this is here for my own benefit Seasonal Anime
Life Motto - If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it how bad of a decision can it really be.
How i rate the anime I watch
10 - Absolutely enthralling. A series with few to no flaws, or a series I enjoyed so much that no matter how many flaws they have, I completely feel immersed in the series every time I to watch it. High re-watch value and easy to recommend to most people.
9 - A series that may be as good or even better than some of the series I rated 10; however, something stood in the way of me giving it a 10. Not as enjoyable in my eyes as a 10, but still highly recommended.
8 - Quality series that I felt immersed from start to finish, with some notable flaws that stop me from giving it a higher rating.
7 - Above average series with major flaws. Series that I felt had something going for them, but something went...wrong along the way. Lower than this is the point where I stop considering trying to recommend it to other people.
6 - Meh at best, I somehow finished this and I don't regret it, but from this point downwards, unless it's some kind of masochistic kind of bad, re-watching the series becomes more of a pain more than anything else. Series with this rating may have some moments that are amazing and with re-watch value, mind you, but there's a lot of content that is unimportant and passable.
5 - Absolutely mediocre and average, this point downwards is where I don't want to ever see this series on someone's favorites, I probably had to watch it on increased speed just to get through it.
4 - Terrible experience, I was so bored that I may have started skipping minutes of the episode only to discover that nothing of note was happening.
3 - Horrific, terrible, disgusting. Any kind of enjoyment from this point downwards comes from some kind of masochism. This point downwards, and I don't want to see people giving decent ratings to this crap.
2 - Almost a complete abomination with nothing redeemable whatsoever.
1 - *shoots self*
*need to get around to answering but too lazy*
40 Anime questions:
1:What is your #1 favorite anime? That would have to be Durarara
2:Has an anime ever made you cry? the first anime i ever cried during was Anohana, and i always without fail tear up at the ending scene
3:Which anime made you laugh the hardest? Daily lives of High School Boys, during the "Literary Girl" scenes i nearly died of laughter
4:If you could make a spin-off of any anime, what would it be?
5:List your top 5 anime's Bakuman2
Sakurasou no Pet Na Kanojo
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
6:List your top 5 anime OSTs Unbeatable Network - Taku Iwasaki - Gatchaman Crowds
Fairy Tail Main Theme - Yasuharu Takanashi - Fairy Tail
Futari no dōkei - Makoto Yoshimori - Durarara
Kitten - GoHands - K
Alpha - Hiroyuki Sawano - Guilty Crown
7:Have you ever watched an entire anime in one sitting? pffft, the only time I don't is when the anime is still airing
8:Who is your favorite anime character? Laxus Dreyar without a doubt
9:Name an anime character you absolutely hate can't really think of one .....
10:What is your favorite 'moe' anime? Yuru Yuri
11:What is your favorite drama anime? Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
12:What is your favorite romance anime? Nodame Cantabile
13:What is your favorite comedy anime? Daily Lives of High School Boys
14:What is your favorite action anime? Hunter X Hunter
15:What is your favorite harem anime? Haganai
16:What is your favorite ecchi anime? High School DxD
17:What is your favorite mech anime? Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
18:What is your favorite historical anime? Kingdom
19:What is your favorite slice of life anime? Genshiken
20:What is your favorite horror anime? Shiki
21:What is the first anime you ever saw? Probably Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z, not quite sure which was first
22:You get to have a harem of [6] anime characters of your choice, who do you choose? Inori Yuzuriha-Guilty Crown, Shiro-NGNL, Mashiro Shiina-Sakurasou, Yuzuki Seo-Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Dekomori Sanae - Chuunibyou, Karuta Roromiya - Inu x Boku SS
23:What is the most times you've re-watched an anime? from start to finish the most would probably be durarara, 7 or 8 times
24:Name [1] anime you wish everyone would watch Bakuman
25:What is an anime you regret watching? Pupa
26:You get to have [1] anime character as your waifu/husbando in real life, who do you choose? Inori Yuzuriha
27:Which anime character are you most like? Sasahara Kanji from Genshiken
28:Do you watch a new anime because you think it will be good, or because its popular? with new anime i usually watch ones that i like the sound of, but if they're popular i'll give them a go
29:Has an anime's fanbase ever made you hesitant to watch an anime? No, not really
30:How many anime episodes is 'ideal' for you? that really depends on the anime
31:Have you ever watched an anime with over 24 episodes? yes, many a time
32:If you could make a game for an anime of your choice, what would it be and why? A Fairy Tail game version of Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tankaichi
33:Would you ever watch an anime with over 100 episodes? yes, but if i'm going to put in the time i would first want to find out if it is worth it
34:Have you ever watched an anime only because you liked a specific character?
35:Have you ever dropped an anime, if so why? yes, there are a few I just can't physically watch out of extreme boredom
36:In your opinion, what makes a good anime? a nice hook, good pacing,enjoyable character interactions and development, and a few twists and surprises
37:Name a popular anime you love No Game No Life
38:Name a popular anime you hate Unpopular opinion i know, but i cant stand the art style in anime like clannad and kanon, completely ruined them for me.......(obligatory sao is shit)
39:Is there an anime you wish was more popular? Genshiken
40:Thoughts on live-action adaptations? for the most parts i hate them due to how different the characters look, but each should be judged on it's own merits
thanks for taking the time to read, you put up with my shit so here's this
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[spoiler] Introduction:
Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!
This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.
That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.
About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!
Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!
Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!
What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!
So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.
- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.
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All Comments (4) Comments
click here
Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!
This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.
That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.
About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!
Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!
Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!
What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!
So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.
- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.