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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Days
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Air Gear

" As for the anime going off from the manga it doesn't really matter to me. Sometimes it's good that there's a different flow, or a different story. You don't want to watch something and know what's going to happen 5 seconds later. What's the point in even watching it? "

Do something with this later... ^^^^
- TV 1/25 5234
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
zen wisteria

1: (5:00) So she cut her hair...just cause? | (14:30) Here's one way this all could of been avoided. Dye the shit black or something. Instead of cutting your long red hair, why don't you just dye it another color. You cutting it, doesn't change the fact that, oh I don't know, that it's still bright ass red!! | (15:13) I seent this coming from miles away! This anime is called Snow White and blah, blah. In Snow White she falls into a deep sleep from eating a poisoned apple soooo using my inferencing skills, a basket of apples sitting on a doorstep most likely isn't safe for consumption. Never mind the fact that they were sent from a spoiled prince who's mad he isn't getting his way...Was he trying to prove something by eating that apple before she did? | (19:00) I was wondering why he had an entourage...

2: (16:30) This nigga is hella persistent!! | (18:09) -___- Hontou? So that's his reason for doing all of this? | Yo, this anime is a little too sappy for me man. I don't know if I can do this for 10 more episodes...

3: (12:44) Wait. He looked at the color of her hair and was like this must be the prince's guest cause her hair is red? She could of been wearin' a wig for all he knew!! | I really don't know if I can do this!! Like fr, I just watched an episode centered around her not being high enough on the hierarchy to be able to enter the fr? It ain't that serious tho... If anything it's pretty damn simple! No she's not noble but if the prince allows it, since you know it's HIS castle, then who tf cares! 1) He the prince. You suppose to listen to him regardless of what you think. 2) Why would he be friends w/someone who just wants to use him...?
- TV 3/12 3526
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Angel Beats! Specials
8 Special 1/2 1
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Arad Senki: Slap Up Party
7 TV 8/26 slap-stick, journey 5836
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Asura Cryin'
6 TV 1/13 5836
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B-gata H-kei
one year anniversary 08/07/11
- TV -/12 5344
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Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
- TV 12/25
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Carole & Tuesday
- TV -/24
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Diamond no Ace
- TV -/75
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- TV -/24
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DRAMAtical Murder
Aoba Seragaki
Koujaku (Benishigure)
Mizuki (Dry Juice)

1: (3:30) Wait! It's kinda what? I wanna know!! | (5:00) You left them kids w/him?! | (7:20) Shit, I'm w/them! Tf? | (7:45) He was so damn cute!! What happened?! | (8:50) That would of been my reaction too! | (9:10) Durarara or NAH? | (17:17) All that damn hair! | (18:04) This obviously happens often.. | (22:08) Where did that come from? | Um, 1st impression? It's alright, I guess.

2: (2:15) Bish whet?! | (4:25) Aww, that was too cute! | (10:35) Uh...too far. | (12:21) LOL!!!! | (13:18) That snub. | (22:38) Umm, tf? | I really want to know the backstory to that tattoo tho...
- TV 2/12 3907
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- OVA 1/2 5052
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Fairy Tail (2014)
1: Oh, how I've missed this!!!! <333 | That opening just solidified my feelings for Fairy Tail's new season. That had to be the cutest fuckin' opening just because of Natsu & Lucy!! It's so new & improved! The art is so fuckin amazing!! You know they're bringing their A-game bro! | (2:36) Even Gray's hair has improved! Like y'all had to change his hair too!? | (2:49) Exactly like Wendy said. They literally cancel each other out! I honestly think they can't ever do any REAL damage to each other. | (5:00) Classic Fairy Tail. Classic Natsu. | (8:35-9:40) ...Ohmygosh... | (11:18) Sometimes Happy...sometimes.. | (15:30) LMAO! | (20:18) Of course he did. Zeref is responsible for a lot of bad shit, might as well add turning a dragon slayer into a dragon called Acnologia on the list! | Woooh! a lot to take in for the 1st episode back! July 7th is the Festival of the Dragon King huh? Will we ever know what happened to the master of Sabertooth? Acnologia is the same dragon that terrorized them on Tenroujima! Dragons & dragon slayers' history!

2: (5:37) Well damn! Just stealing magic & shit! | (6:15) Eclipse Project revealed! | (10:50) SCUUUURRRR! Hold up!! Treatment of who?! | (11:14) MY BIRRRFFFFDAYYYY!!! | (20:00) Even I can't hate him here.... | (20:33) YAAAAAASSSS!!! | (20:48) Oh Shiiittt!!! Where tf is Natsu??! | (21:18) Everybody is so damn disappointed that Natsu ain't here. Hell, I'm with y'all! Did something foreal happen to my baby?? Still though, they ain't REAL fairy tail fans! | Lucy & Natsu are cute in the ending too <3

3: (7:55) Hmm, what is the Fairy Tail team up to...? | (17:22-49) Get it number one aka 'fairy tactician'! | (22:14) Mmmhmm, this payback about to feel good as hell!

4: Gray VS Rufus | (5:50) That is so cool!! ...Well not for Gray, but you know! | (6:00) This nigga here is ridiculous! Does he know the meaning of weakness 'cause he has to have one since he isn't the leader of something w/the kinda magic he got! I don't know Gray but you might be kinda over your head w/this one... | (14:10) AHAHAHAHAHA!!! | (14:00) Every bitch in that stadium got the fuck up once that shirt came off! They probably weren't paying attention before but they are now! | (21:14) He ain't gonna be done in by no random ass flames! He fights Natsu on a regular basis bruh! | (21:36-46) Gray, please take that gay ass hat off..but you make it work somehow tho lol

5: (4:15) Heh? | (5:00) Shit, she right! She using his logic against his ass now! How's it taste my nigga? | (5:48) SCUUURRR!! Slow tf down guh! Let's not take this bs TOO far! | (7:35) Sting is about to beat some ass today! | (10:05) Natsu fuck around too damn much! He never remembers shit! | (10:49) Mirajane what was that? | (14:35) Natsu bruh! | (19:07) This bitch's magic is paper bro...sit there & marinate on that... | (21:45) "Especially the one that's not beautiful!" AKA Natsu! | I love when Natsu gets passionate...

6: The Executioners | (4:50) Mirajane reppin' the S-class!

7: (3:24) My baby Loki saves the day!!! (Leo the lion?) | (4:11) Did he always have those ears tho....? | (4:55) LOL! Foreal tho!! | (9:34) Isn't yo ass suppose to be kickin' some ass? | (21:25) But they're FISH! They belong in water! | (22:24) Why are all of her celestial spirits buggin'?? I mean she's usually always in a bad mood but today she seems especially pissed! | Sometimes Fairy Tail be buggin' too! Like they are foreal getting stumped by these lame-ass executioners bro! I've seen them fight stronger wizards in their sleep!! Like it's a guy who uses acid, a girl who controls plants, 2 of 'em I have no clue wtf their magic is, & then another who uses paper magic. PAPER MAGIC! They have Natsu & Mirajane down here with 'em too! Mirajane who is known as a monster in one of her take-over forms but she's the one losing to paper magic! Get.It.Together!

8: (10:30) Thank GOD! I was about to get real damn salty if she was foreal taken out by some fuckin' plums! | (10:50) These 'executioners' are all kinda off their rocker's bro... | (11:50) After watching ep. 71, 72, & this part I realize that they're rivals but they're also best friends. | (14:08) Tf is Second Origin? | (15:30) Fuckin' finally. I thought we were gonna be watchin' this bitch throw sticky notes all day! This bitch is officially fucked. | (21:15) & this is why I love Fairy Tail so much.

9: (00:03) You don't remember? Let me jog your memory a lil bit: You just got your ass beat by Gray muthafucka! | (14:10) Hell, she worried about some other shit! | (15:47) No mercy! | (16:40) TF did they just witness? | (18:00) Y'all already know this bitch play dirty! | (21:15) Oh.My.Gosh. that future 'ol girl was tlkin' about...I need more! | (21:45) Why does this remind me of Edolas but with time travel intstead of parallel universes? | Bruh, this episode's ending was on some other type of shit! This whole fuckin' episode was badass!

10: (2:47) Yo! Do y'all remember this from last season?! | (5:29) Is this why they were all in fucked up moods? | (9:22) Nice? He demolished BOTH of them! | (15:43) His frankness is gonna get him killed one day...smh | (18:30) WHAT?! | (22:00) Welp, she's a goner. | Blood? Blood in Fairy Tail?! On top of that, whose??? | They still paying for Jellal's situation even now! It's one of those situation's where you can't really point a finger at any one person, so where do you let out your emotions?

11: (6:06) She might bare a lot more in this requip outfit than any other but this one always manages to be the one she kicks ass in! | (7:50) Another thing Fairy Tail has: They're too good for their own good. | (8:40) Don't talk unless you know your shit! | (9:20) Damn the feels... | (12:40) Oh.Shit. | (14:05) Where tf does Gajeel think he goin'? He do know he's gotta know Rogue out to the points right? | (16:47) Damn, he had that Sabertooth guy scurred! Bruh, Laxus is sweating!

12: (4:35) Basically. | (7:27) Hmm. Why does the princess & Jellal know before they even know an inkling of the situation...? You'd think they would be the 1st ones she goes to, right? | (8:27) Oh, I see now. She's lying about not having a solution and about when she got here. | (9:20) ....& there went my heart! <33 Just like the opening! Be my hero Natsu!! | (10:00) Those are some bold revelations Jellal...but you're not the only one who thinks so. | (12:50) GeeHee!!! There it is!!!! | (12:57) I think he meant the cat in a FROG costume! lmao! | (14:12) This reminds me of D. Grayman. | (14:52) Strike #1. | (15:20) Nothing about this part makes any type of sense, especially Mirajane running off! Bitch where are you going? Does it sound smart to run off when y'all in the middle of a situation looking for somebody by yourself in a castle you're lost in?! | (19:12) I love Natsu too damn much bro! lol! | (19:30) More dumbasses?! How many people live in this damn castle?! | (21:48) Gajeel bruh! Surprise, surprise nigga! So Rogue's real name is Raios, Gajeel's former disciple? ...Okay. | (22:00) Didn't see that coming tho! | (22:20) 1st Flame Thunder Dragon, now Iron Shadow Dragon? What else we gonna get? | Rogue is sexy as hell when he's possessed by his own shadow. Yum.

13: (3:30) Gajeel is having too much fun w/this shit! | (5:15) GODAAAAMMMMNN GAJEEL!! He does evil so well bro! Shit, he was havin' the time of his life, showed no mercy, & then blasted his ass into oblivion! Disciple my ass! Gajeel is officially a badass! | (5:18) Those reactions are priceless! I'm feeling just like y'all too! The tables turned real quick! I bet this is the most amazing Grand Majic Games they've had so far! | (7:33) I don't think so Master. Gajeel & Erza are both tired from past matches, on top of Erza about to have another one. Laxus has Jura & green haired dude to worry about. Gray just had a match & still has Lyon. & Juvia...well I just don't know about her. Sooo, unless they find somebody to take care of Sting, they're fucked! | (8:25) Ugghhh, they're back?! Tf? Y'all just got y'alls asses beat, take a fuckin' seat already! | (11:40) Nice observation! | (19:35) Welp, I think everyone's got their answer... | (20:01) Well, good luck Laxus! LMAO! Nah, but foreal tho 'cause you gonna need it. | (20:15) Laxus knows he's fucked. He ain't stupid, he know. His face tells all. | & that is why Laxus is the bae! Show him what you all about boo!

14: I.FUCKIN'.LOVE.IT. I love the new opening!! | (4:44-5:00) I swear everybody can't help but love Natsu, even Laxus! I love it!!! | (6:10) She wasn't lying now was she? | (7:20) Now I remember!! It was a big deal when they were training for the Games. Second Origin is the untapped back up magic that wizards have. It's when you've hit your limit & you're still going so hard that you're able to tap into that back-up magic & surpass your original limit. | (7:38) This is totally a nip slip bro. | (9:00) Well shit Laxus. | (10:20) It's pathetic that Lyon had to sit there & depend on her healing magic. That's why their asses got blasted Rocket Power style. | (10:35) Juvia cracked me up here. Swear I thought Gray was gonna catch some feelings, woo! | Can you say ultimate comeback or what?! Still think that battle w/Laxus & Jura was a fluke...but whatever. | Oooo, I like Erza's OST here! | (13:25) Shit, Fairy Tail can't even believe they're so close to tasting victory their own damn selves! | (13:39) "But what can one person do against those members?" A fuckin' lot! Especially when those members are all within an inch of their deaths they're so damn tired & that ONE member ain't got a scratch on 'im, this on top of his motive too! They're as good as screwed! With the 8-pt difference, he could easily take down all of them & win the whole game singlehandedly! He could literally win by ONE fuckin' point! That little shit done came back to haunt AGAIN!!! | (14:55) Sting a fuck-ass nigga for this shit! | (14:58) This makes me so sad & mad!! | (15:30) UGGGGHHHHHFGVDHVNS! | (17:05) The BADDEST fuckin' sight I've ever seen bro! Makarov should be so proud. | The whole time I had been thinking no matter what the outcome, Fairy Tail would be winners no matter what. Beaten by Sting or not, they would be the true winners. | I honestly can't ever hate Sting. It's just not possible. | Yup, this is what Fairy Tail does. I just witnessed a reunion between a badass dragon slayer & a damn cat, but I couldn't help but tear the fuck up! It's not even the situation but how much emotion that is put in it that fucks me up. Like Sting was tripping over his feet & face planted in his desperation to get to Lector! How does that not make your vision go blurry for at least a second?! | The ending to the ending just killed me. | One of my favorite fuckin' episodes! Hands.Down.

15(190): (2:25) Lol! Would he rather later? | (4:10) It's official. Laxus secretly loves the shit outta Natsu. | (9:00) Yeah, you don't seem to know about a lot of things. | (13:14) Whoever he is, he is delicious! | (13:58) Tf nigga? How you know my baby? | (14:00) *epic jaw drop* Wtf Rogue?! The hell happened to you? I was right & wrong about him being in the 1st opening lol | (15:53) NATSU!! He trusts people way too quickly! | (18:50) ...I don't think I've ever seen Natsu so shell shocked... | (20:05) STILL FROZEN IN PLACE! | (22:24) I have no words. This better NEVER happen again.

16(191): Damn! Rogue is ruthless! HE killed Sting, then proceeded to steal his powers... | What the fuck did Lucy say not even ten minutes ago!
- TV 16/102 3921
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Fairy Tail OVA
ep.3 -it really is an enigma(how natsu got the scratch, etc.)

remember their voice seiyuus
10 OVA 4/5 558
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Fate/stay night
ep2: (14:30) Tell me why I screamed? lol
ep3: Really? Of all fuckin' people to be your guardian, it just had to be Kirei? The irony is ridiculous...

"Saving one person means not being able to save another." -Kiri
- TV 7/24 4303
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Fate/Zero: Onegai! Einzbern Soudanshitsu
watched part 2
- Special 1/6 4735
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Free!: FrFr - Short Movie
ep1: Haru and the different things of water! lol
ep2: LMAO Your naval cord?? Lord I can't breathe! | This is so classic! The classic 'interrupt the class while yelling from your dream' scene! This nigga thought he was about to dive into a pool! Rofl! If I was sitting next to him, I would of looked at him so stupid! or I would of been Nagisa in the back crackin' my ass up! Lord that dream scene was hilarious... | That translation was AWFUL. I barely understood Rin's scene at all.
- Special 2/7 fuckin' funny 4119
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Freezing Specials
- Special 1/6 5100
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Fruits Basket 1st Season
- TV -/25
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Fukigen na Mononokean
- TV -/13
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Worick (Wallace) Arcangelo
Nicolas (Nico) Brown
Alex (Ally) Bennedetto (the female)
Nina (doctor assistant)
Dr. Theo
Chad Adkin (cop)
Cody (cop's partner)
Mr Monroe
Delico (Delly)
Ms Cristiano
Constance (Connie)
Doug (x)

1: And as I watched this opening for the first time, I knew that we had stepped into the dusbstep age...& I loved it!!! Had me groovin'! | It's not too distracting....but the animation is kinda...robotic... | This episode is called 'Naughty Boys'...let's see why!

Lost everything FML!

In an attempt to salvage what I had before: Basically I thought Nico was so very cute and adorable but I don't even know if that's the case anymore after watching all of those flash backs, which I have to say is my favorite part of the anime because they're done so very nicely and incite so many emotions at once. You can also tell that Nico and Worick have been tied together ever since they were little youngins around 13/14 I think. At first I thought Worick AKA Wallace was an entitled little bitch back then but I am totally grateful that Nico met him because they both changed each other for the good...this was my thought process up until the end of episode 7 where we witness...what? I'm not exactly sure of but it seems like Worick paid off Nico's 'father' (good for nothing who knock up his mom, then killed her, took him in to use him in his little mercenary group for money, and abused him like an animal) left him behind. They have this little thing of whenever they're bruised up they use the excuse of that they fell but they both know the truth. Nico suggests the idea of killing I guess Worick's whole family, which seemed like Worick agreed to but i'm not too sure. While Worick is being abuse by his father, he says something to Nico, Nico goes on a rampage and kills damn near everyone in the Arcangelo estate and then attempts to kill himself, Worick gets mad and doesn't allow that and goes on to say that Nico will suffer as long as Worick allows and that it is an order...I don't even know...
Anywho, Alex, the ex prostitute, had a dependency on some drug her clients and Barry, her ex owner who's now dead, use to give her. In one of her crazy hallucinations as a withdrawal of not using the drug, she kisses Worick and tries to give him a blow job...
Also Worick is a hero and doesn't even know it. He saves everyone. One life at a time.
They were cute af as fetuses. That ED makes me want to learn sign language just so I know what Nico is signing. 'Together with you.' The End for now until i remember more...

8: (4:46) Did she just stick him inn the booty hole w/that cane...? | (6:50) Damn. I even feel bad for her. Like how does that happen? Must suck to forget the people who matter to you... | Her singing is pretty.

9: (6:10) Those strings...Death parade or nah? | (15:40) ...At first I was like what is he tlkin' about that she's too much for him to handle? Then he said he was a faker and I really got interested in what he was saying...faking what? | (17:00) Everytime he's about to fight a strong Twilight, he overdosed on that Cerebrel stuff..Why? What are we not getting? And would that be the reason why he's a 'faker'? But how do these tie in together? | (17:55) Nico wtf?!! WTF?? Why??!!?!?So basically he ain't really a A/0, them drugs make him A/0. Once them bitches wear off he's screwed!!?? | A B/5?? Really? | Dude there's a rank S??? | (22:15) Are you shitting me? What is this, a family reunion?! Who else this fuck nigga gon bring out of the woodworks??

10: (6:50) So many surprises at once huh? That's why he wanted to protect that ring at all cost huh? I wouldn't of guessed these 2 to be together or even affiliated w/each other... | (17:45) Average life span is 35? I know Nico is toe that line by now...

11: (12:25) Everybody and they mama got something to say about Nico's height...Now that I think about it , I remember there being a page in the mange that compared everyone's heights and Nico was defintely on the smaller side. Actually this anime does him justice cause it's not even noticeable unless somebody in the anime comments on it. | (15:10) Did this bitch just say she's gonna go to! | (20:00) I just want to understand why? Why he would rather just let his life slip away...

12: (4:23) Yoo, Worick and these damn posters. This is legit the worst one! And I know they're Worick's cause Nico ain't even like that! | (6:45) WHAT!!! You're telling me Marco used to be in Esminet?? & that is why Connie was kidnapped. | You telling me this anime is just gonna stop in the middle like this with Worick dying in the grass?!?!?!!? Cause the goddang studio got shut down?!?! Wtf are these other studios doing?!? Somebody pick up this badass anime bro!! We never got to see how Worick ended up in the Monroe family, Emilio still ain't seen his sis yet, Delly just found his sis, why did that striker guy know Monroe, and is anybody gonna snuff out the rats?!! So much that needs to be answered!!!

3 laws:
Don't not attack a normal
Obey your contractors
Defend yourself

4 Fathers:
- TV 12/12 3288
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- TV 1/49 5255
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Ginban Kaleidoscope
- TV -/12 5261
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- TV -/13 5115
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Great Teacher Onizuka
- TV 2/43 5208
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Hanasakeru Seishounen
- TV 24/39
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
- TV 1/13 4104
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- TV -/12
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Holy Knight
He basically snubbed his friend for the slut vampire....? This is complete shit.
- OVA 1/2 4033
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Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
- TV 2/12 5004
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Kamisama no Memochou
- TV 3/12 5016
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Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans
- TV 2/25
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Kimetsu no Yaiba
- TV -/26
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Kimi ni Todoke
9 TV 2/25
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Kimi no Na wa.
- Movie -/1
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Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
7 TV -/25
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Koe de Oshigoto! The Animation
- OVA 1/2 5178
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Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
2: (1:55) Didn't mention this in ep1 but this is totally giving me no 6 vibes.
I'm so damn hooked
- TV 6/12 Same people who worked on AOT!! Hiroyuki Sawano on that OST(GC, AOT, ANE, etc.)!! Just listen to that soundtrack 3231
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Kuroko no Basket
Kuroko Tetsuya (Seirin)
Kagami Taiga (Seirin)
Hyuga Junpei (captain)
Izuki Shun (calm & collected humor)
Mitobe Rinnosuke (hardworking mute)
Koganei Shinji (just rounded)
Aida Riko (coach)
Kise Ryota (Kaijou)

1: (2:45) Yeah, real nice & loud. | (2:56) That dodge was too deluxe! lol | (4:47) Reason? What other reason could you have other than just wanting to play basketball? | (5:52) ...Okay. If that's what you wanna believe, let's go w/that! | (6:50) Lmao! The random old man in the back! | (8:52) Scared the bejeezus outta her ass! So that's gonna be his schtick. He's undetectable. He could slide into your DMs & you woud never know it. He can slip right past people so easily. It's not like it's unique or anything but it's always funny! | (10:00) What limit? | (12:21) LMAO!!! | (14:08) A shadow huh? | (15:58-16:30) Wow. They weren't kidding. They just demolished them. | (16:39) Kuro!! | (17:15) Umm...what did I just witness? | (18:20) That's actually....kinda smart.. | (18:49) "He's the invisible regular of Teiko who excelled at passing." Don't really know how to feel about that.. | (19:25) Bruh...he about to lose this game for all of 'em... | (19:40) I'm starting to think to Kuro is a lot smarter than what people take him for... | Um...well...everything that Kuro said!

2: (6:00) What the fuck? This nigga... | (8:00) Y'all better have some easy ass goals!! | (8:42) Welp, we know who's gonna be stripping naked soon! | (9:27) Nigga, we don't need your lifestory. We just want a goal. | (13:22) I love Kuro so damn much! | (18:21) He is absolutely delicious here! All-Arounder Kise! | (19:40) Are you foreal?! He learns as he observes!! I completely understand that! Kise just instantly become my favorite!! He really is rapidly improving! He literally just used Kagami's move against him!! Shoot, It's "Mr. Steal Yo Move' Kise!! & then he adds his own twist to them!? I can't! | (20:53) Wait, what?! He must really love Kuro. | (22:04) "I still have no sense of humor. I'm serious." The fact that Kuro said this shit w/a straight face tho...

3: I's Better if I can't Win | (4:10) The way his face changed tho! | (5:24) Can I punch this nigga in the throat? He's basically saying they're not taking this game that serious so y'all only get half the court. Way to underestimate your opponent coach. Way to go. | (6:37) LMAO! NO ONE is amused. | (6:56) Get 'em Kuro! | (8:48) That's cool! He ain't gotta be fast! This duo is too amazing! Show 'em not to fuck around on you niggas! | (9:04) Umm..did Kagami just break their fuckin' hoop bro? He gonna pay for that? | (9:25) Kagami is not sorry!! | (9:28) Was that the plan niggas? Was that the fuckin' plan? If I didn't know any better, I would think they did that shit on purpose!! | (10:07) Well that was fast! Coach was like y'all ain't breaking another hoop! | (15:25) Kise is too cute! He's like now you see what I see? He is too damn happy! | (21:45) I love Kagami so much here!

4: (13:08) 'The multiple personality clutch shooter, Hyuga Junpei!' LOL! Go Captain!! | (13:44) I was wondering when the 2nd years were gonna get their time to shine! | (14:12) Ah, shit! Here we go!! The Green Machine is here!!! & He's a cancer like me!!!! | (14:30) Tf? He done missed all the good shit already, might as well turn tf around now! | (15:57) Good morning?! Nigga lay yo ass back down! | (18:30) Ah, shit! I knew there had to be something else about Kise! | (20:08) But this is just a practice game though, remember that! | I love how Kise knew damn well Kuro can't shoot for shit! lol | But anyway....THEY WON!!!!! By 2 points! | I love how they have that feature in the ending & I love the image at the very end of Kuro&Kise<333

*KIse ----> Yellow
MURASAKIbara Atsushi -----> Purple
MIDORIma Shintaro ----> Green
AOmine Daiki -----> Blue
AKAshi -----> Red
KUROko Tetsuya -----> Black(shadow)
Others colors:
Kiniro ----> gold colored
Giniro -----> silver colored
Chairo -----> brown colored
Kiiro -----> yellow colored
Pinku -----> pink
Orenji -----> orange
- TV 4/25 3905
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Ciel Phantomhive
Sebastian - "I am but a butler" *wink*
Greil Sutcliffe (reaper)

1: His Butler is Talented | (4:00) Nigga he ain't Sebby! He wasn't gonna catch that shit! | (6:50) How did these niggas get hired bro? | (6:58) But your hair tho...? | (7:58) He turned the garden into a moat...?! How tf...? | (10:15) "Something once lost will never return." -Ciel, the quote! | (10:20) This little nigga is creepy! | (15:00) So you mad my nigga? | (15:50) This nigga done fucked up! | (18:15) LOL! She said it's twisted halfway to Sunday!! Never heard that one before! | (20:20) I would not eat that shit. Not after what I just seen.. | This ending brings back memories man...I missed it so much! | That was one badass 1st episode!! Bang Bang!!

2: His Butler, the Strongest | (2:30) Damn! Bust it wide open on a nigga, why don't you?! | (4:25) That ass was not meant for you to be touching on hoe! | (5:50) Bruh. | (6:00) Umm...uh oh. | (6:15) This nigga is way too calm about this situation! Predicament?! | (8:10) That was cute af, but you're gonna get yo ass shot fuckin' around Ciel! | (8:55) He looked that sniper dead in his eye bro! lol!! | (11:10) Welp, we know who's death is gonna be the worse! | (11:40) He barked!!! His voice turned extra fuckin' deep! lol These niggas are fucked!! Like fucked in the ass fucked!! | (12:00) Holy motherfucker! | (13:55) I am so done. | (16:30) Sebby fucked that Ferro house up! | I remember the flying silverware but I don't remember this situation tho...| (16:40) Quite a bit of time? It took less than 10 min... | (17:05) I love how he literally straight up tells them what he actually is, but it always goes right over their heads. | (17:30) I definitely remember this tho! | (18:05) LMAO!!!! He said get tf up nigga, how long do you intend to pretend to sleep, I'm ready to go!!! I can't even! Favorite part of the episode hands down!! | (18:25) Bruh! I remember watching this part before & thinking why the hell he got up like that?! If I was them niggas, I would of got tf up out this house so fast! I know they wasn't getting paid enough for that shit!! | (19:16) I can't. I hate you Ciel. Both of 'em give 0 fucks. | (19:30) This part reminds me of Fate/Zero. | (21:30) GOOODDDAAAMMNN! These niggas learned today! | That ending was so damn cute tho!!! He didn't have time to prepare to dindin 'cause he had to save you!! In all actuality it probably took like 30 mins at most tho... | Yay! Words for the ending! | Favorite fuckin' episode!

3: His Butler, Almighty | (1:25) That was some deluxe shade throwin' Sebby! | (5:50) The REAL Tanaka? Then tf is the other one? Where he been for months? lol I thought he looked familiar.. | (6:53) Soul Eater or NAH? | (9:00) lol I was like...who? This bitch bro... | (9:14) DAMN!! | (13:05) He looks so let down!! LOL! | (15:40) She gon learn TODAY! I remember this moment. | (20:20) It really isn't but..okay. | (22:15) Sebby be foreal scaring me sometimes...Is he hiding something...?

4: His Butler, Whimsical | (5:12) Lol! Bitch ass! | (6:25) What in the absolute fuck is this?! | (7:07) You've been officially X'ed bitches!! | (9:50) But where are you going? | (11:00) Simple butler my ass! | (14:04) He is FIZIIIINNEEE!! | (17:58) Oh my!! Oh shit hold up!! | (18:20) Oh, my. | Oh, shit! I didn't see that coming! They still caught a criminal, just not the right one. | This was a cute & funny episode as always. & we meet the Undertaker!

5: His Butler, Fated Meeting | (2:00) That's one omnious speech he's giving... | (3:15) What is this nigga really involved in tho? I know he's supposedly the head of the Phantomhive house since his parents died, & they're the owner's of some famous toy line. But this red-head chick is saying he's also the underworld's guard dog...? But in a past episode they said he does the queen of england's dirty work...? Which is it?? | (5:11) I just noticed but why doesn't Ciel ever wear pants to sleep? lol | (5:30) Just the way Ciel said Sebby's name right then. | (5:30-6:17) Had me hella confused! | (7:36) TF?? Did I miss something?! Did I blink?! Now I'm even more confused!! Well, Greil obviously wasn't who tf we thought he was now was he? | (8:06) Damn, I feel so blindsided!! LMAO! Once I saw them teeth, there was no question! I don't know why I didn't guess it earlier tho! The name was so familiar but it just never hit me! | (8:19) ..But did he just put on some fake eyelashes tho? | (9:35) Well, shit! Y'all just some fuckin' liars aren't y'all? The asian dude about to walk out next or something? What gets me even more is that I know I seen this episode already but I'm still surprised! | (9:52) AKA fuck a relative! | (11:00) Bro, this nigga Ciel completely foreshadowed this whole situation at the start of this episode! | (12:48) 'THEM'?! | (12:52) Sebastian has got to be the FINEST butler ever! | (15:06) Ah. So that's it. | (20:45) Wow. Her story is pretty sad. But anyway Greil is one bootleg reaper. He's either really good one or really bad one... | (21:39) Did HE just say 'lady'? | (22:18) I don't know if it's just me but if you've got this one person in the whole entire world you'd want to protect would you always practically flaunt him around as your only weakness on the low? Like he talks up Ciel all the time & practically puts a big red target on him like: "Take out the kid & I'll be chill." On the cool he tryna get rid of him.

6: Yo, can he shut the fuck up! He just talkin' to talk, like Sebby ain't even listening! | (3:35) You thought mf! | I know I can't stand the mofo but that nickname for Sebby is cute af. Sebastian = Sebas-chan
- TV 6/24 3907
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Log Horizon
- TV -/25
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Mahoutsukai no Yome
- TV -/24
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Megalo Box
- TV -/13
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Nodame Cantabile
Noda Megumi
Chiaki Shinichi
mine ryuutarou
okuyama masumi

on ep17 14:25

I'm so in love with that ending!!

ep.2 15:50 "You play like your jacking off!"-nodame to mine
ep.3: "Let go of me, Repeat-a-term-tarou!" "That's Ryuutarou!!" -Masumi & Ryuu
ep.7 -Ahh, I'm so proud of Chiaki!! & that's an adorable way of saying thanks.*wink*
ep.8 -"The hobgoblin showed himself!" -Chiaki about Milch(Stresemann)
I don't think I've ever heard anybody in an anime refer to somebody else as a hobgoblin. lol
ep.10 -the best performance I've heard so far in this anime(S Orchestra)
ep.11 -THAT WAS...BEAUTIFUL!!(A Orchestra w/Chiaki on piano)
ep.15 -I CANNOT with Nodame LMFAO(start at 12:00)
- TV 16/23 music 4863
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
Honestly I don't really see what the big stink is about the animation production for S2 is. It's not like there's a huge gap between the animation quality btwn the the 2 seasons but you can tell some corners were cut with S2 (i.e. Genos looking like a tin can (honestly it's not that bad), the blue flashes of light, and the blurred fight scenes). It's still the same story we all know and love with the comedy, the life lessons, and Saitama being Saitama. That's it.

It just feels like everyone complaining about the animation must have some kind of bougie complex they need to get over. While I do understand that this is anime, animation isn't always going to be everything. Some people say that one should settle for mediocre production but then be the same ones that don't put any money towards these people's salaries. Want high collar productions but not willing to provide the funds for it. I wish some people would understand that some of these production companies are working on these animes with limited resources, manpower, and time.

9: I'm mad that the monster is covered in spike but then has the audacity to hold up a sign that says "free hugs". LMAO, i swear I cannot with this show. | You mean to tell me that Garou got be by the dude in a fluffy dog suit and we didn't get to see one second of it?!?
- TV 10/12 JC Staff 2123
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Otome Youkai Zakuro
halfway through ep6
- TV 5/13 5066
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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle
daimon kaitou- einstein
armband- orpheus
Sakanoue Gyamon(red head)- galileo
Cubic Galois(smart boy)- edison
anna graham- da vinci
souchi (council president)- newton/minotauros, the POG GIVER!?
rook banjou crossfield-chief commander of POG
makata jin

ep.17: his parents, the principle, and souichi are in POG. Jin has been captured by POG. POG has a special unit for raising kids of Phi brain.
- TV 17/25 puzzles, riddles 4896
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Princess Tutu
- TV 1/38 5114
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Saiyuuki Reload
- TV 1/25 5142
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Samurai Deeper Kyou
- TV 4/26 5000
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2

takano masamune
onodera ritsu(25)

yoshino chiaki
yanase (yuu)

asahina koaru

4: (19:10) Nobody should be that damn stupid, like it should be illegal. He wasn't being serious ta loca!!! Were those mf tears a joke to your ass too??!
5: (12:35) lol What in the world?? The train suddenly stops and he decides it the perfect time to get a smooch in? His 1st thought isn't 'what happened?' but 'lemme taste those lips!' lmao!!! It's dark but it ain't THAT dark!
6: oooooh they got me!!! I was wondering why this episode seemed so outta place & why we were seeing some random person's story? THEN we fuckin' see 17yo Akihiko Usami (main from Junjou Romantica) & random says he's gonna take the company & everything clicks into place. This the backstory to the owner of the company in the present!!! It took 20mins & the name 'Usami' but I got it! | That was some cute ass shit!
7: (20:40) Don't tell me they...

shigoto: work
- TV 7/12 4862
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis
Favaro Leone
Bacchus & Hansa

2: (12:55) Oh, somebody really needs to make a vine outta this! That was so cute!! She killed that dance!!

3: (18:25) Damn! That little girl played the mess outta Kaisar!! Had him eating maggots and shit! Congratulations you've been played!! | Favaro heartless af!

4: (6:28) His dad was a bandit leader?! That's why his personality is so shitty! Hmm, and how convenient that Kaisar's whole world was turned upside down when some bandits attacked his dad when he was on duty...

5: (21:25) He blame Favaro for damn near everything!! Shit is do aggravating!

ningen(?) - human

*The adventures of Ronald McDonald and Michael Jackson. ---> This shit will never not be funny!
- TV 5/12 3220
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Shingeki no Kyojin Picture Drama
4: (1:29) Mikasa's abs are too real tho!!!

6: (6:00) Now watch Eren shave off all his hair just for less air resistance... | (7:35) Armin foreal just threw a slug at Eren's eyebrows bruh! | (10:50) Connie & Sasha crack me up! | The ending after the voice actors' intro when Kaji messed up...His laugh is so damn CUUUUUTTTEEE <333

skipped ep 5, gotta go back & watch it.
- Special 6/9 4096
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SKET Dance
ep.17(Bossun can SING!)
ep.18 new OP&amp;ED
ep.24 Switch's voice!!(definitely rewatch)
ep.25 "Switch's voice"...*sniff*...poor "Switch"...*sniff*(DEFINITELY REWATCH!!) sad

quotes:"This is the damn problem with you otaku!"-Usui(Switch)
8 TV 27/77 5100
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Sky Girls
on ep.14(18:39)
- TV 13/26 5115
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aww, i like amaha(treasurer)(In fact, I was afraid of loneliness anytime) and shinnui(president) on the 3rd episode^^;;

Love Kanata(I wonder when you would realize my heart)5th&&6th ep.

&&Shiranui Kazuki(well...have i accomplished all to be done)7th&&8th ep.
8 ONA 9/26 zodiac 5185
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Sword Art Online II
1: (3:15) So he obviously wasn't shitting around... | (6:25) Kirito wants to be a creator! It's so perfect for him!! | (16:45) Lol! He said probably!! Ain't nobody got time for "tabun"! Basically you gotta suck if you wanna stay alive Kiri! & 'Lightly Salted Tarako'...the hell kinda name...? | Never forget Kiri. | I love how in the opening they have all his past avatars show up. I still miss the 1st opening tho!

2: (7:45) & that ladies & gentlemen is how you get yourself shit-fucked in a battle. | (17:36) This OST reminds me of Fate/Zero | (18:30) That was beast nasty. | (21:15) They are so fuckin' adorable!!! Kiri is just chillaxin' & shit!! | (22:39) AoT or NAHH?
- TV 11/24 3907
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
- TV -/25
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Togainu no Chi
- TV 1/12 5268
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
shizuku mi
haru yoshida

ep1: up until the weird ass kiss.
- TV 1/13 4117
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Vampire Knight Guilty
- TV -/13
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Vinland Saga
Askeladd (less piece of shit)
Bjorn (berserker mushroom)
Floki (piece of shit)

"A true warrior doesn't need a sword" - Thors

So like can we talk about Thors being a literal fucking beast because that's what that man was. I sure am still mad about them getting me to like him just for him to go and die. Legit man died standing up fam, like wtf? (I need to find that image again because that shit was heartbreaking)

When Askeladd asked Thors to be the new leader of their army but decided to backtrack when he didn't get an answer talking about he was joking, I knew Thors was goddang legend right then and there.

But other point to bring is how Thorfkin little nigga ass keeps sneaking away from everybody! He managed to sneak away TWICE dude and the 2nd time really shouldn't have happened especially after everything that went down. Like Leif wtf are you doing man??!!?

WIT did their damn thing on this adaptation, no joke. Animation is gorgeous, music is so fitting, I legit don't feel any pacing issues and actually it feels like episodes be zooming by.

I am legit damn near going to watch this due solely to that possible ending song (Torches) by Aimer. Just watched the 4th trailer on Youtube and that shit legit had me tearing up and I don't even know what the show is really about yet. Aimer is a damn angel with that voice fam.

Previously I had been so salty about the existence of this adaptation due to the fact that the studio making this is supposedly dropping AOT to focus on it. Like how do you make the decision to drop AOT for this but I guess.
- TV 5/24 WIT Studio, vikings, Thors is a legend 2066
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Weiß Kreuz Glühen
fujimiya aya
izumi sena(16)
miyazawa nozomi

ep.3: 'Sweet Nothing'
- TV 2/13 4389
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
- TV -/11
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Yakusoku no Neverland
- TV -/12
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Youjo Senki
- TV -/12
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Zombieland Saga
- TV -/12
TV: 56, OVA: 4, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 5, Eps: 0, Days: 4.32, Mean Score: 7.9, Score Dev.: 0.59

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Days
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Ai no Kusabi (2012)
iason mink
- OVA 4 9
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- TV 13
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Ajin Part 2
pretty sure I watched this with the other half
- TV 13
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Akatsuki no Yona
Yona (15)
Son Hak
Yun (14)
Gija (20) (claws)
SinHa (18) (eyes)
JeaHa (green) (25) (legs)
Jeno (yellow)
King SuWon (18) (ugh...)
General Ju-do

1: Woah, was that the opening...? I kinda like it. Mesmerizing. | That bitch ass Suwon...fake as hell ain't he...

2: (7:10) Is she stupid? Why isn't she screaming or something? Dude just stabbed your father and all you can do is stare at him...? | (9:40) Do they really know who they fuckin' with...? | (16:38) Omg. My heart. | Hmm...can't wait to see what's in store hime-sama.

3: I really do like the OP. It's like it's telling a story of a play. You don't see openings like this. | (8:08) Uhh, he might be a perv...fuck persistent! He's just creepy! | (9:00) Dude, he jut grabbed this sword w/his bare hands...the King who doesn't like violence. I would respect him over a tyrant king any day. | (10:40) What the hell is Hak then? Chop suey?? This girl pisses me off... |(18:00) Yup those good days are definitely gone...When all 3 of them were only wanted to be together forever. What happened? Compared to now where Su-won has just killed your father under the pretense that the King killed his father, and now you and Hak are on the run because Su-won has ordered you both killed...what happened? | Why he goes so hard for such an idiot is beyond me..

4: (3:32) Really bitch. GTFO. I can't stand bitches that faint over nothing. | (5:15) When fuck niggas wanna act like they don't know what's really up...I wanna knock his head off his shoulders. | (6:50) He know something ain't right! | (7:50) YAAAASSSS!!! Jii-san is the only one I respect in this place!! I reiterate. Who do they think they fuckin' w/when it comes to the wind clan?! | (11:21) They both love to hoe each other don't they lol! | (16:04) Was this the same fucker who was hittin' on Yona a while back..? | Shit. It is. lmao | (21:45) Dammnit. I hate unexpected tears and I hate goodbyes. This is both. | I'm sorry but this aggravates me. Bitch you are the fuckin' young princess of the Kohka Village. That is YOUR ruling kingdom that they stole from YOU. They killed your father and managed to chase you out of your home. Why the flyin' fuck aren't you pissed!!?? Why haven't you visualized decapitating Su-won's head from his shoulder's?! Why haven't you even thought of game plan of taking your kingdom back?! She might have been the princess but I don't feel Kohka was home to her. What the hell kinda princess are you? Where's your gal? | & Su-won! This selfish bastard I really don't undertand! Why? Why?! Why would he bring upon a pain he has lived with & put it upon someone he used to supposedly care about? If he understands very well what it's like to lose his father why would put that same pain upon Yona?? What makes him think she won't retaliate the same way he did huh?

5: (00:50) Hak makes my heart blue. | (7:00) Omg. That little pretty baby. I gotta get myself together. | (8:35) NOW she wanna act like she actually a princess. | (15:50) VINE. The fact that I've already seen this takes away from the impact...but it's still funny tho! | (20:45) THAT is the look I'm tlkin' about! Now you look like a princess I would wanna respect!

6: (2:55) Yo, this dude is crazy. Watch him spin this staff around his neck my nigga. | (4:25) So this is where her hair went, huh... | Nope. I don't care what reason Su-won has for stepping on everyone, & I know he has one, I won't ever accept him being king. I just can't get behind it. Sorry.

7: Very subtle change to the opening | (3:45) Yes, little nigga! Tell it to her straight! Cause she sho has been taking advantage!

8: (00:25) Why? | After the last episode the opening makes so much more sense now!! lol | (11:50) "I traded them for the potato" ...I fuckin' cried my eyes out. | Yun & Ik-su's that shits beautiful.

9: (14:00) So this is gonna take a while. | Oh, now it's gonna be real interesting. & might I add he is gorgeous!

10: (00:40) "Oh, Yun how you doing?" "I'm fine-ly tied up!" LMFAO!! | Uh, but what just happened tho.... | (14:25) Hak got no manners! | (15:45) Hak is so weird! That's him when he's happy?! He's just creepy! | (21:30) That is a good question! I hadn't even noticed! Not one person has asked or uttered his name!

11: (10:14) He better take this compliment while Hak is giving it! Hak don't EVER give out compliments! Like ever.

12: (10:50) Now I want to watch the vine with the blue dragon in it!! | (14:51) Wow. Completely different from Gjia's upbringing. One revered, one detested. | My poor pretty blue baby... | (19:55) Damn. I can't take this anymore. | I did not sign for this feel trip!! I feel like I'm drowning in the emotions right now.

13: (9:05) Awww, he named the squirrel Ao!!! My heart strings!!!

14: (11:25-13:13) Hak play too much! | (14:10) What the?--He's so weird! | (15:00) He will probably be the only one to actually call her by her name! | When you forget all their names are in Korean... | Moonlight, huh? Just like my pretty blue baby!! I love him so much much!! He's so kind and innocent and thinks of everyone but himself, gahhh he has my heart!!

15: Uhhh, well new op is...interesting...basically kept the same graphics and just put it to a diff song. | (11:15) I can't even lie. I fuckin' hate his guts but damn that was badass! Don't ever underestimate. | (14:40) Damn I miss that 1st op. It set the mood so well.

16: Crap. After that shit he pulled in the beginning, I want to hate him so bad but I absolutely love these types of situations...what do I do!!

18: (4:50) The misunderstandings that come with this dude... | (19:30) Oh God!! Sinha is so damn adorable!!

19: (14:25) Now that is the Yona we need! | (19:25) Aww, what is this Hak...<33

20: (16:50) Hak is just too damn fine...

21: (4:45) LMFAO! Who tf is quivering? Literally if her eyes were laser beams he'd be a dead sob by now! | This episode had me losing my shit!!

22: I fuckin' love her! | (22:00) I get mad just knowing that he's in the vicinity!!! UGHHHHH! I thought we were finally gonna meet our golden dragon but NAAAAHH, it's just him...Why is he here anyway? Yo, if Hak even smells him he's gonna have his ass!

24: (6:25) Hak play too damn much! This is not the time lol | "Princess Yona is here." -Hak

ebi - snake
akatsuki - red moon? or dawn

- TV 24 295
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- TV 12
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Opening Theme:
"Casting Dice" by Yuuki Kanno

Ending Theme:
"Namae no Nai Michi (名まえのない道)" by Kaori Hikita
7 TV 13 266
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Ukyo(lover?)(split personalities)Neil
Kento <3

"Goodlooking guy, but kind of shady." -Orion about Ikki

2: (10:00-32) Of all the people to flutter for... | (20:40) WOOAAH!! I'm so confused!

3: Soooo Shin is the boyfriend...(6:00) lol & he's hoein'! | Parallel universe or whoa?

4: (17:40) I don't even have words for this one "I'll show you that I'm a man, starting now." -Shin | 14-811 | Now it's Ikki!!?

5: Definitely different from the other openings | (8:00) Orion said he was gonna explain, but the more he talked the more confused I got... -____- wth? | (9:05) Now she's really screwed... | (13:00) Soooo now Ikki is the boyfriend too? | (16:30) The fact that i'm not even surprised speaks volumes..

6: the heaviness in Ikki's heart... (17:30) Ikki's affection | (18:30) Crazy ass fan club you got there Ikki | I guess none of those bitches ever realized how Ikki would feel about they're BS, but how do you not realize the similiarities w/every girl...

7: Kento!!!!!!! | After the second time you should of probably gotten the gist of this by now, hun | Out of all them so far, I feel like these two mesh the most | "If that assumption is true, then she's not the girl that I know?" -Kento, never thought to see it that way. | Nooooooooooooo, go back to Kento!! | Wassup, Toma!

8: Toma this time. | (15:55) I don't wanna see him walking down a dark alley at night w/busted light poles

9: The more everybody talks, the more shit doesn't make sense | Toma is one scary twisted motherfucker in this episode!! Woooo!

10: "If I can't protect you, should I break you?" -Toma | It's TOMA??!!?? | LOVE?? Hold up!! Who are you?!! I'm so lost!! Off the roof!!! | This is too much to wrap my head around... | Ukyo? burning house? lover? deception? maybe?

11: I always look forward to this anime's op&ed.. | " It's dangerous to be alone with me any longer. Of all the dangers that could befall you, I'm the most dangerous." -Ukyou | (6:43-7:20) Ukyou you're starting to become the most interesting character in this anime...split personalties, hmm | (8:39) Just by his eyes I could tell which one he was. | "I mean, I even look suspicious, don't I?" -Ukyou. No, not suspicious...just stupid lol | (15:45-18:10) Fuck everybody else!! Choose Ukyou! Everybody else can suck it! | (21:16) Smh...This bitch is about to die, I literally see no hope for her... | I really want to see how they're going to wrap everything up in one final episode.

12: Mayne I love Ukyo so much!! | (15:00) I don't think I've ever seen a face so heartbreakingly distressed as Ukyo's looked at that moment. | Wow, I'm sorry but what an unsatifying ending...Like the bitch literally doesn't have a name my nigga and I never even noticed. | The End

- TV 12 15
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Angel Beats!
fave ep: 5, 6, 9, 10, 13
greatest&saddest ending
"dancer in the dark"
9 TV 13 action, comedy, romanceish 2
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Ao Haru Ride
Yoshioka Futaba
Kou 'Tanaka' Mabuchi
makita yuuri
Murao Shuko
Youichi Tanaka

1: One of my favorite romance manga is now in motion & it's awesome!!! I love it!!

2: That felt so good!! To finally sing that whole riff off the op that I always have stuck in my head, best feeling!!! | (16:05) But why does Kou have to stand like that tho... | Futaba makes me so proud!

3: (3:45) LOl! You know just in case that wasn't PAINFULLY obvious. | (4:55) I love this anime so much!! <33 | (5:40) Tanaka's hair doe...he look like L from Deathnote.

4: (2:55) 'We made it just in time!' lmao! | (12:50) One of my favorite fuckin' scenes!!! <3 | (14:24) This line has always got to me. Like did he have to be that blunt? | (19:37) Bruh, I can't breathe!! LMAO!! I was thinking to myself that bush she hiding behind got some big ass leaves...then it talked. I fuckin' love Futaba! | This episode was funny af!

5: (3:00) I would be just like Kou right then! | Bruh, Yuri is playing foul! It's plain as day that Kou & Futaba are EVENTUALLY going to be a thing...what made her think liking Kou was a good idea?

6: Words for the opening that I can't get enough of! | (5:55-7:15) Lol!! I love this anime too much!

7: (4:50) Hold up! Did they translate this scene right? That is not something Kou would say, at least not out loud! | (16:13) Futaba's voice actor is fuckin' amazing!

8: (9:29) Hold up, something ain't right!! How she gonna tell them to get their eyes checked cause they like Kou, but she in love with Mr. Tanaka...girl, he look just like him!! They're practically twins, he just got a mole!!! | (16:15) Kou need to get her outta there ASAP! | I love the very beginning of the ending. It's so soothing to the ears...and then the singing starts and it's all ruined...

9: (9:45) I remember this scene from the manga...but it was funnier in the manga! 1st time I thought Kominato wasn't lame. | (11:55) I'm sorry but that was the cutest fuckin' shit I'd ever seen! He was trying so hard to keep it in lol | (16:52) Kou was straight playin' in this scene!

10: (12:25) Tanaka!!! Knock!!!

11: (8:00) Kou. You can't blame yourself for something like this. | (11:04) NOOOOOOOOOO!! His hair was suppose to be blonde!! Why is he here?!!! | Futaba a straight MESS!! | This episode was so emotional!! My heart was just on a roller coaster!!

12: (10:35) Foreal Tanaka? Foreal? | (16:25) Keep them eyeballs in your head Futaba! It was in this moment that Futaba fucked the hell up!! | Kou & Futaba are like a ship that's set to sail but won't leave the dock!! | Hurry with season 2!!!
Fansub Group: Hulu
- TV 12 2
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Ao no Exorcist
ep.15 is BEASTLY!!(literally)
ep.19 ahh, refreshing
ep.22 DID NOT see that coming!!

"He's so stupid, he'd forget to die even if he got killed"-Bon about Rin
10 TV 25 148
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Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen
- TV 12
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Aoharu x Kikanjuu
_Toy GunGun_
Tachibana Hotaru (voice?)
Masamune 'Mattsun' Matsuoka
Tohru 'Yukki' Yukimura (Piyoko Kotori)(voice?)
Kanae Yajima

Midori (fuckass)
Takatora 'Fujimon' Fujimoto (Destruction King)(voice?)
Ichi Akabane (Eagle Eye)

1: Animation look good af so far. Let's see how this goes... | (2:37) Damn. They got my ass too. I really did think they was gonna leave it as is! | Oh, this is gonna be good! | (3:48) Can I ask why she talk in 3rd person? It's annoying. | (5:09) ...or she coulda just told him to move...? Instead of all that extra punching your own door shit she pulled. | (9:17) While she's all freaking tf out over something that isn't her problem...Kanae just wants some lunch though.. | (12:42) Oh shit, foreal?! He really shot her! | False alarm. It's just a BB gun. | (15:27) What the helll kinda host club is this? Does this happen a lot? | (19:39) Why couldn't they have just explained first...would of saved a headache of a game | (20:06) Hmm, a girl that looks like a boy? Walks into a host club? And does damage that she won't be able to for out of pocket?? This new Ouran Host Club series is hot!

2: (3:50) Damn. This bitch is hella flat chested! I would even believe she's a dude! | (5:00) What the hell kinda job he got?! Oh, shit! I already love him & his voice! | This bitch said the pervert just called me a pervert! LMAO | (6:53) Oh, no... | (9:30) Uhh, no. Bad idea. The second I heard Yuki is suposed to be backing up Tachi, I knew this was going down in flames. This nigga gon let her get shot the fuck up. | (20:09) I knew he was gonna regret it the second he opened that damn manga... | 'I forgot to mention. I'm a manga artist that specializes in S&M. Yoroshiku...*evil ass look*' I love Yuki to fuckin' death bro!

3: (4:38) Yoooo! Why she flag down this officer man! Tachi play too goddang much! | (9:57) *Asks to have a pat on his head* *Expecting guy to just smile and pat* 'This is so gross...*smile on his face* Love this anime! | Wtf...was up with that 'reunion'...Who IS Midori man!?

4: Okay. I let it pass last episode but Imma need him to get his hands off my Yuki! | (7:10) Oh HELL yes!!! Tachi's bloodlust is fun!! | (10;51) YEEESSSS!!! I need to see this in action!! | Trump card eh? | You telling me my baby Masa used to be on a team w/that controlling fucker Midori?!?

5: (10:14) Really 'Toy GunGun'? Really? | (11:15) Well...that was a twist I should of seen of coming...Make sense on why Matsu doesn't let females on the team but...I shol do remember a female being apart of Midori's team so...unless she's a cross dresser but we'll see how this plays out. | (15:10) 'Bring it on. I'll make your crotch soaking wet with this gun(water gun).' -Wtf am I watching...?

6: (4:22) Well where tf is this when we fuckin' need it!? | (5:05) Their screams are so funny!! Matsu's and Yuki's from last episode! | (16:10) Back ALLL the way up...Who tf does this nigga think he is!! Why does he have such a hold over Matsu?!!? | (16:50) She better move tf up! She back there missin' all the tea and how fake af he is!! | (17:50) AAAAAHHHHHHHHH SHIT ON SHINGLES!!! I should've known! He's so fuckin' fake!!NOWW?!?! Of all times!!?? | OML. He just spared your ass hoe!!! That was him testing the waters!! | First round though???

7: Crushing hope? Well there goes Tachi's ass... | (6:56) LMAO She already lookin' crazy and ain't shit started yet!! All you hear is Matsu yelling at her! They thought some shit was actual gonna happen

8: Dude. Midori is straight up playing with Masa ass right now. Like this is a joke to him or something | Are you fuckin' with me right now? They're childhood friends?! | (3:58) The next person that try to call this fucker nice imma poking their eyes out!! Ain't shit nice about this bitch!! | I don't a fuck what happens later. All I know is that Masa better be the one to take Shitori down. Not Yuki, not Hotaro, not even his own damn teammates. Fuckin'. Masa. | (12:20) How did Yuki end up like that???????!? You didn't see Shitori stepping on his head?! She obviously didn't observe a damn thing! | (13:48) Aw, crap. He awoke the bloodlust. This is gonna be fun/scary. | (14:49) This crap song just ruined the whole mood. | He's so damn manipulative and psycho...and he's a fuckin' pediatric doctor?! What is with this game?! You know he went through some shit just listening to him talk. This was a dark episode. Not just because of the weather.

9: You're definitely cool to me Kanae.

10: (11:41) Leave the team? WTF just happened? He has to know | (12:15) Fuck that shit! He better take this baby back!! I don't ever want to see Tachi look like that again...Don't ever say you're weak Tachi... | OML. What is going on? I know he's lying but why? | Ah, I got it now. | (17:36) What truth is she tryna find out here that she couldn't ask Masa about?! Why step into Satan's den when you could literally have a better chance talking to Masa...How do you even know where this nigga work? | Even though I have an inkling that Shitori isn't...I honestly don't really know how to put it in words but you get the gist. I still hate his ass with a passion after TGC. I just can't.

11: (9:57) Fucking dead. Please put me in a coffin. I beg. Damn Yuki that pic is scary. | Yuki really cares for Mattsun. He sees all of his flaws and still hurts knowing he can't save Mattsun from this endless vengence by himself. I got mad love for Yuki. | But is we ever gonna get the story on why Masa and Shitori have such a fucked up relationship though?!

12: (7:27) Sometimes I really think these people don't know shit about each other cause they be saying some off the hand shit. Hurt his pride by kicking him off? how long have you known Tachi? Do you honestly think she would go through all of this trouble over some hurt pride?! No nigga this is way bigger than that. That bloodlust don't come out to play for nothing. | Wow. I didn't know his past was like that nor realized. He really has been abandoned a lot, huh? His mom, fuckass*, and the 2 ex-team members. My poor Masa. |(19:11) W-w-w-w-what the hell was that? Tf you blushing for Masa?! | Yuki is so damn right. Masa is always worried about all the losers who let him go but he isn't seeing the person who hasn't let go since the beginning! Shit, I think since junior high! He's even done some messed up stuff just because he thought it would help Mattsun in the end. Why has he overlooked Yuki all this time? | (20:20) You know he's breathing all his hotass breath on his face! & and he's talkin' in that deep ass voice! Fuckin' love Yuki! LOL | AHAHAAAHA! Another case of a nigga fallin' for a nigga they think is a nigga but is really a female but they just don't know it. Ah, good times. | ...But does she tell them that she's actually a girl tho...? I was really anticipating that moment...and never got it. They better make a fuckin' second season!

Yoroshiku - Nice to meet you.
This soundtrack is way too epic for this show
- TV 12 funny af!, Yuki <3 1
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Aquarion Evol
Amata Sora(power of flight)
Mikono Suzushiro(power to connect)(Sylvie)
Cayenne Suzushiro(power of despair)
Zessica Wong(power of distortion)
Andy W. Hol(power to dig holes)
Mix(power to fill in)
yunoha thrul(girl w/cat doll)(optical fluoroscopy)
Malloy Dorezza(power of crumble)
Sazanka Bianca(power of corrosion)
Donar Dantes(Prof. Donar)
Shrade Elan(power of sound)
Fudo ZEN
Crea dolosera
Kagura/Dark Amata(power of reversal)
AkbarJIN Batbayar or Jin Muso?(the power to isolate)
izumo kamurogi(father)(altair commander)

ep.5 -forbidden lovers..
ep.8 -Mmm Amata, you stud muffin! ;D
ep.12 -amata just grew huge honkin' balls tonight!
ep.13 -Jinnn! Why?!
ep.15 -new ending
ep.16 -new opening & Go Zessica!!!
ep.21 -Woot Zessica!! Get that kiss!...WAIT!!WTH!There's 2 of y'all?!Wait...You're the same!!!?NANIII!!!
ep.23 -yay! other half of the old ending is back! & (intake deep breathe) SHRADEEEE!!!
ep.24 -why is everybody dying all of a sudden!(izumo, alicia, shrade!)
ep.25: that 2nd ending pulls on those heartstrings(especially the chorus lyrics)
ep.26: Aquarion Evol? Flip that hoe backwards and you get Aquarion Love...-__-
Really? The whole time I thought it was short for 'EVOLve' | Need song from the ending<3....I'll just get the whole soundtrack lol

"Hey, don't let it get you down. It happens to everybody. You get your head stuck in a skirt, and you fly around a...Wait, that doesn't happen to anybody....."- Andy lol

"I can feel the worms creeping at me, trying to get me..."- Cayenne

"I'll get rid of him, and then we can kill each other all night long!" -Kagura to
Genesis Union?

Love is gained & love is lost, but life will always go on
- TV 26 mecha, love, evol 278
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Arcana Famiglia
felicita(6th gli amanti: the lovers)(heartseeing)(chest)(10th la ruota della fortuna: the wheel of fortune)(change host&card)(back)(17)
luca<3(14th la temperanza: temperance)(power nullify)(tongue)
liberta(1st Il Mato: the Fool)(power of the word)(forehead)
nova(13th la morte: death)(power of death)(back of neck)
debito(9th l'eremita: the hermit)(invisibility)(left ankle)
dante(4th l'imperatore: the emperor)(erasing memories)(side of head)
pace(11th la forza: strength)(strength)(hand)
jolly(18th la luna: the moon)(memory retriever)(right eye)
papa-mondo(21st il mondo: the world)(59)
mama-sumire(20th il giudizio: judgement)(palm)
elmo(16th la torre: the tower)

ep3: A little too much? They're balling their eyes out Debito!!(8:00) | (19:40) "By some wierd coincidence, he wouldn't happen to be the ghost of the church that Debito mentioned, would he?" -Liberta, lol he's just scared
ep4: (16:00) That. Was. AWESOME!!
ep5: "Why are you crying?" -Nova
" won't." -Felicita
ep.7: Debito!! Oh, my beating heart be still!! His hair should look like that more often *wink*
ep8: (8:24-9:20) Debito's fineness is all consuming... | Woot! Go Pace! | Swear he just swooped in & pissed on everybody's parade.. | & that bitch needs to stop messin' around in other people's problems.
ep9: Most interesting episode
ep10: (11:25) Get mad Luca, get mad!
ep11: Woot! Liberta&Nova have grown so much!!
ep12: We finally get this effin duel started! | (4:00) "I have absolutely no idea how I lost." -Debito, LMAO shiet me either!! Literally. | Jolly always got the fuckin' answers to everything, don't he. | I'm sorry but that duel mess was boring as fuck!! | La Fine

- TV 12 2
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Arslan Senki (TV)
1: He threw that boi's hand off of him so quick!

2: OOOO!!! I should have known! If he really "scouted" that terrain none of this would have been happening and if he heeded the Prince's concern and also agreed w/Daryun he would not have gone into battle in the first place! Fucking Kharlan! Daryun was right! He's the damn "guide". This is some maiden battle for the prince...
Original Report to King Andragoras: "The terrain is flat as a plain."
Reality: *cliff pit full of oil that you can light on fire* *Tower of raining arrows that you can't see coming*
King: *insert pikachu "omg" meme here*

3: It's crazy to think that throughout this whole battle, the King didn't think of the prince, his fucking son, not one time. The only reason he is alive today is because the old man took precautionary measures beforehand. It's because the old man thought of the prince as his own family.

I legit said the same thing. It's the middle of the damn night, wtf are you yelling for?
Okay, so Narsus? Can I lick the sweat off your back or wha?

5: I hope Shapur's honor will live on

6: Dude, what the fuck is this? She didn't care to ask about Arslan at all. Wtf is going on? Like that's your whole son and you don't even bother to ask one question about his well-being? Hell she probably didn't even know he went out to the damn battle in the first place! I'm trying to understand how Arslan happened to be the son of a overestimating king and cold queen?
I feel like Arslan is the underdog that everyone is underestimating when really he's probably their only hope of regaining anything.

9: It is Yaldaboath's belief, what the lustanian's believe in, that all men are created equal and thus having slaves is wrong --> *Goes and invades Par's land because they believe that they are heathens and thus kill hundreds of people in the process* All hail Yaldaboath! --> ...but doesn't that contradict the belief that ALL are created equal...?? Or I guess it only applies as long as, in THEIR opinion, you aren't a heathen and get different treatment from others? So technically not ALL are treated as equal

13: So...he's not of the actual bloodline of Par's royalty but they still want him to ascend to the throne...? LMAO! That silver mask guy just can't win fam! Like how do you rightfully, by blood, have the throne and the people still not want you? Like Bahman looked to be his advisor or whatever Vehzir was to Arslan way back when and he still doesn't want you on the what?

14: "Be that as it may, Prince Rajendra, I hate to put it this way, but I'd like for you to think hard about your own current position" - Arslan

I think this was like the nicest way of saying look at the pot calling the kettle black about Prince Rajendra saying that Arslan can't do much as a prince that 's not accepted by his own people of Pars.

17: (13:20) Oh, I like this Arslan! I feel like this is the most authentic emotion I have ever seen from him. Girl, don't mess with his Daryun cause he ain't playing no games.

So on to those OVAs...?

Why am I not even that surprised that the silver masked dude is voiced by Yuki Kaji. Like fr the dude is everywhere.
- TV 25 historical, a heroic legend, crescent moon 949
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Asu no Yoichi!
6 TV 12
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
7 TV 46
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Black Blood Brothers
- TV 12 vampire
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Black Bullet
Rentaro Satomi (17) (promoter)
Enju Aihara (10) (initiator)
Kisara Tendou (prez)
Tina Sprout
Kagetane Hiruko
Kohina Hiruko (10)

1: (4:30) Did he leave that girl behind tho? | (4:50) Bruh, I swear I've read this in manga form before!! This scene looks all too familiar!! Literally as they scene was playing I could see it in manga form in my head!! I've at least read the first chapter of this manga a while back and I can tell you he's gonna need his partner pretty soon... | (6:10) Well he's definitely not fuckin' normal... | (22:55) Is this ending song by who I think it is...? ....Supercell??

2: (2:40) I already don't like this big mutherfucker!! Equipment? Really nigga? You ain't on a sports team! | (3:35) AKA: 'You're draggin' us down Ren'. | (6:00) Sebby or nah? I've only seen that creepy shit a few times... | (8:55) He addresses nobody in this damn room but Ren! Is there a reason for that or he just the only person's name you know at the moment...? | (14:50) Thank the heavens cause Ren was about to be sliced in half! | But did he not just tell that midget to cut his arm off, now he tlkin' about working together? Nigga eff you!

3: (10:00) What.the.ultimate.FUCK!!! | (10:25) I hope they didn't make him bionic or something cause there is now way he survived that!! | (12:20) I love Enju so much!! & that's saying something! | (13:55) They is droppin' mad hints all over the place!! Stop playing with my emotions & tell me what yall is trying to get at!! There's something about Ren that they not tellin' us!! | (16:19) Shouldn't it bethe other way around...nvm.

4: (3:50) Damn, foreal? But he look fine to me at the moment soooo What is you not telling us? | (4:50) I said tell me this kid isn't bionic! I said tell me he's anything but a robot!! What does he end up being?? Fuckin' built with probably a varanium right arm, right leg, and I don't even wanna know what's up w/his left eye!! | (5:30) I'm sorry that shit cracked me up!! "Hallelujah"!!!! | (7:20) Uhmm, baby, you just might be... | (7:50) Oh my fuckin' fuck!!! Is told there is a 20% chance he'll turn into a Gastrea if he takes even one of those things...what does he do? Takes 'em ALL!!! If he turns into one he fuckin' asked for it! | (19:15) Bruh, Satomi's eyes are strange! I'm looking at 'em and I swear it feels like I can sense the pain of a thousand years past just in his stare and it hurts like a motherfucker! | (20:40) Did I...miss something? Where is all this shit coming from? | (21:00) Not too long ago I saw a post about how Black Bullet and Attack on Titan were similar in some ways. I thought to myself this person must straight joking, but now that I see it they are in a way kind of similar. Both live in fear of the enemy (Gastrea or Titan). Both use last hope weapons (Cursed Children or Eren) to fight against said enemy. Both weapons are in some way connected to said enemy so they are despised by society. Despise these weapons but at the end of the day these weapons help keep them safe, ironic or not. This old ass dude know damn well not all of the Cursed Children act the same but still decides to hate them all...?

5: (5:15) Just cause he thought he could threaten me with that stupid ass gun I would of said fuck you and took the job anyway just to piss his ass off!! Fuck him & his stupid ass pride!! In the 1st place didn't care all that much about the job and his ass knew that!! Does he really think waving that gun in his face is gonna make Ren take him serious, like my nigga he fights aliens for a living!! He tlkin' about he the only one that can be at the Lady's side but umm...I don't think she got the memo son. | (5:25) At this point I knew nigga had no clue who he was fuckin' with...WHAT BONES NIGGA?! | (6:45) She's too damn CUTE!! 'A valiant hero.' | (13:00) SLUGS!!!

6: Tragic Irony | Ayee! New opening animation, alright then!! | (13:20) Well I guess that mystery is over! | (21:18) 97 owl-type (makes sense)!! Bring that ass back NOW!!

7: (9:35) Just fuckin' awesome. her master is one of the 4 geniuses... | (19:50) 300?!! how you go from 120,000 to 300???

8: (11:00) I'm dead. KO. Finished. I love Tina Sprout!!! | (16:48) Oooo! I see where the girl learned the bad language from!! Can you close Tina babys ear or something!

9: (20:45) Where did THIS come from???

10: (6:10) It's Mr. Steal Yo Daughter!! Legoooo! | (10:45) Thought they would never get to this point <3 | (11:40) He partners up with a girl just like her to help save your sorry ass city!! Tf? | (15:45) I can't with his eyes like that!! His eyes hurt so much! Please tell me it's not what I think it is Ren! | (22:25) That's my girl!

11: (3:40) They're both ridiculous...but who's the leader though? | (5:45) They don't stand a motherfuckin' chance!! Lances of decimating light!!? Nobody said shit about that?! | (14:25) This doesn't even make sense my nigga!

12: (14:55) Well then leader Satomi. | (21:35) I never even realized that.... SatomiXEnju (king) KisaraXTina (queen) Swear Siblings (Jack) Shoma NagisawaXMidori Fuse (Ace) KateganeXgirl (Joker) | (22:25) Why are the opposers always so damn stupid!! He does realize the end of Ren is the end of him, the Lady he always wanted to be next to, and every one in this dumbass city right...? Like I'm trying to figure what exactly did he accomplish with that?

13: (7:50) What the hell? Where's the boom?!?! | (8:25) Oh, heeeeeeeeelll nahhh!! Whatever the hell Ren is trying to do he better stop!! | (18:45) W.T.F. It's official Kisara is the top fuckin' bitch! | Yeah, top evil bitch...So much for that romance huh? so this is the darkness Midori was talkin' about...Like one second she's tlkin' about justice for and the next she's like fuck justice, rep evil! | This ending was ridiculously sad!!! Shoma dies, Kisara turns evil, & they attend a funeral for their dead classmates where on their way back to an award ceremony Ren breaks down and cries along w/a crying Enju....Happy feels all around...
Fansub Group: Hulu
- TV 13 2
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Black Lagoon
Okajima 'rock' rokuro
Rebecca 'revy'

2: Holy shit, that was badass!! Middle finger to the sky!! (13:00)
3: Revy and that damn aloha shirt...
6: LMAO!! Dutch!! This nigga busted into the room wielding his gun, sees the guy he about to kill on the phone & is like 'Don't mind me. I'll wait until you're done.' L-O-L! My nigga Dutch tho!! I love Dutch to much.
7: |(12:50) These 2 are mf ridiculous!! They are legitimately trying to kill each other!!!| 'I think I misheard you. I thought I just heard you fucking with me.' -Revy 'You just stepped on an un-resettable, non-negotiable, big ass landmine.' -Revy 'What do you want on your tombstone?(revy)' 'Write, "There's no medicine for violent idiots."(rock)' ...this shit they say is so damn funny. | (21:05) IDC what y'all say, imma take this as something intimate(sharing a light)!!! Shit, closest thing we've gotten so far.
8: (13:00) Well, looks like you're gonna have to eat your words Revy. Why does this maid remind me of the one in Kinetograph? | Nvm, I take that shit back a thousand time. She ain't nothing like that other maid... (21:30)
9: Fuuuuuuucccckkk doooooooot! If these niggas don't hand this kid back to that psycho ass maid already...shit!! Throw that kid out the window or something, he'll be alright! Like he chillin' in the car like him being there is no big deal, like his bitchass ain't about to get everybody killed by his robomaid!!!
10: OMgyjhhykjihug!!! Fucking thank you!! We finally got a SANE person in the situation! I literally have no fucking clue why any of this is happening! Maid wants kid. Y'all don't need kid. BAM! Problem solved. | (12:45) IS IT TRUE!!? Tf kinda question is that? Did you not see this bitch!? She was driving on rooftops, rising from the dead, & plopping grenades down from her underskirt!!! Hell yeah, that shit is true! For awhile, I was even convinced she was legitimately a robot! | (14:51) Oss, I would really like to know how the fuck they managed to kidnap him in the first place? Did they fucking lock her ass up in a anti-nuclear box 'cause that's the only way I see them getting out alive. | That whole section with the little boy & maid was funny!!
11: Mr. Chan is funny as hell.
12: 'Next time if you want to be saved you'd better pray to God!' -revy to rock, rofl
- TV 12 1
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Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
7 OVA 1
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It Got Me!!
ep.5+6 DAMN!!
ep.11 WTF!?
ep.12 WTH!?

*I watched pointless, fake-ass shit for 10 EPISODES!!*
6 TV 12 WTF!, mind-fuckery! 98
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Blood-C: The Last Dark

kisaragi saya(wtf are you?)
hiiragi mana(awesome ass hacker)
mogari kuroto(fumito's cousin)(fuckass betrayer)
nanahara fumito(no words for you...)
yuka(governer now?)(28)

When it comes to Blood C if there ISN'T betrayal then it isn't Blood C.

Fool me twice, shame on me...

Fumito has to be one of the most FATHOMLESS antangonists I've ever seen.

Well I watched this movie to get answers for the anime that gave none, & ended up disappointed because I STILL have questions with NO damn answers!! WTF?!!?
- Movie 1 2
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Boku no Hero Academia
- TV 13
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Brave 10
sarutobi sasuke
kirigakure saizou(light)
sanada yukimura
date masamune
mochizuki rokuro(benmaru)(fire)
kakei juuzou(metal)
yuri kamazuke
miyoshi seikai nyuudou(land)
nezu jinpachi(thunder)
hattori hanzou
"I got all hot and bothered, thinking about doing nasty things to him all last night.."-isanami(lmao)
"eyes that have seen deep darkness"-yuri
"His smell is the smell of rust and pride."-kamanosuke
ep3: woah there saizou!!
ep4: you pervert! hahaa
ep6: saizou&.....kamanosuke?!
ep7: wth yukimura?!
- TV 12 ying-yang, ten, shinobi 36
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Brothers Conflict
hinata rintarou('father')
fuuto (asakura) asahina(15)(12th)(popstar)
yuusuke(long red)(school)(11th)
Azusa(megane)(voice actor)(6th)
tsubaki(silver)(voice actor)(5th)
kaname(3rd)(long blonde)(monk?)
ukyo(lawyer)(short blonde)(2nd)

ep3: (23:25) Subaru, say it is so!
ep4: lyrics for op!! | Natsume & Chi are cute af! 'No plan havin' siblings' lol | (17:43) I HATE characters like Azusa that do that shit! Like why the fuck can't she state her opinion on the matter? Cause yo bitch ass is mad? Maynee, grow a cooch! | Tsubaki you do understand you're kissing on your stepsister right? | (23:18) What do you do with your life Hikaru?
ep5: better lyrics for op&ed! | (8:30) He fell into that pond so gracefully & shit lol! Tsubaki is a bitch for that swimming shit! lmao | (19:20) Subaru FTW! Confess them feelings!
e6: Tsubaki is shady af!
ep7: (13:50) 180 degrees or nah Hikaru? I wish he would keep that other voice, his normal one makes him sound like a clown. | " this?" -Tsubaki, my reaction: ummm...a cold? tf?
ep9: DAMN!! This nigga is always here! Can they just tell us that natsume is gonna get her already? I'm mean it's obvious af! This nigga came in all late & whatnot, but he is ALWAYS there! Like you don't even live with the rest of the family AND you got a job, so where is all this free time you got to but into everybodys business coming from? | (4:12) He named his cats after his twin brothers? | Lol ADOPTED stepsister? Now y'all can jump her bones as much as y'all want to!; Uhh, too soon Natsume! Shit, he learns she's adopted & hes like free game! | (8:25) My mouthful of water just dripped outta my mouth...hotdamn Natsume! | (9:45) ROTFL He got some gangster cats, they're 'like fuck you nigga let us back in!' They look pissed!
ep10: (7:00) LMAO! Everybody in the 1st car are probably like what the fuck are they doing? | I think I found another one of my weaknesses: silver hair, blue eyes, & piercings..(9:45)(Chiaki, yummm)
ep11: (17:20) If you thought Subaru didn't like you before, he sure don't like you now. I've NEVER seen him so mad!
ep12: Can Ema & Natsume just be together already? | I managed to find out what Hikaru's job was...he ahh creeper! | Can she stop with this family & brother BULLSHIT!? You done kissed about half of 'em! Siblings my AHHH!
- TV 12 harem, siblings my AHH!, conflict 159
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Ryouta Sakamoto (22) (NEET)
Taira Kiyoshi(office worker) (x)
Himiko(?) (game bride)
Kira Kosuke (14) (psycho)
Miyamoto Masashi (mercenary) (x)
Natsume (lawyer) (x)
Date Masahito (doctor) (faker)
Shiki Murasaki (scorned women) (40s)
Oda Nobutaka (high school enemy)
Hidemi Kinoshita (interesting chick)

1: (1:49) Why this nigga lookin like Light Yagami when he lost his damn mind? | Damn we get the op already? About to spoil all kinds of shit! It's still badass though! | (4:37) 22 with no job?! And he's not a student?! He basically lives in the game...that's scary...| (11:31) Not only did he waste a bomb but he gave away his location also along with leaving the rest of the bombs behind because he didn't want anything to do with he's attracting the enemy to him for help?...Nigga he gonna light your ass up!! I know he doesn't have a clue what's going on but he could at least use his context clues... | (12:12) What's even worse is that the nigga missed even though dude didn't move an inch. Nigga fucked and now Ryouta knows what's up! | (18:40) Damn!! He got that nigga good!! Not only was he not expecting it, but his dumbass was also holding 2 bombs in his hand. Really made sure his ass wasn't gonna survive.

2: When this op is your jam and they put up the words to it so now you can sing along...played that shit over about 20 times. | (11:15) What the hell?!?! Why did he do that??? Nigga had a point, it wasn't like he was wrong!! That shit was so unnecessary!! They already in av game where they have to kill each other to win and this nigga just killed ol dude because he wanted to?! AND he had a knife that no one knew about?? Well know we all know who NOT to trust | (19:30) Okay. In this situation what exactly did she want Himiko to do...? Stay and nobody get saved or run and get help...? I'm confused. | (20:23) What. The. Fuck. Okay this just turned disgusting.

3: (9:45) Bruh they cold af! They shoved him outta this plane unconscious and attached to this parachute...what if he didn't land in a tree like he did? Still, I wonder why he was so bold before they knocked his ass out in the head with the taser...doesn't seem like him...

4: Great. Another psycho-child. Just this one is an actual legit criminal. This should be fun. | (3:00) Damn. At least Suzuya only maniacally killed an insane amount of ants. This kid does frogs | (8:33) Is it fucked up that I'm laughing? That was so horrible but the reason why he did it makes it laughable. He said: "I did it! I showed him how I felt!" He stuck a bomb to his chest...he deserved it for being a disgusting pervert but still. Mind you this was after Natsume told him to express himself to his father more...this was his way of doing that...kawai. | (20:25) "No one is that pro..." Hmmm, maybe you bit off more that you can chew little nigga...or maybe this is just the beginning | (21:30) Oh my gosh...this nigga has split personalities! Might explain the plane incident if I'm right... | Somebody wanted the people who are all on this island to disappear...? Is that what that letter from before was about...?

5: (5:35) Damnnn!! It was his mom that did it!!?! His own mother wanted him to disappear? That's fucked all the way up | (6:15) Ew. Least put some pants on him | (8:30) That was so gross. This anime don't hold shit back

6: (1:15) So that shit is true!! Only the owner can use their own BIMS unless their dead...That sucks blue balls! | (6:15) I know fatass Taira did not just run off without them! | (10:43) These niggas crazy. I would of slapped her ass wide awake. She was plenty conscious when she was sippin' on that coffee awhile ago, tf happened to her? | (13:35) Oh. How convenient. She woke tf up at the perfect time when there wasn't any more danger...good job bitch. If this nigga wasn't hella fast on his feet she would of been a sacrifice to the lizards. | (15:20) You mean other than save your life from man-eating llizards while you were unconscious dead weight? | (17:50) Oya Oya = Oh, My. Lol, Haikyuu.

7: (16:05) So we lying now hoe? | (18:25) Fair fight? He's a fuckin' mercenary. He's skilled in hand to hand combat. Fuck that shit

8: (1:15) I mean truth be told, you gotta do what you gotta do. Unless you've got crazy persuasion skills, not everyone is going to listen to and/or agree with you. It's crazy to think that every person on this island is going to join you, especially in this environment where trust is so valuable and hardly given. So unless you want to die in vain, you do what you need to Saka. | (10:23) Damn. I ship the shit outta them now. | (24:05) Damnnnn!! When you get sent there TWICE you definitely be able to tell that everyone around thinks you're a pos! Hell, he probably knows he's a pos!! His luck is straight SHIT!

9: Yo!! This is the episode I read in the book!! | What the hell is this nigga doing?!?! You don't know him!! Why tf would you tell what you're packing?!? That's how you know he hasn't been betrayed yet. The second he told him how many chips he had, doc started singing a whole new tune | Ah hell, who is this long haired nigga bruh? Somebody from your past Ryouta?!?!

10: (7:50) I was shol thinking her name sounded manly af...

11: (5:05) If I was Shiki, I would be crying my eyes out laughin' at his dumbass! I still can't get over how his ass got sent back again! | (11:20) This nigga here is shameless! Oh yeeeahh kill all my friends and expect me to join you because you saaaayy you'll help me escape this place with you? Pfft, nigga she already know your bs story | (11:40) Oh my goodness! She get on my dam nerves! If you know you're gonna die at least put up some kinda of a fight! Dignity my ass! She just gave up!

12: (00:15) "Why do you always abandon me?" Tf kinda question is this....? Nigga, you're crippled and can barely move...what the hell is he supposed to do? | (3:35) So apparently Date doesn't exist to him anymore or...? | (3:40) op...? But I like it | (19:50) I love how this anime will always take it there. No matter what | (21:45) Ryouta made me so proud. This anime has really good character development and I really liked watching how Ryouta changed over time. | (23:20) Ryouta's DAD!!!!??? Oh hell no! Wonder how he felt when he found out his son ended up on this shit show? & I vaguely remember a scene from earlier on where he was watching Ryouta but w/eyes that looked liked they'd seen an apocalypse....So his Dad worked for a gaming company? This is what he was so busy w/that he ignored his only child? | So many more people we haven't met yet! So much more that needs to happen! Where is the 2nd season???

Continue: Yes?/No?
- TV 12 Good, interesting, second season? 1
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yu otosaka
nao tomori (prez)
ayumi otosaka
shunsuke otosaka
kumagami AKA 'pooh'
shichino (permeation)

1: "Of course that's a pack of lies. I don't study whatsoever" - Yu. Well this kid is definitely interesting. | (6:40) Oml! That fuckin' evil ass smirk!! | (12:50) OML!! What is this?!?! I can't take it!! He tore himself up running into everything but Yu, apparently his aim isn't very accurate...But the damn background music!! I'm dead! | Hmm, a forgotten relative huh?

2: (5:30) Takajo is a special kind of awesome isn't he...That was not worth it | I wish I could of heard her brother just one time

3: Would of liked to meet Misa when she was alive. Seemed lively.

4: (00:18) Okay now she took the secret ingredient to french toast tho...? And she eat the shit too! | (10:00) Damn, she surprised the tf outta me! I was like who the hell said that? | (15:40) I'm sorry but this is funny af! That nigga about to lose his mind trying to figure out what is going on

5: (5:15) I was just thinking how chill Takajo was being even while talking to Yusa...spoke too soon | (19:20) Yuu and his commentary at the most random ass time bro...

6: (9:05) LOL!! Well so much for gradual. Knew who her ass was on the spot! | (21:05) Oh shit it was her...& that's the scene from vine!! I didn't know it was from here. | Yooo, that ending was intense...

7: ...Omg. This can't be real...I'm so sorry Yu... | This seriously doesn't even feel real...Only this studio can go from such a light hearted atmosphere to one so dark and depressing so abruptly... | (10:55) That random Angel Beats cameo tho.. | Dango... | (13:10) What is going on...He's seriously scaring me now | (18:50) Okay. Definitely creepy but it was for his own good

9: Aww they are so damn cute together | (6:25) Dude, what is going on... | The most powerful ability...plunder? The hell is that suppose to be? | Holy crap!! Yu can borrow people's abilities!?!? What has he been doing up til now??? | This situation is so damn confusing...

10: (5:25) Of course. These imperfect abilities and all their drawbacks...His vision though | (7:15) The school was created by Shun...he's amazing | (12:35) Oh.My.God. I never would of guessed. The ability to loot is his REAL power. I had always wondered why she would just let them go on about their business after they caught the ability wielders! I would always think to myself that there was no guarantee that they wouldn't use their powers again after the fact. But now it all makes sense. Of course it was fine. Because unbeknownest to them, they would never be able to use the power again...Holy tits! | (18:13) Takajo...just ew. | But seriously after the time leap and saving Ayumi...what's going to happen to Nao's brother??

11: I'm sorry Shun.

12: (16:45) Well. That was straight to the point Yu. What a confession!

13: Memories to Come | One-eyed Grim Reaper | (13:35) Yu has to be the most pitiable person on the face of the Earth. | (21:00) That's it. I'm done. I can't handle this anymore...I thought at least the sight of her face would of been enough... | There's so much I wish could happen. I wish Kumagami was still alive. I wish Yu could get his memories back. I wish Yu didn't have to take on all these burdens. Still, for everything he's been through I should be grateful he's even still alive...I don't know how to feel about that ending I just know life keeps moving on.

When will I ever learn my lesson. The second I saw this was made by the same people that made Angel Beats I should of ran like hell but curious ass just had to test it out to see if it was any good. At first it was funny and a little mischevious then as it went on it slowly got deeper with more messed up situations. The tears kept coming with every twist and turn. Damn these creators are fuckin' sadist!! They seriously now how turn on every damn emotion til you're just crying for like 5 minutes and you can't even understand why anymore! Hell I want to type up every moment in this anime so I don't forget them but I know that would be too much. Eventually these moments that made me feel so much I will forget over time but I know these emotions I felt will always be with me.

Damn this is the first time I've really not wanted an anime to end...

- TV 13 tear jerker until the end 1
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ep.15: pffft Given up?! She's playing to win!
"It must hurt. Second place hurts the most!" -Porky(while crying) about Taichi
ep.20: "You have to do the things you don't want to do, before you can do the things you truly want to do." -Desktomu
ep.23: "Yeah, I'm hopeless...hopelessly in love." -Taichi's thoughts about Chihaya


Ayase -beauty in vain
7 TV 25 karuta, determination, beautiful animation 446
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Cuticle Tantei Inaba
Inaba Hiroshi(23)(hair fetish)
kei nozaki(16)
inaba haruka(17)
yuuta sasaki
ogino kunihara(30)
ogata yuzuki(29)
don valentino
soumei(smell fetish)(sheeps clothing)(black fang)(Inaba Daddy)
hamada iyori(bartender)
akiyoshi(he's a wolf too)

white: heal
black: dark aura
brown: flight

ep.1: 'Having shady people explain a shady attack just makes it all the more shady.' -Kei
ep.2: (11:50) 'You two are gross!' -Kei
(17:55)(19:00) I'm to through w/them!!(papa&mama/playing house)
ep 4: (7:50) so...anti-climatic | (15:15) LMAO!! I honestly don't think Yuuta likes anyone..
ep 5: part 2 is funny as tits
ep.6: The mystery of Yata & Soumei(4:30) | (8:30) Well, surprise surprise! | part 2 is so funny w/Ogata & Ogino. the game "look over there" I need to try | He so reminds me of Natsu when he laughs like that (17:20) | That was the cutest extra ever!!!
ep.7: the cuticle life: idiot sons extras were so effin cute!! | (14:35) Peek!
ep.8: I-na-ba-san(1-7-8-3) ROFL!! that nigga is too obvious! | (5:35) I love Yuuta! | saying sorry or thanks to Ogi = drowning or burning to death to Yuuta -__- | Soumei's backstory "I didn't know how difficult it was to hold on to the truth while living among lies." -Joji to Soumei
ep.9: "You're my prey." -Hiroshi to Soumei | Yataro is a foreal wolf!?
ep.10: (9:05) Yaaaah, that's definitetly the Don | (20:20) We were so close!!! Ughhh!!(Lorenzo)
ep.11: Akiyoshi is back!! | "You could cook rice with that!" -Akiyoshi(Soumei) | (18:20) This nigga play too much | Awhh, I liked Akiyoshi
ep.12: (10:20) Why can't Inaba be that serious all the time? He's a cutie when he is. |(20:00) Woot! Inaba! | The End
- TV 12 HIGHlarious 61
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ep.55 is so SADD
ep.80+93 are so damn FUNNY..lmfao
"Ahh shit on shingles!"-Lavi

Opening Theme:
#1: "INNOCENT SORROW" by abingdon boys school (eps 1-25)
#2: "Brightdown" by Tamaki Nami (eps 26-51)
#3: "Doubt & Trust" by access (eps 52-76)
#4: "Gekidou" by UVERworld (eps 77-103)

Ending Theme:
#01: "Snow Kiss" by NIRGILIS (eps 1-13)
#02: "Pride of Tomorrow" by JUNE (eps 14-25)
#03: "Yume no Tsuduki e" by surface (eps 26-38)
#04: "Antoinette Blue" by Kitade Nana (eps 39-51)
#05: "Anata ga Koko ni Iru Riyuu" by Rie fu (eps 52-64)
#06: "Wish" by Sowelu (eps 65-76)
#07: "Regret" by Hoshimura Mai (eps 77-89)
#08: "Changin'" by Stephanie (eps 90-103)

*a day late on end date entry*
10 TV 103 A W E S O M E! 41
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- TV 26
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Deadman Wonderland

6: I can't even understand what this bitch (dude's little sister) is saying because every other word out of her mouth gets bleeped out!!
The mom scene: Her mom chose to save some damn flowers instead of her freakin' CHILD and two seconds later ends up getting crushed by some rock...I'm sorry, I am so sorry but she deserved that shit! And then ole girl's commentary in the background, LOL!

8: Nagi's story: When Asenjo said he couldn't even cry his wife's name out (cut out voice box), I was done for!! The waterworks broke down the dam!

9: This nigga pisses me off! He(Nagi) was getting his ass handed to him then all of a sudden he wanna grow some business and finally send the elevator down? It took getting his arm sliced off to do something?!

10: I fuckin' love Senji!!!
'Snowflake' huh Todo?

11: Nagi = Heartbreak. His whole story is a damn tragedy!

12: Soooo, did they just completely hint at Shiro being the red man at the end of this episode or what...?

Why oh why hasn't this gotten another season??

Watched on Toonami
- TV 12 fuckin' awesome!!
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Death Parade

1: (6:20) This is one fucked up game my nigga... | (19:30) What in the hell!!??? I don't even know what's up anymore!! She straight flipped the scene! ...I think.

2: Decim's voice is so deep that he make me wanna clear my own damn throat! | Decim need a new damn pastime then! | This Nona bitch kinda crazy huh? | (18:46) Hmm? Wonder what that was all about... | Ooo pretty nice ending song & it's in english?!

3: Shigeru & 'Chisato' | (7:32) In the situation he is in right now, how tf does he have time to be even thinking about shit like that? This is not the time! | (10:25) These niggas must think they on a date or something!! They gonna realize real soon... | (10:50) Her FACE!! LOL Ain't no next time bih! | (18:20) Because of vine, I already know what Decim's response is gonna be! He about to make hella mad in 2.5 seconds! lol | I knew from the start it was gonna be a sad one!! First thing you see is a flashback of childhood friends, get ready for some sniffles!! I mean the girl Mai legit got plastic fuckin surgery just so she could look like a girl that would catch Shigeru's eyes! She didn't even have to do all that! He's a nice boy, he ain't that shallow!! & then there was something going on with one side of her face and her eye was droopin', was that cause of the surgery?? Man what an episode!

4: (2:30) She said this show must cost a lot lol!! | (11:30) Damn Decim! He did not have to go there. | When the show starts getting all too real!! This is hands down the saddest episode yet! Like that shit was legit relatable sad!

5: (12:10) W.T.F. What is up with this kid? lol This is why you can't trust nobody!! | (14:30) Damn Decim, calm tf down!! lol Didn't know you could kick ass like that!

6: (2:30) Ginti playin'!! He said he just gonna skip the whole explanation! | (14:00) See, this is when I would of lost! Once that floor fell out, I would of fell with it! How the hell they gonna play now huh? | (19:22) Holy crapsicles!! That's how he dies?! Goddanggg!

7: (8:30) This song tho... | Ahh, so that's what's up with him...

8: Definitely think the killer is probably the kid. | Told ya. | (19:30) So we doing this again huh? I was wondering when they were gonna bring the pain back. |"...Even if it costs me my life."
Me: Weeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllll, it's funny you say that, because... it did. -Commenter, I thought the same thing at that part LMAO!!!

9: First part of this I was positive the younger guy was the killer because going with the detective would of been to obvious and then we find he really is a killer & I'm like 'told yall!' but then they both end up being killers and then we find out younger guy is the detective's killer & I'm like noooo you killed the wrong person thinking the detective was just tryna investigate cause he's an investigator, come to find he wasn't investigating shit!! Who would've guessed it was gonnna be like this?!! | (14:25) This shit is just twisted!! So he just watched so the assaulter could finish the job, so that way you have a reason to kill him?!! So ol girl gets sacrificed for your twisted way of serving justice??!! WTF???? | This episode was EPIC!! I so totally thought he was gonna stop after the girl grabbed him but then that Tatsumi guy just kept egging him on (I kept thinking that somebody needed to shut him up!!) until he finally did it!! Stabbed them pucks all the way through to the last one!!! & then that crazy smile! Bruh. Let's not even mention Decim looking lifeless & shit! They just keep topping episode after episode!! Like everyone keeps getting better!

10: (3:25) Did her skin just flake off...? Oh, this just keeps getting better & better. | Man this show digs deep.

11: Memento Mori | (3:55) Yagami Light? Nigga how you get outta Deathnote? | This nigga is tryin' to egg her on into doing something bad bro. | (9:00) This is absolutely beautiful. | (13:05) I really can't do knee injuries... |(20:30) My heart can't take anymore of this man. This is some sad ass shit!! Like she followed him into the void my nigga!! Ginti basically made her choose her own judgment! | Memento Mori: 'Remember that you must die, so live right now.'

12: (13:10) Decim really look like he about tp keel over!! Can she stop breaking him?!! | (13:30) Oh shit!! She seriously broke him!!! I was kidding, stop!! Why he gotta suffer!! Like he is crying and screaming! He don't do that! | (15:10) Wait. He actually has another eye? Tf? lol jk | (17:00) That head tilt was so damn creepy... | (18:50) If he smiled liked that nobody would leave the elevator... | (21:35) & then he smiled <3 | (21:42) I know it's to remember her by and averything....but it's still creepy.

'I think Chavvot finally understood the love the little boy had wanted to show her all along...' -Commentor, I like to think of Decim as Chavvot and Chiyuki as the little boy if you know what I mean.

This anime taught me something. Do not be deceived by what you see. /the opening had me thinking it was a whole lot light hearted then it even comes close to being. The first episode had me thinking the rest of the series was going to filled with blood and ripping limbs. Do.Not.Be.Deceived.

Ginti and his cat not returning and then him having a figurine of Mayu, I really wonder what runs through his mind.

Mayne, there's was just so much in this that I can't even begin to convey here. But one thing for certain, it's a gem.

Fansub Group: Hulu
- TV 12 Breathtaking 181
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Dogs: Bullets & Carnage

heine rammsteiner(GE) <3

1: (2:25) fuck up with yo kids that's what happens. | (10:54) LOL! Just like a hitman! But really, the flowers? | (11:30) ...Erm...? | That mf kid!!
2: (4:42) His desperation for cigarettes is unparalleled... | (6:48) THANK YOU! Nobody told you to hanky panky in the middle of the day, in broad daylight, with the windows WIDE open! Yo ass deserved to get caught, I'm surprised you weren't caught earlier! | (9:40) They done fucked the hell up!!! | (10:26) ...Oh we go
3: (9:40) Now you know her aim has to be sick as fuck for that shit she just pulled. | Wow. The 3 of them had one weird ass relationship...I don't even know how to explain it.
4: (5:35) Wow. That was creep-tastic!! | Heine & Badou FTW!!!! | (10:55) ...the bitch with the wings coming out of her back should be scared of YOU? Even though she obviously doesn't look very threatening but still... | (14:26) lol in the words of Heine: 'Fuck up, gentlemen.' | Yup, Heine is definitely my favorite if you couldn't tell by now. & this episode was also my favorite. | Well obviously Heine & Natou have questions that need answers, Badou is pretty much an open book, & we already know all of Mihai's skeletons sooooo I know this OVA is pretty much it & if I want more imma have to read the manga...*sigh* this would of been a badass anime too... | The End
'Stray dogs howling in the dark.'

- OVA 4 badass, should be an anime 2
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Fairy Tail
Natsu 'Salamander' Dragneel(Igneel)
Lucy Heartfilia
Gray Fullbuster
Ezra Titania Scarlet
Wendy Marvel(Grandine)
Elfman Strauss
Gildarts Clive(5th)(Cana Alberona's dad)
Juvia Lockser
Iron Gajeel(Metalicana)
Makarov Dreyar(4th&6th)
Laxus Dreyar

Mest Gryder(doranbolt)
Ivan(master's son)(raven tail's master)
Lyon Vastia

ep.68+94(so fuckkin sadd)
ep.99(favorite episode of all time!!)(rewatch)
ep.100(ending...WOAH..;100th episode!!!10/9/11)
ep.105 "That's so funny, I'm not even laughing"-Zancrow to Natsu

Happy: "You shouldn't brag when you just barely won, anyway."
Natsu:"Better than Mr. I Didn't Do a Damn Thing Happy."

ep.110: 4:23-4:34..whoa there natsu...
12:55-13:15...whoa there natsu!
15:18-16:50..whoa there juvia..

quote:"You musn't underestimate Fairy Tail. Their weapon is not their magic power, but the ability to turn their conviction into a blade.."-Azuma(dude w/dreads from Grimoire Heart)
ep112: new opening
ep117: Laxus??
ep118: Thunder-Flame Dragon! It's goin' down! ...basement
ep121: heh, the right to love, eh?
ep122:missing for 7yrs?!!! Dec 16 X784 - X791? where has fairy tail gone?? better watch this episode again!! WOAH!!X100
ep123: 19:05 -annnnnnd CUT!
19:30 -they're baaaaaaaaaaaccck!
"Welcome back Natsu-nii...everyone.."-Romeo
ep124: You can't cry forever can you, huh?
ep.125: New opening & ending(me like) already??
ep.129: I blinked & it was over...and I was actually expecting a fight too pffft(Laxus & Natsu)
ep.138: a new op(I like) & ed again
ep.146: & that is why Gildarts is the numero uno wizard in Fairy Tail
ep.151: New op & ed; Gildarts is gonna be the 5th Fairy Tail master?! HUH!?!?!?!
"Think of how much fun it's gonna be climbin' to the top again!" -Natsu
Sting(Vicelogia)&Rogue(Skiadrum)(new eye candy....& Dragon slayers)
ep.154: WTF Jellal!!!!!!!?
ep.155: let the games begin.
ep.157: oh, let the games begin!!
ep.158: Gray you better pay them back 100fold! They're gonna get theirs!
ep.159: Lucy earned her respect w/that battle. & Boy, does Natsu love a challenge!
"Let's save the tears for when we win." -Natsu to Lucy
"I'm fired up!" -Lucy to Natsu(while crying)
ep.160: if that was your idea of helping Fairy Tail, don't ever try to help again Jellal...
ep.161: There is nobody who would fight for Fairy Tail's honor harder than Natsu...point.blank.period.
ep.162: Elfman is truly a man.
ep.163: ...aaaand every dude in the crowd just went soft...funs over(13:08-50) "I look forward to seeing you in your birthday suit, Jenny." -Mirajane to Jenny
ep.164: "Sometimes, mermaids eat tigers." -Kagura(Mermaid Heel) to Yukino(Sabertooth)
ep.165: (9:42) Really? Her archenemy just had to be Jellal? | Only Natsu would cause such a rude awakening.
ep.166: His beef ain't with you!! Move!!(3:33) | Uhh, he better have been 10 then! (3:44) |
Why is it that I can only see Ezra or Natsu pulling some shit like that? Heh, Luck of the draw huh? It's so Ezra-esque that I don't know why I didn't guess it...sooo I guess it's just her againt the Pandemonium.
ep.167: new op&ed | Ezra Titania Scarlet, you embody the true meaning of a S-class Fairy Tail wizard.(11:27) "Just like a dignified scarlet flower in all its glory." -Levy | From every other guild's standpoint, Fairy Tail must look like a demon guild right now! Lol it was a good day for Fairy Tail, a damn good day! "We're unstoppable! It's because we're Fairy Tail, see?!" -Cana
ep.168: "See, the master's enemies are my enemies." -Laxus | (Sorry secret Laxus obsession mode..) & he CAN'T take all of y'all? BET!!
ep.169: "Or is it just that you can't bring yourself to hit your father?" -Ivan...if he honestly believes that then I can already see the outcome of this battle... | (7:37) He gets me with that every single time| (8:15) He kills me!! | "Fairy Tail's full of monsters!" -announcer. Took yall long enough to realize, but from my view I would let them keep badmouthing since it will only make Fairy Tails climb to the top that much more amazing. Pshh, & plus yall have only seen the tip of the iceberg anyway | Sky God Slayer Magic? Really? (16:55) Shinpachiro=Zancrow to Natsu...I cannot deal | Wendy hang in there!
ep.170: "Go! Neither of you lose!" -Natsu...I don't think he even understands himself sometimes | I honestly think every male Fairy Tail wizard has no fuckinn' clue on what to do w/a girl when she's crying (Laxus,Master,Mavis)(21:55-22:25)
ep.171: "Juvia!" "My romantic rival!"(Lucy&Juvia) -Nobody but Juvia thinks that... | Whenever you fuck with Fairy Tail wizards best believe you will be payed back a 100fold! & yall thought they were monsters before...pfft
ep.172: "You people..have made an enemy out of the one guild you don't want to anger." -Ezra, I don't think I could have put it any better | Fairy Tail combines?? "The thoughts of our guild have become one." -Master, couldn't agree more (6:40-10:20)(Natsu, Gray, Ezra, Gajeel, & Laxus)| The Festival of the Dragon King(12:20) | (14:00) I think that's as much sexual anything we will ever see in this anime..
ep.173: Battle of the Dragon Slayers! | Is it bad that I kinda expected more from Lyon? | Natsu & Gajeel startin' off w/ a bang! Now keep it that way!
ep.174: Four Dragons! | (6:10) YES!! Show 'em who they effin with! | (8:35) FEAR FACE!!! lol | "I see...Now it makes sense why he would storm into our inn on his own." -Sabertooth chick, yah! 'cause he can do that!! | I promise this episode is playing with my emotions!!
ep.175: Natsu VS the Twin Dragons! | (14:50) Oh, you're not gonna MISS a point or two, eh? But guess what NOW you're losing, literally, by a point! Bet you miss that hoe now! "Don't cry about that one point later, kid!" -Gajeel, bet you he feels like a dumbass now | So much more we need to find out, so many new mysteries! | I never thought I would be clicking on the completed button for Fairy Tail NOW. | To be continued...

the anime will be restarting April 2014.

'the anime will be restarting April 2014'
THANK THE HEAVENS!!!!!! I've never been so happy to see an anime come back!

Mavis Vermilion(female) -the very FIRST master of Fairy Tail
Purehito -second master(evil)
Lumen Histoire = Fairy Tail's darkness??
Arc 68-72 opening: Fiesta; ending: Be as one
updated start date is veeeery late
10 TV 175 668
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king authur/king of knights/britain(saber/arturia pendragon, excalibur)(kiritsugu emiya/irisviel)

king of conquerers(rider, ionian hetairoi)(waver velvet)

king of heroes/babylonia(archer/gilgamesh, gate of babylon/enuma elish)
(tokiomi tohsaka)

knights of fianna(lancer/diarmuid ua duibhne)
(kayneth archibald)

(berserker/arondight lancelot)
(kariya matou)


(assasin)(kirei kotomine)

second season begins April 2012
"her dreams were so big, they destroyed her.." -maiya hisau
- TV 13 142
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Fate/Zero 2nd Season
ep.3 'the end of honor' -what a fitting name, LANCER!! kiri you really just left me speechless..
ep.5 'distant memories' -kiri's/kerry's past, his life turned upside down in a day & he killed his own father & those EYES!!!
Do you plan to be a hero?
ep.6 'where justice is found' kiri's/kerry's past, he killed natalia to stop what happened to his village from happening again, dnt know if she knew it was gonna happen or not smh..
ep.8 kariya..
ep.11 -that was an episode to the
most literal terms I have to say, 'shit just got real!'
ep.12 - 'When kerry grows up he wants to be a hero.' We see Shiro Emiya.

2nd season is where the action is at!

Opening Theme:
"to the beginning" by Kalafina (eps 1-4, 7-11)

Ending Theme:
#1: "Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau (空は高く風は歌う)" by Luna Haruna (eps 1-4, 7-11)
#2: "Manten (満天)" by Kalafina (eps 5, 6)
#3: "to the beginning" by Kalafina (ep 12)
- TV 12 holy grail war, prequel 271
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Final Approach
- TV 13
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Finder Series
Dude. Second ova. Around 8 minutes....Hot. As. Fuck. No joke.

Ending of first ova has that funny ass extra in it. Good shit.
- OVA 2
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Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku
5 TV 12 2
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nanase haruka(17)
rin matsuoka
makoto tachibana
nagisa hazuki
gou matsuoka
ryugazaki rei

ep2: "You just offended every vice-captain in the world." -Mako about nagisa's comment on vice-captains being useless lol | They have to clean up a pool full of moss, algae, dirt, & other nastiness and the 1st thing Nagisa says when he sees it is "Wow, so much nature." -______- Lmao I can't | Haru is so weird lol

sidenote: I lost everything because I was going on a rant & didn't update..I hope to rewatch this anime and be able to update the episodes I lost...til then...

ep12: I love Rei so damn much!! He is literally my favorite!! I honestly don't think anybody can do what he does. To give up your spot so your team can be happy... | (12:30) Rin just broke my heart... | (15:10) Their reactions lol! Coach's comment!: I told them to be free but they went a little too far.. | OMFGKGJRMEIOEJMDIEGR! They got 1st! They got 1st! They got fiiirrrrsssssttt!!!!! The feels are killing me! | THE FEELS!!!!!! Fuckin' awesome ass way to end the season. | For The Team. | See Y'all Next Summer!!! | Most Definitely..
- TV 12 sports, swimming 160
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watched the OVA..

Opening Theme:
"Color" by MARiA
Ending Theme:
"Kimi wo Mamoritai" by Aika Kobayashi

9 TV 12 64
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Freezing Vibration
kazuya aoi
satellizer el bridget(untouchable queen)
rana linchen
Elizabeth mably
Amelia evans
jina purpleton
Charles Bonaparte France
roxannes(the immortal) America
chiffon fairchild(monster)
cassie lockhart(godspeed of the east)
Julia munberk(mammary of Honduras or maverick of walpurgis) Germany
yi soo-na(chevalier's most powerful Pandora)
scarlet ohara
aoi gengo
* ticy phenyl * (new west genectics leader)

sidenote: lost everything AGAIN!!! (I fuckin' hate this damn site!) But I'm not gonna rewatch it & fill it in again soooo whatever...

ep7: Did this bitch just say OR imply that she knew her brother had these sick ass feelings for his sister & is jealous?! What kinda sick, fuck ass world are they living in that a girl would say she wants to get treated the way that sonofabitch is treating Satellizer?? She must be just ass fucked up in the brain as that sonofabitch is! Like I don't comprehend!!! No comprende!!! | LMFAO This bitch Rana calling talking about how could Aoi run off w/Satellizer as if they out here on vacation having a blast or something? lol They nearly got killed by Satellizer's psycho ass brother & his Pandora!! lol I can't! | This nigga seeing her off as if he didn't try to fuck up her whole damn life & they're one big ass happy family or something! The fuckery I've seen in these last 3 episodes will never be understood.. | & then they glossed over it as if it never fuckin' happened!!! What the Bullfuckery!!! 'cause bullshit or fuckery just isn't going to cover it this time! Like I'm hysterical! | Raw, exposed side of Satellizer.

ep8: For all the pandoras saying that it's their job to obey orders from above & nothing else...until you willingly volunteer to become a test subject for these botched experiments, please shut the hell up with that bullshit.

ep10: Finally!! Lyrics to the op&ed! Y'all don't know how mad I've been trying to sing this shit with no lyrics! | BITCH!! What the fuck are you staring at??!! This nigga Andre is practically committing suicide so you have your mf chance to actually win this fight & you're staring at him all stupid like?? Bitch, fuckin' go! This hoe has stood there for like a good minute while this kid is killing himself for her!! Best believe Andre is the only limiter I got mad respect for, teaching these other idiots how it's done. | Quintuple Accel(Cassie)? True Pandora(Chiffon)?

ep11: Oooo gotta see this! Anti-nova? Whaaa?

ep12: Okay, this pisses me off. If this isn't the first time some shit like this has happened, why tf would you let it happen again? Why would you let history repeat itself? I don't care if the journey to this chaotic destination was different this time, if there was any chance of something like it happening again why would you let it? (the nova self destructing) | (22:25) Oh My Goodness...I love Andre so much. Let me shed these tears for him. He's the ONLY limitier I resprect bro...I can't even be pissed at Elizabeth because of that serene smile of his...he's happy that he was able to do the absolute most for her, it cost him but he's happy. | (23:43) This bitch looks pissed the fuck off!! Is she the one that's supposed to lead West Genetics from now on?! ...OMG! I just realized that's the vice president...Ticy or some shit...this bitch look like someone stole her lover & she bout to kill that sonofabitch's family...somebodys gonna die tonight! | To be continued?

- TV 12 12
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Fruits Basket
9 TV 26
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Fuse: Teppou Musume no Torimonochou
Kokubyaku Shino
Dosestsu(Hamaji's bro)

The Lengend of Princess Fuse & The Eight Dog Warriors.

"Inga. Beginning and End. Cause and Effect. In-ga. That's what makes a story."
8 Movie 1 1
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Gatchaman Crowds
hajime ichinose
jou <3
OD <3!
ninomiya rui/LOAD

ep7: (11:00) OD's face!!!! His face is saying 'I hate all you mfs, why the fuck am I in this mf with the rest of you dumbfucks anyway?' HAHAHAH I can't breathe! I know that's not really it but it would be funny as af if it was! | That berg-katze guy is no fuckin' joke! He just broke my baby Jou physically & mentally! Nigga better hope he's okay!!!

ep8: Od is too damn funny bro!! He just told a preschooler not to touch his what??? Little kids were like Od has got to be the strongest lol! (12:00)

ep9: Lol Did I just see a Drake quote? Did this nigga really just quote Drake? "You only live once." -Katze. YOLO, oh no no! (8:08) | OMG! The song they just dropped at (8:30) was sick af!!!

ep10: I LOVE IT!!!!

ep11: Look at yuh guh!! Changing lives one Gatchaman at a time!

ep12: WHAAAAAAAT!!!! Was that OD? Did I just see what I think I saw??? I was expecting to see OD all tall, dark, & handsome looking beast as hell but instead I see OD all suited up??? You know what that means!!!! He boutta kick some alien ASSSSS! WOOOOO I love this opening!!!!! | Ummm that ending...was DRY!!! What the hell was that? If y'all don't tell me what happened to my babie OD & Jou I'm gonna blow!!! Like I don't even know if Utsusu is alive! Oh but I do get see mf Sugane & the damn panda doing just dandy!! & what in the fuck was talking? Why tf were her titties talking to her?? Where do I get answers to these questions!!?? | The End...
- TV 12 160
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Gensoumaden Saiyuuki
- TV 50
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Giant Killing


Opening Theme:
"My Story ~Mada Minu Ashita e~" by THE CHERRY COKES

Ending Theme:
"Get tough!" by G.P.S

9 TV 26 victory 50
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Guilty Crown
amazing soundtrack!!

5: op&amp;ed lyrics

9: lost christmas...

10: what a pretty song

11: what a sad ending...Gai AKA Triton AKA a Beast *sniff*

13: new opening&ending

15: Shu!! No!!

16: op&ed lyrics(eng)

17: Gai..? No idea where this is goin" -_-

18:um, yahhhh that's definitely not Gai 3:00-3:55 -__-'

19: "Shu's void gathers everything and assumes its weight. Strenghts, weaknesses, light, darkness...everything."- Gai...that sounds exactly like a void shu would have...

20: ..they finally give us the lyrics to the op&ed -_-

21: ...and then they take it away -_-'

22: Bye Inori, The End.

kurosu ouma-shu's dad
saeko shijou-shu's real mom?!
shu's name means 'group'
"Shu's human. He's heartbreakingly human."-Inori
Definitely need to look up the soundtrack for this.
- TV 22 voids, supernatural, great soundtrack, new world 176
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Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas - An Episode of Port Town
Egoist strikes again!!!! That ending song was perfection!! Her voice is just so uniquely hers!!
- OVA 1 egoist 1
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Hinata Shoyo (greatest decoy)
Tobio Kageyama (Genius setter)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (potential ace)
Daichi Sawamura (Cap)
Sugawara Koshi (setter)
Kei Tsukishima (blocker)
Nishinoya Yu (libero)
Asahi Azumane (ace)
Tadashi Yamaguchi (pinch server)
Ittetsu Takeda (sensei)
Kiyoko Shimizu (manager)
Ukai Keishin (coach)

1: I'm definitely going to love this! | (9:45) I officially love this kid. Just cause they're losing doesn't mean their morale has to show it too. Sho is not gonna let that losing spirit slip in & I love him for that! | (13:14) That's kinda fuckin' high kid. | (15:45) That's seriously border line creepy...

2: (7:30) that I think about it, have I ever seen a jump serve in person..? | (8:15) Oh, God! I can't take it!! This is too much LOL!! Tanaka is straight killin' me!! | (12:00) That's one scary eyeball. Fr. | (14:45) Yeeeeaaa...they're definitely not getting in...

3: (13:12) LOL!! Kageyama!! | (15:12) He just looks like a 'Kei'. | (20:29) He's been waiting for this moment for too damn long not to get that toss!! | I literally wanna strive to have at least half the tenacity that Hinata does, that's a promise! | (20:57) Woo, dejavu!

4: (3:48) TURN DOWN FOR WHAT??? | (9:05) Oh, how I love Hinata! | (10:38) My favorite break excerpt so far!! lol! | (14:15) I am fr hollering over here! Tanaka straight up looks like that joker dude off of Black Bullet!! LOL!! | Maynee, w/ppl like him who'll always tell you what you can't do, you just gotta teach 'em a lesson one time real quick 'cause nothing else will get through. | What the hell is this captain thinking. Why is it that Hinata & Kageyama getting punished for not working together but you've got them playing another freshman who clearly doesn't seem like a team | (12:45) Not to bust your balls Hinata but you gotta win first to KEEP on winning. Js. | (18:30) DAAAAMMMMMNNN! That was almost too perfect! | But eyes closed though?! | (22:30) & it's beautiful.

5: (4:25) Yes, it's physically and mentally straining but that makes it all the more worth it in the end just for that triumphet feeling! | (18:55) Hinata is gonna spazz the fuck out at this practice game. I can feel it. He's never been this nervous before... | Hiiiinnnaaaataaa!!!! C'mon! Yabai!!

6: Man, this opening is growing on me real quick! | (3:28) If Karasuno gets their shit together soon, they could literally be a really formidable team!! | (7:55) Daichi's face. I am dead! My stomach can't take this anymore! | (8:02) Somebody tell Tanaka to fix his face lol! | (8:30) They about to get smashed bruh... | (9:05) LMAO!! How does that even happen!! Poor referee. He was just a causality to Hinata's spazz rage. Smh. | (10:50) LMAO!! Bruh, one of them is already too much. Putting them both together is certain death!! 'Is the back of your head okay?' I can't breathe. | (19:40) But who gets mad over some shit like that tho...?

7: (5:00) Oh, fr no.6? Fr Tsukishima? With all your shit talking you can't even receive a serve? | (7:25) That was NICEEEE!!! | I just realized how ridiculous that play was. Hinata managed to tip the ball on one corner of the court giving them the chance to set the ball back up for him to move all the wat to the other corner of the court to spike it...holy shit. | (8:50) That had to be one of the best freakin' speeches I have ever heard. Nice one coach! | Someone shorter than Hinata?! Now that's something!!

8: Hmm, loud and rowdy but plays surprisingly quiet...I like. | (10:45) HE'S Ukai?! They straight duped us with that image they had last episode!! Bruh, when they find out the guy who serves them meat buns is 'The Ukai' they're gonna freak!! | Sike, nvm. | (19:13) His impression was so on point!! | Hinata is the absolute cutest kid in the world!! They way he sees the world is just so positive!! I love it!! His and Noya's relationship is so damn adorable!! 'I want to see your Rolling Thunder again senpai!' 'I'll get you 2 | (21:20) That ball is falling ever so slowly. You know coach ukai is on the side thinking wtf is going on on this court! lol! Like this got to be the most intense game of volleyball he done ever seen!! You got Asahi over straight yelling at the top of his lungs right now!

10: (16:00) I don't think I've ever seen Kageyama this riled up before. Like I'm tearing up right now. His and Hinata's relationship works both ways if yall haven't noticed yet. | (18:25) I almost cracked a tooth fuckin' Tanaka!! What would this anime be without his crazy ass!? | (20:45) I'm sorry but fuck that shit! I don't want Hinata to be no damn decoy so the ace can get all the glory! Hinata is destined for greatness dammit!

11: (6:20) They was all playin' in this hallway bruh! But it was nice to see them with relaxed hair and all! Daichi's mad voice tho..

12: (17:40) I don't know...that look in his eyes don't look like ANYTHING is breaking *wink* | YAAAAASSSSSSSS Hinata WERKKKK!!! Even if that bitch was out! You can tell the coach is so much more focused on his players growing than the points they are sacrificing!! I love it!

13: Oh God! When you know you've missed something...I am so hyped & I haven't even gotten passed the op song yet! | (5:15) Yoooo! Just the way he looking got me knowing this is about to be a ride! | (5:20) LMAO!! Yo! But why is Hinata tlkin' shit in his head!! 'Rooster head?' 'McSpiky?' He playin'! | (6:55) If Hinata don't stop hittin' this ball w/his face...

14: (8:35) Aww, this reminds me of Beniiro Hero!!! <333 | (18:24) These are my boys!!

15: The OP is cool & everything but it don't get me pumped liked the other one did... | (1:31) The dreaded 3rd year finales!! | (8:05) He look scary & whatnot but...where his eyebrows at? | (19:55) 'Those who make will pay the piper.' -Bluecastle about everyone mocking Karasuno. Thank you!! Let em talk. It'll only make their come back that much greater!! | (20:30) The vine!!! Cap ain't havin' that shit!! AND they got a warning?! | (21:35) Yall aint seen shit yet!! | THEY'REE BAAAAAAACCKKKK!!!

16: Winners and Losers | This ep was beautiful & so damn relatable!

17: (7:25) Who lucks out this many time bro?! | (11:00) When everybody is thinking 'what just happened?', you accomplished what you needed to accomplish. Nice. | (11:40) Tsukishima gets such little screen time that you forget he's on the team...but he's actually really damn good we just never get to see him. | (12:17) Dangitt!! Sometimes I can't stand Hinata!! He'll go and do this crazy ass spike but then afterwards can't serve a ball over the net????! | (16:25) Yeahhh, focus on Hinata. Nothing else to see is thereee...I think I've finally understood why they call him the 'decoy'. | (21:00) YES! YES! YES! I've waited too long for this!!

18: (15:00) Yo, did you know Noya? That that was badass. Because it fuckin' was!!! | (16:45) What did I even just witness? Yall that was match fuckin' point!!!!!! OMG did it! | (17:25) No Eyebrows?!!! | Yess!! My team is awesome!! | This is what I'm tlkin' about!! This is what keeps me on the edge of my seat!!!

19: (6:25) Wow. They hoed them so hard. They managed to get a shot in of the team they beat but not even an image of them...fuckers. | (22:18) You don't fuck with a genius!! Seriously tho, cause that was ALL him, like nobody else was in on that! He said we ain't losing today!

20: (3:56) He's definitely learning! | (15:00) Is he kidding? Does he not know that he's the whole morale of this team?! If he goes down this whole ship sinks! | (22:30) Holy fuckin' cow! At first I was like 'huh?' is that some new signal? Then judging off of Tobio's reaction, the number Sugawara was holding, and that whistle that's when it hit me. Their subbing him out! As long as I have been watching they've have never even dared to go there! That's how you know it's bad!

21: (5:35) Yo, Suga is kinda fuckin' awesome. He has literally turned not only the mood but the tide around in their favor... | (14:14) These idiots. Like what are they doing? | (21:09) Damn. I like Tobio & everything but my heart broke watching Suga have to walk off of that court after he hadn't been able to be on it for so long! | Another one of those killer in your feels episodes man!!

22: (00:15) & this is what always happens when niggas that don't ever smile try to pull one out of their asses! He really look like the joker guy off of Black Bullet! | (13:48) Shit I was w/teach too! 'Don't mind! One more point!' ...til I saw who was serving back...shit. | The evolution of Kageyama (The King) Tobio

23: (4:20) What even. | (9:50) That's amazing! His spirit shines that much!! | (14:50) When you're praying lady luck is with you right now... | (16:05) What they're saying & their inner thoughts aren't matching | The pressure is crushing me!!! They're so close they can smell the victory!!

24: (4:55) Why is he always serving at the absolute worst times!! I don't think I've seen anybody else serve that ball from that side but him! | (6:03) YAAAASSS!! Get that point Noya!! I'm over here thinking they won but they gotta win by 2 points!! Then I hear Hinata is up to serve...*faint* Lady Luck is not with us today, she is not in the building. | Man, I am so proud of babies no matter what!! I love yall!!

25: (1:00) Can we just take a second for Asahi's hair...Why it look like that? | (3:25) *clears throat* Damn that nigga voice is deeeep! Yall sure he in high school? | (18:35) Which crazy bastards? Nigga they ALL here! | (19:35) I had to do a double take...Am I missing something here...? What is he tlkin' about..? | I love my team!! | Season 2 here we come!!! (October)

- TV 25 196
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Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
shino inuzuka(murasame)(13/18)(piety)
sousuke inukawa(yoshiro)(duty)(back of neck)
genpachi inukai(faith)(right cheek)
kobungo inuta(brotherhood)
father satomi rio(yatsufusa)
osaki kaname
mizuki ayane
hibiki or chikage
inusaka keno or asakeno(wisdom)
inuyama dousetsu(yukihime)

3: (8:00) That's twice that he came flying from the side! "This feeling.." -Kobungo
"And then?"(shino)
"You're the one who wanted to hear the story."(satomi)
"I can already tell it's going to be a long one, so I'm immensely regretting that decision." (shino) |
"I'll see you on the flip side, Sousuke!" -Shino, lmao so childish

4: *after seeing huge ass furry eyeball basking in the sun* "Let's pretend I didn't see anything." -Genpachi, can't stay in denial forever. "I guess...I'm just marveling at the mysteries of life." -Genpachi after being caught messing w/the eyeball | (21:15-55&preview) Genpachi&&Shino<3

6: (14:00) Sakuraba Jouji AKA "anal loving terrorist" ROFL

9: Shino Logic - spirits? fine. bigass eyeballs? okay. huge spirit dogs? nbd. talking dogs? whatever. demons? *shrugs*. ...but cockroaches?! hell nah! ghost?? fuck nah!! | (11:30-12:25) Too funny! They was laughin' too hard. | (15:50) This is what happens when idiots go ghost hunting -__- | That was the cutest, funniest, best episode!!

10: She may have golden eyes, but he has a golden aura. hehe, small angel. | "The horror...twin mummies and cockroaches..." -Shino lol | We finally see him!!...and he ends up being Sousuke's other half..yay..

11: (3:30) Nobody tricked you Nobungo, you're just stupid... | (11:00) It's scary when a nigga who's been scorned wants revenge | (14:40) "A corpse is saying that it feels like dying." -Genpachi. Oh, the irony! | (15:40) This kid is crazy & I don't think I've ever seen Sousuke so pissed off. | (20:00-21:55) Oh, Snap!!! He's 18!! What is happening!? | I'm so ready for the next episode!

12: (4:00-37) The fact that they've never been there before and the situation before them is so sketchy makes this so funnay!! | (6:10) It's too good to be true. | (8:50-10:10) | (11:22) He is finer than fine wine | (21:12) I knew it was gonna happen but...WHYYYYY?????!!! & Genpachi never got to see!!!! AHHHHH!! | Omgoodness, the way Shino's voice person can change his voice from smooth&soft when he's older to loud&childish when he's younger is so awesome! | fave episode

13: "I didn't know it had hands." -Kobungo(about the eyeball), lmao me either! | WOOOOT!!! Season 2 coming in summer 2013!
- TV 13 16
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Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun 2nd Season
shino inuzuka (murasame)(13/18)(devotion)(right forearm)
sousuke inukawa (yoshiro)(duty)(back of neck)
genpachi inukai (faith)(right cheek)(thunder)
daikaku inumura(etiquette)
kobungo inuta(brotherhood)(wind)(buttcheek)
inusaka keno or asakeno(wisdom)
inuyama dousetsu(yukihime)(left shoulder)
inue shinobu(left forearm)(benevolence)(22)(kagetsu & hazuki)(natsume)

father satomi rio(yatsufusa)
hinozuka nachi(kaede)

ep3: Sousuke can't feel physical pain? | (17:00) Different versions?! Shino definitely does not remember the original story! lol | Mannn, I loved this episode so much!! I was tearing up, laughing, revelating...everything!

ep4: Twin meets twin!! Body meets shadow!! Oh goodness! Sosuke meets Ao!!

ep5: (19:30) Shino was too damn cute!

ep6: (15:00) I don't think I've ever had the urge so badly to slap the mess outta Kobungo as I do now!! "All this stuff about balls...every guy posseses them!" My nigga you are completely off the mark

ep7: (6:10) Oh honnaay, she doesn't approve, she's waiting to see this disaster play out hun! Watch this fool make a fool outta himself!! Ooo when he finds out though!

ep8: (11:35) Lol!! He's surrounded by talismans! | That story just broke my heart. Why do they do this to me, bro? (19:15) This is where the heartbreak started. I don't think I've ever cried so hard until now...I can't even watch it again right now because I'll crying my eyes out again...Like I'm over here crying like a little bitch & everything! | Akihiko's Wish & Story

ep9: (5:30) *speeeeewww* 22!!??? Goddanggg!! He's older than Shino!! Yeaaaa he's very special! HAH!! He Shinobu grows & you don't Shino!! YOU LOSE!! | (7:15) The exact reaction I would of had! Drown bitch lol!!! Him & Kobungo will be great friends.. | Shinobu is BEAUTIFUL! That kid is a work of art, he's so gorgeous.

ep10: These tenguu bro, 'lemme just give you half my lifeforce nbd' shit | (21:34) Sousuke is too damn strong for his own good bro!! like this kid just lost sight in his left is going on!?

ep11: Are you telling me Sousuke's sight went to that nigga?!!!?? Oh hell no!! | (4:00) HAHAHAH! Genpachi's wish is killing me!! : "May Shino grow up soon!" | (4:45-6:00) A cut? Did you get hurt? NO! It's an eye!!! That shit was funny as hell!! Daikaku with that eye though! Their reactions!!! | (17:45) Oh shit! Things are heating up!! Why does Finnegan know Shino's mother? Why can't Shino remember when his mom died? What exactly is Satomi to Shino? .....find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!!!!! lol I've always wanted to do that | Nooo Sousuke! Why is the bead doing this?? I don't know what's right or wrong anymore!

ep12: "Whoa, a giant cat!(shinobu)" "My, a puny child!(kaede)" lol I love Kaede | That is not your fuckin' eye Ao!! Give that hoe back to Sousuke!!! | Lol 'Don't point that eye at me!' My accidently slip up and desolate one of the good spirits! | (21:00) Nooooooor, don't take Shino!! Take Shinobu!! He's gorgeous!!

ep13: Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho-Holy Shit!!! THATS Murasame!!!? This town is about to be annihilated!! He had THAT in HIM??? | I don't know if there will be a continuation of this or not...but it was good ending sooo whatever...that shadow shit is gonna bother me though | The End...maybe?

negai - wish
- TV 13 161
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geez, bishounens everywheree!!:))

Opening Theme:
"Izayoi Namida" by Aika Yoshioka
Ending Theme:
"Kimi no Kioku" By Mao
10 TV 12 2
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Hakuouki: Hekketsuroku
Opening Theme:
"Maikaze" By Yoshioka Aika
Ending Theme:
"Akane Sora ni Negau" By MAO

SADDEST anime on the planet!!!!!

Hakuouki: pale sakura oni(hijikata)
10 TV 10 BISHOUNENS, supernatural, historical 87
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Hakuouki: Sekkaroku
ep.2 - saitou is adorable!!
ep4 - Heisuke will forever and always be caught by Hijikata! Shinpachi you be hoeinn'! 7:25-8:58 lol

chizuru yukimura(pink)
hijikata toshizou (blue)
saitou hajime (purple)
okita souji (magenta)
harada sanosuke(sexy!!)(red)
shinpachi nagakura(green)
heisuke toudou(yellow)

kazama chikage(blondie&red eyes)
shiranui kyou(sexy!)

rasetsu- what they call the fake demon..i think

From all the guys' point of view:
ep.1 -Okita
ep.2 -Saitou
ep.3 -Sanosuke
ep.4 -Heisuke
ep.5 -Hijikata
ep.6 -Kazama
- OVA 6 418
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Hakushaku to Yousei
6 TV 12 3
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on tv, might have it recorded...
- Movie 1
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Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku: Kinetograph

haru asagi
tadashi miyanomori(eldest)
susumu(4th son)(fumiko)
hiroshi saeki(5th)
masashi imura (6th)(chiyoko)
kiyoshi kudo
gin kawamura AKA mamoru nao(other son)

1: (14:28) Oh lord! She gonna die!! This nigga Isami is drunk off his ass & he's pissed!! | This party is awesome!! lol | (25:20) Well shit! Call Susumu out why don't you!! lol he did it so swiftly too!! lol got Masashi ass too!! | (30:10) Oh heeeeelllll no! I officially lost all respect I had for her, it wasn't much to begin with but it's gone. I would never give that fuckass Masashi the satisfaction of him getting his way by quitting. He did all that shit on purpose knowing damn well he wasn't gonna eat that bento & what makes it even worse is that Hiroshi knew but didn't say SHIEEEET to Haru!!!
2: (23:26) This nigga Isami has a PERMANENT wrinkle from scowling so much lol that's what his ass gets! | (23:53) LMAO! Shigeru bruh! I was feeling just like him too! That shit was creepin' me out! lol & then that scream hahaha ...but why tf would you run off by YOURSELF? | Too much shit to type, just know it was shocking
- OVA 2 reverse-harem, lovely music 2
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Haru wo Daite Ita
- OVA 2
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Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World

blood dupre(mad hatter)
tweedle dee & dum



peter white(primr minister)
ace(knave of knights)



That shit was so bad, like it was just a disappointment I don't know what else to I fell asleep watching this at 4 in the afternoon NOT because I was tired but because I was so bored to death while watching this. Woke up with half my lip numb 'cause I was leaning on it & everything....This movie just fucked up the rest of my day!
The sound & animation is completely off on the one on animehere.
But....I did like the opening & ending songs at least & Blood was definitely the ONLY character I liked. He's so conniving, lol.

I hope they don't make a sequel, a spinoff, or anything for everybodys sake. They completely ruined Alice in Wonderland for me.

coming july 30th of....
- Movie 1 1
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Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden
"Oh, I wouldn't take anymore taxis if I were you." Right. They all think she's a wanted Japanese terrorist that carries around weapon artillery & bombs!

"Say what? Are you trying to ask me out?" -___- No nigga. She's dead serious.

(2nd part 18:00-18:45) Fucking hilarious!

"Do whatever it takes to get them in the shower together." Ummm, okay.

Juiz loves no.9!

(3rd part 16:25) He is so bold!

(4th part 12:19) That thought bubble was so damn random!! Probably true though!!

Why'd she take herself out?
- Movie 1 reminds me of Mirai Nikki, Gatchaman Crowds, & Kamisama no Memochou., Animehere 1
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Hiiro no Kakera
tamaki kasuga
takuma onizaki
mahiro atori AKA annoying ass loud voice
kiyono takara
yuichi komura AKA sexy
suguru ohmi
shinji inukai
masataka ashiya
ryou kutani <3
- TV 13 2
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Hiiro no Kakera 2nd Season

tamaki kasuga
takuma onizaki
mahiro atori AKA annoying ass loud voice
kiyono takara
yuichi komura AKA sexy
suguru ohmi
shinji inukai(kotokura)
masataka ashiya
ryou kutani(inukai) <3
mitsuru kotokura
kiyono takara(23)

ep2: Great. Now you have 2 traitors on your hands
ep8: Blurred lines!! There is no line between allies&enemies anymore! Everything is just grey matter now.
ep12: "What are you plotting?"(Ryou) "World peace."(Ashiya) | But why did Mahiro have to have the most heartbreaking face on? He finally, after all their battles, kills Hugo(Zwei) & that's the face he has on...Wow. My heart broke.(21:40)
ep13: They've kissed how many times & being caught HUGGING embarrases them? Ryo you're wrong, he ain't grown any balls yet. | The End...finally...

Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier - 1, 2, 3, 4 in german
- TV 13 1
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Honoo no Mirage
- TV 13 1
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Hyakujitsu no Bara
- OVA 2 1
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Ikoku Irokoi Romantan
- OVA 2 1
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yashiro isana/Adolph k. weissman(silver king 1st)
kuroh yatogami AKA 'black dog'(vassal of 7th colorless king: Ichigen Miwa)
suoh mikoto (red king 3rd)
kusanagi izumo
yata misaki
totsuka tatara

munakata reisi(blue king 4th)
seri awashima
fushimi saruhiko
kokujoji daikaku(gold king 2nd)
(colorless king, 7th king)

1: Wow. I really like Shiro. Like really like him. His nonchalant, care-free attitude is out of this world

2: (20:47) They make it seem as if they were playing an extreme game of tag or something | ROFLMAO That is so creepy!! lol He will never notice that!!! hahahahah (22:00)

4: After that Kukuri bitch blows Shiro's alibi proof away "Kukuri, something is about to happen that will make you nauseous. Leave us." -Kuro talking about killing Shiro | (20:20) You've got some explainin' to do bro. Do not mind-fuck me right now

5: Fushimi is so damn weird | To be a student, or not to be a student? That is the question(about nobody recognizing the image of shiro).

6: Totsuka, you mystery!! | Saddest & Best episode so far!! I love you Totsuka & your amazing singing voice!! | Pieces are coming together now.

10: 'a trickster who has a unique, unknown power & agitates the relationships between the kings...that is the colorless king'

11: What is going on? How does shiro end up being the silver king and not the colorless king? I'm starting to think I know what this unique power is...

13: Uhh I hate when they do this to me!!! I've cried twice now because of this anime! He's not okay no matter how brave a face he puts on! | The fact that there were 4 kings in this mess and 3 out of 4 of 'em had to die with the blue king being the survivor eats me up inside bro! | Like I don't understand why all of this had to go down the way it did except the part with Shiro & the colorless king | The red clan just lost their beloved king. Did it really have to be this way? Like they just lost Totsuka & now they're losing Mikoto too!?! No bone! No blood! No ash!(the part where the clan chanted this & I started bawling my eyes out) | But wtf happened to Shiro tho? | I know hoping for a 2nd season is probably pointless but I'm going to anyway, & if that doesn't come the movie better do the trick
- TV 13 4
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
*rewatch episodes 4&down*

Opening Theme:
"My Secret" by Saaya Mizuno (水野佐彩)

Ending Theme:
#1: "Yokan (予感)" by heidi. (eps 1-15)
#2: "∞ Loop (∞ループ)" by heidi. (eps 16-26)

8 TV 26
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Kamichama Karin
Opening Theme:
"Ankoku Tengoku" by Ali Project

Ending Theme:
#1: "Anemone" by Mai Nakahara
#2: "Kuuchuu Meiro" by marble
- TV 26
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Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
5 TV 44
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Kamisama Dolls
close your eyes..
cover your ears..
..don't say a word..
ep.12 OMFG
ep.13 finally...
to be continued....!!!
- TV 13 91
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5 TV 24
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Karneval (TV)

tsukitachi(1st ship captain)
hirato(2nd ship captain)
tsukumo(2nd ship fighter)
yogi(2nd ship fighter)(21)
iva(2nd ship fighter)(queen of the crown)
akari(epitome of a statue)(doctor)
kiichi(1st ship fighter)(annoying berry)
jiki(1st ship fighter)(glasses)
varuga = the monsters


ep1: Gareki&Hirato, you are my weakness: black hair&blue eyes | lol that dude in black(Hirato) tho, he literally stood up & the ropes slid off of him
ep2: It's Yogi!! AAAAAHHHH!
ep3: Gareki is obviously not going to learn his lesson anytime soon...(off-limits off-limits off-limits) | I didn't think anybody could look that goddang cute but Gareki just blew my mind!! (9:00) | Something is always happening to Gareki!
ep4: LMAO Gareki&Iva(5:00) | No idea what is going on
ep5: And we thought you were human...looks can be deceiving -___- (17:43) | Oh.My.Yotaka!!!
ep6: He pretty much just lost his brother & still had the audacity to ask if Yogi was okay. I know that made him happy & If anything it should be the other way around right now. Compared to his so called comrades you see who really gives a fuck..(5:00) | Goddangit Gareki!! Just tell a bitch sometimes
ep7: (2:20) Even with that face Gareki is making he still looks adorable | That ain't no friendly ass cat (8:00) | She hurled 'em onstage like they were sacks of potatoes; lol Yogi is so loud & that acting scene was funny af (15:00) | The 'Bullshit' look. Courtesy of Hirato. (21:23)
ep8: Oh.My. The patch came off. The PATCH came off!!! What the Doctor said & w/the crying & the eyes w/the tears & THE HAIR!(cosby voice) "Let's do something fun. Something awesome...I'll be very happy if everyone laughs as if they're screaming. YEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" -Yogi? (20:30) lol that battle cry!!! I love when he goes berserk! Best episode ending so far!! That was hot..woo!
ep.9: Uro's voice is sooo sexy dog. lol and that slapped SOUNDED painful af! | Sooo what i'm getting is that that whole berserk situation was cause of some allergies & varuga fumes? Really? Bro, I'm so disappointed...he was so hot.. | "What? You want to play?" -Varuga Yogi & YESSSSS I do so bad lol
ep10: Everybody in 1st ship are damn assholes | Yay! 2nd ship is back!
ep11: Yup, that's Gareki. Crushing little kid's dreams one city at a time
ep12: Wow. I don't know wtf is going on but I want to find out. | The fact that you were commending them on lasting that long, just to find they were HOLDING BACK just so Hirato could bring you back alive is fuckin' hilarious!! He was even shit-talking Hirato saying he needed to get his ass down from the ship!! Rofl
ep13: I will never understand Gareki's weird ass expressions... | Gareki was on a Kafka ship...? I NEED ANSWERS!!! | & there better be a 2nd season!
- TV 13 bishies...EVERYWHERE 61
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Kaze no Stigma
ep.8 cute
ep.17 a-ki-ha-ba-ra??! wth? Dragonball or what?? 14:00 &he missed!!
"Here I'll return this to you. I'm scared to ask you where you got it." "I'm scared to tell you.(with a smile on her face?)"-Nanase to blonde friend(Yukari)
ep.20&21 Grim Reaper, huh?
ep.24 protect-mamoru
- TV 24 18
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Kekkai Sensen
Leonardo Watch
Zapp Renfro
Klaus V. Reinherz
Chain Sumeragi
Gilbert F. Altstein
Blitz T. Abrams
Dog Hammer
Zed O'Brien
Mary Macbeth(White)
William Macbeth(Black)
Michella Watch

1: Johnny Landis? Sike!! Caught ass! | (16:04) Michella. Such a brave little sister. | (23:12) Aww! The monkey gave him back the camera!!

2: (5:38) Nudist! BEEEAAACCHH! What are you doing Zapp??? | (8:20) Silver monkey?! She-bitch?! | That igniting his blood shit so they can trace Leo shit was badass!! | (18:44) Dude...Leo look like shit!! | (19:56) And there's your answer for all that pizza stealing!! lol

3: (4:08) "He cam at me like a bat outta hell, so I laid into his carotid artery. I wonder if he's dead." - Zapp, he really isn't a bright one huh? | (19:07) What kinda game is Prosfair? Why is Klaus bleeding? | Dude, Klaus is an upstanding guy huh? What a 'human'. Save that asshat that was trying to eliminate them and got the info he came for! | I really the ending credits <33 It's so cute!

4: (11:29) One. Why is he riding any form of transportation with Abrams. You're asking to die. Two. Zapp is killing me! Three. It's like he doesn't know he's cursed!! | This ep was so funny and good!

5: That ending was adorable.

6: God, I was crying so much!! Please don't forget Nej!!!

7: So we just gonna act like that ain't ol dude from the subway? | (3:35) This anime is too much. | (17:27) LMAO!!! Klaus wtf!!! I think he just killed the owner dude!! | OMFG. What the hell just happened??? Zapp what did you get Klaus into?!?! | (22:12) I knew it was that nigga...One of the 13 kings...

8: Zapp over here with this big ass gut looking nasty and shit. | Warning: Do not eat or drink while watching. You will get food all over your screen. | (16:34) That heat map was unnecessary LOL

9: (17:21) Ah shit...take mushrooms. That ain't yo brother and he does not have good intentions. Leo man you just can't catch no breaks huh... | It always hurts so much more when you used to have such a nice and peaceful world and suddenly it's all been crushed and burned away. You look around and you just wonder. Where'd it all go? Look at us now? Can we ever go back?

10: (13:15) If I was them, I would keep eating. Ain't no cheating argument gonna stop me! | LOL! Divine Famishment!! | (17:11) Vivian's right though. It's good to eat with someone, huh? | (19:56) Hmm, so here's the famous scene. | (20:20) Hmm, ones a caster? Well the other child is about to be a backstabbing bitch...let's hope I'm wrong.

11: (20:56) A barrier around her heart set up by her parents? Some joke huh Will?

12: (16:46) Tmw you realize Leo has probably lost his shit. | (19:39) LMAO. Wait! When you thought Hammer was gonna actually take him there. No. He chucks him like a damn spear there. I shouldn't even be surprised. | (27:50) Yo, timeout. Nu-uh. Let's take it back a step. We needa chill. Think a little. Damn I hate when it gets silent like this. Nothing good happens afterwards. | The twins had me fuckin' bawling!!! This is why it is so important to have a backstory!! I fuckin' sympathized with Black when he didn't want to give up White because I knew how much she meant to him. Shit how much they mean to each other!! That's why I didn't take her betraying Leo personally because I understood why she did it. Their family and story was so lovely. | Yo. When Leo busted out with that ugly-ass crying, I bawled all over again. Again backstory = important. When Klaus told he was proud of him, I understood Leo's reaction because I understand him. How Libra has given him hope, how he's not useless, how he's not pathetic like he thinks he is, how he can actually do something with his own two hands. How he's a hero.

So this is the end of the story?

"Hello, Hi there, Here I am~"
- TV 12 different from what I'm used to, end song is so cute 1
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Kill la Kill
Ryuko Matoi (17)
Satsuki Kiryuin
Aikuro Mikisugi (sexiness)
Mako Mankanshoku
Ira Gamagoori
Dr Isshin Matoi
Tsumugu Kinagase
Nui Harime
Ragyo Kiryuin

1: (8:35) That nigga is a student...? | (9:50) LOL! Half a scissors sword?? | Why does everybody have such difficult ass names bruh! | (14:30) New this nigga was suspicious af! But I don't even care tho cause he is FINE!! One face swipe and his glasses, awkwardness, and chin hairs disappear to reveal sexyness!! | (18:56) Shit, I'm with him!! Wth kinda uniform is that?? Thirst trap or nah!!? | (20:59) & this is why I'm here! For this awesome soundtrack! Definitely sounds like the same person who did Blue Exorcists' soundtrack!

2: (9:22) What kinda fuck ass anime is this that you got random animals in the background humping? | (13:21) Sexy but weird as all hell...

3: (6:00) LMAO! Nigga when you've got your shirt melting off your body, it doesn't seem as much of a joke... | (17:55) So this is where the 'look at all the fucks I give' meme or whatever came from...(the rainbow one) | (18:24) I was wondering why she didn't get no fancy transformation like the Satsuki chick! Now I see!

4: Even though it was a complete filler episode it was funny af!

5: (17:34) He has no clue what he is talking about does he? | (19:40) Weird and badass at the same damn time! | (20:18) 'One: You people will never catch me.' LMAO!! Straight up!

7: (9:24) This song gives me warm fuzzies (: | (11:24) So now that they've moved on up they become boojie?

8: (14:00) Shit can't ever be normal in this anime can it?! Just when I was beginning to like him, he just had to be a masochist!!

9: (8:40) Why is she attacking first? 'Cause you get off on that shit, that's why! | (9:07) LOL! If you don't attack him, he'll just attack himslef...Ira has the most hilarious goku outfit, I swear! | (17:50) He wanna talk about her but Satsuki do the same shit! Oh, but she's an exception tho!! | (20:29) Oooh, an ugrade??

10: (11:00) LOL!! He forfeited!! He said fuck this shit!! | (21:40) But this song goes hard tho! | (22:00) Anybody who knows me knows that I love when things get out of hand ;) | (22:40) They really love using the b-word.

11: (18:01) Fr? Matoi can't ever catch a break bro! Like she has absolutely no clue who tf you are but apparently you just want to fight her anyway! | (21:01) Bro, she has got to better! You don't give af whether you fight this random ass person who just took out a 3-star w/her pinky nail(!) or not, but you have no clue who she is or what she's capable is she itching to get her ass beat? | I'm pretty sure the deal was if she beats all of the Elite 4 she gets to ask Satsuki all of the questions she been itching to ask her...'Pinky' was not part of that deal but you still gonna take her on...? Why does she voluntarily make shit harder for herself?! | (22:05) Half a purple scissor blade? ...oh, this so just got good! | Bruh. Did that hoe just admit to killing her dad...? I definitely did not see this mess coming...I hope they got that bullet on deck 'cause all hell is about to break loose!!!

12: (8:45) Eww, that thing is ugly! & shit gets outta hand... | (19:40) Now can the rest of them take a page out of Mako's book! SAVE her instead of KILLING her!

13: (11:00) This song gives me life!! | What's funny is that I sat there & thought about it. 'What if 'REVOCS' is like AquarionEVOL where it also means something if read backwards', but I just brushed it off like it was nothing!!! Now it comes back to bite me in the ass and tells me it's 'COVERS'! | (18:59) Damnnn, should've known..

15: (00:40) Bruh...did his draws just drop...? | (7:25) This has to be the most inappropriate scene I have seen so far in this anime...what in the flying fuck was that...? | (10:10) One thing I always notice about Satsuki's always seems so forced compared to Matoi's... | That was one crazy ass episode too much happening to even focus on certain topics...but yeah season break I guess?

16: Okay I guess this opening is a little better compared to the first one... | (7:22) LMATFO!!! Damn I love Mako too much! She was straight up with it!

17: (20:50) LOL! Poor kid! He's surrounded by mummies! | (21:50) Yeahhhh, I definitely did not see that one coming! Tf!?? | If I was Matoi I would of been like 'Did I just jump in the middle of something...?'

18: (3:40) This bitch is why is she STILL steady talkin' and breathin'!? | Ooooh, spoke too soon... | (12:00) This is why I can't take this anime serious...He literally has his butthole in her face... | (12:45) Ah, shit! She about to do what I think she's about to do huh? | (22:45) Jesus take the wheel because I can't do it anymore!!! Where in the flying fuck did this come from!? This bitch just said that Ryuko is the daughter she experimented on and nearly killed! Now shit makes a lot more sense compared to before! | The episode of many plot twists!

19: (12:28) But what is Mako's mother lookin' at though...? Hmmm? | (15:20) Bruh, sometimes this anime....You will never NOT be surprised, let's put it like that. | (20:20) Gamagoori is too cute! | (20:55) Well that's a whole lot faster than that suction thangy!! lol

20: Ryuko wearing Junketsu!!? Satsuki wearing Senketsu??!

22: (14:50) Feast scenes are always the best! Everything else doesn't matter when it's time to dig in and everybody always gets along. Just like in Fairy Tail<3 When it's time to eat, it's time to EAT!

23: (17:15) Mako is about to make me cry bro!

24: (11:00) Ragyo got a back up plan for EVERYTHING!! She got plans A-Z all planned out! | (21:57) This is absolutely adorable <333 | Satsuki cut her hair!!!! | The End

inu - dog
gama - toad
- TV 24 funny, familiarly great soundtrack, fuckin' awesome 20
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Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau
- TV 12 1
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ep.5 (FUNNYY at the end)
ep.6 (even FUNNIER)
ep.12 WOOT!
- TV 12 relaxing, bittersweet 361
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Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
"No one's looking out for others. If you're careless, you'll be robbed. There are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who steal, and those who are stolen from. And today, I steal your futures. That's all this is." - Ciel

Damn. He meant it when he said they were "Phantomhive" servants. Nobody is safe!

10: "Yes, I'm arrogant. But not arrogant enough to make irresponsible boasts that I can save others." - Ciel

As much as I don't want to admit but I respect him for saying this. So many always have these unrealistic, outlandish ideals of wanting to save the whole damn world and I'm just like as nice as that sounds it's just not possible. Ciel really is a grounded person. He knew that he would honestly be doing more harm than good if he kept those kids alive. Those kids just couldn't be saved. And he knew this because he was one of them once upon a time and the only thing that saved him was that contract.

It's even crazier knowing that what the Kelvin guy held over them was that orphanage that was supposed to be helping other kids just like them. But that the place had been long gone and all the kids that had been there had already been used for their bones a long time ago. And they died never even knowing the truth. If that shit doesn't just break your heart...
8 TV 10 Joker, Beast, Dagger, Jumbo, Peter & Wendy, Doll 1
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Kyou kara Maou!
10 TV 78
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Kyoukai no Kanata
mirai kuriyama
akihito kanbara
mitsuki nase (little sister)
hiromi nase (brother)
izumi nase (big sister)
shizuku ninomiya (nino-san)
yayoi kanbara
miroku fujima

1: Well. What an opening. | (13:00) This school makes no damn sense... | (14:48) He jsut said he made sure no one was around right? Just checking. | That ending is so loaded!! The feels are strong with this one!! When you can feel the feels before there's anything to feel you know you're screwed!! I love it! The song, the animation all of it!

2: (5:35) Just great. He's the fuckin' alternative to the annoying bitch that will yell your name throughout the whole fight for no damn reason!! That shit is so damn annoying, distracting, and unnecessary! Especially when you just on the sideline doing not a damn thing!! He officially isn't my favorite anymore! | (17:05) That was gold!! He put his hand over that card so fast!! | (17:55) Bruh, I'm dying!! This is too funny!! Ayaka throwin' undercover slugs & shit!! She said I know cat youmu aren't bright and all but she's still your mom...but she ain't a youmu and is a fuckin' spirit warrior and his dad is the youmu. But she already knew all wtf?! | Everytime i listen to that ending I go on a feel trip!

3: (8:10) This nigga and glasses! Is it that crucial?? | (8:24) Nah, nigga there aint' nothing sacred about it. It's just creepy. | (8:30-10:00) This was funny af! | "I never say goodbye. I'm always that way." -This is ending song is gonna be the death of me.

4: (2:37) Just when I thought this nigga was even a fraction of a bit cool, his phone started ringing & all that shit flew out the window!! | (5:15) LMAO! His reflexes are ridiculous! Who would think to do that? | (13:52) Oh, God. I can already feel it in my kokoro! He is definitely going to be the reason why I ball my eyes out in the near future! | (16:33) What the hell kinda half youmu is he?! He don't seem like no willy nilly random as youmu to me! | (17:45) I dare her to say that line AGAIN! She sho didn't have a damn clue what she was talking about huh? | (18:40) Yoooo, I've definitely seen this pattern before in Biology...what is it?

5: (16:40) I KNEW IT!! There's only one dipshit that would pay for pics of girls in glasses! | (20:50) Aww, I love this!

6: (2:50) He carries back-up glasses in his pants...? ...& then this nigga has a bookmark of his sister...? They're both weird af. | (4:00) He gotta go. He should not be in here! | (7:30) I really didn't think this show would be that funny but damn...I be laughing nonstop!! LOL!! BITCH, what you supportin'? | (11:28) The whole school probably smells like ass by now! | (12:50) What even was that? | (17:00) When the stank gets too much to bare...she done lost her shit! | My thoughts exactly Akihito. Yeah, y'all got it all distracted & everything but...who the hell is gonna kill it!!?? Hiromi was giving us face tho!!! ...Guess y'all are just gonna stink for an eternity. All that work for nothing but I wish they showed us everything that happened in that week!! Make it into an ova or something! | That had to be the most dramatically funny filler episode in the world!! I literally laughed through the whole thing and that rarely ever happens but that shit was too funny!!

7: (6:10) These 2 kill me!! He's gonna force him to listen to the shit too!! | (19:55) That damn line...Why everybody always wanna go home?! Damn!

8: (3:54) He was definitely out of it! He didn't freak out or anything! | (6:30) Why does he watch these with everybody around? He's asking for the embarrassment! | (20:30) Why can't they just leave my baby alone!! | (21:05) I'm sorry but she reminds me of a pokemon! | Kuriyama and her feelings. Why is Akihito so damn special huh? I need answers dammnit!

9: (7:35) ...He don't even wear glasses!!! Why he gotta have so damn many!!?? | That whole room scene had me rolling!! He's so weird!! The glasses for her birthday was cute..but still so weird!! If Akihito's room looks like this, I don't even wanna know what Hiromi's looks like! | (10:15) When we all know this was coming...I'm surprised they ain't tried to take him out before. Like he ain't no weak ass youmu, he's seriously a liability to people bro! | (12:40) Oh my god. I think I know where that scar came from... | (20:34) Hell, he puts all them other youmu to shame! | Who kicked what 2 weeks ago?! Oh, yall better be playin'!!

10: (2:40) Oh thank goodness!! I almost thought they was about to tell me he was dead!! | (12:35) What the hell is going on...? | (15:35) So this was all planned from the start huh? So that's what Hiromi meant. What I don't understand is why get close to him if you know you're eventually gonna have to kill him? | This conniving bitch. He trusted her w/everything & from the beginning her only intentions were eliminating him.

11: (8:30) This 'Beyond the Boundary' sounds like it's no how the hell did Akihito manage to survive with 'that' in his body and Mirai manage to subdue it...? | (13:15) Seriously, what side is this nigga on...? I know it ain't the good side! | (16:50) LOL!! This was funny! | (17:05) Seriously.

12: (3:15) What are these 2 doing...? The fate of the world right now are in these 2's hands...yall all dying. | (11:35) Where's all this coming from?! So they're both half youmus...? | All I can say is that I loved it...still wanna know how she came back tho...ying-yang..balance. | End.

Fansub Group: Hulu
- TV 12 ending song 207
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- TV 12
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lovee it(risaXotani)
10 TV 24
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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
William Twining(the elector)
Dantalion Huber(grand duke of hell)
sytry cartwright(viscount & 12th noble of hell)
Camio/Nathan caxton(great president of hell)(Halfling)
gilles de rais
kevin cecil/uriel(angel of repentance)
eligos(leader of 60 legions of hell)

4 leaders:
Astaroth(duchess of the south)

ep3: I swear they're all asking the stupidest question: "Why don't you remember?" ...Now does it make ANY type of sense to ask somebody who doesn't remember anything WHY they don't remember anything? If he don't remember, how he gonna tell you why the fuck he don't remember? Like TF!!!? | Oh noooor, kevin cecil was it?

ep4: An old love story | the story of Camio & Maria | Soloman was obviously a very important person to all of these could say he was the glue that connected them all.

ep5: I love the very start of the ending so much! The guitar is so chill & relaxing! It makes want to sit out under a tree on a summers day with smell of fresh, green grass & a breeze blowing & just close my eyes & daydream...all from that little guitar riff...the rest of the song though can suck it


ep9: Gailles&Jeanne | Solomon deserves to have his soul snatched for the fuck-up he made by making that kid his vessel!

ep11: This kid is sitting playing chess by himself...smh(Michael) | A meeting in hell? This shit is too funny! | NOOO! They wasn't ready bro!!! Fuck William, lets keep Solomon!! | Dd this nigga honestly forget his very 1st pillar? He remembers everybody else BUT Dantalion?! | Definitely my favorite episode

ep12: Realist but Romanticist | What an episode! | I don't think I can express this enough but that ending song just does things to me. It really reminds me of Katekyo Hitman Reborn somehow...the mood does...I just really love it <3
| The End?
- TV 12 162
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Mirai Nikki (TV)
amano yukiteru(first-random diary)
gasai yuno(second-'yuki' diary)
hiyama takao(third-murder diary)DE
kurusu keigo(fourth-investigation diary)DE
houjou reisuke(littlekid)(fifth-)DE
kasugano tsubaki(followers)(sixth-clairvoyance diary)DE
ikusaba marco&mikami ai(couple)(seventh-exchange diaries)DE
kamado(daycare)(eighth-server diary)
uryuu minene(nineth-escape diary)
tsukishima karyuudo, hinata's dad(tenth-)DE
john bacchus(mayor)(eleventh-watcher or peeper diary)
hirasaka yomotsu(clones)(twelfth-)DE

ep9: op&ed lyrics
ep10: op&ed piano accompaniment..?
ep11: Russian Roulette!
ep14: Yup, Yuno has finally lost it... o_O
ep15: new op&ed
ep16: Yuki's dad, huh?
ep17: That sonofa....!!
ep19: ..Then who the fuck is Gasai Yuno??!
ep20: The ring!! It's getting blood on it!
ep22: 17:30 ...da fuckk? is that what he meant by "love him"
ep23: Omg there really was two yuno's O_o
ep26: Came to see you?? WHAT DUH?

"Don't tell me. You were planning to shine as 'brilliantly' as a star in the night sky?"-hinata to kousaka(meaning to die and end up a star in the sky)

Akise Aru? - observer?
- TV 26 diaries, mystery 175
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Monochrome Factor
Opening Theme:
"Metamorphose" by Asriel

Ending Themes:
#1 "Awake ~my everything~" by Daisuke Ono and Hiroshi Kamiya
#2: "Kakusei~dark & light" by Junichi Suwabe & Katsuyuki Konishi
9 TV 24 shounen ai
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Nanatsu no Taizai
Meliodas - Dragon Sin of Wrath
Elizabeth - 3rd princess of Lioness
Diane - Serpent Sin of Envy
Ban - Fox Sin of Greed
King/Harlequin - Sin of Sloth/Grizzly Sin, King of Faeries
Gowther - Goat Sin of Lust
Merlin - Boar Sin of Gluttony

3: Is pink hair dude deaf? Was he not listening? They weren't plotting to overthrow shit! They asses got caught up in the plotting if anything! He talking about what difference does it make?! All of it because now your reasoning for revenge doesn't stick my guy!! | LMAO! He punted his ass with no mercy! I cannot NOT laugh. | Can I remind everyone that Meliodas has been fighting with a stump - not even an actual sword.

4: They was holding who for 5 years?! Man this nigga was chillin in that prison (Ban).

6: Porky when that damn bug landed on its nose...I.Could.Not! It was funny no matter how many times I rewinded. | We finally get a bitch that got balls! That's what's up Liz!! | You tryin to tell me Meliodas killed him with that one punch to the gut? Fucking one punch man in this bitch.

11: Ban's ability is snatch - the ability to take from their opponent and add to them. Meliodas' is full counter - the ability to reflect the opponent's attack back at them. He can also nullify magic aimed at him too.

19: Yoooo, Diane and King got my emotions all fucked up. You mean to tell me that King lost all of his memories but he was saved by little girl Diane that he broke his promise to and then some odd years later they end up being a part of the 7 deadly sins but she doesn't recall ever meeting King before that (but the name harlequin is familiar to her) but King can still recall their time before that? Wtf happened?
And King's backstory with his bestfriend where the bestfriend was backstabbed by the humans that he thought he could trust to bear a grudge against them for 700 yrs. That shit was so damn sad (the ost shol didn't help either). He bore that form to remind him of the heinous crimes that humans can perform. It was just so fucked up for them to gain their trust by acting all nice, and once they got that trust they stole the wings of those faeries backs and then stole their lives as well.

21: I really cannot not say that I didn't see this coming. Like come on now, did you really think bringing back faerie girl was gonna be that easy Ban.
Merlin has absolute cancel - this can apparently cancel out magic.
So, uhh, what does it mean to be from the demon race?
- TV 24 hiroyuki sawano, perfect time, seven deadly sins, ikimono gakari, man with a mission
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Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu
Escanor - lion sin, sin of pride
Gowther - Goat sin or commandment of selflessness

10 commandments
Estarossa - commandment of benevolence
Zeldris - commandment of piety
Galland - commandment of truth (x)
Derere - commandment of purity (x)
Gloxinia - commandment of repose
Droll - commandment of patience

11: Legit Ban's and Diane's backstorys are the only interesting ones. Like legit, Ban's backstory had me crying fam (Him and Chivago). | See King is talking about keeping an eye on Meliodas because he doesn't trust him and his murky background but legit watched him get the rest of his power if Melly really did have nefarious plans good luck keeping him in check after that shit King. | Girl, Melly was not playing with these 10 commandments man. My mans said this isn't talk, this is a warning. Also, did he just say ole dude was his brother? And what did red tin can mean by cursed demon? It's still funny that Melly came by and turned Galland into a cheese grater.

12: I'm sorry, she may be older than she looks but I just can't get past the fact that ole girl looks 10yrs old. Ban looks like he's making out with a child. | That ending song legitimately gives me life. I'm going to be so sad once they change it.

14: Do you know how many episodes I've been waiting for Escanor to show up. I'm about to enjoy this shit here. | I'm mad that he straight laughed w/Galland and then slashed his ass in half straight w/no hesitation like "bitch". | This man said "Even the ancient demon himself was terrified of death but I can't really blame the guy since he was up against me." Bitch, I lost it! He really is the sin of pride. | Escanor took out 2 of the 10 commandments solely by being to OP and having a "burning soul". I legit CANNOT!

15: Did this nigga just say that Gowther is the missing 10 commandment member??? Oh my fucking shit fam. I already wasn't feeling Gowther after what he did to Diane and Gila(?).

16: Looks like there's a recurring theme here. King's worlds was messed up by humans when they lured fairies w/cheap trinkets to try to win their trust just to rip there wings off of them. Diane's world was flipped when humans used giants to their advantage when they were fighting but get mad when they get their asses beat in battle and then wanna turn around and kill them. Ban has been treated like trash by humans bcuz he did whatever at all costs to survive. So hell I kind of agree with the 10 commandments when they say they want to wipe out humanity. | I like how they didn't actually travel the maze but just busted right through it, cheating asses why didn't you do that from the get go? & LOL "bovine bastard?"

17: Gilthunder and Gilfrost and on top of that they look damn near like twins...? Mhmm.

18: Man this just made me love Escanor even more. And really not like Gowther, I mean I know he literally can't read the mood of ANY situation but damn nigga can you learn from yo past mistakes fam. Like Gowther was the one toying with his memories (like he always fucking is) but Escanor knew who the REAL enemies were and legit took them out. Like he damn near about to wipe out the 10 commandments single handedly - his body count is up to 4 now. On top of that he was only at half power bcuz he wasn't supposed to be able to take on that form at all.

19: That shit still blows my mind. Elder brother?? Apparently that don't mean shit cause he still gonna clap that ass.

20: Once the leader of the 10 commandments?!?! Meliodas wtf has happened fam? These niggas keep saying you betrayed them all that time ago and let them experience humiliation. What did you do fam? Like my mans was supposed to become the next demon king?? Had the goddess race shook?? And did yall see Gowther in the flashback?? And then these niggas got the gall to be mad at Meliodas for his betrayal when they recruited 2 niggas who did the same exact thing!! Make it make sense. | Estarosa is also Melly's brother. Damn son, you legit betrayed your whole family. Man talking about "she was about to devour my brother's soul without my permission" as if his ass wasn't 2 feet away from her. Bitch, if Ban made your ass shol could of.

21: Are you telling me Melly's father is the one that put the curse of never dying on him? And his father is what exactly...? | Girl, Escanor said "why should I hate someone that is obviously weaker than me. All I feel is pity." "How very prideful" "That's EXACTLY who I am, as of right now you are now face to face with Escanor, the lion sin of pride". Ain't no such thing as shame in his vocab. He legit surprises me every time.

22: Yall he said "What's wrong did you find something down there on the ground?" as if he didn't just knock the wind out of him. LOL The disrespect! Let that man catch his breath. "Who decided that?" - Escanor | Escanor's fight was the best one I've seen all season!

23: Oh, so Meliodas decided to come back to life and be a savage. Girl, Melly is fed up! | Y'all I cannot! This bitch is caaarrrazyyy! Straight snatched Gil's ass up and fled | Shit, that one hit different. Gil's fucking dad comes back and he doesn't even get the chance to see him fam. I wouldn't even wanna be the one to tell him. | I am so done with this show. Merlin just said that clone's power level is 30000 then actual Melly walks up and is like oh yeah you're doing kinda good against my CLONE. If the dang clone is 30000, bitch how much is Meliodas. Man, at that point I would just pack my shit up and go, *HTGWM gif* realness. | "Something about Meliodas has changed", yeah the savagery has finally come out. Yall better hope this change goes in your favor.

24: Ban talking about this aint the way the Captain usually does things...bitch the way he usually does things got his ass killed so wtf does that mean? My man's Melly gives no shits fam and I ain't mad at it, idc. | Merlin really pissed me off when her bitch ass said that Fraudlin didn't deserve to be defeated the way that he was. Why? Cause he decided not to obliterate the whole town and all of the innocent people in it because he somehow cared about the little boy that he had been lieing to this whole time and stole the time that Dreyfus was supposed to have with his son. What? Was Melly supposed to let Fraudlin decide HOW he wanted to be defeated or something? Was he supposed to tell he wasn't that bad of a demon before he blew him to pieces? Because bitch he was that kind of a demon and was the mastermind to all of this solely for the sake of revenge. Like I legit don't understand the dilemma. I need these mfs to understand all this hesitation shit don't get nobody nothing but regrets. Ain't nobody trying to have his ass pop up 3000 yrs later talking about Melly should've of killed him back then. Mfs wanna talk about this ain't the same Melly that we knew, like bitch be glad you got any type of Melly cause otherwise you would all be dead. Hell be glad this Melly ain't killing y'all | Even though I hardly like Elizabeth, I'm glad that she's someone that stick w/Melly through thick and thin. Seeing his vulnerable side was so new. Man, I was going to cry if Melly was left by himself. And then Ban had the gall to ask where Melly was the night before. Bitch if you really gave a dam you would've went to him. Wanna talk about best friends my ass. | And then you're telling 4/5 of the 10 commandments are still alive? And 2 of them mfs are Melly's brothers that were supposed to have been taken out by Escanor?! These mfs don't die but neither does Ban or Meliodas. What I want to know is do them niggas not know that Melly is cursed? Why were they trying to kill him when he literally cannot die?

All in all, this was a much better season ending compared to the last one.
- TV 24 the 1st ending was GOLD - thanks Anly 7
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Nanatsu no Taizai: Seisen no Shirushi
- TV 4 10
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ep.4+5 :)
ep.7 Good-night kiss my ass!! haha
ep.10 Woah...
ep.11 "I hate you"*sniff*
9 TV 11 81
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Yato (god of war/calamity)
Hiyori Iki (half-phantom)
Yukine/Yuki (regalia)
Kofuku Ebisu (Goddess of poverty)
Nora (past regalia?)
Bishamon/Veena (another god of war)

1: (11:31) Of all places to appear, it had to be underneath her bed sheets Yato? With the creep face too? I would have molly wopped his ass so hard... | ED sung by supercell!!

2: Yuki just looked like he was about to be a smartass..

3: (2:45) When nobody told Yato that not everybody used to that bum life like he is | (12:35) Damn, is that the taste of betrayal? | Don't misunderstand Yato. He has his reasons for everything.

4: (11:38) Oh my lordt. I mf can't. He knocked the dude who was going to leap to his death off the building before he even jumped. He just knocked this dude to his death...Great job Yato, you're doing so great. | Fam this wasn't time NOR place to be handing out your business card. I'm glad Hiyori hit them shits out your hand. | OML!! He told them story while they was still free falling. I still mf can't!! | LOL!! 'I swear on my life!' ...You mean you're about to give up...Like Yato said 'Not convinced!' | The was the longest fall I have ever witnessed LMAO. | Yup that's Eren all right. Yuki just needs to yell and get angry a lot then I'll definitely hear it. | Babe. He's the god of war, not sunflowers. What do you think?

5: (6:49) This is the seen from vine!! Creep/Shark Yato!! How did he even find her house to begin with? | I know Yato out there dying right now. Yukine cannot be stopped! | (19:50) Hell yes!! I recognize that agonized scream immediately! Jaegerbomb is that you bae?

6: (7:05) Holy crap. That look in Yato's eye is terrifying. Plus I bet he already knows Yuki is lying anyway, prob felt that shit too | (17:02) These people are starting to urk me. All anybody is focused on is the fact that, yes, he did kill Bisha's regalia. Nobody is even trying to give him the benefit of a doubt and bring it up damn near constantly! But what they never bother to ask him is 'why?'. Why did he do it? What was the situation? Hiyori and maybe even a little bit Yuki also by now should now that Yato does everything (usually) within good reason. Especially the gods who have known him for who knows how long but its like he has not a single person in his corner there for him.

7: (2:14) Dang Yato! Gave mans Kuraha an eyepatch fam | (13:15) Thank you. Thank you so much Kazuma. Thank you for actually giving a fuck, for noticing when the people closest don't. Instantly my fave.

8: (11:49) Can I just say that I was not expecting Kofuku to go hard like that bcuz of Yato...Maybe there are more people in his corner than I originally though...

9: I usually don't pick the dramatic episodes as my favs but I gotta say this time I'm gonna have to do it. So much happened and so much has been resolved. I'm satisfied. BTW I like seeing Yuki and Yato as father and son. Its perfect for them. BTW Dai is an ugly cryer.

10: (1:48) It's like they're proud parents of their stubborn little child Yuki.

12: (9:50) Holy balls! We've found him!! We fuckin found him!! This whole time I really could not believe that Yato was voiced by the same person as Levi. But then he said those 2 words(Be quiet.) in that baritone voice and all doubt was gone. It is him. Him is it. | When you never realized how dumb sexy that deep baritone voice was til now | (18:39) I don't know who pulled it first but she just fuckin pulled the shit right now. OMG. | (22:15) Yato looked absolutely tootin adorable!!

Damn watched all of this in a night!
Woot!! On to season 2!!
- TV 12 supernatural, supercell, kamis, regalias, phantoms 752
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Noragami Aragoto
Kamiya Hiroshi
Yuki Kaji

ne (Yato clan)
ha/ma (Bisha clan)
yu (Teijin(?) clan)
mi (Ebi clan)

1: Holy crapsicles! They were not lying, this opening is better than the first one!! | (4:53) Oh no. What crazy fucker let him take care of their kid? | (17:38) And we've found the Eren look alike...Geez I can feel the pain already... | Say what you want about Bishamon but you can't deny her bad assery.

2: (12:53) Oh man, here comes the heartbreak. I'm sorry Suzuha. | Nvm. This is so much worse than heartbreak. Is he really dead? | (14:02) "I hope that cherry tree die." -Yato is terrible LMAO! But I guess he does care in his own way. | These mfs just won't leave my nigga Yato alone damn! They want Bishamon, go get her! Tf they gotta involve him for?

3: (4:23) It was such a cute moment...until Yato decided to hop back in the trash can. | (11:02) I know he's in a very sticky situation right now but I can't even be mad about it cause dammit he's fuckin right!! She hasn't got a fuckin clue what happened to him, she damn near forgot about him. On the other hand she has so many regalia that it's understandable that it would be a bit hard to keep up w/them all. Plus she gives them a place to call home, I just wish it wasn't so easy for bad thoughts to slip in. | (12:36) Can you say plot twist anyone.

4: (3:33) Aw hell, Yato got a scary ass look in his eyes. Shits going mf down, no survivors!

5: (15:54) Goddang she annoys me to no end!! Why tf is she so stupid?! Shes so damn blinded by her revenge she doesn't even think anymore or listen? He's fuckin asking about Hiyori, did she not take a moment to sit there and ask why the hell he just all of a sudden popped up(after avoiding her for however long) and is going for the jugular?? Something is off and she doesn't even realize, thats why everything is going to shit!! As crass as this is, your old clan isn't coming back no matter what you do! Killing Yato ain't gonna bring em back so whats the point? | Okay. I'm fuckin done. No this bitch did not just strike my baby Yuki down!

5: (4:30) Oh. So we double wielding now Yuki? Okay. Loyalty and sincerity huh?

7: (4:48) Omylanta! This is the scene! | (21:44) Omg Yato is crying!! I honestly think this is the happiest I've ever seen. Got my ass tearing too.

9: (22:45) Holy crap. I really didn't see that one coming...He's literally met her 2 times goddang!

10: (15:30) Ayee! This song bangs!! "A god w/o a regalia is powerless." Aight. Bet. | (19:41) Ebisu was so damn cute when he was little

11: (19:45) "Suicidal maniac" -Bisha. Hmmm, there's only one other time that I can recall when somebody was called this...*cough*my angry little german boy*cough*. My, well isn't this a turn of events, huh?

12: (7:15) What you mean Yato isn't his name??? Then who tf is he? | (13:45) Yaboku

13: (00:56) He did say he could never tie his own shoelaces himself | (4:27) Yato will forever and ever be terrible fam LMAO. This boy said Big Brother Kazuma is paying the bill! | (23:45) This mf??!?! What the hell? What did he do to Hiyori back then??? And who the hell is he calling a weakling?? I do recall that you let my baby Ebisu take the fall for your bullshit 'Father'! | Man this show has grown on me so much! I love watching the growth of not only Yato but of everyone else too. I love that Yato found his purpose from watching Ebisu and that Ebisu was such an influence to him by just being himself. Wish we got to see more of Ebi before he was reincarnated. | Man seeing Suzuha's face again at the credits was melancholic. I wonder what ever happened to that little girl that used to visit him every summer? | Watching Yukine's rapid growth makes me sure that he'll be great support to Yato. No doubt about it. And to think this is the same kid who blight his master all the damn time, smh crazy.
- TV 13 oral cigarettes, supercell, 2nd season, double wielding 1
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One Punch Man
Saitama (25)
Genos (19)
Sonic (find his voice)
Amai Mask (find voice)

1: The Strongest Man

3: (15:30) He just said he would let them know how he got so damn strong...if the next words outta his mouth is something stupid...I swear...

4: Dude, I feel like I can guess who voices Sonic...especially when he talks deeper... | Oh, and he has a bad habit of smiling maniacally. Fun. | (16:40) Innocent smile?? Tf is he looking at...?

5: (12:10) Genos was a beast in this fight, even if he didn't win!! I mean he was sparring with Saitama so that was a given but still!! He was looking good af!! | When Saitama is the reason the Hero Association was established but has no clue...

6: Saitama get on my nerves! He said 'Seed on the Ground?....Lost and Found?....Jack O' Latern Panic!'. | (18:45) I am so done. He turned that bitch into dinner...What the hell. | "I'll leave tomorrows problems to tomorrows me" -Saitama philosophy.

7: Saitama is the real GOAT! This whole episode is my favorite!! He don't do this for the recognition, he could give two shits about yalls feelings!! he does this because he wants to, because this has been his dream ever seen he was a child! This is his hobby!! He does for fun, not because it's his job nor because he has to!! Because when you need a hero, he'll be the 1st one to step to the task EVERY TIME. He will always be a hero to me regardless of what you or your mama think!!
"His response was perfect though. Doing things because you want and choose to is far more important than chasing admiration. You can't rely on getting positive feedback or admiration from others, and using that as a reason to do so will eventually make you lose your motivation."

9: Well. Time to say goodbye to this fish fry | (10:45) This nigga punched the rain outta the air! What is this?!?! | (13:01) Every single time when it comes to Saitama they find a way to discredit everything he does!! Not only that but that fat fuck also insinuated that every hero before Sai was weak!! Nigga who tf are you?!? Just because it only took one punch to take him out all of sudden Seafreak wasn't that much of a threat?! Apparently he forget that this was a demon level threat. | (14:30) Dammit. Sai can really make my heart break sometimes.
"It's actually more a matter of Him feeling he doesn't really deserve praise for this, he wasn't in any dnger he couldn't loose, but the others Genos, Rider, all the rest, they risked their lives in a futile effort to just slow Sea King down, To Saitama that is being a true hero, so he wants to make sure their courage is aknowledged, He probably couldn't live withimself if thier desperate efforts were ignored because he just happened to be more powerful." -RC, somewhat explains what just went down. Shit brought me to tears. | "Saitama is not the hero we deserve, but the one we need!" -RC

"The loudmouth is right up to a point. Anyone can place themselves between others and danger, anyone can sacrifice themselves for the common good. Anyone can stand up one more time, knowing they are going to lose, so that someone else can live. Hardly anyone does. Doing it is what makes you a hero. Not the powers, not the suits, not the recognition--but putting others before themselves. That's why Saitama is willing to give the glory to those who earned it. All he did was kill a monster that couldn't hurt him. He's never been in danger since he killed the crab monster. He knows whart a real hero is and he's willing to keep saving people until he gets his chance." -RC, makes you think huh?

"Anyone else notice a double negative in that weirdo tomato hair's conversation? "A Class C hero took it out with a single punch. They may call themselves Class A or S but their titles don't mean a thing." If their titles don't mean a thing, why does it matter if a Class C hero too out the monster?" -RC, very good point!

10: (7:30) These people really depend on these titles heavy, huh? I'm guessing nobody taught them not to judge a book by it's cover? I'm mean the least they could do is ask to see what he's like, since he was especially invited by 2 S class'.

12: The Strongest Hero | Killer Move: Serious Series Serious Punch!
- TV 12 Hero 2
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Osakana wa Ami no Naka
- OVA 1 1
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Owari no Seraph
hyakuya yuichiro
hyakuya mikaela
guren ichinose (lieutenant colonel)
shinoa hiragi
yoichi saotome (tomodachi)
shiho kimizuki
1: (2:50) Well. I hope they aren't the ones doing the protecting...cause they look creepy af. | (5:00) Wtf. As if them little kids weren't right in front of them... | (12:50) Oh, stop! Nah I can't take the tears! He's had to be strong all this time while relying on those words...It's okay Mika. | (17:15) SShiiiiittttt!! This is not gonna be good on so many levels.. | (17:40) Ah, nah. I can't do this. | Why do I do this to myself!! I should stay in the romance section!! Where the most you got to worry about is getting into castles and shit!! | I'm still surprised he managed to kill that vampire tho...I thought that nigga was gonna rise back up and be like 'Sike! You thought I was dead!' but he really died.

2: (4:28) Ayee!! An OP in english!? Wha??? Promise this is half of the reason for me watching this anime! But how does it manage to be like 20 million spoiler in one!!! Thanks for letting us all know Mika ain't dead! | (5:15) This nigga playin'! You're not suppose to be excited about the chances of you being suspended! | (9:55) He get on my nerves!! He sees someone getting bullied and his response is 'How peaceful. I'm going home.'? LMAO! | (11:15) I would of said the same thing!! Ha! You thought niggaaa! | (15:40) Oh, how many times I've heard that line... | (20:10) He's hella clingy for knowing him for like 10 minutes...but I like him. | YAAASSS!!! When you find a really good anime w/a really good soundtrack!!

3: (22:20) It was all good til I seent that fang. Oh, lord. | So Yu wants to get revenge against all these vamps who have decimated his family & turned his whole world upside down. Okay, cool, yeah, whatever, understandable. But what to do when the person you care about the absolute most becomes what you hate the most? Is revenge all that important anymore?

4: (8:55) My poor blonde baby! |

5: I have just realized that Sawano Hiroyuki had a hand in this soundtrack. Well no wonder! | (3:55) He is literally me in class when it's boring af! | (9:25) This soundtrack it AMAZING!!

6: Yu & Yoichi's relationship <3 | So there's that cute Yoichi! | I got a question! What exactly does Shinoa do? | The demon tells Yu he's not full human...& Yu just never mentions anything about it? Did he forget? | When you was hoping they didn't bring Mika...

7: (16:01) Umm, why his sword look different from everyone elses & are those spots suppose to be all over him...Why he different? What is this nigga?! Like he got vampires scared of his ass! Nobody else thinks this is weird?

8: (14:22) He is so annoyingly adorable!! | (14:55) LMAO!! Sit the fuck still!! I can't even blame him! Kimi fucked the hell up by letting stay in the car by himself!! He so damn childish! | (20:20) Hell, they would of died if they hadn't retreated. I ain't even gonna lie.

9: (8:10) When you spot the past but don't know it yet... | (12:10) When you're aching for this damn reunion to happen already...! | Guren & Mika?!! Oh this is gonna be fun.

10: (11:20) I'm sorry but wth is this nigga going on about...? Provoke you? You aren't even his target...? | (21:15) I don't if I can take this...Oh my goodness I am about to catch a case!! | He didn't even look at who he was stabbing!!! AHAAHAHSHDBFAAHB!!!

11: (2:25) Boy if he could he would!! But we gotta sort out some shit right now! | Why the fuck is Mika acting surprised tho...? Nigga you knew he was here!! Yu didn't know you were here or even ALIVE! | (3:15) Damn, now they all mad at him! But they just don't know!!! | (9:57) I can't w/these 2 right now! They are literally in their own world! | (13:22) What the hell...? | (15:00) Holy shit Yu. He's defintely not okay. | (15:10) So Guren is a fuck as bitch huh? This is what he wanted. | (20:46) This was crazy intense! | Seraph of the End, huh?

12: (6:55) Oh, I really want to rip Guren's throat out now. I knew he was pretty close to garbage but I didn't know he was actually this low | (14:20) ...Who she think she foolin'...? | Still though, it might be better that he doesn't know at the moment.. | (22:20) Fuck no!! Who was his partner!!??? It was definitely a human, so who?!!?!!?

Next Season is coming in October 2015!!!! Yaasssssssssssssss!!!! I can't fuckin' wait!!!

Asobi - game
- TV 12 family 2
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Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
hyakuya yuichiro
hyakuya mikaela
guren ichinose (lieutenant colonel)
shinoa hiragi
yoichi saotome (tomodachi)
shiho kimizuki
mitsuba sangu
kureto hiragi (lieutenant general of the demon army)

krul tepes
Ferid Baathory

13: (16:25) Okay now somebody need an ass beating!! Tf these niggas think they doing to my babies tying them up like this!! | (16:45) When what Shinoa said earlier is all too clear to see in this situation...who exactly are the good and bad guys again....? | (17:25) How tf you gonna ask him to tell the truth and when he does you tell him he's lying? How tf would he know what the truth and what the lies are?!! It's always the same w/these interogations...they're not looking for the truth, they're looking for whatever makes them right. | (18:45) How tf he gonna tell Yuu to answer the questions when he damn near answer all of them for him? Shit he was telling him stuff Yuu didn't even know!! If he figured out everything on his own then what tf is the point in any of this!?

17: (4:20) YUU!!! LMFAO!! The Lululu Lalala guy right!?? Nigga what??

18: (14:45) Well she does ever since about half an hour ago, yeah | (20:10) YAAASSS !! When they play your fav op!! Situation stll sad af tho...but still!

19: Dude who is this Crowley nigga!! He's WAY too strong or in the words of Yu: 'Super Strong!' | Man, if they haven't noticed by now but they are be getting overpowered like ALL the time. They need to be smarter with their plans!! They could have all the manpower in the world but it's meaningless if ONE person can take you all out!!

20: (3:00) Yooo!! What OST is this!?!? They are jammin!! | (13:25) Dude!! Can Yuu SHUT UP and think for at least one second!! If it wasn't fuckin' obvious already but no one here voluntarily wants to leave Guren behind!! I understand no man should be left behind but my nigga if you head back, you're ALL getting left behind because you're all gonna be dead!! Does he not see the sense in regrouping, accessing their current situation, and coming up with a rescue plan?!?! He needs to get it through his thick ass skull that a dead man is useful to NO ONE! | Man ppl are right!!

22: Yu & Mika will always be the star of this show! | (18:55) I know Yu did not say he could've driven? No. Hell no! Not having a repeat of before. | (22:15) Does snything stsy dead anymore?? Like where did Kimi's lil sis even come from?!?!?! | When you've just realized that the reason Kimi even joined the military was so he could get medical treatment for his sis (1st season), just to realize that instead of helping her they experimented on her...welp there goes Kimi's sanity.

23: (9:10) What the hell is going on in this piece!?!? How tf is Guren behind this shit? What tf is he not telling us?!?! | (9:50) Half-demon?? How tf did that happen Guren?! | (21:00) This nigga he's gonna extinguish all the vamps...nigga who tf is we? Yo ass flying solo dolo! | Man this whole situation is like a big fuck you to both sides! It's luike you thought you knew what was going on but really you had no goddang clue that you're nothing but a pawn in this crappy ass game they're playing!! You don't even know what side to go for cause it's all just a fuckin' mess!

24: (4:33) This tew much! | (6:25) Sometimes these nigga be so damn stupid when it comes 'family'. Kimi said he ain't leaving his sis behind...Nigga please tell me how exactly you plan on taking 'her' with yo ass? I really wanna know. | (12:20) ...I'm sorry. What? The King of Salt? How the hell do I even take that seriously?

I honestly don't know how to feel about this anime. Sometimes it makes me love with all the action and the twists and stuff but many other times I can't stand it, especially when they blather on and on about 'family' but their actions prove otherwise. Everything they do is so damn stupid! Does anyone have a brain to actually think with?? The only reason this shit work is because there's always some random hidden power that they somehow keep pulling out of their asses! Like the group literally continually manages to contradict itself, cause honestly damn near everyone of them should be dead but you know anime logic trumps all. I just wish they would use strategy rather then depend on this endless fountain of power they keep stumbling upon because once that power is gone what else is left then?

Next season?
- TV 12 60
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Peach Girl
- TV 25
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Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
reiji 'phantom' 'zwei(two)' azuma
eren 'ein(one)'
Claudia McCunnen
lizzy garland
scythe master
cal devens 'drei(three)'

14: (14:20) Oooooh no! She's one of those....Shoot yo ass dead in the neck & then smile in your face while you slowly slip away.
17: (19:45) Ahh crap!! He really is trying shake shit up (scientist?)! If that dumbass believes that picture, he's a mf peasant!! A dumbass mf peasant!!! He doesn't even have a bullet wound! | (4:00) This bitch is always the reason why Reiji gets ambushed!!! It's like everybody knows this bitch will lead 'em straight to Reiji or something!!! Like tf kinda bodyguard are you if you always getting caught?!
18: "I have no goal. I just go as far as I can." -Claudia | I hate people with death wishes..
20: 2 years later | What is up with stty ass opening? | (10:20) SHOWTIME!!!!!
26: (22:00) Fuck life. What. In. The. FUCK. Did they just bullshit us this ending? I'm thinking nakama at the start, nakama at the end. But nooooo, the creators were like fuck that, lets kill off Reiji at the VERY END with no damn reason why!!!! Fuck this damn anime!!! | The MF End
- TV 26 964
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Princess Princess
7 TV 12
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shinya kogami(28)(used to be inspector)
akane tsunemori
tomomi masaoka
nobuchika ginoza
kagari shusei
yayoi kunizuka(music)
shion karanomori(scientist person?)
mika shimotsuki
shogo makishima
mitsuru sasayama

ep.13: (16:40)'re so not funny -_-
"Well one thing I can say clearly is that she isn't afraid of her Crime Coefficient at all. She accepts things as they are. She forgives society, acknowledges it, and accepts it." -Masaoka about Akane
Father(masaoka) & Son(ginoza)???
ep.14: Helmets that take the psycho-pass of the nearest people? Oh god! *big sean voice*
ep.15: Ministry of Welfare - Nona Tower
ep.16: "If Sibly is God, then are you pretending to be the Devil or something?" -Kagari to sidekick | Ughhh, this is so frustrating!! What is it?? Who is it??
ep.17: "Detective work is, by nature, about treating wounds. Our investigations start after they are victims. In that sense, we lost before we even started." -insightful words from Kogami
ep.17: I'm not afraid to admit this but I don't think anybody else scares me as much as Shogo does. He is so off-kilter & smart that it's make for a dangerous combination. He uses his own damn logic so that you'll never know what he'll do next!
ep.18: That's what I love about Kogami, he knows he speaking out but he doesn't care 'cause he's gonna say whatever it is that is on his mind | (21:00) "I won't say...forgive me." -Kogami, doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Moments like these are the reason why I love this so much
ep.19: Gino is losing it! | Akane is toughening up. | Ko & Shogo are more alike than you think. | Professor put himself on the line to help Ko | & chief is finding a replacement already for Gino in Akane!! | & EGOIST got me feeling that doomsday feeling like in Guilty Crown...what an episode..
ep.20: The fact that Kagari might be dead is eating at me...but keep hope alive! | Akane thinking like Ko gets shit done! | Do they really know who they're dealing with?! W/o Ko they're helpless when it comes to Shogo.
ep.21: You'll never walk alone Tomomi/Pops/Dad/Father/Old man
ep.22: 'Perfect World' | (12:30) Oh My Goodness, he really fuckin' did it... |I wnder how deep the similarities between Ko&Shogo went...| Gino w/o glasses is sexaaaayyy! | "The chain of justice -the system- never ends..." Sibyl still continues...hmmm?

kouzaburou touma
criminally asymptomatic
Inspectors & Enforcers.
op&&ed(1st season)(2nd alright) are orgasmic to the ears!
"A world where humans' state of mind and the tendency of their personalities can be quantified. While all sorts of inclinations are recorded and policed, these measured numbers used to judge people's souls are commonly called 'Psycho-Pass'."
9 TV 22 EGOIST, perfect world 85
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Psycho-Pass 2
akane tsunemori
togane sakuya
misako togane (boss lady)
hinakawa sho
jouji saiga
kirito kamui

1: I don't think I will ever get over the fact that Gino used to be an inspector and now he chillin' in the back with the rest of the enforcers!! & All cause his psycho-pass went rogue! | Well the opening song band certainly sounds familiar...Now we know pretty hair can't be trusted and that Ko is most likely a hostage somewhere...great. | The ending sounds like utter shit. Random utter shit. | These bitches better not fuck up this second season for me! | The fact that the new antagonist with his sexy self and voice just saved this episode says something! | First season's bar was apparently set too high 'cause when comparing it to this there is no competition. This season should of either matched that bar or been higher, and from what I can see I think they tried to match it but utterly failed. But then again this is only the 1st episode so...

2: (3:15) Welp, it looks like someone is gonna have to knock her ass down a couple of notches... | At 1st I was like that's some trick that therapist has just to find all she's really doing is lighting 'em and letting 'em burn. For what? The smell? Nostalgia?

3: (2:30) I'm sorry, but he's is too damn creepy to take seriously!

4: I am legitimately mad!! What in the hell was that?? What the fuck are all these detectives trained for?? They LITERALLY killed everybody BUT the mf culprit!!! & then they bragged about some new toy that just killed one of their own, a freakin' inspector all 'cause she had the highest coefficient and didn't even know it!!! They shot all of those innocent VICTIMS because their crime coeffcients were too high!! Despite the fact they have no clue what the situation was!! Did they know WHY their crime coefficients were so high? Did they know they were held hostage, completely schooled on how fucked up the system was, watched people get killed right in front of their faces including an inspector, but what Sibyl says they do no matter what?! Do they not understand that Sibly is a system that runs completely off of the psyche! Unless you're trained in the study of the mind, I don't think you should police people in this society!! Being stereotypical as in this situation saves NO ONE!! They rely on this system so much that it's almost too easy to take them down with it!

5: (5:52) Finally somebody mentions Makishima Shogo!! & compares the similarities of this situation to his!! Yall know damn well he ain't a nigga you can just forget about! Especially with the shitfest he caused!! | The absolute destruction

7: (4:45) Oh, I miss Ko so damn much!! COME BACK!! Nobody can replace him!! | (9:25) What the fuck is this shit?! So you're not gonna do anything because Sibly determines that her hue is clear so apparently she doesn't pose a threat EVEN though she is currently aiding a wanted criminal right in front of your FACE?!!??? The solution is clear as day but Sibly says no, so you listen?!!

8: (20:01) Called it!! I fuckin' knew it!! I thought them hoes looked similar!! I thought I was losing it or maybe it was the animation but I was right the first time!! Dead?! Oooookayyy. | (20:15) Aww shit on shingles!! They done grouped 'em together & shit!! You know this can't be good!

9: (1:50) Great. More fucked up shit!! The fuckery is strong in this one though! | (18:14) Poor baby...

10: (10:50) Dude, he's here but then he's not here at the same time! WTF!!! Ko where tf are you!!! | (21:05) 769!?? DAMN!!! His crime coefficient is through the roof!! They was not lyin'!

11: (5:25) After all this shit, I sure as hell wouldn't want to work under you anyway!! | (6:30) LMAO!! I was like of course he adores her, he just as crazy as she is!! I take that back about a hundred times!! He even crazier than her ass!! This nigga stabbed her in the chest w/a pair of scissors talkin' about 'she only belongs to him'...what in the fuck? | (7:50) But why they got these Dominators out like they can actually shoot each other with them? Akane's hue is always clear no matter what, Kamui doesn't even exist in the system to even be shot, and boss lady is fuckin' criminally asymptomatic...sooo who tf yall tryin' shoot? | (16:30) This nigga Togane's psycho-pass is at freakin' 899!! You get killed for just being at 300 and this nigga manages to hit 900! 3xs that! | (17:40) I'm sorry this is serious and all but I'm crackin' up!! Shimotsuki looks crazy af! What she's saying and her face is killin' me! | (19:35) I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. My.head.fucking.hurts! How is she still here???!!! We just saw her get fuckin' shot!! Does this bitch have clones of herself? Why does it always seem like the shit never happened, just like in the 1st season!!!
- TV 11 38
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RDG: Red Data Girl

izumiko suzuhara(15)(himegami)
miyuki sagara
souda mayura
souda manatsu
souda masumi(kuzuryuu ookami)
kisaragi jean honoka
murakami hodaka
sagara yukimasa
wamiya satoru(familiar)
takayanagi ichijou

ep.2: (19:30) Da fuuuck...Bow down to your master bitch!! | I like how when it counts the most she voices her thoughts
ep3: 'The First Familiar' | That kid is scary af | Not friends that wanna kill her though
ep4: monk and maidens being couples in the olden days, huh?
ep5: I love when she comes out!! Yea nigguh, she gets to choose who gonna be a judge!! | When she said take her hand, I swear what was running through Miyuki's mind was "'re fucking kidding me, right?" lol it's written all up & down his face | Miyuki blushing? whaaa?
ep6: Miyuki&Manatsu aren't in the least bit slick!!(4:45) They just slid theirselves in
ep8: What the hell are you Miyuki? (15:30) Wings?!! | I had been wondering why he asked her as if she was supposed to know the answer, but noooow I're still not slick Miyuki(24:00)
ep9: As always, somebodys gotta choke on their surprise lol (14:28) | Wooo! An ending deserving of the masses! I don't know what to think about the goddess..
ep10: (8:30) LMAO Never fails to be funny-ass moments in this "....Umm, I'll go." -Miyuki | So yaaaahhh, Yukimasa is starting to get on my nerves
ep11: Best.Episode.So.Far | She got so mad, bro...& what is up w/the Mayura and Miyuki situation..?
ep12: Takayanagi being turned into a dog? how fitting | Masumi loves who? I swear even at the end of this season, I still don't understand anything that Masumi does.. | The fact that everybody reacted to those thousands of ghosts like they were fuckin' passerbyers makes you wonder what other kinda stuff they've seen before. | Umm, a second season better be guaranteed after that ending they just gave us!!
- TV 12 98
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Romeo x Juliet
Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet(Odin)
Romeo Candorebanto Montague
Hermione de Borromeo
Portia Clemenza de Ebe
Leontes Bando Montague

ep5: (19:35) Curio pissed off at Juliet.
ep6: The doctor got me bawlin' over here | Bro, I'm so glad it's NOT Romeo. I don't care who he is but I'm glad he showed up & hope he stays!!
ep7: (00:50) lmao at least give 'em a chance before you slice 'em up. Oh & also WHO ARE YOU!?? | Ahhh he's Tybalt & he's my weakness & my favorite | (8:15) Romeo, I advise you to let this one go | (19:10) "You raise me up" | (20:50) That kiss! They're so cute
ep8: (21:25) Omg, he has compassion?! Oh how I wish HE was Romeo...Tybalt ftw!
ep9: That could of been her brother for all you know! | I've seen this situation so many times that idgaf anymore. Let her chop off her long, red, beautiful as hair for all I care! Why is it that whenever a bitch is on a mission to prove that she wants to be stronger & wielding a sword does she feel the need to be bald-headed! | There's always gotta be a traitor
ep10: Oberon, that name is never good | better ending subbing
ep11: lovey-dovey boring stuff
ep13: I swear I fucking hate when dumbasses say that somebody was seduced! I don't believe in anybody getting seduced! Romeo has a mind of his goddang own. He knew exactly WHO she was and WHAT he was doing. Ain't nobody seduce anybody so stfu! | Bro, Francisco was sexy af w/that bow & arrow, shootin' bitches and whatnot
ep14: I know this situation is supposed to open his eyes to what's really happening but this is some sad shit...Juliet tho knew exactly what it was like to live in Verona & she still went off thinking she could just get away from reality, to think SHE'S supposed to see the way to a better Neo Verona is so disappointing...she better find a way to shape up & fast
ep16: Seeing Francisco & Curio rolling down that hill like that was hilarious | "Why ever did I come to such a desolate place?"(Hermione) "Harsh words from someone uninvited."(Antonio) lol | I'm sorry I do not like Romeo OR Juliet whatsoever
ep17: Your mother is a Capulet, your father is Lord Montague(leontes bando)...Tybalt you're officially the most interesting person here | "The past means nothing...!" -Montague. Bro bro bro broooo! Montagues parents were a prostitute and a Capulet?? That one Capulet fucked it up for all of 'em!! | Even though he's ruthless af, I still have to applaud him. He was so ambitious, he knew what he needed to do & didn't let anything get in the way. He went from a prostitutes son to Grand Duke of Neo Verona off of nothing but hatred. He took down the Capulets & got exactly what he wanted. Compared to him, the bitches trying to take down the Montagues aren't even in the same universe. Applaud him. | Best episode in this whole series
ep18: Romeo is doing big things that kid, big things! | Francisco loves who? Juliet? Naaahhh
ep21: Marriage, where is this coming from? You're 17!!? | "I'm sorry to break our vow. But Romeo, I know I can entrust Neo Verona to you." -Juliet
ep23: (14:45) I never thought I'd see the day that they would talk about killing each other | Ooookay, maybe that tree ain't all it's cut out to be
ep24: Final Act | The new Neo Verona is beautiful....good job guys. | I hate hate hate HATE when endings like these make me bawl the fuck out of my eyes, like I can't control myself! | Love | FIN

"You raise me up so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong when I am on your shoulders.
You raise me up to more than I can be."
- TV 24 love 751
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Sacred Seven
ep.7 op+ed lyrics
7 TV 12 99
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Saigo no Door wo Shimero!
- OVA 1 1
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Scrapped Princess
9 TV 24
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- OVA 1 funnayyy 1
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Seikon no Qwaser

Opening Theme:
#1: "Errand" by faylan (ep 1-12)
#2: "Baptize" by Yousei Teikoku (ep 13-24)

Ending Theme:
#1: "Passionate squall" by Ayumi Fujimura, Aki Toyosaki, Minori Chihara, Aya Hirano and Yoko Hikasa (ep 1-4, 6-12)
#2: "Mimei no Inori" by Minori Chihara (ep 5)

7 TV 24 14
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Seikon no Qwaser II
5 TV 12 97
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Hatsukoi-first love
ep.8 - really relate to
ep.9 - really cute
ep.11-12 - woahh
- TV 12 211
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Sengoku Basara
takeda shingen (tiger of kai)
yukimura genjiro sanada
sarutobi sasuke

date masamune (oshu's one-eyed dragon)
kojurou katakura(right eye of the dragon)

kenshin uesugi(echigo)
kasuga (ninja)

toshi inuchiyo
keiji maeda

tokugawa ieyasu(x)(mikawa)
tadakatsu Honda(x)

azai nagamasa(x) (oumi)

nobunaga oda(x) (6th devil king of owari)
akechi mitsuhide(x)
nouhime kichou(x)
mori ranmaru

3: (12:00) I can't stand when these 2 are together!! Somebody AKA Yukimura always gets punched into oblivion | (14:35) Hmmm? Alright, I kinda see where he's going with this.
6: (6:16) You can already tell he's fucked in the head! Definitely can't come at him normally. | (7:40) I love how they place the music so perfectly!! | I'm sorry but both Tokugawa & Azai were warned. They made their choice & so obviously they're gonna have to deal with the consequences, one of them being death. Both were betrayed.
7: (4:28) LOL! Damn!! | (6:10) Did he just catch that dagger w/his teeth?! | I personally don't blame Katakura for not noticing Date had been shot. I mean even the person who ordered the attack didn't notice he'd been hit, that's how good Date's act was! | (9:50) WTF? I don't even know how describe this situation, it's so weird. | (19:55) If y'all don't shut the hell up!!! I hate when they be havin' these talks 'cause they always end like this!! Just yellin' in each other's faces!!! I be wanting to smack both of 'em!
10: (12:36) We finally see the man behind all that hair. | (15:45) Umm Date, is that "happy-go-lucky-man" supposed to be Kenshin? lol | (19:40) lol Y'all some sneaky bitches. I should of known they were gonna get Sanada in on this some way or another. | (20:15) On some shit though, if Takeda had heard Sanada talking like that he would of bashed his head into a wall by now!
11: (6:08) Oh, noooowww y'all wanna be smart? Ooookay! | (9:30) Daaaaammmmmnnn! They sho don't call him the demon king for nothing! | (12:30) Now that I really look at him, Akechi reminds of Squalo when he's fighting! Bit more insane though... | (13:15) This dumb bitch...Y'all can have her!
12: (7:40) Maybe if you didn't ride with your arms crossed, it wouldn't sway so damn much! | That opening always gets me!!! I love Abingdon Boys School!!! | Second Season here I come!!! In the words of Date Masamune: The party has just started!!! Yeehaww!!!
- TV 12 2
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Senjou no Valkyria
8 TV 26
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Sex Pistols
- OVA 2 56
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Shingeki no Kyojin
eren jaeger (voices: shu, shion, lyon, kou)
mikasa ackerman
armin arlert
reiner braun
bertholt hoover
annie leonhart (female titan)
jean kirstein (voices: ikki)
marco bott(x)
connie springer
sasha blouse (potatoe guhh)
krista lenz
erwin smith (head of recon) (ono daisuke!)
levi (a recon captain) (voices: satomi, gareki, mephisto, izaya)
petra ral(x)
hanji zoe (a squad commander)
auruo bossard(x)
erd gin(x)
gunther schultz(x)
mike zacharius
dot pixis (commander-in-chief of Garrison)
nile dok
darius zachley

1: (15:40) lol So, obviously they leave him alone when Mikasa is w/him. | (21:55) Really? Really though? | That was...woah. I don't even have words for this.

2: I love watching growth. Both physically & mentally. The way Eren's voice changed at the end of the episode though, his voice seiyuu is awesome!!

3: This Sasha girl & her potatoes & the sergeant got me dying!!! (5:12) This guy's face expression just KO'd the shit out of me! He's like "Bitch...what?!" (Connie) LOLOLOL! I can't do it anymore!!!! It straight up killed her on the inside to offer half that potatoe!! | (8:53) Oh nigga, you better not! LOL! His dreams were made & crushed all in about 2.5 seconds. (Jean) | (12:10) He looked so damn cute hanging there all upside down & whatnot!! | Soooooo, somebody has been fuckin' around!! His shit was fuckin' defective, it didn't have anything to do with his ability as a soldier!!! But what gets me even more is that he still made it work!! Yeah, maybe all you bitches can make the equipment work, but how many of you can say you made it work with it also being broken!! I would of went up to all them niggas that doubted him ( q-tip head 1st) & been like "F-U"!! Shit like this would only happen to Eren but in all honestly I don't think that shit was defective on its own. Somebody is definitely fucking around & they about to get bapped!!! | What is Mikasa talking about Eren being relieved he isn't being separated from her??? | (21:55) What did this old man say? Who tf is Grisha & why is this old guy saying Eren is her son? I'm pretty sure his mom's name is Karla....I think | (22:08) Look at him using that equipment like a pro, he's adorably serious!! I'm so proud!!! His eyes are gorgeous! | Wiping off his faith in humanity huh? tf?

4: (3:25) That song though!! | (9:40) That's a really good point. Why are the strongest not out the furthest? What's the point of being strong if you're not out fighting but inside where it's safe? | (12:45) LMAO!! What is this!!?? I can't take it!!! Mikasa is a fuckin' genius, I bow down!! Lol Blame it on the the idiot, it's all those damn potatoes anyway!! The fact that it's not the 1st time tho!!!!! The way everybody is trying to hold in their laughter!! | (near end) Surprise Colossal Titan Attack!? Tf? How are they suppose to beat these things when the titans will always have the upperhand? They have no fuckin' clue when or why they even pop up! Oh, & Eren is either a natural born leader or natural born idiot...we'll see next episode. | They're kinda like spider-man with those belt harness thingys....& that guy was hanging on by his calf meat...blegh.

5: (9:10) I'm really hoping that's not the king....comparing chess to fighting titans, Ta loca! | (12:18) ....& that is why he's above you. Your welcome *Sadie voice*. | (19:10) Omg. I don't even know. He's unconscious, bleeding from the head, & missing half his leg...nande? Why did they put these kids out here?! | (21:50) Somebody tell me this is a nightmare 'cause these niggas need to wake the hell up right now!!!!!!

6: I don't think Eren knows how much he means to Mikasa. He is her world. For a second, I didn't even believe that was Eren. This kid walked into a cabin, tricked & killed 2 grown men by HIMSELF. I don't know where he got it from or what started it but he's had this mentality for a while. Orientals = Mikasa? Only lived with them for a year?! | I love it!

7: (9:35) Why did she have to ask THAT question? | (11:45) The music in this anime is boss!!! | Tf kinda titan was that? He killed its own...

8: (6:25) ....what color is that titan's eyes? | Where tf are all the adults at???!! | (20:00) WHAT. IN. THE. FUCK!!!!! This that type of shit that'll have a person mind blown! This doesn't make sense!! This shouldn't be possible!!! Teach us your ways Eren!!!! This kid MAKES the impossible possible!!! I will never doubt you again when you say you want kill every last titan...because you just might be able to do it. | Favorite episode so far

9: (6:00) Damn Levi!!! I see the charm now. I see why you guys are Recon. Death the kid or nahhh? Like this song too. | (8:18) Please solve this mystery!!! lol Hello to y'all asses too!! | (20:00) Dr. Jaeger has been holding out on us...can he please explain what the fuck is going on!!! | What the hell did I just see... | In all honesty, it didn't matter what Jaeger told the Garrison Guard. They're too damn scared & unreasonable to care at this point. They just wanted to hear one thing & one thing only. Shit, he coulda told 'em he was his son & which could of been true & he still would of given the signal to shoot! I would think since he's in a position of some kind, he would make smarter decisions but then again this IS the just Garrison group. Like who tf put them in charge of making this decision anyway?

11: (near end) You have got to be kidding me...

12: lol Boyfriend? Oooookaaaaay

13: This music definitely reminds me of Guilty Crown...I wonder why...? (2:40) | (8:00) I have never been so glad to see a big lumbering giant by the name of Eren before now!! | (11:50) This song just gets you in the mood. | (13:50) "How's Eren?"(Mikasa) "He's so hot, I can barely believe it!"(Armin) ...Now how would you interpret that last line? | (14:25) I have never been so happy to see this midget then I am now!

14: (16:50) Oooookaaaay, is that suppose to work against them? They don't even know what the fuck they're talkin' about?? If Eren doesn't know all the damn answers, then you damn sure don't know any answers!!! Like I just wanna know what gives the people who sit comfortably in the center, while everybody on the outside are fighting the authority over somebody else's life?? Unless you've actually been out there on that battlefield with your life on the line, I think you shouldn't have a say in SHIT!!! | (17:45) THANK YOU!! He literally just said everything that was on my mind!! Eren's right & they fuckin' know it!! | (18:50) Can I rip this piece of shit's throat out!? | (19:20) Mikasa looks like she's about to have an out of body experience right there on the spot lol!!! Me & her on the same wavelength: KILL.MIDGET.NOW!! | This episode had me on an emotional roller coaster. It def. took me more than 24 min. to watch. Ugggghhh, I hate that midget!!! | BTW, Unique opening (Japanese & German) & I absolutely love the ending!

15: (11:20) lol they got up so fast! All of them were hoein'!!! One stupid move & Eren would of had his throat slit!

16: They finally became the ones they used to look up to as children. Bruh, these feels. (Trainees) Bittersweet - Goulding

17: My heart was doing backflips all through this episode!! I honest to goodness thought Reiner was gone for good! Damn kid!! lol Big Bitch tho?

18: (7:20) These 3 niggas...'God?' 'Goddess?' 'I want marry her.' lol like gtfo with that random shit of all times!

19: (11:10) Oh hell naaaahhh, this shit is too unpredictable!! I have no fuckin' clue what caused it but the look on Levi's face was totally worth it!! lol | (18:50) How do they always manage to have the perfect music for the mood everytime? | Man, I love this!

21: Levi is like freakin' Sonic the hedgehog or something!

23: (21:00) Annie? That so out of place...This definitely can't be good...

24: (19:50) What is she? The mf crocodile hunter? One day Hanji is gonna get too damn close & then....! | These Military Police are so damn useless...well jokes on that damn king. If some titans were to infiltrate Wall Sina his ass is a goner.

25: (11:25) Ummm, lemme know exactly how you guys intend to control this situation again? 'Cause like, umm, I think Eren is definitely not in his right mind right now. | Swear the way Erwin be looking at shit...his new born baby could be killed right in front of him & he would probably still have the same expression on his face! | (14:00) What? ....they're what? They can fuse too? ...I hope they're learning all they can from this mess! | UUUUUGGGHHHH! It's like they're always fighting a losing battle no matter what!! There will always be things they can't account for 'cause they never know enough!!! It's next to impossible for them to ever have the upperhand! Nobody understands anything about anybody! Sometimes I wonder if it's even smart to be betting all of these lives on Eren! | Next Season...?

(Wall Maria(Wall Rose(Wall Sina)))
Colossal & Armored Titan?
Just found out Grisha is Eren's father...
10 TV 25 linked horizon 2
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Shingeki no Kyojin OVA
1: Hanji will forever an always be crazy bruh...ain't no changing that. It's been awhile since I've watch this subbed but I promise I forget how eccentric she can be...never again.
| (5:00) Back when Levi's squad could still have opinions on matters... | (8:25) Did Hanji expect an answer from the Titan or something..? She talking to it as if it's gonna tlk back | (10:35) Would I still be able to call this an unfortunate foreshadowing of the impending dooms the member's of Levi's sqaud...? Oh Oluo, you will definitely will be serving Levi all your life. You don't know just how right you are. | (10:50) I mean can they honestly say Hanji doesn't have a valid point of learning about the Titans though... | (15:15) ...Holy fucking corn nuts...Did this Titan just say Ymir's name!?@! How long ago was this? I know she was part of the 34 or 35 battalion(?) but how long ago was this from the present..? & now that I look at Ilse she shol does resemble Ymir with the freckles and all...
Hanji made me so proud in this OVA, she went after what she wanted and never backed down. Even recognized when she was in the wrong. But she wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the help of a fallen comrade. So...
Thank you Ilse Langnar.

2: (1:37) ...Um...why the fuck is Jean in Eren's spot in the opening...? I'm not to play with Jean right now. | So this is definitely not going to be an ordinary ova... | I don't know why I'm just noticing this now but AoT's 1st opening describes the anime perfectly just like in Fairy Tail <333 | Idon't know how his mama didn't slap the dumbass outta him right there and then. | Wait. He was fawning and drawing pictures of Mikasa before he met Mikasa...what? | (3:15) Their faces!! You know they've heard Jean say that shit one too many times! What's even more ironic is that he doesn't even join the MP... | (3:43) You're telling me they anticipated the attack on Trost?! (when they were setting up the cannons on the wall before the colossal appeared) | (6:13) Forget? Sasha we will never forget. That moment goes down in history as one of the most memorable moments of AOT: Brave little potato girl during training intros. It was literally the forst scene I'd scene on AOT. | (6:36) They were too prepared! Guess they were actually training back then. | (7:00) AHAHAHAHA!!! Tf? This nigga just hungry!! | (8:36) Fucking finally! I thought we were never gonna see Eren. I missed that voice so much<33 | That has got to be the only time I ever thought Eren & Mikasa were cute together! | (11:15) I'm sayin' Reiner!! lol! This was goin' on about the world being connected and I was wondering wtf that had to do with this hog tho...? | (11:35) Is that the bow and arrow everyone is always on about Sasha using but has never been seen wielded til now? | (14:44) Did Eren foreal think he was helping the situation saying that shit? I know that shit probably just slipped out after that ordeal that just went down. | (15:30) Why is there casts on BOTH of Armin's legs tho...? | (16:10) "The end justifies the means" ...have I heard that in this anime before...? | (20:05) They would make the ugliest fuckin' Titans lol They tryna hint at something...| (22:50) LMFAO!! Reiner always with the reality check!! I was thinking the same thing, like I didn't understand what Pixis was getting at but Sasha broke down as she knew where she fucked up just by him saying that... | I'm glad Jean remembered to never forget where he came from :) And I hope it wasn't just me but did his voice sound different towards the end...? | I also just realized this too, but I swear that ending was completely written for Mikasa!

3: (3:18) Yoooo, Connie is outta there!! | (8:40) What Jean? "Easier than hunting Titans." ...? The whole reason you're here is to hunt Titans...what's your point? | (9:07) If Sasha don't shut tf up about these damn lizards... | (19:50) Okay Christa...or should i day... | (21:45) Just ugh...But they will see it soon | Damn, that ending got to me...
- OVA 3 Pre-Trost 866
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
6: Fam, am I losing my mind or did Reiner just admit that he and Bert are both titans....? Dude is this foreal!? And it was so out of the blue too! I'm talkin' no preamble, no nothin! Outta nowhere Reiner is like "let's talk Eren" and then spills the mf beans!! Then they cut to a scene where Hangi is talkin' about hole digging Titans!? Like hold up bitch! Tf did I just hear???!! | (11:46) Holy shit is this really happening?!! Reiner just made this nigga a fuckin' deal fam in swap of killing off the whole of humanity??!! WTF? | (12:00) "Understand? (Reiner)" HELL NAH I DONT UNDERSTAND!! | My nigga this is the face Bert has been giving Reiner the whole mf season! He looking like "nigga tf is wrong with yo dumb diddley dumbass!" | (12:47) Mikasa's. MF. Face!!!! She literally looks how I've been feeling this whole time with this bs conversation! | (16:30) This revelation is tew much. This whole thing just tew much. Eren they tryna recruit yo ass fam! | (16:58) Tf!? Erens saying that shit like Armin's pulling this shit outta his ass or something?! Nigga, he's uncovering the truth no matter how unwanted or unpleasant it is! Stop being a dumbass fam bcuz not everybody is gonna be yo friend no matter how much you want them to be!!! | LMAO!!! They knew these niggas was titans the whole time and then on top of that learn they learn Ymir is one too!!?? This would literally be me in my head through this whole situation: WHAT THE FAKK!WHAT THE FAK!!!!WHAT THE FAKKKKK! | (19:43) Shit!! Reiner's losing his shit!! He knows they know!!! | Holy fucking hell can everyone chill tf out, damn!! I feel like that chick from that video wit hthe 2 dudes fighting in that car accident trying to stop shit with her hands and whatnot! I should've know shit was gonna go down, it's ep 6! Shit always goes down on ep 6! | THIS EP WAS SO DAMN EPIC FAM!! I SHIT MYSELF IT WAS SO AMAZING!!!

7: (7:23) I'm almost certain Reiner/Armoured just rearranged Eren's face. | (14:00) When did Eren turn into a martial artist badass?! (Wait, let's not forget he was at the top when it came to hand to hand combat) It's like the fucking WWE in this bitch! | (17:20) Hanji mf Zoe is my nigga fam! I love her so damn much but this not the time fam! | Seeing how much more in control Eren is of his titan is so satisfying | Also can I say that Mikasa is the mf goat! | Fucking hell thats the worst cliff hanger in the history of cliff hangers olerhnsgjjjesegieoshtw4o!!!

8: They got my baby!! Bring him back!!! | I love the Hannes/Mika/Armin/Eren quartet!

9: (4:00) I love how everyone just stared at Eren waiting for his ass to pop off | (12:00) Dude, I think Reiner is off his rocker or something... | (15:35) Fam you do Eren wrong and you will forever be on his shit list. My nigga, he called Bert a lackey fam! Like he is too done with this shit! | I've never wanted to slap the dike as much as I wanted to the second she decided which side she would be on.

10: (4:30) So having Ymir on your side means having Christa who's important to the Church but...what's a Coordinate and how could Eren possibly be that??? | (5:16) Annie...and Bert?! Now that's an odd one... | (5:42) "Eren, don't resist." (Reiner) Bitch, does Reiner know who he's talking my nigga punched you with his stub! He gives no fucks right now! | (10:00) Ymir is damn near crazy serious about Christa. Literally. It scares me. | (15:00) I'm always reminded over and over again why I love this show so much. The storytelling, the soundtrack, everything. | (22:20) Yaaasss Hannes!!!

11: (3:50) Why in the flying hell can't Eren just pop out of his titan like that?! | (7:00) Ymir. Sometimes I really don't know what to make of you. But I think I know now. You live for nobody else but yourself. And that includes Christa. Wow. | (9:39) "There's only so many lives that I actually care about." Mikasa actually said that fam. She is the mf goat. | (13:00) Dammit Bert! You make this hard as hell!!! Legit I am tearing the fuck up. | (13:45) Erwin Smith, I've said before but I'll say it again, scares me. I have no shame admitting that. I thought he was a little off kilter by the end of season one. Holy hell, season two done confirmed that and fucking more. When Erwin wants to win, oh mf he wins. No matter what it fucking takes. | (16:20) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! OMG!! ERWIN!!! | He is being ravaged by a Titan and told everyone else not to bother. To keep going. | Armin's an evil genius. And the bitch Titan that killed fucking Carla Jaeger just showed tf up. What kind of turn of events is this?! If we thought Erwin Smith was nuts...oh baby.

12: Not Hannes!! | (11:30) Was Mikasa gonna...? Was she...? | (12:00) I think I've officially lost my fucking shit. Did Eren just control that fucking titan?! Is this what Reiner meant by him possibly being the coordinator?!?!?!?! | Reiner ain't even lying. Hell yeah he's the worst possible person to be it. Worst possible person for YOU. | Quick question. Where do these abilities, such as being the coordinator come from?? Annie can harden, Reiner has armour, Bert is literally colossal, Ymir is jaws, and we just found out that Eren is can "coordinate" other titans. But why? | (15:00) You know the show is good af when you don't want the antagonists to die. Fam, I really teared up when I thought Bert was about to die. So even though you a hoe Ymir, thank you. | (15:30) Eren legit looks like he's seen a fucking ghost my nigga. Omg. | (19:36) Can I just say that Jean mellowed tf out compared to season one. | (20:30) That rxn from Levi was definitely worth the revelation. This situation gets more and more twisted. | (21:00) Erwin Smith is definitely a mystery. As much as people want to say that Levi is dark and mysterious (even though he really isn't anymore), he's actually pretty straight forward when it comes to his actions. Erwin on the other hand, now he's the one with the actions you've got to decipher. I had never seen him look so damn happy in my life...but why? Because he was just told life changing news like that?! Because of the fact that they are uncovering the truth, no matter how gruesome and long it's taking. | Who tf is this nigga just chillin on the top of this beast titan like that? | Can I just say that I fucking love this show with my effing everything! But waiting is torture!!! I have to at the very least wait SIX MONTH until the 3rd season. FML.

-watched on...
10 TV 12
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
This season really felt like it brought things that we had been wondering in season one and two to full circle.
This season was so good I damn near don't know how to describe it. Instead of focusing on the war between titans and humans, we zoom into the struggle that's happening or BEEN happening between humans.

-levi and kenny and kuchel
Let's talk about how it was when Kenny was on his deathbed that he finally decided to reveal to Levi that he was his uncle. Oh, and apparently Ackermanns feel this burst of power whenever they like 'activate' or find their goal or whatever you call it.

-the reiss family (insert frida in here too)
they are the real royal blood. The Founder Titan powers runs in their blood. Whenever they wipe the memories of humanity only a select few still remember. One of those select few being the Ackermanns. The Ackermanns originally served as the sword for the Reiss' until the point of disagreement btwn them on the fate of humanity.
Still wondering why the first founder thinks it's a good idea to be titan food instead of eradicating all titans for good.

-eren and grisha and carla
Eren is the spitting image of Carla but he definitely inherited that fire from his father.

-grisha and shadis
Grisha's story sounds so fascinating. How do you just pop up outside of the walls with no recollection of any past memories other than your name? I'm so glad that Shadis told us the story of how he met Grisha. Because of him we got to see Grisha in a whole new light other than the one that we were initially used to seeing because we were seeing him from Eren's perspective.
Shadis told us about the Grisha that we've never had the chance to witness. The Grisha that was fascinated with the world within the walls, that admired the scouting legion for being brave, strong, and the chosen ones, for having the balls and the fire to stop a never ending cycle, for showing us his compassionate side.

-shadis and eren
let me take you back to the first season during training. Do you remember when everyone was first learning how to use the 3DGM gear and the 1st you had to learn to do was balance before you could advance? Now recall how much trouble Eren was having trying to balance. Everyone else seemed to be getting the hang of it but him and he was getting discouraged. He even went as far as to ask for outside help from Connie, Bert, and Reiner (another tale for another time fam). Now recall the scene where it was basically Eren's last chance to balance properly before he was shipped back to wherever. Recall him balancing even though almost no one thought he would do it even if it was short lived. Finally, recall finding out that the equipment was faulty. Remember when I said I can't wait to see who tampered w/Eren's equipment? Ep. 11 just gave us our answer folks.

-the weird preview we got in the middle of the ending of episode 12
I can't tell what it's about but it doesn't seem to be boding well for he outcome of mission take back Wall Maria. Lol even the way they did the preview freaked me tf out.
10 TV 12 humans vs humans, zero eclipse (ice cave?) 2
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
1 (13): (11:35) I am so proud of my baby! He's all grown up and transforming and using that gear like he was born to do this. | So seeing Reiner and Bert is really putting me on edge fam... | Yo, there is so much that happened all within the span of an episode! Armin with the plans! Yes fam, common sense ain't been working fam as you can clearly see! Levi with the no hesitation!! Reiner stepped out that hole and only had time to look up (barely) before Levi is was free falling and plunging a sword through his neck and chest AND the mf still survived!! Mfs eyes rolled back to the forefront like nothing happened. Yo, I was so hyped when I heard the AOT theme, and was like "Mika is back!!" but it's Eliana's version and bitch I ain't even mad at it cause her version is lit too with them ad libs and whatnot! So why is the beast titan throwing them boulders like they're shot puts...literally. Nice form though. When all of them titans popped up in a line...BIIIIIITTTCHHHH! Erwin said look for Reiner's friends, them mfs popped up and was like we here nigga. Sasha and Jean's faces though - they said and "and I-oop". | The ending!!! All the damn memories!! The song literally starts off with "Goodbye" fam. | Yall I am way too hype for this mf season like it is no joke whatsoever.

2: (5:06) Girl, the snarkiness from Levi was showing today! My mans said "You finally ready to say something? I could've had breakfast during this wait." with the straightest face possible my guy. | Wooh, Armin I am feeling that pressure hun. | Reiner just said he transferred his consciousness to the rest of his body other than his head....bitch that's a thing? | I am so proud of how far Eren has come and how in sync everyone is. | I will always give it up for Erwin cause I know damn well I would not want his job. Never ever. His side eye is something serious though. | I love how everyone hesitated when Hange told them to keep going and finish Reiner off. Like no booboos, what y'all thought y'all was gonna be some happy family when all of this is over? This mf has betrayed every single one of you

3: SHIT!! SHIT!! SHIT! I can't do this! I completely forgot about this. I cannot go through this pain again. I cannot. Marco has been dead since season 1 fam and we just now learning the truth?!?! Because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and it cost him his fucking life. This mf innocent fucking baby. Then Reiner had the audacity to act surprised when Marco was being eaten as if the whole mf thing wasn't this idea. Whoo chileee, that split personality is something nasty

4: (18:30) Shit. I can't do this. This Levi and Erwin shit they got going on is breaking my mf heart. Man, I cannot. Plot armor who bitch? It's so hard to look at their faces knowing that they're all going to die and their scared shitless. I can't look at Erwin's face knowing that he'll never uncover the truth that he worked damn near his whole life to uncover. This is the true definition of shinzou wo sasegayo | I'm sorry to Erwin and all of those new recruits. Every single one.

5: I have no words. Them niggas got my ass too, I ain't even gonna lie | So Levi tore that beast titan all the way up. Nigga blinked and suddenly he didn't have eyes TO blink anymore. Arm all tore up. Tore that man's nape all the way up and rip him right out. Fuck that damn intelligent quadruple titan dammit, picked Zeke's as up and bolted. It's even funnier bcuz Reiner and Bert warned him about Levi. | Zeke saw Levi again and was talking about some, let not fight anymore and save it for later...BITCH! Come get these hands dawg.

6: We lost 2 people this episode. | I have never seen Eren ever disobey Levi until this moment. When it comes to his family, Eren will go ham than a mf. | Levi's decision to not save Erwin so that he wouldn't have to live in that hellish world and play devil anymore legit hit different fam. Like I just can't. We thought Erwin was dead just for Floch to drag him back half-dead just to have him officially die where everyone can see. Even having Armin come back to couldn't wipe that bitter taste from my mouth. It's still kind of fucked up though cause now Armin lives with the fact that the commander died instead of him and now he has to live in this hellish world and hopefully live up to the hope that he's supposedly supposed to provide with his brilliant mind. I hope that ocean/sea is worth it.

7: *Peppermint and charcoal to keep moisture and bugs away.* | So apparently Erwin and father were right about there being people outside of the walls that they are confined in and those people are much more advanced than them - we're talking photographs and are blimps

8: The story of how titans came to be...1820 years ago Ymir Fritz made a deal with the devil to acquire the power of the titan. When she died her spirit was split btwn 9 vessels and all these vessels also possessed the power of the titan. War wage btwn the Eldians (titans) and the Marlyans where the marlyans were able to take down 7 out 9 of the vessels. The King of the eldians fled, no longer wanting to fight, to an island called Paradis and build 3 walls made of actual titans around the eldians that the King fled with (this includes the founding titan; they should have 2 titan shifters; this should mean that all people on this island are of eldian blood) and warned the Marlyans that millions of titans would demolish if they were to be disturbed.
The eldians left behind in marlyan territory were left to survive but were treated as crap, monsters, and isolated from the marleyans (exhibit A: Grisha and his sister, Fay for leaving their confinement). Fellow eldians gathered w/their eldian informant in the marleyan ranks and a royal from the Fritz lineage to make it to Paradis to get the founding titan and take control from Marleyans (this may have meant murdering marlyans, not sure). Well the marlyans were planning on taking over the walls on Paradis island to get the resources and were gathering 'warriors' to be vessels to fight against them. This scared the rebel eldians into faster action and thus led to the Grisha having to tell Zeke (his bitch ass traitor ass son) the truth that they believe about their lineage. Zeke didn't take this as his truth and thus snitched out his parents - legit was a "there they are officer" moment, no joke. This sentence both his parents to death, even though Grisha's reaction to Dina posed that she wasn't supposed to be due to her lineage - which stayed hidden due to Kruger - why? I'm not sure. Then it's revealed that Kruger - dude from when Fay and Grisha were busted - is the actual informant known as Owl and is a titan shifter that looks eerily like Eren's.

9: So the man's name is Eren Kruger, not gonna ask why Grisha named his son (his 2nd son) after that man but whatever. Grisha inherits his titan because once you've inherited the power of the nine titans - Attack Titan, that fights no matter the era. lol how fitting - you only live for 13 years and mans was at the end of his years (does it have anything to do w/the nose bleed?). This is called the Curse of Ymir. Now we know why the 'Eren's' titans look similar. Guess how old Eren was when he got the dang power yall!!! Shit, guess Armin is now subject to the same fate. | Eren has the power of the founding titan but can't wield it because he's not of royal blood and plus the royal person who wields it is a slave to the King's ideals of no fighting and wanting peace and paradise - this means the only way to yield it is via someone eating Eren or progeny probably...and not it looks like Eren can wield it if he's in some kind of contact w/someone of royal blood (exhibit A: Dina in season 2). | Eren Kruger just mentioned the name Armin and Mikasa, had no idea who they were, and wondered who's memories those names came from...holy crap I'm so scared for what this means in the future fam. He said this right after he mentioned not wanting history to repeat itself. I would of said that Armin's and Mikasa's names may have been based on Kruger's memories but there's no way that's possible right.

10: Love how Eren went from "the monster" to "our titan". And it was coming from the same fucker who was going to sentence him to death too. | As much as Floch urked my last nerve, he was right. And there's nothing I can really say that can dispute that. | I've never seen one person change so much from being so jaded from everything he's learned. Honestly, I feel like Eren is a lot like his Dad in many ways. Both of them craved freedom but didn't understand the price that attaining that freedom would cost them. I am so sorry Eren. His ideals and his goals have changed so drastically in just the span of a year. No wonder we get an Eren that literally reminds us of nothing of the 15 yr old Eren we were all used to.

Woo man, the lore be damn near more interesting than the action sometime because we get answers!! Season 4 in Oct 2020 is about to wake bitches tf up. Oh and fuck Zeke bitch ass.

“So if we kill the enemy on the other side of the sea, will we finally be free?” - Eren S3P2E10
Someone mentioned what would Carla think of seeing her son as he is now with such a broken spirit. Honestly I wouldn't want to know what her reaction would be because that whole ocean scene made me feel so bittersweet about everything and it was solely due to the look in Eren's eyes. He truly is a kid that had to grow up way too fast.
10 TV 10 woo that backstory, the titan commercial that came on lol, hulu 2
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Ano Hi Kara
- TV Special 1 1
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku
1: No Regrets (.5A) | Fuckin' finally!! Levi's OVA!!!! | (1:12) Wow. Her eyes do look similar to Eren's | (7:18) Deja mf vu!!! I swear I see nothing but Eren in her sometimes... | (9:10) I don't know why he thought it was okay to lay hands on ppl he don't know, like what did he expect | (10:50) I was wondering why they were kinda standoffish...this is their 1st meeting | (12:00) Okay now I'm getting freaked out | (13:00) That offkeey note...well there's our bad omen | (17:25) Ummm, that is not MP... | (18:30) Yooo, as much as I like to deny it I just can't anymore...Levi is badass. That's it. | (19:20) Well. Hello Mike. Hello Erwin. | (19:45) As unsociable as ever. His eyes literally scream 'fuck you'. | (22:00) OMFG!! This is when it happened!!!

2: No Regrets (0.5B) | (2:55) 'The names Levi' Hanji's face it outta there!! | (4:00) Levi about to blow this bitch up | (4:45) Yo, the profanity!! 'Did you not hear what that pos was spouting out of his pos mouth' ...Levi bruh | (5:15) You telling me they undercover...damn they fooled the shit outta me | (10:00) I just like watching Levi work. That's all. | (15:05) This is beautiful. | (20:13) I wanna shoot Erwin for speaking that bad omen into existence. | (21:25) Ugghh, I absolutely loathe knowing nothing good is going to happen from this moment on, I literally feel nauseous right now... | (22:05) Oh. those words...& we galloped right past it...I think I'm gonna be sick.. | (23:19) Lord have mercy | (24:00) Levi's cries will haunt me forever more | (26:54) When you know this motion all too well because you seen before...

Damn that part 2 ending was something. Erwin is definitely wise beyond what any of us know...
- OVA 2 Never Regret 1
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
Yakumo Saito
Haruka Ozawa
Nao Saito
Isshin Saito
Azusa Saito
Shunsuke Takeda

2: Damn, she done already fell for him.

3: (6:45) Why does everyone hint at them needing to be together?! Like they can't just be friends or something? & Hoe does Goto know that the manager is even in her age range? I'm pretty sure she never describe him... | (12:30) They love throwing the word 'boyfriend' around as if it don't mean anything, don't they? What's even more ironic is that neither one of the niggas are even anywhere near being her 'boyfriend' because both of them think the other is her 'boyfriend'!! But why does everybody always gotta make stupid ass assumptions!?

4: (16:20) I hope that's a really bad misunderstanding Yakumo has there...

5: (6:45) Yakumo's dry humor is really funny but his tone of voice kinda takes away from it...

6: (1:55) Don't buy it nigga!! That bitch gotta be haunted for the rent to be that low! (7:12) Does he even go to the damn university!?! I ain't never seen him in not one class ever! I ain't never seen him do nothing but sleep in that room all day! | (7:25) Was that the 'spot'...or nah? Cause the way he flew across the room like that...

7: (23:00) This bitch is bat shit crazy fam!!

8: (15:15) So much is happening...all I can say is that poor, poor baby... | (17:35) Everybody is tied into this someway or somehow!!

9: (6:35) They is some savages!! Like for WHY?? We got what they want to do, what they're doing, and how but we ain't got the WHY!!! Hell, we ain't got the why on why they do any of the shit they've done up to now!! | WTF?!! Why isn't anyone out for that red-eyed basard's blood?! Especially Yakumo!! Not only did he kidnap & rape his mother, he made her suffer, pinned a murder on her fiancé and then proceeded to murder him, which then drove her to madness in which she then tried to kill Yakumo, disappears for years and is somehow killed, kidnaps him and planned to kill Haruka in front of his face.....but instead of slicing his throat open or at least doing SOMETHING they attend fucking orchestra concerts...? I can't even tell if he's even mad!! He either 1) really doesn't care that much or 2) is being calm on the surface and is planning underneath. | Anyway...every episode always has me tearing up at some point but I think this episode takes the cake in how I cried like a baby!

10: (8:35) NOOOOOO!!! Not Uncle Saito!! Don't take him!!! Got me tearing up already! | The best part was looking at all of those pictures!! Yakumo was the cutest fucking baby fam!! & then when there was the pcture with Yakumo, his mom, & Takeda I nearly freakin' lost it bruh!! <3 | You see what I'm saying like WHYYYYY??? For whyyyy??

12: (2:05) I knew it. | (22:40) Are you fuckin' kidding me!! They stay killing bitches!! & all of Yakumo's acquaintances stay being easy ass targets!! For some odd ass reason everytime Yakumo is in a situation they wanna stick hella close to ass but what they apparently aren't realizing is that they're nothing but liabilities!!

13: (4:55) Damn. I was hoping one of them eyes would be normal! Bruh, this is horrible! | (6:50) Sooo, where the fuck did the nigga go...Like I don't understand. & Yakumo's was not that color | (9:55) Wait!! Isshin really brain dead?! Damn, I was tryin' to keep hope alive!! Like maybe he could of reversed it or something! But I guess not... | I cried for half this episode!! Actually I cried for half this series!! I teared up nonstop every episode since the one where the daughter of that doctor drowned in the river!! Geezus!!
- TV 13 psychic 2
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Shugo Chara!
7 TV 51 magical, fantasy
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- TV 12
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Skip Beat!
9 TV 25 showbiz, acting, revenge
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Special A
Opening Theme:
#01: "Special Days" by Yuko Goto (eps 1-12)
#02: "Gorgeous 4U" by Jun Fukuyama, Hiro Shimono, Tsubasa Yonaga and Kazuma Horie) (eps 13-24)

Ending Theme:
#01: "Hidamari no Gate" by Jun Fukuyama, Hiro Shimono, Tsubasa Yonaga, Kazuma Horie (eps 1-12, 24)
#02: "Special Gyutto Good Luck!" by Yuko Goto, Hitomi Nabatame, and Ayahi Takagaki (eps 13-23)

8 TV 24 school life
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Suki tte Ii na yo.
Mei Tachibana
Kurosawa Yamato
Takemura Kai <3
Asami Oikawa
Nakanashi Takeshi
Kurosawa Nagi
Kitagawa Megumi
Hayakawa Kakeru

"Our clumsy slow dance.."

ep.1: 'The first story: first kiss'. (8:20) The famous roundhouse kick!! | (20:30) The fateful kiss!!
ep.2: 'Fried Chicken Flavor'. (15:00) My nigga Nakanishi...shut up!! Not making it any better!! | (20:00) You win Yamato. You win.
ep.3: 'When you trust people...' lyrics for the opening&ending!!
ep.4: 'They have scars'. (13:30) Yamato does not play that shit | (16:30) Okay good, 'cause I thought I was going crazy or something | (18:10) Tachibana FIGHT!
ep.5: 'Just like this'. "He just pooped! Hallelujah!" -Yamato is too funny. | "I hope you'll eventually say that you love me." -Yamato
ep.6: 'Why...'
ep.7: 'I really love you'. He's here!!!!!!!!!
ep.8: 'New to love'. "She's fighting with herself right now." -Aiko | "Yamato and I are both new to love." -Mei
ep.9: 'Each and every'. "When it comes to people you really don't care about yourself." -Yamato | (11:30) Y'all ain't slick!
ep.10: 'Nothing else'. Kai is like my favorite character | (16:00) Oh lord, this ain't about to end well | "Your words and actions don't express how you feel, and you're just waiting for someone else to solve the problem for you." -Kai to Yamato
ep.11: 'Parade'.
ep.12: 'I'll protect you'. "Going matter what happens." -Mei & Yamato | I love you
ep.13: ' Say "I love you" '. | Why is everybody so damn cute!!
- TV 13 shoujo, romance, school, perfect 1
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Sword Art Online
kirito(beater)(kirigaya kazuto)(16)<3
asuna(yuuki asuna)(17)
lisbeth </3
silica(little girl)
Commander = kayaba akihiko
sugou(king oberon)

ep.3: 'Red nosed reindeer'. Live on in his heart Sachi. Live on Kirito.
ep.4: Black Swordsman LVL 78. She fucked with the wrong one, enough said. Revival
ep.6: "I'm willing to bet my virginity that it was Grimlock." -Kirito, never heard that one before | The wonders of that world..
ep.7: This kid is so reckless | (8:00) Breaking hearts and don't even know it | "I'd rather die with someone than let them die alone." -Kirito | (14:50) Fucking adorable | You're always welcome at Lisbeth's Smith Shop
ep.9: Kirito, why hide your greatness?
ep.10: Turning point episode...smh...crazy kids..
ep.11: cutest.episode.EVER!
ep.12: "I'd rather trust and regret than doubt and regret." -Kirito
ep.14: Oh, shit!! Commander got some explainin' to do | I couldn't of asked for a better season finale.
ep.15: Damn, damn, damn, DAMN! Marriage!?? | I already love Sugu!!
ep.16: He's baaaaaaaaaaaack!! WOOOO! | ALfheim
ep.17: & she doesn't even know it's her cousin..smh
ep.20: "Running away isn't really my style." -Kirito, how true that is | Double sword wielding kirito!!! | Oh shit, Kirito got the hoes flockin' to him!! (16:00)
ep.22: ...and the truth comes out in so many ways...
ep.23: They're so close!!
ep.24: 'Gilded Hero' | "You're a king of thieves, alone upon a stolen throne!" -Kirito | "It's time to finish this fight. Between the king of thieves and a gilded hero!" -Kirito | The fams all here now!!!
ep.25: 'The World Seed' | Their lives will forever be in the virtual world | The End
9 TV 25 4
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Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sylvarant-hen
ep.4 really sad

Opening Theme
"ALMATERIA" by Eri Kawai

Ending Theme
#01: "Negai (願い)" by Kaori Hikita (eps 1-2)
#02: "Uchi he Kaerou (うちへ帰ろう)" by Nana Mizuki (ep 3)
#03: "ALMATERIA" by Eri Kawai (ep 4)
- OVA 4 angels, fantasy 1
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ryunosuke ohara
naoki satoya
kensuke tachibana(nao's uncle)
keigo nishijima

ep1 3:09 -hottest shit I've ever seen
ep2 3:20 -d'awww! it's so cute
- OVA 2 1
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Tokyo Ghoul
Kaneki Ken (19)
Hide Nagachika
Toka Kirishima
Nishiki Nishio
Uta <3
Yomo Ren
Tsukiyama Shu
Kamishiro Rize

1: (5:00) Kaneki don't do it, please don't do it!! Keep your eyes to yourself, it's for your own good!! | (7:25) Nooooooooooo!!! You'll regret this forever!!! | (8:20) ..Down the street with no lights? Of course it is. | (10:15) Now I know I've seen Tokyo Ghoul on vine way too much!! I literally recognize every scene!! Like I just said 'DAMMMMNNN!'. | (18:15) Did they implant half the bitch in him or something? Where exactly did they get the organs for the organ transplant from...? | (20:25) Lol!! 'I can't share too much w/you.' But umm....where did that nigga come from tho...? | (22:20) Well I know which side I wanna be on! | (22:30) Bruh, they censored the shit outta this anime!! | Bruh, they straight killed with that ending!! Gooohhhleee!!!

2: That opening was FLAWLESS!! | (9:25) They is straight playin' in this anime! | (16:10) YEEEESSSSS!!! That was so badass!! | (21:05) But why is she covered in bandaids.... | That ending was so CHILLL!

3: (3:55) He ain't dead!??? I wanted him to die!! | (13:15) YAAAAAASSSSS!!! This is the scene I've been waiting for!!

4: This opening animation reminds me of No.6 with those clouds. | (6:35) He really makes me want to slap him a lot! | (13:05) The face change. Ken RUN!! He takes psycho to a whole notha level!! | (14:50) At least Ken looks nice right before he's about to be eaten. | (20:00) Woo. That was nice! Do it again!!

5: (5:40) This dude be havin' me straight dyin' over here!! That fuckin' squeak! | (6:00) Bruh, if I was Kaneki right now I would chunk up deuce and crip walk right past all of that sayin' 'I ain't see shit! I ain't see shit!'! (the alley?) | (7:15) Tf does this bitch see in HIM?! | This was a beast ass episode bro!!

6: (3:10) Uhhhh, fuck Hulu bro!! Fuck them for censoring this anime!!! | (4:00) My heart just broke into a million fuckin' pieces... | Mom hairstyle of death huh?

7: I freakin' love his mask!! Go Uta!

8: (4:12) He dropped out that tree like a whisper! | (17:25) Omg. She killed him. Tiny ass Hinami killed him. | (20:00) That was badass and bad all at the same damn time. What did you just do Ken? | (20:50) What was up with the hand tho?!

9: This bitch ain't even alive but they talk about her as if she still walkin' into coffee shops everyday!! Like there is literally people personally coming to the 20th just to find her ass!! Like what the fuck was this bitch doin'?! | (22:00) Did they just say Ayato-san? As in Ayato, Touka's younger brother Ayato??? | Still can't believe he's only 14-15.

10: (4:30) LMAO!! No! He tried that shit once! Look where it got him... | (10:24) Damn!! I definitely had the wrong impression about that kid!! | (12:20) Oh goodness. | (16:40) The picture!! lol Who the hell took the picture tho!? | (20:00) That is one unfunny ass joke old man. | (20:15) Well Nishiki. Topsy-turvy or nah? | (22:00) TF? What grave did they dig this nigga out of bruh?!! Take him back! Even if I do miss his psycho craziness that used to crack my ass up!!! | Oooh I can't stand his bullshit!! He be killin' me!! lol Bestfriend?

11: (8:30) Well now we know where he learned his tricks from... | (12:00) This shit is just too good bruh. | (22:10) Kaneki, baby, honey, are you still there? | One-eyed owl they said?

12: Bruh, this Yamori makes no sense to me!! Is his only reason for living to torture the shit out of people? There is literally a war against humans and ghouls raging right outside but he's in here torturing Kaneki for....NOBODY FUCKIN' KNOWS!!! Like what is the point of all his shit?! | (18:35) NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! But yes. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO! But yes again. | (19:30) Is he blind or something? He didn't notice nothing different in the room? Bright white ass hair? He came up in this bitch just tlkin' and shit.. | (20:45) It's times like these where I'm kinda glad they censored this shit...that leg... | That was one of the most intense episode EVER!! Kaneki is that you? Or someone inside you? This is literally the complete opposite of anything the past Kaneki would of ever done!! His voice seiyuu was AMAZING!!! | Can I ask why his hair is white? And why he keeps cracking his knuckles like Yamori? Since when did he wear black polish?? He's got 4 'things' on his back now?! | I can't get over that scene, it was so damn intense! & TK's song fit so damn PERFECT!!

Can I say Kaneki is about the most unluckiest person on the face of the Earth!! All of this over a set up date??!!!?? | I am all TOO ready for season 2!!!
Fansub Group: Hulu
9 TV 12 It wasn't your fault Kaneki! 2
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Tokyo Ghoul √A

1: AHHHHHH!! I wanna scream!! Kanekiiiiiiii!!! | AHH!! They better stop it!! How the hell they gonna give us such a badass opening first season & then hand us this shit the second one?! I don't even know wtf I just listened to bruh...They should of just kept the 1st one even if it didn't go anymore! Why they do us like that? | (4:30) They are related right...? Right? | (6:40) Remember them words Ayato. You gonna be eating them soon enough. | (9:15) Oh, I've been waiting for this moment for too damn long!!!! | (9:35) Let me point out something real quick! You wanna know who saved Kaneki Ken? Kaneki MF Ken, that's who!! I mean the the whole reason they went was to rescue Ken right? Then where the fuck were y'all mfs? If he hadn't saved himself, waiting on them he would of been ghoul food by now!! Goes to show can't nobody save you but you! | (11:50) "Shut up and listen. I'm talking." Oh, shit! He is not playing in this mf! Are we sure Ken is still anywhere in there...? He would of never...! | (12:20) What do you mean by 'earlier' exactly? Earlier as in before you were kidnapped earlier or earlier as in a few minutes earlier?? | (13:40) Ummm...huh?! Did the one-eyed owl just save them.....? | (21:00) What.The.Hell. | (21:52) Where'd this shit come from?! | (22:38) Y'all, I cannot deal right now!! What tf is going on!?!!?!?!?!? | It's obvious that something changed him while he being tortured, I mean he came back with white ass hair, black polish, and an expression filled with nothing but melancholy. I don't know what his objectives are now but did he really have to leave tho!!! Like when was this deal made??? In the couple of minutes he disappeared? Well at least he said he was leaving, least he didn't just disappear...That ending was so sad though...& all these new ass faces we ain't never seen til now...What is up??

2: (6:20) I forget that Kaneki was in Uni. They all look like they can barely pass for 14! | (9:10) No fuckin' way?! What are they hinting at...? That the old man is....? | (9:48) What happened to Hide's hair? He look damn good! | (13:50) Look at where everybody else's attention is...and then look at Suzu...that nigga is on another planet right now! lol | (14:00) So basically Eyepatch = Kaneki. | (21:50) When you on the run from the cops. I really want to know what Kaneki's deal is. | This was a really chill episode. But one question...what exactly does the Aoigiri do?

3: (2:30) What is up with these damn ghouls and cracking their fingers?| (4:10) When you remember who taught her how to read...& then you get sad... | (9:50) They legit put up a missing poster for him....? Sorry to say but Kaneki gone. Matter of fact he barely even look like that anymore, how they gonna recognize him? | (13:45) Dammit!! I was holding my breath hoping that she was not gonna say his name!! I know that she has no clue that that author would be anyway connected to him but damn, she just might of made herself a liability!! | (17:30) Literally 5 seconds before this I was thinking why they were giving this crazy a quinque. Yall foreal gonna regret this later. | (18:10) This is really ironic because if he want to get mad at anybody for Jason's demise, he should look a little closer to home. *wink-wink* | (20:45) I foreal can't ever take Tsuki serious, especially with the way he be talkin'! LMAO! | (21:50) Ken's name is travelling faster than wildfire! | Somewhere in this episode Hide is wearing a blue jacket that looks exactly like the one Ken used to wear...

4: (11:19) Who recruited this guy? | (22:40) Oh, Kaneki. You never change.

5: (2:24) Is he killing...ants? | (12:30) Kaneki done lost his marbles! | (18:12) Kaneki, don't do this... | It's like he doesn't eat humans...but instead ghouls?

6: (:40) Ken isn't dangerous. Whatever internal battle he has going on on the inside is. | (10:20) Did Nishiki just roll his R? I think that's what that was?

7: (:12) Can my baby have some peace?!! He is always suffering!! Where is his happiness??? | (5:40) I got a love-hate relationship when it comes to Tsukiyama. | (14:30) OMG. I missed that eyepatch. | (18:40) & then he touched his chin. | That is the first time I've seen him crack a smile in a while...

8: (2:00) This ojii-san is...interesting. | By the end of this episode, I couldn't take it anymore. This feeling just took over me.

9: (5:20) Really? I ain't worried about these 2! (Amon & blonde chick) Where's Kaneki?? | Rejection on level 100 (ahem, blonde chick)

10: (15:05) Hide no!!!! How the hell did he get a uniform!? | (22:00) I really was not tryin' to see Amon's ugly mug right now. But on the other hand they about to get their asses handed to them by the REAL one-eyed Owl. | That ending song just wrecked me. I can't take it. So many of their lives have changed just by crossing paths with him(ojii-san). I know they don't know this but I wish they had.

11: (:30) Oh hell! First one was a playdate compared to this nigga!! He is a legit monster. | (14:00) Yo, on the real this is so stupid. Like he doesn't even want to fight you! His battle isn't with you, he just wants to get by!! But you insist on fighting him anyway!! & for why? Dude has seen with his own eyes what Ken is like, how he has to constantly battle himself. He's over here fighting the ghoul he should be worrying about the least when there's actually real flesh eating ghouls tearing all his subordinates up limb from limb!! Why?? I don't understand. | Arima is what I feel Ken is about to be like in ten years and without the ghoul...maybe? | (19:55) Even if this was a joke, this isn't funny Ken. Get the hell up | (21:50) Don't fuck with my emotions right now! Is it really Hide?! | (23:10) Is that...Mama Ken? | Woo! I almost missed that last part! So ojii-san's kid is the author nee-san...yup did not see that coming.

12: (1:10) You mean the cute girl we all wish had never existed? ...nothing special she just happens to be a ghoul | (4:00) Had Hide known since then?!?? | (8:00) | (10:33) There it is, huh. | (12:45) I can't do this anymore. I can't. | (15:25) When you don't expect your song to come on and absolutely kill all your emotions because they changed it into a ballad for this specific scene... | No other ending will ever be the same to me. That was tragically beautiful.

Apparently there might be a new season this summer?
- TV 12 beautiful tragedy 171
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Tokyo Ghoul: "Jack"
Fura Taishi
Arima Kishou
Minami (x)

1: It's funny the way people cross each other's paths and never realize it til later on...What makes people significant to each other? | (2:20) I know I shouldn't...but damn Arima looked GOOD back then! | (6:15) *latern dude gets up in the most abnormal way* ...Yup definitely your cue to gtf outta here!! | (12:49) Dude. Who is really Arima? | (15:15) I oughta beat Arima's ass! That was a good ass moment he just ruined. | (21:02) Does anybody think that nigga look like Jason...Or is it just me? | (22:20) Just fuckin' awesome. | Hmm, a case where a lot of investigators were killed...? | (27:20) Ughhhh Ken!!! This whole conversation pnly one face popped into my head! Shit watching this OVA almost made me forget that not all ghouls are horrible. This made me miss Ken... | (28:00) I'm so proud of Fura!! Even though I don't particularly like the CCG for various reasons, I'm glad Fura is doing what he's always wanted to do. He's all cleaned up and whatnot, wonder how long it's been since back then... | (28:25) One question though. Why tf do they not tell how his hair turned bright ass white? I thought we were gonna find out in this OVA and while we're at it, explain how it happened to Ken too.

Season 3 in Winter 2016. Wait on it!
- OVA 1 Fura and Arima 59
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Tokyo Ghoul: "Pinto"
1: (00:15) FML. I was just saying how I didn't want to see any intestines or twisted legs...Next thing I see is Tsuki shoving his arm through someone's torso..great. | (00:30) Well as we see Tsuki was a creeper from the get go | (2:00) What..the hell? A flash? | (5:00) I know they ain't fawnin' over Tsuki's ass right? | (15:15) Chillll Tsuki damn | (20:55) Wtffffff!! Who is this bitch?!?! | 'Someday...' Ah, shit on shingles... | Kinda weird OVA but it's Tsuki *shrug* what do you expect?
- OVA 1 Tsuki 59
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Tokyo Ghoul:re
- TV 12
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Tokyo Mew Mew
8 TV 52 magical
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Tokyo Ravens
Harutora Tsuchimikado
Natsume Tsuchimikado AKA Hokuto
Touji Ato (half-ogre)
Kon (hishamaru)
Kurahashi Kyoko
Tenma Momoe
Jin Ohtomo (former divine general) ('shadow')
Genji Kurahashi (current head)(heaven holder
Daizen Amami (current divine general) (fan
Zenjiro Kogure (current) (A's sword)
Reiji Kagami (current) (ogre eater)
Iwao Miyachi (current) (flame devil)
Tougo Miyoshi (current) (eye)
Mari Yuge (current) (bond princess)
Suzuka Dairenji (current)

Doman Ashiya

5: (20:55) Damn. She's just a crushed heart waiting to happen. somebody need to tell her the truth ASAP! | (21:35) Are you telling me Kyoko's promise was with Haru NOT Natsume?!! Who tf is Haru?!

6: (18:00) He really does have bad luck. LMAO! This is too funny! When it was with Natsume it was okay but mention his familiar Kon and all of a sudden it's too far?! They are all fucked up!

7: (18:10) Why are all the generals horrible? Every time one comes around nothing good happens | (19:15) How he scan that whole crowd and manage to pinpoint Natsume? Like what even gave it away? | (20:40) Oml Harutora! This is not the time to be pissing people off by calling them 'scarred bastards'. This nigga can legit wipe the concrete with you! Even Kon is looking at you like 'wtf are you doing?' | (22:15) Oh shit Touji. I don't know what to tell you. I mean you got horns coming out your head bruh. Half-ogre though?

8: (00:29) Damn. Touji used to hate Harutora because he thought he looking down on him...He obviously didn't know him yet. | Omgoodness! Now I wanna beat the shit outta Touji for that foul shit he did! | (5:07) Great. Now he knows all 3 of their names and he is not gonna let this go | (21:05) I don't understand these 2 idiots whatsoever! The big smile on Harutora's face right before he punched Touji's light out. Priceless. Baka-Tora & Baka-Touji. | Oh, the OST playing in the background is beautiful and really fits the mood.

9: (11:45) Damn, that Ogre was not here for the games. Flicked Kon to the next dimension! | & AGAIN!!! | (18:55) When Jin becomes the GOAT! Bruh, where has his ass been all my life!

10: (4:25) Damn! She about to fuck his whole life up!! They already think he's a cradle robber, her ass is not helping the situation whatsoever!! | (18:20) They're so cute together, even if they're not together

12: (20:23) So he did like Hokuto! | (22:23) NOW he realizes!! She's been wearing that ribbon from the get go!

13: (12:14) They got this traitor just standing there taking in all of they info! | Well this definitely isn't good.

14: (10:00) Ohtomo?!? Wtf? Can I ask why he looks like a priest? | (11:00) Hell nah! If I was them. I would be terrified! Like you mean there's a possibility that I could lose limbs?! (16:14) Wth? He talking about how it's nasty and powerful and shit but he steady talking, over here explaining it and shit! Like nigga just die!! | (17:25) Woah. Jin is definitely the one to watch for. That nigga crazy. Don't know wtf he'll do he will take it there...swear he just sacrificed half his lfe force for whatever the fuck he just pulled off...Kawai. | (23:20) WTH!!! You tellin' me Doman ain't the mastermind behind this?? But the damn traitor??? What tf is going on anymore????

15: (00:20) My baby look tyed. Not tired. Tyed. | Can I just...I can't get over how fine Jin look with that silver hair!! | (4:00) Natsume about to get on they asses!! | (16:00) I sure was wondering who tf could stand this psycho-ass bastard Reiji, especially when Reiji was beating him senseless because he mentioned the scar on his forehead and he just taking it like it's a slap on the wrist, and low and behold I'm not even surprised that ol dude is just as psycho. Interesting. | (21:55) They brought the psycho to them!?!? WTF??? To fuckin' guard them?? Bitch he gonna be the reason they get into a shit ton of trouble!!

16: (19:22) Who exactly is Hirata? That nigga got all the protection brody! | (21:18) I shol was wondering the same thing! He was telling all the trade secrets, I thought he was trying to recruit him into the Twin horn Syndicate group or something | Holy crap! That Director Amami is something else too! I don't even be realizing what he's doing, like from the get go it was ALL part of his plan!! |
Wait! There's more!! Hirata is really....Takiko Souma?!?!? | When you need him most he's over there being crazy in a corner...nice guarding he's doing there alright...

17: (1:17) They got THAT protecting them? Who tf came up with that idea?? Well we found our crazy element in this anime | (5:52) Yooo!! who voices this creepo?! Swear I've heard that voice before...Karneval? | (8:20) When the nigga guarding you ends up being the most dangerous enemy... | (11:50) Where the hell did all of that come from Tora?!?! He damn near pulled that shit outta his ass!! | LMAO! I forgot all about that random ass promise!! Girl if you don't go somewhere with that! | (21:42) Wtf. is going. on. What is this? Who the hell is the enemy anymore?! They killed my sly-ass nigga Amami bro!! "Final battle", huh? He knew this was gonna be dangerous...

19: (22:10) I really don't like this Kyoko bitch. First she drags on this unnecessary ass fight out for the dumbest reasons! Like I legit couldn't even tell wtf she was mad about!! Then she tells some girl she barely knows her own damn self sensitive information that has nothing to do with her...? Her dumbass of all people should know this secret ain't meant to be told to just fuckin' anybody and on top of that if she didn't know, it damn sure ain't HER place to tell her! I just don't understand how you can just freely tell somebody's business like that?!

20: The OST at the beginning is so pretty. | (16:05) Even though Iu know, it's still unbelievable | (21:11) Well alrighty then...kisses are great too | I legit didn't break until it was just Natsume and Hokuto in that airy place sitting down next to each other and Hokuto congratulated Natsume on confessing her feelings to Harutora. How at least she able to let him know before...

"Yeah that whole scene is SO full of bs.
1-howd she even find them? They were supposed to be at the fireworks, and they clearly weren't anywhere near. Yet plot convenience dictates that they are found away from all their friends so that, in the end, the friends can fight together as one unit and defeat them Or so that it can make the bad guys look alot stronger when the friends come and get beaten one by one when in actuality they're stronger when fighting as a unit.

2-Man, it sure is great to die. I mean what's the point- Yakou is apparently reincarnated because he was such a boss, Suzuya's brother was reincarnated and is older and more powerful for no reason [and him saying "I was surprised myself" doesn't excuse this BS power-up] Doman Ashiya was blown to bits yet somehow a part of him wasn't destroyed and even THEN he'd already taken multiple mortal hits and come back from them without any explanation as to what he was.

3- It's even better to become a familiar! I mean we've got that one Yakou-dude with the good hair and sad eyes and green jacket that died a few episodes back fighting against Motorcycle dude.
Yet now, suddenly, not only is he resurrected but he ALSO gained godlike abilities. Unlike EVERY other familiar, he can teleport, he can block their shots with no harm to him, he's randomly got super strength, enough to knock Hokuto out of the sky. He's basically a god now, yet funny how becoming Natsume's familiar didn't give Harutora a power-up.

I mean the BS is STRONG in this show at times." -RC

And another I might add to the familiar conspiracy happened w/that Shaver situation!?! No damn explaination for anything in this anime! Like wtf even was Shaver and why was he so strong, crazy, and dangerous for just being a random familiar to Kagami??? All they said was that
Shaver was dangerous(WHY?!) and that they didn't allow Kagami ti use him...Well, okay if that's the case why tf would you let him take Shaver w/him as the guard for them...When Shaver lost his shit Kagami was NO WHERE to be found. Like tf did he go??? Nigga had ONE job and screwed it up! We ain't seen him since! No effin' explanation!!

"So Kon comes out and warns him and homie starts reading a spell, and they just stand there? wtf." -RC

I'm fuckin' saying!! Not only did they have a forewarning but bitch damn near told them what she was gonna do!! Whenever Kon pops out like that it is never good news! Ol girl had time to do a whole fuckin' chant and they still didn't catch the memo!! Run mfs!! On top of that it was the same one she had started chanting the day before and they saw what happened there!! Like apparently common sense doesn't exist in this show either!

"Actually they are not blood related. Natsume was abandoned on their property as a baby and Harutora's father adopted her to raise in his place." -RC
At least somebody explains something....

21: Dairenji Shido. Now discovered to be Suzuka's Dad. Just great. | (17:50) They recruited Kagami of all people to take on Jin... | (3:40) They are seriously the oddest pair | (18:20) Kon def my favorite. Only one in this piece spittin' common sense! | (20:30) No way!! No fuckin' way!! Yes my nigga still lives!!

23: (7:50) Another instance where opening your big mouth and giving info that is not yours to give comes back and bites you in the ass!! | (10:35) Holy crap! It's that damn spell he put on Kagami form the Doll Spirit Disaster in the spring!! I forgot all about that shit!! If just funny because Jin told him from the get go what was up! He said point blank that he would take it there | (14:50) No way. Apparently everybody decided they wanted to make a cameo this episode! Well nice to see oyaji-san! | (21:34) "Seriously, my class is filled with problem children." -Jin, real af. This is tew much!

24: (9:05) Memories making their entrance? | (11:15) Yo!! Kon's upgrade is too real!! | I honestly can't say that I was satisfied with that ending at all. So many things that we just never got an answer for. All that plot build just to leave us with more questions. Like I have questions about the ending! Like do we have Yakou or do we have Harutora. Or are we dealing with both now?!? Where tf did Haru/Yakou walk off to with Kon and the one-armed ogre(frick and frack XD), which I didn't even know was suppose to be one of Yakou's familiars! Nigga was irrelevant until the last episode!
Did his friends ever get to see him or Natsume again?! Who tf knows!!!!
& Where the hell was Jin and Doman going??

Ugh, that ending was so disrespectful!
- TV 24 exorcist, familiars, spirits, reincarnation 4
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favorites: ep.5,8,9,16,21,23

Opening Theme:
#01: "Pre-Parade (プレパレード)" by Rie Kugimiya, Eri Kitamura, and Yui Horie (eps 1-16)
#02: "silky heart" by Yui Horie (eps 17-24)

Ending Theme:
#01: "Vanilla Salt (バニラソルト)" by Yui Horie (eps 1-16)
#02: "Orange (オレンジ)" by Rie Kugimiya, Eri Kitamura and Yui Horie (eps 17-18, 20-25)
#03: "Holy Night (ホーリーナイト)" by Rie Kugimiya, and Eri Kitamura (ep 19)

9 TV 25
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Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000%
ep.4 *sniff*
ep.3+5 funnay!!
ep.6 AWESOME!! Ichinose(Hayato); Satsuki's(Natsuki) song(Orion or Shout Out) was BEAST.
ep.13 WE ARE!! STARISH!!
QUOTE:"dyed seven colors...."- acapella song
- TV 13 dyed seven colors 95
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Vampire Knight
- TV 13 overdone vampires..
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So good.
- OVA 1
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Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥
- TV 25
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Zankyou no Terror
Nine (Arata Kokonoe)
Twelve (Toji Hisami)
Lisa Mishima
Shibazaki Kenjiro (detective)

1: Well what a way to start off an anime. Heists are fun. | That's definitely something. Yeah, definitely something. Maybe it's better when you add the lyrics in for could still use a beat tho...js | (5:50) Thank you 'Katherine Obvious'! | (6:30) The famous scene from vine!! | I can swear those words are from the opening song or something... | (7:27) He would come on the 1st day straight dripping wet lol | (9:13) "I don't have a cellphone or anything like that." -Nine. Literally 2.5 seconds something in his bag or pocket starts beeping...He got caught in that lie so fast. | (15:15) The look in Twelve's eyes terrify me... | Hmm, that ending's weird but I like it. Her voice is beautifully tomboyish.

2: This episode with the Greek story of Oedipus and the '4-2-3' or alternatively '2-4-3' was fuckin' AWESOME!!! Who are these two trying to call out and are they really just working by themselves!!! What is the backstory?!! It's killin' me, I need it now!!!

3: (16:35) Was he foreshadowing something?

4: (19:00) The BGM here is awesome! It's kind of laid back chill. | (20:30) That scene was absolutely beautiful, bgm and all! Why can't more animes be like this?!! </3

5: (3:55) Uh uh, they are too nice! If it was me, I would of got rid of her ass a long time ago! Fainting all over the place for no reason, tf! | (4:19) Ah, great! Who be this?! | Woooo! What an episode! These 'names' crack me up!!

6: (15:00) This detective or police officer or whatever the hell he is gets on my damn nerves!! He talking about how there ain't no time to be analyzing the messages and riddles and is always blowin' 'em off as if they not even important!! Has he seriously not realized by now that ALL the answers lie in the messages? You would think after the 3rd time it would be obvious but apparently not to him, it's more important to find the bomb and check every possible place it could be when the message tells you EXACTLY where to go! How tf did he get this job?!

7: (11:55) Ayeee!!! That was fly as shit bro!! It makes sense now!! Pre-programmed images bitches!!! How? I have no clue. | (16:05) His face dropped so low...</3

8: (7:06) Did this bitch just dump a whole pack of strawberry pocky sticks into that big ass boiling pot...? She ain't cooking shit. | (7:30) She can't be that stupid right? Bitch how you have a package if you don't live there!! How that work? | Lisa is literally becoming the textbook version of why you should cut your losses early! | I'm still trying to understand why her ass is even important?

9: (10:00) What is this old nigga talkin' about!? WHAT IS THIS OLD NIGGA TALKIN' ABOUT??!!! Why won't they be able to live long?????? | (15:40) Oh God, I can feel my heart breaking in two...

10: (20:13) Five should of kept her lips to herself.

11: (18:00) I really don't like this. | Kill em with the feels! | "Hey...Remember us...Remember...that we lived." -Nine

VON - hope in Icelandic
Fansub Group: Hulu
8 TV 11 V-O-N 2
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Zetsuen no Tempest
yoshino takigawa
mahiro fuwa(alexander hell)
aika fuwa
hakaze kusaribe(love her voice)
natsumura kusaribe(inaba?)
samon kusaribe(kiritsugu!)
tetsuma kusaribe(debito!!)
junichiro hoshimura kusaribe(master of mages)
hayakawa takumi(daimon)
yamamoto 'fraulein' evangeline
hanemura megumu

ep6: (3:15) Yoshino's that so....
Mahiro's reaction-Who the fuck is this guy... | What in the fuck did just I learn...
ep7: 'First Kiss' | "He's really perceptive, but utterly oblivious when it matter." -Yoshino, describes Mahiro perfectly | That look in Mahiro's eyes was no fuckin' joke...he has to know something
ep8: If he don't stop banging that mothereffin' sword on that mothereffin' rock
ep9: Omgeezy, this episode is epic
ep11: (4:40) & now we know who came up with that dumbass password... | Just when you think you're on the verge of something, you get thrown into a whole new effed up mess | (20:43) Mahiro's voice?
ep12: (20:55) Completely blindsided by that...that is one scary ass tree...
ep13: & I wanted to skip this episode!!!!?? (Go to just before the ED continue from there) Just when I thought I could handle one surprise, I get hit w/another one!!! & then I'm hit with ANOTHER one!!! The random exodus candidate/hakaze crush/freakin' Yoshino being exodus surprise is too freakin' much at one time!!
ep14: Happy New Year | " The fate of the world has somehow ended up in Yoshino's hands." -Mahiro, yup basically | (16:50) And the words are finally said, but on what basis? | I don't who is on what side, what is going on, and what's gonna happen at all.
ep15: (16:20) Everybody in the room was like we thought it but we weren't dumb enough to say it out loud
ep16: (20:00) I love how they still found a way to blame it all on Yoshino
ep17: (8:00) Whaaat? Yoshino a lady killer? Who would have ever guessed? *sarcastic af tone* | (10:10) That was funny af!!(Aika&Yoshino) | The more they say Yoshino is the heart of the mage of exodus, the more it bocomes less believable & effin' Jun volunteering to help kill Yoshino made me mad, like dude you should of kept your ass neutral. | The ending nearly made my heart stop. The secret is finally out & who knows how this will change things. Where is this going? Is all hell about to break loose?
ep18: Yes, he might be an outsider but he's revealing everything that's been a mystery w/very valid points.(Megumu) | (6:38) His eyes are going to haunt me in my sleep...Omeffin'goodness she broke him!!! Somebody fix this nigga!!| "Did I touch on something I should'nt have?" "Not only did you touch on it, you basically hit him from behind." (Megumu&Samon about Mahiro) | The situation is changing everybody in their own ways
ep19: (10:25) Oooooh shiiiiit...nvm | "Other people's sense of what's right is just a joke if you change perspectives." -Evangeline
ep20: 'Whodunit?' | "No actually...this is a wig." -Samon, I am not about to play w/Samon right now | No surprise that she carries the will of the Tree of Exodus, the mage part though threw me off | & it seems Mahiro&Yoshino were in this mess from the start, no need for Hakaze to drag 'em in.
ep21: 'Femme Fatale(Women of Fate)' | (13:20) FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
ep22: (10:50-11:05) lol the way he asked so calmly.. | Sooooo, just because you're a brother or a boyfriend all of a sudden you're guilty by
ep23: 'Battle of Genesis' | Mahiro came up with a pretty solid plan, I approve. | Why is it that when there's an unexpected attack, Yoshino is the first to go down
ep24: 'To each, their own tale' | "The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. Well then, let us begin again. And to each, their own tale." -Aika's thoughts | I utterly enjoyed watching this. | The End

'Boobs that don't shake aren't boobs at all'(password)
'Time is out of joint'
8 TV 24 3
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Opening Theme:
"OOKAMI no NODO" by The Birthday

Ending Theme:
"Chain Ring" by MUCC
- TV 11 25
TV: 119, OVA: 21, Movies: 5, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 40.87, Mean Score: 8.2, Score Dev.: 0.65

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Days
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Black Cat
- TV 9/23 5059
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- TV 24/24 5059
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Eyeshield 21
Deimon devil bats
Oujou white knights
Zokugaku chameleons
Seibu wild gunman
Kyoshin poseidons*
Yuuhi guts

ep.21: Devil Bat's Dive!!
ep28: I miss this SO much!
ep29:Devil Bats + Wild Gunman = Devil Gunmans. Wooo!
ep30: "The Devil Bats...a large lineman that defends with nothing but power(Kurita), an older-looking kicker with a strong leg(Musashi), and a devil for a quarterback...That is strong." -Trainer | Death March!
ep31: the Devil's cut = stopping w/o slowing down, it's unstoppable
ep34: Awesome episode! | This kid just made the pros and he doesn't even know it...what in the fuck...Sena get your happy ass back in that stadium!! (18:20) Omgeezy! If he's good enough to make pros NOW, imagine how this little nigga will be in the future. | Whhaaat? The Devil Bat Ghost run?
ep35: His knees!! This is so excruciating to watch!
ep36: NOOO!!! No new opening!!! This shit is so weak! | "No matter what you start, finishing it is always the toughest part." -Yukimitsu | They made it
ep37: That has got to be the saddest thing I've ever seen (10:30) He better treasure that wristband!
ep38: The 1st five minutes and I'm already lmaoing | Don't give up Yukimitsu!
ep40: (29:40) Those aren't your seats, this isn't your class, & YOU don't even go here!!
ep41: Deimon lineman, show these dickheads what old-fashioned training can do!! YA-HA!!
ep42: "Does the mere thought of giving up ever enter their minds? That the difference in heart." - White Knight's coach about Deimon | (13:50) "I can hear them now. The footsteps of the devil!" -Hiruma about Eyeshield, lol what an entrance | (17:30) Its' a ghost! It's the ghost the of the Deimon Devil Bats!! | Umm, & p.s. Amino sports medical science ain't got nothing on the supernatural teehee ;D | the fact that demolished them w/five minutes left & no kicker means they were trash from the start
ep43: "One who laughs at a point also cries over a point." -Trainer, lesson fucking learned in Fairy Tail bro | Takekura Gen = Musashi(17) Hiruma = a bastard who loves to bluff | Funny-ass episode w/the soccer team
ep45: the fact that that the reporter said Eyeshield ISN'T inferior to Shin bro | the fact that Shin & Sena are so obsessed w/each other
ep46: Ghost vs Spear | Bro, Shin is a hoe. He will spear tackle, lift you up, & then chunk you back at least 15yds. lol | Bro, I love when he uses the ghost on them niggas 'cause they're always just stuck standing there lookin' like: "...what just happened? Is this real life 'cause I just saw a ghost.." lmao | This episode is so worth seeing the retarded look on Shin's face, little nigga got him shakin'!! | "Devil Bat Ghost is truly a devil's run." -Reporter | & then Shin shuts it down
ep48: the fact that the devil bats are associated w/ 'psychological warfare' is beast | I love when he uses the ghost | Yuuhi Guts rock *shrug*
ep49: AAAHHH! My baby! I found my baby!
ep50: WHAT!? I mean, in every way, WHAT!?" -Sena about seeing Shin doing pull ups on the bull ring | "You just shrunk, right, Eyeshield 21? It happens a lot doesn't it? Waking up & finding out you lost thirty centimeters or more." -Hiruma "That's never happened, not even once!" -tall ugly one | Shin & that goddang bull

Be Survivor - Sotaro or ZZ
Midnight sunshine
- TV 51/145 football, deimon devil-bats 5000
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Full Metal Panic!
ep17: SO SADDDD!!
- TV 19/24 5115
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Gakuen Alice
- TV -/26
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fave: ep.5, 24(lmfao)

ep28 is funny af so far
ep29: part 2 is HIGHlarious!! "is this the 'revenge of the roach'?" -Gin | like ED not OP
ep31: please make gin stop talking like that, its fuckin' creepy(at the beginning) | Gin come back to us!! & who is kintoki my nigga?

quotes:"Things that I like, huh? Hm, those would be...sweet things and crazy people."-Gintoki(ep.21)

zakenja ne! --Don't f*** with me
- TV 33/201 5001
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Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
10 TV 149/203 5836
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Kodomo no Omocha (TV)
- TV -/102 hyper
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Soul Eater
7 TV -/51
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Tennis no Oujisama
Echizen Ryoma
Momoshiro Takeshi(dunk smash, jack knife)
Kikumaru Eiji
Kaidoh Kaoru(boomerang snake)
*kajimoto takahisa(l-doru)(fine af)

100th episode- 12/4/11 12:20noon
10 TV 102/178 5279
TV: 10, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.3, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 1.06

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Days
Add - More
Blood Lad
- TV 2/10 4278
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- TV 1/12 4911
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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
naegi makoto
yasuhiro hagakure(shaman)
hifumi yamada(fanzine maker)
- TV 1/13 maybeee 4278
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- TV 4/13 5115
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Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu
7 OVA 1/2 5305
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Mouryou no Hako
- TV 5/13 4466
TV: 5, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0.23, Mean Score: 7.0, Score Dev.: 0.57

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Days
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91 Days
- TV -/12
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Akame ga Kill!
- TV -/24
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Amnesia OVA
*Scream!!!* I missed this opening so much!!

Still need to watch. *Cries*
- OVA -/1
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Ao Haru Ride OVA
- OVA -/2
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Ao no Exorcist Movie
- Movie -/1
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Ao no Exorcist: Kuro no Iede
- Special -/1
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Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen OVA
- OVA -/2
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Ao no Exorcist: Ura Ex
- Special -/10
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Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Kemono-tachi no Senjou da na!
- Special -/1
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Aquarion Movie: Ippatsu Gyakuten-hen
- Movie -/1
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Arakawa Under the Bridge
- TV -/13
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Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge
- TV -/13
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Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu
- TV -/8
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Ballroom e Youkoso
- TV -/24
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Banana Fish
- TV -/24
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago
- Movie -/1
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku
- Movie -/1
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin
- Movie -/1
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Black Cat: Toozakaru Neko
- Special -/1
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Black★Rock Shooter (TV)
- TV -/8
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- TV -/50
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Blood-C: Special Edition
- Special -/2
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Bungou Stray Dogs
- TV -/12
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Byousoku 5 Centimeter
- Movie -/3
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Chihayafuru 2
- TV -/25
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- TV -/13
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D.Gray-man Hallow
- TV -/13 3289
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Dance in the Vampire Bund
- TV -/12
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Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
- TV -/12
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Death Billiards
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/12
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Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma
- TV -/12
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Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Molders-hen
- TV -/12
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Enen no Shouboutai
- TV -/24
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Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko
- Movie -/1
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Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko - Hajimari no Asa
- Special -/1
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Fate/stay night Movie: Unlimited Blade Works
- Movie -/1
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
- TV -/12
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Free! Eternal Summer
- TV -/13
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Fukumenkei Noise
- TV -/12
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Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
- TV -/13
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Gatchaman Crowds Insight
- TV -/12
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Ghost Hunt
- TV -/25
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Gintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/51
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Gintama': Enchousen
- TV -/13
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Gintama: Dai Hanseikai
- Special -/1
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Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saisho ga Kanjin nanode Tashou Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi
- Special -/1
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Gintama: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen
- Special -/1
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Gintama: Shiroyasha Koutan
- Special -/1
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- TV -/11
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Glass no Kamen (2005)
- TV -/51
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Good Morning Call
- OVA -/1
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Grenadier: Hohoemi no Senshi
- TV 12/12
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Hakuouki OVA
- OVA -/2
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Hakuouki: Reimeiroku
- TV -/12
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Hakushaku to Yousei Specials
- Special -/6
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Hatenkou Yuugi
- TV -/10
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Hetalia Axis Powers
- ONA -/52
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Higashi no Eden
- TV -/11
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Hiiro no Kakera: Totsugeki! Tonari no Ikemenzu
- OVA -/1
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- Special -/1
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Honoo no Mirage: Minagiwa no Hangyakusha
- OVA -/3
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Hotarubi no Mori e
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/13
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Inu x Boku SS
- TV -/12
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Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi: Kokoro Utsuri no Toukoubi - School Attendance Day
- OVA -/1
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Joshikousei: Girl's High
- TV -/12
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K: Missing Kings
- Movie -/1
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K: Seven Stories Movie 1 - R:B - Blaze
- Movie -/1
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!: Goshujinsama to Asonjao♥
- Special -/1
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Kaikan Phrase
- TV -/44
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Kamisama Hajimemashita
- TV -/13
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Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
- TV -/12
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Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
- TV -/26
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- OVA -/1
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Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu
- TV -/13
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Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
- TV -/12
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Keiraku no Houteishiki Level-C
- OVA -/1
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Kekkai Sensen & Beyond
- TV -/12
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Kekkai Sensen: Soresaemo Saitei de Saikou na Hibi
- Special -/1
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Kill la Kill Specials
- Special -/2
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Kiniro no Corda: Blue♪Sky
- TV -/12
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Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo - Hitonatsu no Encore
- Special -/1
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Kiniro no Corda: Secondo Passo
- TV Special -/2
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
- TV -/24
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- TV -/12
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Kodomo no Omocha
- OVA -/1
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Kono Oto Tomare!
- TV -/13
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Kotonoha no Niwa
- Movie -/1
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Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 2: Moeru Inochi
- Movie -/1
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Kure-nai OVA
- OVA -/2
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Kyokou Suiri
- TV -/12
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Kyou kara Maou! 3rd Series
- TV -/39
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Kyou kara Maou! R
- OVA -/5
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Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome
- Special -/1
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Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note
- TV -/13
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Love Stage!!
- TV -/10
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Love Stage!!: Chotto ja Nakutte
- OVA -/1
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Macross F
- TV -/25
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Macross F Movie 1: Itsuwari no Utahime
- Movie -/1
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Macross F Movie 2: Sayonara no Tsubasa
- Movie -/1
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Macross Zero
- OVA -/5
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- TV -/25
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Marmalade Boy
- TV -/76
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Marmalade Boy Movie
- Movie -/1
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Mekakucity Actors
- TV -/12
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Mirai Nikki
- OVA -/1
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Mitsu x Mitsu Drops
- OVA -/2
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Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin
- TV -/24
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No Game No Life
- TV -/12
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Nyan Koi!
- TV -/12
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Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
- TV -/12
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- TV -/13
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Orange: Mirai
- Movie -/1
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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle - Orpheus Order-hen
- TV -/25
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Psycho-Pass Movie
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/22
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
- TV -/25
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Rozen Maiden (2013)
- TV -/13
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Sacred Seven: Shirogane no Tsubasa
- Movie -/1
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Saiyuuki Gaiden
- OVA -/3
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Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock
- TV -/26
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Sakamichi no Apollon
- TV -/12
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Seikon no Qwaser: Jotei no Shouzou
- OVA -/1
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi OVA
- OVA -/2
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Sengoku Basara Ni
- TV -/12
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Sengoku Basara: Judge End
- TV -/12
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Senjou no Valkyria 3: Tagatame no Juusou
- OVA -/2
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Senjou no Valkyria: SenVal Theater
- Special -/9
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- TV -/12
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- TV -/22
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Shin Tennis no Oujisama
- TV -/13
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Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 1: Guren no Yumiya
- Movie -/1
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Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa
- Movie -/1
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls
- OVA -/3
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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
- TV -/16
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Shinsekai yori
- TV -/25
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Shiritsu Araiso Koutougakkou Seitokai Shikkoubu
- OVA -/2
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Shoujo Sect
- OVA -/3
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Slam Dunk
- TV -/101
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Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
- TV -/12
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Sousei no Aquarion
- TV -/26
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Speed Grapher
- TV -/24
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- TV -/12
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Sword Art Online: Sword Art Offline
- Special -/9
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Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen
- OVA -/3
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Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen
- OVA -/4
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Tennis no Oujisama Movie 1: Futari no Samurai - The First Game
- Movie -/1
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Tennis no Oujisama: Another Story - Kako to Mirai no Message
- OVA -/4
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Tennis no Oujisama: Another Story - Kako to Mirai no Message Specials
- Special -/2
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Tennis no Oujisama: Atobe kara no Okurimono - Kimi ni Sasageru Tennis Prince Matsuri
- Movie -/1
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Tennis no Oujisama: Oshougatsu Special
- Special -/1
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Tennis no Oujisama: Sonzoku Yama no Hi
- OVA -/1
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Tennis no Oujisama: The Band of Princes Film Kick the Future
- Music -/1
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Tennis no Oujisama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen
- OVA -/13
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Tennis no Oujisama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Final
- OVA -/7
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Tennis no Oujisama: Zenkoku Taikai-hen - Semifinal
- OVA -/6
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie -/1
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Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season
- TV -/12
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: Tonari no Gokudou-kun
- OVA -/1
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Toradora!: Bentou no Gokui
- Special -/1
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Trick or Alice
- OVA -/1
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
- TV -/24
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Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 2000%
- TV -/13
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- TV -/13
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
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Yuri!!! on Ice
- TV -/12
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Yuri!!! on Ice: Yuri Plisetsky GPF in Barcelona EX - Welcome to The Madness
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Zombie-Loan Specials
Opening Theme:
"OOKAMI no NODO" by The Birthday

Ending Theme:
"Chain Ring" by MUCC
- Special -/2
TV: 84, OVA: 33, Movies: 26, Spcl.: 24, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 274, OVA: 59, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 29, Eps: 3111, Days: 51.72, Mean Score: 8.2, Score Dev.: 0.66
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