All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 219.0
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed696
- On-Hold32
- Dropped74
- Plan to Watch131
- Total Entries959
- Rewatched70
- Episodes12,943
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 88.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries278
- Reread2
- Chapters11,177
- Volumes1,204
All Comments (78) Comments
I'm not going to link to it in the comment, since it'd be presumptuous.
Hi please join the new hetalia forum!
fuck yea
How are you?
Seeing that you rated Watashi ni xx Shinasai! a 8
are you interested in joing the club?
its kinda new in a way, but dont have much members =/
sorry for the advertising.
Join to Barajou no Kiss Fanclub!
Join to S.L.H - Stray Love Hearts Fanclub!
What's your most fave type? I like kendo one's like Rurouni Ken!
Here is a list of all the clubs I claimed Arthur in. There is no special procedure about it, if you want, now that I dropped him, you just go to the club and claim him as a plain normal claim. If you feel you don't want to because you won't have the time to make banners or because of any other reason of course you don't have to. =)
I'm writing you where to find my dropping post, just in case it could be useful.
Now moving on a completely different subject...would you accept a friend request from me? I like you quite a lot, and I need to expand my number of Arthur-obsessed friends. I'm very slow to answer to comments/PMs/whatever and I'm currently very difficult to keep in touch with, but I'm trying to do something about it and hopefully will succeed at some point. And when I do, I would like to talk to you a bit more. =)