Ugh, I just don't know anymore. Who is this show for? Am I just getting too sad and cynical to enjoy things? Is it depression? I can't figure out if this is just supposed to be a paradox with light shojo-ai implications of the that main girl having a slight girl crush on Berry Blossom or if she is full blown baby lez and she wants to taste Berry's Blossom. I just don't know. I can't give it props for representation if they don't make it clearer. And the weird stalker vibe isn't cute. Also I can't root for Berry Blossom because especially after Ep 4 she just seems like a ditzy chaos agent when they showed the flashback of how she wrecked Chrome's cardboard house --also they should do content warnings in these anime when they show extreme poverty because I was apprehensive watching that riverside homeless scene it's too likely to happen and I think it's taken too lightly in anime when they show that kind of thing so often, even in futuristic societies they have the nerve to show deep poverty and homelessness still exist, it's like what's the point if the future is still that shitty? It makes the tone of the work extra depressing and it feels wrong to enjoy it after knowing it's still a fucked up world, but those are mostly my complaints with other shows i've watched recently but this riverside scene was not funny or fun in any way and I hated the stupid misunderstanding of Berry Blossom about the fire and Chrome's exclamation over the loss of his home she thought he was celebrating the destruction of the bridge, an accident she caused but blamed on him, not funny or un or cool, I hate misunderstandings like that as I have been a victim of many of those and many prejudgments like that. -- So if I am this bored and wondering when the actual meat the story will start maybe I shouldn't continue the series, it's upsetting enough to me to write this long ass note about it.