover to be against it??? Are you sure that this plan isn’t dangerous for Kaname? Till now he is the scapegoat for everything … even for the killings that he didn’t do …

Furthermore Yuuki still trusts him … didn’t she say so to Takuma? Didn’t she say that what irritates her is that Kaname seems like he has no problem about being suspected from the whole world and squeezed her hand? Didn’t Takuma replied that he is jealous and comparing to him who had been for so long together with Kaname she is a truly Kaname’s supporter?

Kaname is thankful to Kaien for keeping Yuuki away from him cuz he doesn’t want to be involved into his plan … he want for her to BE SAFE … Apparently he knows that Yuuki would go after him as Kaien knows it too and he is doing whatever he can to stop her …
He obviously has no intention to stop his plan, I guess not for fun though. If it wasn’t something grand he wouldn’t leave Yuuki … He is making a personal sacrifice here if you haven’t noticed …

What Sara’s Planning?
Her goals are to humiliate Yuuki and kill both Kurans (Yuuki & Kaname) in order to become the Queen of Vampires. Right now, she's going after Kaname's only weakness-- Yuuki.

i agree with you. her goal is to become queen by wiping out yuuki and kaname who stand in her way to the throne. like i said above yuuki is kaname's weakness, as if anyone threatened her, he would come out in the open to protect her, even if it cost him his life. the moment she is in danger he comes running we've seen this in the past. its a smart plan by sara to get close to yuuki, as by doing that she gets closer to kaname.

Yuuki: “There is no way we can be separate like this … I can’t stand this … Let me go … He said that we’ll go through a long journey together… and after I thought I would be moving forward from now on with him. And this time I want him to engrave the time we have been spending together in his memories”

Five minutes after she saw Kaname killing Aidou-dono she was tearing to pieces cuz she didn’t want to be separated from Kaname … She was wishing for him to engrave all the time they spent together … I don’t see any change of heart there … do you?
She said that she wants to go after him … Ofc she’s not happy about it! Is Kaname happy about it? But this is by far different from she’s against him … All that she says was that the whole world is against him and he doesn’t give a damn about it … So I guess mostly is worried about him …
she may believe in kaname for always having a good reason for his actions but that doesnt mean she agrees with everything she does!

She doesn’t know what exactly he is doing or what for … So how she can agree or disagree? The fact that she still trusts him says a lot …

i do think that kaname is good especialy when his intention are to protect the one he loves.

He doesn’t do what he does only for the one he loves … He is trying to protect the humans as well … something that should be hunters’ first priority, but I guess Cross is occupied to snatch Yuuki from Kaname and pointing his sword at the one who’s trying to save humans to the very least, while his “protégée” Sara, already distributes her tabs two blocks under his nose … Bravo!

So why should I believe in Cross’s words that Kaname is killing all the PBs or his insight?

I think Kaname is the best for her cause he is the one who can live eternity with Yuuki .Second, I love romantic things so Yume is my love, I can see Yume acts like a true lovers but as Zeki I just see a friendship or kind like a little higher than a friendship or maybe like a very close relationship but still can't like a love and if it's a really love relationship then it's kind of boring to me.That's only my opinions

I think Yuuki should be with Kaname, then they would be like their parents (also siblings), and get married.
They can find a way together to make the safe world with vampires and humans living togther, then they can have children and live happily ever after

Totally agree with you. yuuki need for maturation is coming from her part/need *she felt this need*. yuuki was the one who wanted to be kaname's equal, kaname never mentioned something about this. and how you said,yuuki can't remain a child all the time. it's time for her to become a mature person.

In chapter dilemma, how you said, yuuki finally accepted her vampire self. after the end of discution with chibi yuuki, the chibi was absorbed and this means yuuki finally emerged with her vampire self *chibi yuuki*.

Yuuki and kaname are not siblings.
Kaname did not possesed baby kaname's body. kaname (the ancestor) reduced his body to a baby because of blood lust.
The kaname you see know it is yuuki's ancestor in his own body. baby kaname died and turn to dust (this happen with vampires when they die). baby kaname was out the story when rido sacrifice him to awake kaname the ancestor from his slumber.

If you remember in the start of the manga. At that time Yuki was a lot happier then she is now. Also at that time she had accepted the fact that she never could be Kanames equal, but now she is a pureblood like him but she still inst his equal... I think she really should focus on learning some cool pureblood-power or something and try to be his equal.

I think Yuki should take a break from boys. She should focus on:
- What is Sarah doing?
- What are Kaname up to?
- Study...
- Kanames past.
- The night class.
- Maybe spend some time with Yori.
- Learn some pureblood-powers.
- Ans so on....

personally the person i think yuuki should be with is kaname, and here's my reasons why i think this.
1) they can spend eternity together.
2) they both wish to protect each other.
3) they believe in each other. yuuki recently said she believed in kaname, and kaname must have belief in her to share his past to her. he put faith in her to see his memories, not knowing how she would react. also with him leaving he trusts her and he left her that key.
4) they are willing to fight for each other and also seem prepared to die for the other.
5) both wish for co-existence. so similar goals to work towards together.
7) they have been in love with each other from the start, even when yuuki was human and didnt remember him, she fell in love with him of her own accord!
6) they are perfect for each other and they look so cute together.

Kaname and Yuuki are born to live together, his memories of reflects of future had shown it clearly. It proved additionaly that Yuuki is really only reason to live for Kaname threfore it is only way to endure a furher life for him and to force Yuuki's fear of eternity spent in loneliness.

Well ,,actually it is quite easy to answer Kaname would be the perfect match for her....If you take a look at Zero you can see that he doesn´t be able to accept yuuki´s vampire side....yeah of course it is because of his past I can truly understand his hate but If my boyfriend can´t take me as Iam than I would be rather better without him because hey what have I done to you ?!! It isn´t my fault what happens to you!? And secondly although Kaname knows that a part of yuuki´s heart is still attached to zero he doesn´t mind it...but I have to mention that sometimes Kaname´s love is a bit scary because it is soo possesive and full of contradictories.. but I find it cute because We all know that Kaname ´s actions happens because he is madly in love with her..

So I was wondering for how long Hino is going to keep Yuuki away from Kaname and how is she going to make them meet again? My worst fear is that they shall not meet each other until the very end of Kaname's plan and that will mean that we shall not see them interacting with each other for many more chapters. I see that Cross resists the idea of letting Yuuki go...he wants to protect his daugther....and Kaname wants to leave Yuuki with Cross Kaien for her own not be target by the other vampires and killed...after all...he loves(yuuki)more than anything in the world!

Kaname is already near the academy, but if his plans are not yet finished I don't think he would meet with Yuki because she's a distraction... I hope Yuki senses his presence and break the spell to go after him. I don't think he can resist her wanting to be with him again and would inevitably let her stay...I hope. if not....

another reason I want to see them meet is to personal its been so LONG already, its been 7 chapters WITHOUT Yume, so unfair..

I don´t think that Hino will give us such a present in the next chapters...Kaname has to fullfill his plan and has to kill the purebloods...I don´t think that yuuki will be one of them (You said that already but I wanted to underline that..) stupid kaien will protect her and will keep her away from Kaname (for that he deserves death (I don´t want to attack someone...I just don´t like his behaviour right now although I can understand him a little but my heart for Kaname is too big ) )I hope they will be together again and Hino shouldn´t make just a good-bye scene where yuuki stays with Zero(I don´t hate him but I think yuuki should be together with Kaname) That would be so cruel...but let´s wait for a VERY long time .

let us just imagine how yuuki and kaname expression when the times come for this lover to meet!

1) yuuki will cry and hug kaname! and then continue to cry and kaname hug her too.
2) yuuki will cry! and kaname will hug her (this time kaname hug her first!)
3) yuuki will cry and hugging each other and then yuuki will bite kaname, because she is thirsty! or maybe kaname will bite her basically, my prediction is "yuki will cry"
mangafreakZX Aug 5, 2011 6:17 PM
Cute Kaname & Yuuki avatar.
lililovelilica Aug 4, 2011 3:40 PM
sory but i just wanted to leave here as a note^^ok?
Deactivated101 Aug 4, 2011 3:33 PM
reviews =/= descriptions
You wrote the description of Vampire Knight
lililovelilica Aug 4, 2011 3:11 PM
Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, both feared and respected by the other Night Class students.
While he is cold and authoritative towards his contemporaries in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki ever since he saved her, and loves her in a romantic sense. Kaname also asked Yuki to become a vampire and live with him for all eternity by his side, but manages to stop himself from biting her. He is both jealous and angry with Zero for biting Yuki and endangering her life.
He also seems to know the pureblood who bit Zero, Shizuka, and kill her before drinking her blood to protect Yuki, in spite of it being a terrible taboo. Kaname was the ancestor of Kuran and was resurrected by Rido from the grave, thus making him unable to kill Rido. Plus he even let Zero drink his blood so Zero can live for much longer to protect Yuuki.
lililovelilica Aug 4, 2011 3:10 PM
Kaname Kuran (玖蘭枢)
Physical Age: 18
Height: 184 cm

A pureblood vampire. He saved Yuuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuuki ever since he saved her, and loves her in a romantic sense.

As a Pureblood, Kaname is capable of controlling lesser vampires, but he chooses not to exercise his powers, thus earning the respect of the Noble vampires. He shares the Chairman's hopes for peace between vampires and humans. He worked with the Chairman to create the Night Class at Cross Academy and with his presence, allows the Night Class to be kept in check. But the real reason Kaname agreed to attend the academy is so that he can be near Yuuki and protect her as she is his love.
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