Yoh Minna san...Hope you all are enjoying the Feb month (even if its brring cold in many parts of the world still) and you all had a wonderful Valentine's as well. This is a reminder message to all New VOMIC Members, we are now on the 2nd leg of the Best of 2014 categories, with selected TOP TEN nominees. Choose your Top 3 and get your winning card. The voting is open till Feb 25th and the categories are - Best of 2014's Seiyuu, Anime, Character, Couple and OP/ED.
Another final announcement for all those who want to cast their vote in the 9th Annual Seiyuu Awards that are going to take place in March of 2015, the voting is still going on in full flow, So VOTE NOW!!!
Last but never the least, our cards for the Seiyuu of the Month - Tomatsu Haruka are still up for grabs, so whether you are her fan or just adore her work in one of the animes, go ahead and get your fave cards. The SOM is open till Feb 28th.
Handling 3850+ members (soon to be 3900) isn't an easy task for our admin staff (especially card making & layouts). We are always on the lookout for new card/layout makers, so if you have time, a passion for creativity and a sense of responsibility, post your entries to our - Recruitment thread.
As always, love to hear from you...so send/post your ideas/suggestions in our Comments box on how to make Vomic a better "seiyuu/anime network", most of all do not forget to have "FUN". Have a Wonderful Day/week ahead
~Thanks Vomic Team~
Hope the new year is treating everyone wonderfully! It certainly started for VOMIC with a BANG!!! We are already 2500+ members and we are so glad to see more newbies joining us. We do not essentially follow a "requirement rule" of being a Seiyuu fan, as long as you are into anime you are welcome to join us. For now here is LE member cards especially for our newbies (we will be announcing 2500+ LE cards soon!!!). Hope you all like these goodies^o^ - 2000+LE Member Cards
Continuing with the "Best of the year" - thanks to you guys we were able to select some of the best animes, seiyuus, characters, couples and OPs & EDs of the year 2013. Now try to make your selected fave WINNERS!!! and claim your prize ^.^. The BEST of 2014 (2nd voting poll) is currently running in full speed in our forum and will remain open till end of Feb, so those who of you who have not yet voted there is still plenty of time to think and vote, but do it ASAP, as our card makers are already brainstorming the themes that the winning cards are going to have >.< HURRY!!!
SOM of the "lovin" Feb month is someone whose voice is sometimes really hard to guess coz he's extremely good in "accenting". We could think of no one better than Hosoyan/Hosoya Yoshimasa as our Valentine month SOM (>‿♥).
Best Member's Trivia - About Jan SOM Mizuki Nana -
"I can notice a variety of tone in majority of her characters, from mature to childish. And I really liked one of her songs, "Synchrogazer" (Senki Zesshou Symphogear OP)"- kazumi-san95
As most of us enjoy playing games, here's another new one for you and it is about quotes. Of course, you need to continue and follow-up with the best quotes (from anywhere, be it anime, movie, TV series...) you can think of. For more details click here Quote me! *GAME*
As we are multiplying at tremendous speed ;) Let's get know each other a bit more...through these Opinion Polls ^o^ How old are you? (well at least as a seiyuu fan) ;)
Which Anime/Seiyuu performance you are dying to see??? - ~Anime/Roles you're most looking forward to~
Handling 2500+ members isn't an easy task for our admin staff (especially card making & layouts). We are always on the lookout for new card makers/layout makers/admins, so if you have time, a passion for creativity and a sense of responsibility, send your entries to our - Staff Recruitment
As always, we love to hear from you...so send/post your ideas/suggestions in our Comments box on how to make Vomic a better "seiyuu/anime network", most of all do not forget to have "FUN". Happy Valentine's Day - ~Thanks Vomic Team~
Witajcie wszyscy! Newsletter rozsyłany jest tym razem do wszystkich
członków, gdyż wasza aktywność jest niezbędna do grudniowych wiadomości!
*Zostały otwarte świąteczno-sylwestrowe karty klubowe. Jako, że to
limitowana edycja, mamy ich dla was 17 do rozdania i mam nadzieję, że
wszystkie numerki zostaną zajęte. ^^
*ZAPRASZAMY!Głosowanie na piosenkę roku właśnie ruszyło! Planowałam zrobić to w formie meczów, ale nie mamy teraz zbyt wiele czasu
na coś takiego, więc jest to po prostu takie głosowanie jak zwykle, tyle, że nic
nie nominujecie, ponieważ nominacjami są wszystkie piosenki miesiąca
wybrane w naszym klubie od swojego postania. Głosowanie potrwa do soboty
następnego tygodnia, mamy nadzieję na waszą aktywność w tym temacie~
Udanego sylwestra! :D
HAPPY HALLOWEEN MINNA SAN!!! This month has been really active with member voting for our Halloween SE and this special is open till end of October, but 20 post limit is filling up, so hayaku…(& we hope you are liking the cards as well ^o^)
How are you all catching up on the new Fall anime season…aren’t the choices really cool! And coz there are some really cool action, drama, suspense and adventure specials this time, we thought of providing a mix of action/adventure in our next anime of the month as well. Alright! To be more specific, tell us your fave SHONEN anime^^!!!Deadline is November 1st week.
Had enough of our SOM Okamoto Nobuhiko yet!!! Nope, well Nobu-chin’s birthday is fast approaching, so grab those SOM LE cards NOW! And for our off course members here’s an update, he’s also starring as a lead voice in the anime – Code Breaker ^o^. Do give it a watch!
From now onwards newsletter updates will be sent to only subscribed/signed-up members (new members are excused). Members who are not active on MAL for more than two months will not be receiving any Newsletter updates. Also, please let us know if you want the newsletter as a PM/Comment.
As always thanks so much for supporting us and the Seiyuus. Do not forget to recommend us to other Seiyuu fans ^.^ - Vomic Team
Razem z dzisiaj pozostały 3 dni głosowania na piosenki, które znajdą się na bannerach klubowych~ Serdecznie zachęcam do wzięcia udziału w głosowaniu, --tutaj--! ^^
MINNA!!! GOMEN NE!!! YES WE ARE 200+ now and things are really becoming hectic at the admin side as we all are getting held up with our (personal) commitments, that's why this a really LATE newsletter update and it’s gonna be a quick one (so please excuse us!!!).
First things first for all the 'not so regular members' of the club, we have a new AOM Choice Poll and it carries a scary theme (in celebration of Halloween), so do let us know your choices ASAP. We also have a SCARY/CREEPY character special, so choose the character whose voice acting scared the hell out of you^^!!!Deadline is October 1st week.
Hope you all liked your 200+ SE cards with our AOM – Kaichou wa maid sama, being the highlight card ^o^. Bringing in the ladies as SOM is turning quiet good for us :D and this month’s SOM Horie Yui san LE cards are up for grabs, so for those of you who haven’t requested them yet, please do so by September 30th.
More character songs of Kurabasu are out including songs of Hyuga Junpei (Hosoya Yoshimasa); Izuki Shun (Hirofumi Nojima); Koganei Shinji (Takuya Eguchi). Also character duets of Kagami (Ono Yuuki), Kuroko (Ono Kensho) and Kise (Kimura Ryohei) have been released as well (do listen… they are kakoi♥). For more info click here
LAST & FINAL CALL TO ALL MEMBERS (old members who have not yet subscribed/submitted their names for newsletter subscription)! Now that we are 200+ the newsletter updates will be sent to only those interested members who subscribed our newsletter (new members are excused). Members who are not active on MAL for more than two months will not be receiving any Newsletter updates. Also, please let us know if you want the newsletter as a PM/Comment. ADMINS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in to create newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. contact us/ send a PM. - Thanks, Vomic Team
All Comments (109) Comments
Main Site | Site Forum | Voting Page | Mal Club | Mal Thread
~~Winner cards for 2013 are open hurry up and get them~~
+ more cards and other things are coming soon soo look by from time to time
Hope the new year is treating everyone wonderfully! It certainly started for VOMIC with a BANG!!! We are already 2500+ members and we are so glad to see more newbies joining us. We do not essentially follow a "requirement rule" of being a Seiyuu fan, as long as you are into anime you are welcome to join us. For now here is LE member cards especially for our newbies (we will be announcing 2500+ LE cards soon!!!). Hope you all like these goodies^o^ - 2000+LE Member Cards
Continuing with the "Best of the year" - thanks to you guys we were able to select some of the best animes, seiyuus, characters, couples and OPs & EDs of the year 2013. Now try to make your selected fave WINNERS!!! and claim your prize ^.^. The BEST of 2014 (2nd voting poll) is currently running in full speed in our forum and will remain open till end of Feb, so those who of you who have not yet voted there is still plenty of time to think and vote, but do it ASAP, as our card makers are already brainstorming the themes that the winning cards are going to have >.< HURRY!!!
SOM of the "lovin" Feb month is someone whose voice is sometimes really hard to guess coz he's extremely good in "accenting". We could think of no one better than Hosoyan/Hosoya Yoshimasa as our Valentine month SOM (>‿♥).
Best Member's Trivia - About Jan SOM Mizuki Nana -
As most of us enjoy playing games, here's another new one for you and it is about quotes. Of course, you need to continue and follow-up with the best quotes (from anywhere, be it anime, movie, TV series...) you can think of. For more details click here Quote me! *GAME*
As we are multiplying at tremendous speed ;) Let's get know each other a bit more...through these Opinion Polls ^o^
How old are you? (well at least as a seiyuu fan) ;)
Which Anime/Seiyuu performance you are dying to see??? - ~Anime/Roles you're most looking forward to~
Member Badges
Seiyuu Claims
Chara Claims
Seiyuu carry on the last letter *GAME*
Guess the Seiyuu *GAME*
Vomic Newsletter:SUBSCRIBE
Handling 2500+ members isn't an easy task for our admin staff (especially card making & layouts). We are always on the lookout for new card makers/layout makers/admins, so if you have time, a passion for creativity and a sense of responsibility, send your entries to our - Staff Recruitment
As always, we love to hear from you...so send/post your ideas/suggestions in our Comments box on how to make Vomic a better "seiyuu/anime network", most of all do not forget to have "FUN". Happy Valentine's Day - ~Thanks Vomic Team~
I'm sure a lot of people don't get it...which makes it even better.
1000+ LE is up
As always thanks so much for supporting us and the Seiyuus. Do not forget to recommend us to other Seiyuu fans ^.^ - Vomic Team
Razem z dzisiaj pozostały 3 dni głosowania na piosenki, które znajdą się na bannerach klubowych~ Serdecznie zachęcam do wzięcia udziału w głosowaniu, --tutaj--! ^^
MINNA!!! GOMEN NE!!! YES WE ARE 200+ now and things are really becoming hectic at the admin side as we all are getting held up with our (personal) commitments, that's why this a really LATE newsletter update and it’s gonna be a quick one (so please excuse us!!!).
ADMINS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in to create newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. contact us/ send a PM. - Thanks, Vomic Team