About me:: Loves romance. Such a beautiful thing. *sniffles* If only I had a wonderful anime man. (: Every guy at my school is either ugly, cute but a jerk off, or hot but taken by a hot girl. DX Anyways, loves to drink monster ALL the time. Even in the mornings. Well , my saying is: It's 12:00 somewhere in the world! I love to read manga and watch anime. However, I am an extremely slow anime watcher and a zoom zoom zoom manga reader. lol [zoom zoom zoom] Uhm, I am pretty complicated to understand and even idiotic at times. But eh, I don't give a crap. It's me. What can I do? My mom and dad say that I will eventually get out of this anime stage. I think not. I am in 8th grade at the most gayest school ever. And by gay I mean retarded not happy. =P It's ghetto as hell and people there suck monkey balls and it doesn't feel like I belong there. ): But it's all good! I mean, there are some people that are sane over in my area. Which is Chicago, by the way. Uhm, I love cookie dough. MMMmmm. I quote a lot of things such as songs, movies, books, and the abridged series'. They are wonderful! Check 'em out! I am 13 turning 14 in a few months. Yipee! On my youtube account, you will find that I voice act in several things. I voice act as Yuuki Cross in a Vampire Knight fandub. I am going to do several female roles for a Code Geass: The Abridged Series by deathcomeseasilyx, and I also voice in OHSHC: The Abridged Series by animeobsession114. If you haven't already guess I want to be a voice actor. ^_^ I am currently bored as EVER! So if you have any uber awesome manga or anime, please let me know. I am in desperate need for an anime or manga. Even though have tons I haven't finished yet, I need a new thing to start on! lol Oh, also, I pronounce manga Mane-guh. Not Mon-guh. That sounds weird. =/

My Otaku Quiz Results! xD

Random Graphics I made! (:
I Love Mello! Well...duh! Your username is mellolove29. *does retard run* xD
All Comments (75) Comments
I'm addicted to Monsters.
And I can see that you like them too. ^_~
And btw, you sound completely like i did at 13! Only my school didnt even have those hot boys surrounded by hot girls for me to steal! Sadly, I think its something every otaku must go through to appreciate her Tamaki even more.And eee you're voicing for Ouran! Shuh-zam! Good job!
long time no chat :D
i feel sorry for slipknot